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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: fysisist on August 07, 2011, 07:06:15 PM
Excuse me for abrupt change of subject, but jumping back a few days to the Leslie Kean interview show, about 15 min into the third hour, the Snoorman and Ms Kean were discussing the contributions of Dr. J. Allen Hynek to the field of UFOlogy.  Sort of out of the blue, Snoors declared that Hynek wrote a book titled Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and that in fact was the basis of the Spielberg movie of the same name.  Leslie Kean sounded pretty doubtful, but the Snoormeister assured her that was the how it went down.  Of course this is some bad information that Snoors pulled out of his a$$.  Hyenk authored two books, The UFO Experience and The Hynek UFO Report, and he was listed as co-author on Night Siege the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings.  Having read all these and having seen CE3 a couple times, it seems apparent that the only connection between the books and the movie is that they are both about UFOs, the books more so than the movie.  And also Hynek made a cameo appearance in the movie, as everybody probably knows.  Just another example of the overall incompetence and generally poor quality of C2C with Geo Snoory.

Haha! Yes but not for the reasons you suspect. Jorge is reading his fast-blast out loud again, trying to appear smart, but someone out there, bless his soul, his sending George faulty info.


Quote from: Jackpine Savage on August 08, 2011, 02:53:14 AM
Haha! Yes but not for the reasons you suspect. Jorge is reading his fast-blast out loud again, trying to appear smart, but someone out there, bless his soul, his sending George faulty info.

Any idea who might have done that dastardly deed, Jackpine???  ;)

(There will be chocolate chip cookies for anyone who confesses.)

Max Level

Quote from: Art Crow on August 06, 2011, 04:37:25 PM
Is it?  Please cite a source.

Ive done serious checking, and Ill be dipped if I can find anything. However, there is supposed to be certain amount of open, or public, content on any programming on public airwaves. Of course, most of that type of thing ends up between the hours of 3AM and 6 AM Sunday mornings...

Quote from: Charles on April 06, 2008, 11:04:06 PM
Exactly ... and George seems to have a fear of OPEN LINES ... wonder why that is.

Because there are legions of us out there now in the shadows dialing til our fingers bleed to call in and make George look like a complete idiot.

James G.

George Noory Sucks! There's no reason to have any further information. He "acts' like a journalist, a historian and a scientist when he has no such experience. Any program who would employ "Dr" Richard C. Hoagland as any adviser is its own parody.

What a shameless joke Coast-To-Coast AM is today.

George Noory Sucks! Enough said, all, in the English language! Another late-night infomercial posing as intellectual thought! Don't make me laugh at this garbage posing as independent, American thought!



Quote from: James G. on August 09, 2011, 12:18:07 AM
George Noory Sucks!  Ha!

     I liked Sunday's guest, Mathew Alper, and his vigorous skepticism of aliens that would bust their butts to get here from clear across the galaxy just to make stupid crop circles and scurry away at the sight of any humans.  Tonight George wondered if the U.S. should go ahead and declare bankruptcy.  Economist Damon Vickers thought that was a "brilliant idea".  George also said that according to his "sources", gold will reach $3,000 an ounce.  Yeah, in the year 2095.  Maybe.  Nick Begich talked about HAARP, but I found his insights into Alaska more interesting.  It has trillions of dollars worth of natural resources.  Trillions...as in "lets start selling stuff again to pull this country out of this friggin' tailspin" type trillions.

August 2007


Quote from: James G. on August 09, 2011, 12:18:07 AM
George Noory Sucks! There's no reason to have any further information. He "acts' like a journalist, a historian and a scientist when he has no such experience. Any program who would employ "Dr" Richard C. Hoagland as any adviser is its own parody.

What a shameless joke Coast-To-Coast AM is today.

George Noory Sucks! Enough said, all, in the English language! Another late-night infomercial posing as intellectual thought! Don't make me laugh at this garbage posing as independent, American thought!


Welcome back, James. It has been too long.


Quote from: James G. on August 09, 2011, 12:18:07 AM
George Noory Sucks! There's no reason to have any further information. He "acts' like a journalist, a historian and a scientist when he has no such experience. Any program who would employ "Dr" Richard C. Hoagland as any adviser is its own parody.

What a shameless joke Coast-To-Coast AM is today.

