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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



First time listener, long time caller...just like George!  :o


I listened to an Art Bell show last night where he interviews a skeptic. I dont remember the date of the show, but the man being interviewed was really intelligent, and Art bell hung on every single word and engaged him with a lot of intelligent, thought provoking questions. I really enjoyed it. I kept imagining noory trying to interview this guy. It would of been a mess. Theres no way noory would of been able to keep up. I miss Art and Noory sucks.


Art was a radio professional - he developed timing and interviewing skills over years. I have a friend who collects air checks, and who has a number of Art shows long before coast.  One name he used was Art Trey. Ha.

sNoory came along as a TV newsroom manager. I worked in TV news for many years - the general air within a TV newsroom is that the audience is filled with idiots.  Most TV people don't read and don't watch any TV that's in any way educational.

I think their backgrounds show up in how they handle Coast.


Anyone notice the last hour of Noory's Friday night show was an old replay of open lines?
Noory snuck out early on Friday yet again, with no announcement on the air he was doing so.
He thought he was fooling the listeners, since all his Friday open lines sound the same, so replaying one from a year or more ago is pretty much identical with the same old wierdo callers.
Noory must have wanted to be up early the next morning for another of his convention event appearances.

analog kid

Quote from: UFO Fill on June 16, 2012, 06:03:30 PM
Art was a radio professional - he developed timing and interviewing skills over years. I have a friend who collects air checks, and who has a number of Art shows long before coast.  One name he used was Art Trey. Ha.

and he's been a ham since he was a kid. he's essentially been talking on the radio his entire life.


Quote from: Morgus on June 17, 2012, 01:48:41 AM
Anyone notice the last hour of Noory's Friday night show was an old replay of open lines?
Noory snuck out early on Friday yet again, with no announcement on the air he was doing so.
He thought he was fooling the listeners, since all his Friday open lines sound the same, so replaying one from a year or more ago is pretty much identical with the same old wierdo callers.
Noory must have wanted to be up early the next morning for another of his convention event appearances.
He's such a prick man... I was out last night so I missed it but I don't think I would be of the few who caught said slackerism.... makes total sense He probly thinks nobody will notice cause he's obviously pigeon-holed his audience... Somebody on the boards described him as... hmmm what was it... ah yes a DOUCHE which I feel is quite an appropriate description at this point... he's a DOUCHEBAG... with a radio show... scary

Quote from: analog kid on June 17, 2012, 02:48:51 AM
and he's been a ham since he was a kid. he's essentially been talking on the radio his entire life.
Art's a natural... that convo that you posted of him just shooting the shit about fucking antenna upgrades with his homie was more entertaining than anything I've heard on C2C the last few nights... might tune in tonight...

Frys Girl

Art lived in a town with a low cost of living. Noory decided to go live in expensive Los Angeles. That's why he's slaving away like a fool in these embarrassing conventions and appearances.

Noory is also paying his kids' mortgages. He said this a few times. That's why he is so shameless.


Quote from: Morgus on June 17, 2012, 01:48:41 AM
Anyone notice the last hour of Noory's Friday night show was an old replay of open lines?
Noory snuck out early on Friday yet again, with no announcement on the air he was doing so.
He thought he was fooling the listeners, since all his Friday open lines sound the same, so replaying one from a year or more ago is pretty much identical with the same old wierdo callers.
Noory must have wanted to be up early the next morning for another of his convention event appearances.
You are right Morgus... it was replay from 10/21/11... 
He should get a guest host fill in if he's overbooked.  It should be a live broadcast unless there are technical difficulties preventing this.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: CoastCanuck on June 17, 2012, 08:00:24 AM
You are right Morgus... it was replay from 10/21/11... 
He should get a guest host fill in if he's overbooked.  It should be a live broadcast unless there are technical difficulties preventing this.

I'd even settle for a replay of a good hour's interview with a good guest.  Advertising open lines doesn't justify replaying an hour's worth of inarticulate and/or drunk callers chewing the fat with a pseudo-host making body noises.

Of course, they'd have to find an good hour's interview with a good guest, so there goes that idea. 

The Nabob

Why did I think Noory died when I saw this picture of the dead Arab?


