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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Sardondi on June 04, 2012, 08:47:31 AM
Heh. You don't know what you've got until it's gone, eh?

Hey, anyone want to hear about the time a semi-crazy and incredibly jealous girlfriend-until-that-moment confronted me in public at a party about having in the past carried on a secret dalliance with a married woman who was also present at the party and with whom I still had a cordial platonic relationship?

Noory sux.

Only if the dalliance was between the girlfriend and the married woman. Then I'm all ears.


Quote from: M. Knight on June 04, 2012, 09:48:34 AM

There was obviously a time when injustice was systematic and institutionalized against women and "minorities".  Society advanced and gave artificial advantages for a time to some groups to make up for past inequities.  [How can this concept ever be quantified?]

Today, however, social justice programs for those same groups are nothing more than a mechanism to get economic advantage in the marketplace, not civil equality.

As a white male, I have always found it odd to experience blatent discrimination throughout my life for a variety of reasons only to see the emphasis of anti-discrimination programs placed entirely on women and minorities.  I have never been given preferential treatment for anything.  I've had to work at near slave labor conditions just to survive and built my life by myself.  My skin color has never been an advantage, just the contrary, it has cost me potential employment because I am not female and not a "minority", and higher costs for education as there are no "White" or "Male" scholarships.  [Nor should there be].

Sorry, but I hear this nonsense so often, it's annoying. If you're depending on the kind of job that may trigger affirmative action, find another line of work. Nobody promised you a government or academic job, and in my experience, the private sector generally ignores that stuff, laws be damned.

We're men. Like it or not, as a group we're bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, better educated and hold all of the economic and political power in the whole round world. Your ex got the kids ? Suck it up, find another woman and have some more.

In any event, whining about all the things you haven't got only makes you seem pathetic. No one can make you work for 'slave wages' without your permission, unless you're actually a slave (illegal in the US since 1865).

I listened to about 5 seconds of last night's show...

Guest: So there were some Mayans who actually said the world wasn't going to end in 2012.

Nooron: Right!


Quote from: kf5iwe on June 03, 2012, 06:22:22 PM
WTF?? I thought this was the George Noory Sucks!! thread?

Well of COURSE this is the George Noory Sucks thread! What else would it be? Geez!  ;)

Whenever George Noory comes on the radio, disgruntled listeners complain of a severe pain in their "BLANK"

Match Game '74: I said "Cherry."

Gassy Man

Quote from: M. Knight on June 04, 2012, 09:48:34 AM

There was obviously a time when injustice was systematic and institutionalized against women and "minorities".  Society advanced and gave artificial advantages for a time to some groups to make up for past inequities.  [How can this concept ever be quantified?]

Today, however, social justice programs for those same groups are nothing more than a mechanism to get economic advantage in the marketplace, not civil equality.

As a white male, I have always found it odd to experience blatent discrimination throughout my life for a variety of reasons only to see the emphasis of anti-discrimination programs placed entirely on women and minorities.  I have never been given preferential treatment for anything.  I've had to work at near slave labor conditions just to survive and built my life by myself.  My skin color has never been an advantage, just the contrary, it has cost me potential employment because I am not female and not a "minority", and higher costs for education as there are no "White" or "Male" scholarships.  [Nor should there be].
The problem is that the momentum of years of racism and sexism doesn't just go away because some scholarships are offered.  Were whites ever legally owned by minorities in this country?  Were laws ever passed to forbid their ownership of businesses or the right to vote?  Were there policies of extermination on the books, carried out by the U.S. Army?  Were they interred during WWII?  Have the attitudes that pervade such events suddenly disappeared?  We could go on and on, but the reality is skin color and sex go a long way in deciding the potential for a person's success in this country, and the default has been "white" for centuries.

If a white male without strong skills, family connections, or professional network has a real threat, it's not from women or minorities -- it's from a more elite white male.  Studies have shown, for instance, that if every single unemployed African American were to suddenly displace a white worker in the U.S., due to "Affirmative Action" or whatever, the effect would be on less than 1% of the white population.  A white male who can't make it in society is really being beaten by another white male.  In this respect, there is preferential treatment.  It's just that some white males get better treatment than others who can't compete.

