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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Wild Card Guy

Quote from: Jasmine on June 27, 2012, 07:45:20 AM
By the by, did anyone else catch George's wacko "news item" on a recent show (I forget which one exactly; at this point, all his shows are morphing into one fucktarded blur for me). Anyway, he mentions a domestic situation where the boyfriend and the girlfriend are having an argument...the boyfriend grabs their pet parrot and is about to throw said parrot at the girlfriend,in a fit of rage, then hurls the parrot to the floor, killing it. WTF??  In Noory's sociopath head, THIS is a viable news item to read on the air? Like we all needed to know this?

Children and animals...Noory wants their population downsized to 500,000,000...give or take a few toddlers and cocker spaniels.

Uh huh. I too had a total WTF moment when Snoory spewed this sick NON news item out of his hair-lipped mouth. The man is seriously, seriously fucked in the head. His mouth should be neutered.

I also recall him self-glossing (what else is new?) a few shows ago about how he's always approached in airports by multitudes of people who all are just DYING to know his take on conspiracies. Delusions of famewhore; Snoory honestly thinks that he's a bona fide big time celebrity and that his face is known to Americans, one and all.

Quote from: Wild Card Guy on June 27, 2012, 09:56:37 AM

I also recall him self-glossing (what else is new?) a few shows ago about how he's always approached in airports by multitudes of people who all are just DYING to know his take on conspiracies. Delusions of famewhore; Snoory honestly thinks that he's a bona fide big time celebrity and that his face is known to Americans, one and all.

I guess it could work if by 'multitudes of people' he means one or two homeless people asking for a buck.

"Spare change?" ->  The Brain of Snoory -> "Oh Mr Noory you are the BEST HOST EVER! Please enlighten me!".


Quote from: Oversoul on June 27, 2012, 03:58:06 AM
I wonder how Noory was like in high school,

Creepy kid, skulks around all the time in his high-water jeans and white socks.  Sits in the corner in class, often appears to be masturbating.  Never takes a shower after gym class.  Shoots spitballs at the cheerleaders. Likes to sketch female genitalia in the stalls in the men's room.


You can't criticize this man without being called a 'hater'. That is so fucking annoying. Anything this mustachioed blob of shit tries to do is great damnit, and if you dont like it, it means youre a hater.

Call me a hater but I bet when George Noory is done singing the mic smells like anchovies.
But the real question: Who behind the scenes is encouraging him to sing? Who tells him he is good?


Quote from: HorrorReporter on June 27, 2012, 02:22:33 PM
Who behind the scenes is encouraging him to sing? Who tells him he is good?
He doesnt need anyone to tell him hes good, he knows he is. When his diehard retarded fans tell him how great he is, it only encourages him more. This coast job is only a side gig until he finally gets discovered.


Did George mention the passing of Israel Kamakawiwi'ole?  It seems to me that the egomaniac has used his songs and made enough playing the songs of a humble, honest man that a mention to mark 15 years since his passing would not be too much...

I could only do 5 minutes last night.  In that time there was big pharma, big agra, banks owning the government with the final insult of the baking soda cure for cancer.  As soon as I turned it on I heard George talking about his alternative medicine.  When George asked the guest what he would do if he had cancer and the guest answered that he would try alternative medicine first I was not surprised.  I was a little surprised that he then admitted that he had not heard of the work of the baking soda doctor... even I knew who it was. 


Quote from: coaster on June 27, 2012, 01:51:33 PM
You can't criticize this man without being called a 'hater'. That is so fucking annoying. Anything this mustachioed blob of shit tries to do is great damnit, and if you dont like it, it means youre a hater.

Hater is such an arbitrary term.  Without context, it can mean anything.  If you hate sex offenders, you're a hero.  If you hate murderers, you're a hero.  If you hate some sheister that everyone loves, oops, you be a bad bad hater. It's annoying because it's such a flimsy statement, and really, it is just a stereotype.  Brain dead people are more apt to use labels which are just stereotypical in nature, and have a nebulous ether void where the context is supposed to go. This is symbolic of the ether void where the thought came from in the first place.  It is beyond them to do any better. Labels are perfect for substituting in place of actual thought and reflection


Quote from: cmotors on June 27, 2012, 05:41:12 AM
No, he introduced the band at the beginning.  It started freaking me out when out of nowhere he introduces the keyboardist, then the guitarist.  All of this happened before he brought on any guests. His next rendition where he brings the woman on-stage doesn't seem to have made it up. I'm kinda not surprised by that.
Ah, thanks for the clarification.  At least he acted like a professional singer and gave credit (is it really credit to be onstage with him?) to his band...
Quote from: stevesh on June 27, 2012, 05:05:45 AM
Noory: "How do you spell that ?"