QuoteIt's a free world.  People are entitled to their personal views and sentiments.  Welcome to the world.
I don't appreciate this condescending attitude, "welcoming" me to a world you know I'm very much a part of.  I never suggested censoring you.  I'm defending Noory against the hyperbole from many posters.  How can you start your rebuttal with a statement upholding the right of personal views, when other replies heap personal insults on me for daring to like Noory?  For example, Jasmine opines:
QuoteAnd quite frankly, anyone who claims to be a bona fide fan of Noory is truly not dealing with a full deck, and is situated on the lower rung of the human food chain.
Why not tell Jasmine everyone is entitled to their own opinion?

I'll reply to the arguments that Noory has significantly decreased C2C's educational value from the Art Bell days and that Noory sounds unintelligent and is a poor interviewer.

First, Oversoul and Jasmine mentioned they listened to C2C for its educational value.  I have also learned a lot from some programs such as those with Shermer, Nickell, or Kaku.  But when I tune in, I expect to take things with many grains of salt, and simply laugh off a lot of stuff.  I think the very nature of C2C as a forum for all things weird puts it behind the eight ball for me in terms of educational value.  My epistemology is to trust traditional authorities such as academics over lone wolf authors/researchers which comprise most of the C2C lineup.  But I understand many people strongly distrust traditional authorities, and not without reason.

Even if you tune in for good information and put your trust in the guests, there is still much to like in Noory's programs.  Since he gives guests a lot of leeway, a good guest can speak their mind and go where he/she wants.  Whether it's a skeptic, bigfoot researcher, medical quackery promoter, ancient mysteries researcher, astral projection guru, the-times-are-bad-and-getting-worse prophet, numerologist, astrologer, or conspiracy theorist, at the end the night you will know that guest's thoughts.  Has any guest ever ended a three hour interview feeling they didn't get enough time to talk?  With Ian Punnet, that's a real problem because he talks too much and gives too little time to the guest.  It seems like we all agree that, for better or worse, Noory gives a lot of time to guests.

Noory has a huge range of guests on, for better or worse.  On the worse end is all the medical quackery proponents and financial doomsdayers who might very well cause real harm.  On the better end is all the skeptics, scientists, and writers who don't fit the audience of a paranormal-themed program and probably engender a lot of hate fast-blasts to C2C.  I'm guessing Shermer's atheism and skepticism pissed of a ton of listeners, but Noory has had him on multiple times.  Noory hosted two debates with Shermer: one with Roswell promoter Stanton Friedman and another with three parapsychologists, one after another.

I didn't intend to bring up some negatives of Art Bell's hosting days because, as I said before, he was skilled, entertaining, and innovative in the radio field.  He hosted some legendary programs that I still listen to.  I bring up some negatives now only to shrink the purported gap in talent between Bell and Noory.

UnscreenedCaller accused Noory of being dangerous for having on some proponents of medical quackery.  I'm sympathetic to this argument because I know the great harm inflicted by pursuing medical quackery and related scams.  One example if Noory's dual interviews with Andrew Wakesfield, the lead author of the infamous MMR vaccines-cause-autism report.  However, because of C2C's reputation as a paranormal-themed show denies the credibility to guests that would be granted if Wakesfield appeared at length and in a favorable light on NBC or CBS.  If someone is predisposed to believe Wakesfield, then they are going to find out about his views one or another, and appearing on C2C is hardly a ringing endorsement.

Art Bell interviewed plenty of pseudo-scientists pushing medical quackery.  He interviewed Lorraine Day (alternative cancer treatment), Wayne Green (AIDS denialist), and Ronald Klatz (anti-aging quackery).  And what about all the anti-government conspiracy theorists which encouraged the growth of anti-government militias in the 1990s and contributed to an atmosphere of government-hating paranoia?  The stand-off at Ruby Ridge, Branch Dividian Siege, and Oklahoma City bombing all had anti-government paranoia at their roots, paranoia fanned by Bell and his guests.

In conclusion, the variety of guests Noory brings on, and the freedom he gives them to talk, ensures C2C retains a lot of educational content for those who looking for education on a paranormal-themed radio show.  If your criteria of a poor host is that they host "dangerous" guests, then Bell is as guilty as Noory.