And there are scholarships for whites that fall under the "Affirmative Action" umbrella; where I'm at, the large research university awards scholarships to Appalachian students, where the population is more than 95 percent white.  While I was a student there, I didn't meet one person of color who'd received such a scholarship.

Studies like this one also show that "black sounding" names often are an impediment to getting a call back on a resume, even when the credentials are exactly the same: 

The problem is complex, and there is no easy answer.  While I'm not a fan of Affirmative Action, I also can think of no meaningful way to deal with the situation.  The myth that we live in a meritocracy, where all we look at is actual ability, is just that, myth.  If anything, left to their own devices, people have a tendency to fall right back into the patterns they have established, and the classic pattern in this country has not been one of women and minorities ruling over white males.


Today's C2C website front page has birthday card for Noory


Quote from: CoastCanuck on June 04, 2012, 06:08:32 PM
Today's C2C website front page has birthday card for Noory
nice... we've got bigfoot, the chupacabra, some greys, nessie, AND a ufo standing around some scary looking monster in the middle

I feel like I've caught a bit of whatever was bugging Rick Santorum...everything I read about C2C these days just 'makes me want to throw up'  :o


whoa they even put a shadow person in there lol... didnt see that at first


Happy Birthday George. Come on guys, wish him well, you all know you love him!


Quote from: EnterDragon on June 04, 2012, 08:32:56 PM
Happy Birthday George. Come on guys, wish him well, you all know you love him!
Of course. . .~.~.......


Birthday boy has James Von Fraud on tonight. groan.


Happy B-day George... and I can't say I hate the man as a human being and all I don't really know him... but I can say that I find his hosting of coast to coast quite unpalatable, usually bland, and sometimes just downright noxious.


Idiot Noory is on fire today. I didn't turn on the show until it had aired for 5-10 minutes, and I'm already turning it off--total air time 18 minutes. Hyperinflation is right around the corner, still, just like it has been for the last 30-50 years according to the guests Noory has on. The debt last year, and the year before was $5 trillion, inflation is blowing up according to Shadowstats.com, a website littered with methodological errors that hides their data behind a paywall. Now the guest is going to tell us about the Venus transit, and how it affects passion, love, and your horoscope.



Noory told a guest in the first hour tonight that he will now never retire - they will have pull him out of his c2c broadcast chair. :o
Noory asked the guest if sunglasses are good enough to look directly at the sun during the Venus solar transit - what a nitwit...


Quote from: Morgus on June 04, 2012, 11:45:19 PM
Noory told a guest in the first hour tonight that he will now never retire - they will have pull him out of his c2c broadcast chair. :o
Noory asked the guest if sunglasses are good enough to look directly at the sun during the Venus solar transit - what a nitwit...

When talking about the sun he just wondered whether people used to stare at the sun until they went blind, or were harmed because they hadn't been told not to.

What an idiot. No George, people aren't mindless dolts like you, even cavemen had to know that looking in the direction of the sun hurt their eyes, so staring into it for an extended time was a bad idea.


Noory just asked his guest tonight about demons - he always does that.
Noory even made a devilish laugh and revealed he loves demons... :o


WOW - I haven't even bothered to tune in to Snoory for the last few months, but wanting some low brow entertainment, I checked out KLIF last night (the C2C affiliate down here in the DFW area), and C2C is GONE. It's been replaced by something called the John Batchelor show. It's a bit of a shame, really. It shows how far the show has fallen.  :-\


Ya know Morgus yer awesome dude... I don't listen to the show when it airs all the time but I always look for your observations about ol' Snore's if and when I finally do download and listen.


looking over the shows for the last couple of weeks and I have to say pretty damn sad. not one even worth checking out. and James Van Pragh? coast has no scruples. no class. and no entertainment value

and Ian's next show is basically about shit. I'm going to listen just to see if he slips in a comment like "a topic that everyone at Coast is exceedingly familiar with" or "well George is the resident authority" ... something like that