Guest: "It's just pokeroot - P-O-K-E

Noory: "OK, that one I haven't heard of."

~34:00 (six minutes later)

After warning listeners that pokeweed is dangerous -

Noory: "Because one of the downsides I've heard of pokeweed is that it plays with the electrical circuitry of the heart,
Give the poor guy a break-that was probably the most research that man has done into an alternative cure in a decade.  It is amazing to see him not jump on the bandwagon and recomend it as a cure-all (though I suppose that a pokeweed sponsor has not yet asked him paid him for his endorsement- that would be the game changer.)


It seems my spoof video shows up in the recommended list when one watches the new Noory video on youtube. It has gotten 400 more views since this morning. That almost makes up for having to watch the new one.

Quote from: coaster on June 27, 2012, 02:56:28 PM
It seems my spoof video shows up in the recommended list when one watches the new Noory video on youtube. It has gotten 400 more views since this morning. That almost makes up for having to watch the new one.

Here's one gem from the comments section of George's singing video.  Is this a joke or are there people out there that actually claim him? 

'Pathetic haters' - sounds like at least we get under George's skin enough that he brings us up during family get togethers.  Congrats all.

George Noory so happens to be my grandpa and he is the best grandpa anyone could ask for and is the greatest man I know. Stop being pathetic haters..just enjoy the song and his amazing talent.
HKLOVERS22 53 minutes ago


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 27, 2012, 03:08:21 PM

Here's one gem from the comments section of George's singing video.  Is this a joke or are there people out there that actually claim him? 

'Pathetic haters' - sounds like at least we get under George's skin enough that he brings us up during family get togethers.  Congrats all.

George Noory so happens to be my grandpa and he is the best grandpa anyone could ask for and is the greatest man I know. Stop being pathetic haters..just enjoy the song and his amazing talent.
HKLOVERS22 53 minutes ago
I was just sent this reply from the same user. "so what it was his gig he can do whatever he wants!" This seems to be the opinion of every Noory fan. Whatever. I cant deal with it anymore. Let the idiot do whatever he wants. maybe if we ignore him, he will go away.


From the coast to coast website:

QuoteThe mysterious 1977 SETI radio detection known as the "Wow! signal" is finally getting a response from humanity via a project by the National Geographic Channel and Twitter. Tweets sent with the hashtag #ChasingUFOs June 29-30th will be combined into a single message that will be beamed into space in the direction of the signal on Aug. 15th-- the 35th anniversary of the 'Wow!' event.

I might join twitter just to send a 'george noory sucks!' message


I know Snoory's singing debut at the Premiere Vomitorium was posted before, but I just had to put this here again.

LOL! Oh dear God

George Noory's Musical Debut:Coast to Coast AM


Quote from: Morgus on June 21, 2012, 01:00:09 AM
Former Gov Jesse Ventura was scheduled for two hours tonight.
He was supposed to be the guest for the first 2 hours, but got pushed back to the second half when they couldn't reach him by phone.
Noory later tonight claimed they still couldn't contact him, so he was cancelled and his frequent fill-in guest Joshua P. Warren took over at the last minute.
Maybe Ventura got wised up on Noory and just  refused to answer his phone tonight? ;)
Sorry if this topic was covered.  I haven't listened to C2C during the week much lately (just not feeling it).  Anyways, on Tues. June 26, Jesse Ventura was on Alex Jones show.  A caller asked him why he wasn't on C2C.  He stated they told him 10 - midnight, but he waited until 11:15 pm, there still wasn't a call, so he went to bed because he couldn't stay awake anymore.  So, it appears to have been a time zone issue....


Quote from: Jasmine on June 27, 2012, 04:01:08 PM
I know Snoory's singing debut at the Premiere Vomitorium was posted before, but I just had to put this here again.

LOL! Oh dear God

I guess he does create an aura of mystery.

or at least a wtf moment.

Quote from: BobGrau on June 27, 2012, 03:50:06 PM
From the coast to coast website:
I might join twitter just to send a 'george noory sucks!' message

Brilliant!  ;D


Quote from: cmotors on June 26, 2012, 09:45:29 PM
Oh look, they posted a video of it on the main C2C website. Here is a direct link:

Coast to Coast George Noory singing Elvis live in Toronto

His bright green, double-knit leisure suit must have been at the cleaners.  I'm surprised Canada hasn't declared war on the U.S., yet.