Second, the number one criticism of Noory seems to be that he sounds unintelligent and asks poor questions.  As I said in my first post, Noory can be quirky and random sometimes, but it's light-hearted as he tries to inject some humor into the conversation. 

Regarding his interview skills, they're inferior to Bell but not to the extent that it prevents enjoyment.  I've recorded many entertaining shows hosted by Noory.  Examples include the interviews with Robert Bruce (astral projection), Michael Shermer and Joe Nickell (skeptics), Neil Arnold (A-Z of Zooform), Gregory Little (Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, Bahamas), Loren Coleman (cryptids), Lionel Fanthorpe (British storyteller), and John DeSalvo (pyramids).

A common criticism is he mispronounces words.  I listen a lot and don't recall an unusual amount of mispronounced words.  One that comes to mind was in his interview with Joe Nickell when he called the Shroud of Turin the Shroud of Urine, but quickly corrected himself.  If he is mispronouncing words, it's not distracting me.


Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
I don't appreciate this condescending attitude, "welcoming" me to a world you know I'm very much a part of.  I never suggested censoring you.  I'm defending Noory against the hyperbole fr....

....Wah. Wah wah. Wah wah wah wah wahitty wah wah wah. Waaaaah. Wah?? Wah wah wah!!! Wahkitty wahkitty wahkoo. Wah wah waaaaaahhhh........ 

A troll with a keyboarding tic is still a troll. Engaging is very mother's milk to him, and he shivers in ecstasy when he has a direct response to address.

So hows about we dispense with the futility of trying to clean up his infectious pink Cat In The Hat goo, and get back to trying to rid the world of the greatest ass radio has ever known?

Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
...  at the end the night you will know that guest's thoughts.  Has any guest ever ended a three hour interview feeling they didn't get enough time to talk?... It seems like we all agree that, for better or worse, Noory gives a lot of time to guests...

Oh sure, the guests get plenty of time.  As long as they are just blathering and going along with George.  My Number One complaint about George Noory is he will sit there and let a guest spend several minutes building up to a point they want to make, and just as they are about to do so, George will inevitably interrupt to take a call, go to a break, bring up some personal story, ask another dumb irrelevent question... anything to knock the guest off point and ruin the segment.

Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
... Noory sounds unintelligent and is a poor interviewer... the number one criticism of Noory seems to be that he sounds unintelligent and asks poor questions... Regarding his interview skills, they're inferior to Bell but not to the extent that it prevents enjoyment...

I'm not even sure what George does should even be called interviewing.  George's questions show zero show prep - just the same basic questions over and over, no matter the guest or the topic.  My Number Two complaint is the complete lack of follow up questions.  No matter what the guests says, no matter how astonishing or interesting, George will just read the next cue card in his stack. 
We are nearly 10 years in, and George still shows little interest in or knowledege of most topics, doesn't appear to even be paying attention much of the time.  This is a person so lazy and miserable in his job that I doubt he is even coachable at this point. 

Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
... Noory can be quirky and random sometimes, but it's light-hearted as he tries to inject some humor into the conversation...

Can you provide examples of George actually being funny (intentionally), or for that matter any examples of good questions he has asked or points he has made.  Should be easy - there are nearly ten years of shows to pull from..

Quote from: Sardondi on June 17, 2012, 01:12:15 PM
So hows about we... get back to trying to rid the world of the greatest ass radio has ever known?

Well, he did cut back to one show a month.  Baby steps..

Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
I don't appreciate this condescending attitude, "welcoming" me to a world you know I'm very much a part of.  I never suggested censoring you.  I'm defending Noory against the hyperbole from many posters.  How can you start your rebuttal with a statement upholding the right of personal views, when other replies heap personal insults on me for daring to like Noory?  For example, Jasmine opines:Why not tell Jasmine everyone is entitled to their own opinion?

I'll reply to the arguments that Noory has significantly decreased C2C's educational value from the Art Bell days and that Noory sounds unintelligent and is a poor interviewer.