"tonight on coast to coast am .... more of the usual"


Quote from: Quinn on June 05, 2012, 01:53:54 AM
WOW - I haven't even bothered to tune in to Snoory for the last few months, but wanting some low brow entertainment, I checked out KLIF last night (the C2C affiliate down here in the DFW area), and C2C is GONE. It's been replaced by something called the John Batchelor show. It's a bit of a shame, really. It shows how far the show has fallen.  :-\
Yeah that big station along with several others dropped c2c in the past few months.
The few new affiliates that Noory has crowed about on the air recently must be very low power (weak) stations in comparison to the ones that were dropped.  8)


Quote from: Gassy Man on June 04, 2012, 05:51:45 PM...A white male who can't make it in society is really being beaten by another white male....

Haven't spent much time in government offices in the last 30 years, have you, GM?

Quote from: ziznak on June 04, 2012, 10:20:26 PM
Happy B-day George... and I can't say I hate the man as a human being and all I don't really know him...

Heck, we love George: we hate the brain-eating virus that infected him years ago.

Quote from: rangers1919 on June 04, 2012, 11:50:04 PM
When talking about the sun he just wondered whether people used to stare at the sun until they went blind, or were harmed because they hadn't been told not to.

What an idiot. No George, people aren't mindless dolts like you, even cavemen had to know that looking in the direction of the sun hurt their eyes, so staring into it for an extended time was a bad idea.

Not to derail, but I always wondered about the Sun Dance performed by Plains Indians, some variant performed by remnants even up until today. As I recall what I read of the ceremony, at least as performed by various bands of Sioux, participants actually stared into the sun during their ordeal, sometimes for hours. This had to have resulted in generations of warriors whose retinas were riddled with burned out blind spots. Anyone?

Quote from: ziznak on June 05, 2012, 02:18:47 AM
Ya know Morgus yer awesome dude... I don't listen to the show when it airs...but I always look for your observations about ol' Snore...

Ditto.Thanks, Morg.


Tonight's guest, Robert Lanza, seems to be an actual scientist. What the hell is he doing on C2C with Simple George ?

Last night with James van Praagh, leading into the break...

GN: After the break we'll be back with James Van Praagh to talk about the souls of animals, do they have them?

...Long break...

GN: When we come back in just a minute we'll be back with JVP, I'll ask him about the souls of animals! I'm George Noory this is C2C AM.

...Short break...

GN: And we're back! James, I'm a pet lover, you're a pet lover, lots of people have pets. We want to know about them. What about them?


Quote from: ziznak on June 04, 2012, 10:20:26 PM
Happy B-day George... and I can't say I hate the man as a human being and all I don't really know him... but I can say that I find his hosting of coast to coast quite unpalatable, usually bland, and sometimes just downright noxious.

Yeah, Happy Birthday, Snoory. No doubt you could blow out ALL the candles on your cake...seeing as you're full of hot air.

And what the hell is this James van Praagh freak? He's the fraudulent Liberace of the psychic world.

bluth co.

Quote from: thefamilyghost on June 05, 2012, 01:32:33 PM

GN: And we're back! James, I'm a pet lover, you're a pet lover, lots of people have pets. We want to know about them. What about them?
hurrrrrrrr :/ I'd rather have dead air.


Quote from: Jasmine on June 05, 2012, 02:00:14 PM
what the hell is this James van Praagh freak? He's the fraudulent Liberace of the psychic world.
thats an absolutely perfect description of James - the Liberace of psychic mediums indeed
now we just need somebody to make a photoshopped image of James in Liberace garb.   ;D




Any questions?????


Quote from: bluth co. on June 05, 2012, 02:09:00 PM
hurrrrrrrr :/ I'd rather have dead air.

Now that would be a great new poll. It should even take the place of what we have now -

Which would you rather listen to?

    George Noory
    Dead air

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