Quote from: CoastCanuck on June 27, 2012, 04:19:24 PM
Sorry if this topic was covered.  I haven't listened to C2C during the week much lately (just not feeling it).  Anyways, on Tues. June 26, Jesse Ventura was on Alex Jones show.  A caller asked him why he wasn't on C2C.  He stated they told him 10 - midnight, but he waited until 11:15 pm, there still wasn't a call, so he went to bed because he couldn't stay awake anymore.  So, it appears to have been a time zone issue....

Interesting. Noory didn't comment anymore after the night his staff claimed they couldn't reach Ventura on the phone.
Maybe they had the wrong number?


When Richard Hoagland was on, he tried to make Ventura's disappearance sound like a conspiracy.

Quote from: coaster on June 27, 2012, 03:25:53 PM
I was just sent this reply from the same user. "so what it was his gig he can do whatever he wants!" This seems to be the opinion of every Noory fan. Whatever. I cant deal with it anymore. Let the idiot do whatever he wants. maybe if we ignore him, he will go away.

Wasn't George caught posting on a different website under his ex-wifes name - something like that, I forget exactly.  Anyway, the way "so what it was his gig he can do whatever he wants!" is worded doesn't sound like something a teenage girl would send. 

It sounds more like George 'The Pelvis' Noory himself.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 27, 2012, 07:13:42 PM

Wasn't George caught posting on a different website under his ex-wifes name - something like that, I forget exactly.  Anyway, the way "so what it was his gig he can do whatever he wants!" is worded doesn't sound like something a teenage girl would send. 

It sounds more like George 'The Pelvis' Noory himself.

if my memory serves, didn't that happen at the fantastic forum, and wasn't he posing as his daughter?  i don't know the story behind how he was busted, though... or if he even really WAS busted.


Quote from: MV on June 27, 2012, 08:19:25 PM

if my memory serves, didn't that happen at the fantastic forum, and wasn't he posing as his daughter?  i don't know the story behind how he was busted, though... or if he even really WAS busted.
thats creepy as hell.

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Quote from: MV on June 27, 2012, 08:19:25 PM

if my memory serves, didn't that happen at the fantastic forum, and wasn't he posing as his daughter?  i don't know the story behind how he was busted, though... or if he even really WAS busted.

I seem to recall that incident happened shortly after Noory became the main c2c host, back in 2003 or so?
The username that was used at FF was 'Julie' but I believe it was Noory's daughter that was supposedly posting under that name (not her real name) - though Noory probably provided input on what to post.
Later on after Julie was revealed, Noory posted under his own name (George Noory) and got progressively angry eventually threatening the forum's administrators to cease and desist the negative posting about him or they may get sued.


Quote from: Jasmine on June 27, 2012, 07:39:10 AM

Mehhhh, hold yer horses, Doc.

So there you are, Jaz. Missed you. I even called out to the interverse here a couple of days ago - you obviously felt a disruption The Force, Luke. [In the last few days I watched the first 3 Star Wars episodes (IV, V & VI) on BluRay and I'm astounded how good they look now, and reminded how much I enjoyed those movies - and hated the dreck that followed in I, II and II]

Checked out the YouTube comments to George's cabaret act. George is getting his "talking points" out there, and many Noory-lovers accuse those who don't support George of being "haters". I think it is so cute that George calls non-supporters "haters", and now his fans do it too!

And there's a new term they're throwing around if you come to YouTube and comment less-than-positively about George: it's "stalker". See, we're all supposed to live together online at one place - here! And if we ever leave the concentration camp and go to another site where we comment and show that not everyone loves The Man With The Lowest IQ In Radio, then we are "stalkers" who evilly hound the poor man. Funny, I didn't know you could stalk George by commenting on him by name. Gee, the stuff I learn on C2C.


The new National Geographic series that starts Friday night that the guest was promoting in the first 2 hours of c2c, looks suspiciously like the exact same format as the old History Channel series 'Ufo Hunters'
They both have a 3 person team researching old UFO cases consisting of one believer, one skeptic, and one undefined.
All they are missing is a team leader like Bill Birnes with sunglasses...


Quote from: Jasmine on June 27, 2012, 04:01:08 PM
I know Snoory's singing debut at the Premiere Vomitorium was posted before, but I just had to put this here again.

LOL! Oh dear God

George Noory's Musical Debut:Coast to Coast AM

Normally, I would say that George should not quit his day job, but I'll make an exception. ;D I wonder if there will be an record deal in the future?


Quote from: Sardondi on June 28, 2012, 01:08:47 AM
not everyone loves The Man With The Lowest IQ In Radio,

I thought Jim Bohannon was still on the air.


Quote from: UFO Fill on June 28, 2012, 04:53:40 AM
I thought Jim Bohannon was still on the air.

He is. You're thinking of the highest PQ (pomposity quotient).

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