First, Oversoul and Jasmine mentioned they listened to C2C for its educational value.  I have also learned a lot from some programs such as those with Shermer, Nickell, or Kaku.  But when I tune in, I expect to take things with many grains of salt, and simply laugh off a lot of stuff.  I think the very nature of C2C as a forum for all things weird puts it behind the eight ball for me in terms of educational value.  My epistemology is to trust traditional authorities such as academics over lone wolf authors/researchers which comprise most of the C2C lineup.  But I understand many people strongly distrust traditional authorities, and not without reason.

After reading your post, I now have reversed all of my opinions about Mr. Noory. Good job dude.


I am so surprised. Someone posts in the GNS thread; requesting a debate on the worthiness of noory. And he gets lambasted... wow who would have thought?

Perhaps if another thread had been started to discuss the merits of noory, criticism might have been less.

I do have to wonder at the size of anyone's ego that would come to an obviously anti-noory site and think they would be able to reason with the members about noory's "good" qualities. Kind of like a turd in a punch bowl... it can be done but it is gonna be messy.

To me, noory is worse than monkey dick soup. Ok, convince me I should change my opinion.


there is a pro Noory thread here. good luck finding it.


Quote from: onan on June 17, 2012, 07:59:07 PM
I am so surprised. Someone posts in the GNS thread; requesting a debate on the worthiness of noory. And he gets lambasted... wow who would have thought?

I have to admire him for coming here and trying to have a serious discussion.  His posts (so far) have been fairly even-handed.  I don't get the sense that he's trolling (time will tell, though).

I do agree that he probably should've started a separate thread, though.


Quote from: McPhallus on June 17, 2012, 08:28:00 PM
I have to admire him for coming here and trying to have a serious discussion.  His posts (so far) have been fairly even-handed.  I don't get the sense that he's trolling (time will tell, though).

I do agree that he probably should've started a separate thread, though.

I don't see it that way. How is his post any different than a born again coming to an athiest site and wanting to discuss?

I am not suggesting he hasn't written well or been a lacky to premiere.

What I do have an issue with is suggesting all our criticisms are invalid or we really haven't thought things out. It's arrogance... well written arrogance, granted.

We aren't talking exacting science here... there is no right answer. But I wouldn't go to your house and tell you your taste in literature should be reconsidered.

analog kid

Impassioned walls of text generally aren't a good sign.


Quote from: onan on June 17, 2012, 07:59:07 PM
To me, noory is worse than monkey dick soup.

Organic, fair-trade, free-range monkey dick soup, or the regular?


 I was just checking in to see how my favorite haters are doing and was really surprised to see the post by Geography. 

I have a couple comments...

(1) Are we talking about the same George Snoory?  I though there was only one and he sucks.

(2) The one Geo Snoorey I know is downright frustrating to listen to "interview".  He never asks a decent follow-up question, instead simply reading the next question on the list.  You can tell because it is so disjointed and flat.  He is totally disengaged unless he is connecting something to the Twilight Zone (or some other movie), trying to connect over his famous aunt that no one has heard of, talking about his massive affilliate empire or he tries to impress the guest that he has some kind of psychic power.

Oh BTW, Coast reincarnated on another station in the San Francisco bay area so I guess he didn't completely kill it.


Quote from: analog kid on June 17, 2012, 08:47:32 PM
Impassioned walls of text generally aren't a good sign.

What he said. And I say that as a poster of walls of text, although not usually "impassioned", although sorta po'd maybe.

Quote from: onan on June 17, 2012, 08:44:58 PM...What I do have an issue with is suggesting all our criticisms are invalid or we really haven't thought things out. It's arrogance... well written arrogance, granted.

We aren't talking exacting science here... there is no right answer. But I wouldn't go to your house and tell you your taste in literature should be reconsidered.

That's the nut, as they say. This isn't "Discuss Noory's Good and Bad Points", or "Decide if You Like Noory" - folks here did all that years ago. It's presumptuous and, yes, arrogant, to traipse in here and "set us straight".

We made our decision. Mine came after years, YEARS of listening to him, ignoring his gaffes, wanting to like him, and feeling guilty when I started to cringe at him. So I, like most other here, finally concluded that George Noory is an ignorant, cretinous, slothful ass; whose nightly absence of preparation and his adamant refusal to even pay the least goddam bit of attention to what's being said by his guests is simply unforgivable. It's certainly a basis to start a simple thread proclaiming his excresence with the expectation of being left in peace to mingle with others of like mind to marvel that such a mass of broken teleomeres and psychosocial pathology can make a living in radio.

