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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: ChewMouse on September 24, 2012, 11:55:42 PM
I agree with Morgus on the timing, but I'm willing to bet that you're on some kind of list (maybe a short list) of people that Bara provided to the screener as "don't let this one on the air!"

Are you going to identify yourself honestly? If lying is an issue, maybe you have a middle name you can use? Or you could say you must be anonymous, that might actually work in your favor.

I plan on being open about this.  If I'm in some way caught in a lie or being deceitful (and Mike claims he watched my video debunking of the ziggurat so may recognize my voice), it can only make me look worse.  After all, he accuses me of having no intellectual honesty, and I don't have any plans to help make his case.  I figure if C2C hopes to have any intellectual honesty itself, that they'll let me through if Mike spends any portion complaining about me (he spent ~75% of his 2-hr interview with Melissa Morton ranting against me).

That said, if anyone else would like to call in for me (as in, try calling in so we have more people challenging him), ask one or both of these questions, as they are the key ones:

1. What would it take to falsify your belief in the ziggurat?  Follow-up if the answer is effectively "nothing" or something we can't possibly do at this point:  Then his statements are effectively a religious belief and not science because science requires the ability to falsify a claim with evidence.

2. Why do you only believe an image from a video game forum that can't be independently verified versus all other images from all other spacecraft, including non-NASA ones?


Props to Dr. Alan Stern the first hour guest. He's been shutting down Noory's interjections of scientific ignorance in rapid succession.  Cheer up, Simple George, Dork Mission Bara is sure to be on your side.


Noory and Bara brought up Richard Hoagland and commented about him right at the start tonight.
He mentioned Hoagland is definitely listening to the show tonight.

HAL 9000

Quote from: Morgus on September 25, 2012, 12:15:45 AMHe mentioned Hoagland is definitely listening to the show tonight.

Hoaxland logged into his AOL AIM account at precisely 0230 EDT. (I have his screen-name)

Bara just mentioned so-called "glazed doughnuts" on the moon... which reminds me of:

Q - How do you know you're giving your woman great oral sex?
A - When your face looks like a glazed doughnut.


Noory said on the air earlier he is receiving text messages from Hoagland during the show tonight and read one of them.


Factually wrong:  Apollo 17 was not at 19.5°, it was at 20.2°N.

Factually wrong:  Apollo 17 was not the only landing away from the equator, and was not the farthest from the equator.  Apollo 15 landed at 26.1°N.


Last Fridays guest was awful, thank god George saved the show with some potent questions. Also ive never heard George so excited, he literally cheered out YES!!! in reference to a mermaid book that's coming out in July.

You know im convinced that Leprechauns might have been like that, real little creatures. Out there. That lived in the woods, I don't think they were mystical at all or magical. I just think they were little tiny evil things-George Noory


Bara and Noory are now talking about Hoagland's infamous "Data's Head" photo on the moon.


People keep wondering if George reads this website. George or at least someone on staff does because one time I read something on here and asked George if it was true and his response was "they are idiots not true". Doubt he would call you guys idiots if he didn't know a little about what goes on here.


Now Bara is discussing the Ziggarat photo and is referring to debunkers and critics and claiming they accused him and Hoagland of faking it.
Noory mentioned he is taking callers for Bara starting at the top of the hour.


Among other things, Mike just claimed that pareidolia doesn't exist and that the term was invented in the 1990s.  Too bad he's wrong.


Bara is referring to spaceships from Lost in Space and Planet of the Apes now.


Bara is now making claims of Dr. Stuart Robbins is his biggest critic, claiming he uses false aliases and posts fake reviews of his books all over the place and fake named emails.
Bara says he is a 'wanabee' and whats to be like Bill Nye the Science Guy, he just called him a cyber-stalker...
He claims the emailer signed as Stuart, but claimed that was a fake name and he is really Dan.


Yeah.  Interesting that he's talking about this anybody thing was me.  I have no idea what he's talking about.  So, it could be someone impersonating me or whatever.


Noory chimed in with Bara and called Stuart Robbins, a "wacko" and also 'haters'
Bara theorized guys like him are envious of him and try to knock him down because of that.


I didn't hear "wacko," but I heard "hater."  George also just said that he'll have to have me on.


Better start calling in now to get in the queue, see if Noory allows a person to defend themself when attacked by name on the air by the guest...


The final hour with callers is coming up next - could be interesting if they let thru any callers that disagree with Bara.


Whoa George sounds like he wants to have you call in astro!! did you try yet?  you evil hating cyberstalker!


So how the heck do I call the Skype line?  Is it even open?


skype george97313 via skype.  Will need to get an account and install it.  I have an account with George added and he's online.


Love your stuff, astroguy.  Take it to 'em!


Ah, didn't have him added.  Now I have an add request pending.  Thought I could call without him being added.  He shows up as a grey question mark to me

Quote from: astroguy on September 25, 2012, 02:04:38 AM
... He shows up as a grey question mark to me

Yah, that has to be George.  Does it droop a little?


Got in on a wild card line.  He took my name 3x, though could be 'cause he said I spoke too quickly.  I'm on hold now, possibly for the next 40 minutes until the end of the program.  We'll see now.


If you call in with skype, remember Noory warned last week that Tommy watches you on the video feed and doesn't allow people that are naked.


Noory just asked Bara what some of the skeptics/debunkers say about his theories...
Bara said if they are on NASA payroll, then they have no credibility.
He claimed they make fake facebook pages and have even threatened to kill his cats...


Quote from: Morgus on September 25, 2012, 02:18:51 AM
If you call in with skype, remember Noory warned last week that Tommy watches you on the video feed and doesn't allow people that are naked.

I'm clothed, and I also don't have a video camera on this computer.

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