George had his shot, Go try to persuade those who haven't given him a trial lasting years.


Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
I don't appreciate this condescending attitude, "welcoming" me to a world you know I'm very much a part of.  I never suggested censoring you.  I'm defending Noory against the hyperbole from many posters.  How can you start your rebuttal with a statement upholding the right of personal views, when other replies heap personal insults on me for daring to like Noory?  For example, Jasmine opines: ...

Why not tell Jasmine everyone is entitled to their own opinion?

Condescending attitude, really?   Condescending???   Moi?
THIS is condescending coming from me: "I really should refrain from addressing public school juveniles like you."  8)

About your suggestion to advise Jasmine, I do not have to tell Jasmine that because she knows it only too well.   ;)

Quote from: Geography on June 17, 2012, 12:49:52 PM
... In conclusion, the variety of guests Noory brings on, and the freedom he gives them to talk, ensures C2C retains a lot of educational content for those who looking for education on a paranormal-themed radio show.  If your criteria of a poor host is that they host "dangerous" guests, then Bell is as guilty as Noory.

Second, the number one criticism of Noory seems to be that he sounds unintelligent and asks poor questions.  As I said in my first post, Noory can be quirky and random sometimes, but it's light-hearted as he tries to inject some humor into the conversation. 

Regarding his interview skills, they're inferior to Bell but not to the extent that it prevents enjoyment....

:o Whoa, stop right there.  Don't start putting words into my mouth.  I still have a lot of indigestible crap to regurgitate, from morons and idiots like Noory AND his kind. 

Btw, quirky and random is NOT the same as being "dumb".  A person can be quirky with his idiosyncrasies and still be cute or amusing, if not lovable (which Noory is not).  But a dumb person is just... pathetic (which Noory is).   :(

Now, for the "condescending" coup de grace.     :-*

I said I AGREED with you that C2C under Noory is an entertaining program.  I like its entertainment value.  I enjoy the kick and the laughs I get from the show's reigning monarch, King George the Turd.  I miss the daily dose of entertainment when the C2C show is off the air or when the show features an utterly boring or disappointing guest.  I like the show.  I love how Noory makes me laugh.  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Are you happy now?   (I hope I wasn't TOO condescending.)


Also interesting that Geography didn't addess the specific criticisms of Simple George at all: the failure to prep for the show, the lack of intelligent questions and followup questions, his obsession with telling stories about himself, etc.

All the credit Geography gives Noory is for things that are actually done by the producers.


Quote from: Sardondi on June 18, 2012, 02:30:56 AM
That's the nut, as they say. This isn't "Discuss Noory's Good and Bad Points", or "Decide if You Like Noory" - folks here did all that years ago. It's presumptuous and, yes, arrogant, to traipse in here and "set us straight".

We made our decision. Mine came after years, YEARS of listening to him, ignoring his gaffes, wanting to like him, and feeling guilty when I started to cringe at him. So I, like most other here, finally concluded that George Noory is an ignorant, cretinous, slothful ass; whose nightly absence of preparation and his adamant refusal to even pay the least goddam bit of attention to what's being said by his guests is simply unforgivable. It's certainly a basis to start a simple thread proclaiming his excresence with the expectation of being left in peace to mingle with others of like mind to marvel that such a mass of broken teleomeres and psychosocial pathology can make a living in radio.

George had his shot, Go try to persuade those who haven't given him a trial lasting years.

OMG!  Sardondi just stole the thoughts from my mind, every single word of them.  I'm without thoughts now, and speechless. :o

(Click on strip to enlarge.)


Quote from: aldousburbank on June 17, 2012, 09:37:40 PM
Organic, fair-trade, free-range monkey dick soup, or the regular?

I am a poor man, I can only afford the regular. the others are way too expensive. I really just buy the store brand when lucky enough to find it.

Quote from: onan on June 18, 2012, 04:19:13 AM
I am a poor man, I can only afford the regular. the others are way too expensive. I really just buy the store brand when lucky enough to find it.

Sliced or shaved?

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