George Noory Sucks! Enough said, all, in the English language! Another late-night infomercial posing as intellectual thought! Don't make me laugh at this garbage posing as independent, American thought!


Good to hear from you.  Welcome to the Coast to Coast AM Death Watch.  Be sure to check out Art Bell Quits--he's B A A A A A C K!


Gassy Man

Quote from: valdez on August 09, 2011, 04:49:37 AM
     I liked Sunday's guest, Mathew Alper, and his vigorous skepticism of aliens that would bust their butts to get here from clear across the galaxy just to make stupid crop circles and scurry away at the sight of any humans.  Tonight George wondered if the U.S. should go ahead and declare bankruptcy.  Economist Damon Vickers thought that was a "brilliant idea".  George also said that according to his "sources", gold will reach $3,000 an ounce.  Yeah, in the year 2095.  Maybe.  Nick Begich talked about HAARP, but I found his insights into Alaska more interesting.  It has trillions of dollars worth of natural resources.  Trillions...as in "lets start selling stuff again to pull this country out of this friggin' tailspin" type trillions.

August 2007
I was only listening casually (read:  hardly at all) when George said something about how if we switch from dollars to some other currency -- given the brilliant code-name "X" -- that we would have to re-calibrate to calling dollars X, or something like that, and the guest paused and his reply was more or less an incredulous "Duh."   I was driving at the time and almost went off the road laughing.  Anybody else catch this and what was actually said?  I know George wilted and the guest tried to recover by complimenting him in some silly way.       


I heard those observations.

George, never ceases to amaze me!


Quote from: James G. on August 09, 2011, 12:18:07 AM
He "acts' like a journalist, a historian and a scientist when he has no such experience. Any program who would employ "Dr" Richard C. Hoagland as any adviser is its own parody.

Amen.  It kills me when Snoors says he has always been interested in science.  Problem is, he wouldn't know science if it jumped up and put its boot in his ass.  I'm not a scientist per se, but I do have a degree in physics and did graduate work in physics and currently work as an engineer/analyst, and I can summarily assure everyone that the Snoormeister knows diddly about science or the scientific method.  So how interested could he really be??  With the intellectual limitations that he displays on air, I doubt he could get far even if he did try.  Hoagland, on the other hand, is stupid like a fox.  While I don't believe he has any scientific training or credentials, he at least can talk the talk well enough to fool some of the people all of the time, or so it seems.  But basically he's just a talented bullshit artist.  Snoors is neither talented nor artist, just bullshit.


Quote from: fysisist on August 09, 2011, 02:04:42 PM
Amen.  It kills me when Snoors says he has always been interested in science.  Problem is, he wouldn't know science if it jumped up and put its boot in his ass. 

I recall several years ago Noory made some comment indicating that he didn't know that objects of different weights, given no air resistance, fall at the same rate.  Elementary, my dear Noory, Galileo discovered that four hundred years ago.  A few minutes later Noory corrected himself due to several calls that the  screener obviously had.  I knew then that his supposed love of science is just another one of his many lies.


Remember even if Noory loves some things that doesn't mean he studies or researches them. He just wishes he understood them. ;)

Quote from: Morgus on August 09, 2011, 04:22:53 PM
Remember even if Noory loves some things that doesn't mean he studies or researches them. He just wishes he understood them. ;)

George would like things to be different -- but not enough to put any effort in..


Quote from: Tara on August 09, 2011, 03:51:30 PM
I recall several years ago Noory made some comment indicating that he didn't know that objects of different weights, given no air resistance, fall at the same rate.  Elementary, my dear Noory, Galileo discovered that four hundred years ago.  A few minutes later Noory corrected himself due to several calls that the  screener obviously had.  I knew then that his supposed love of science is just another one of his many lies.

I remember the Galileo story from elementary school.  Our teacher used it as an example of how observation + curiosity leads to the great discoveries in science.   Maybe George was absent that day, maybe home playing with small animals. 

Maybe he means he always loved the sound of the word.  SCI- ENCE....he likes to say it  SCI- ENCE....he likes to hear other people say it in his presence SCI- ENCE. 

So, Michio, how did you first discover you were interested in SCI- ENCE? 
I have always been interested in SCI- ENCE.  We have that in common, that's why I love having you on the show.....

Yeah, right.



Looks like another sucky non-paranormal guest/topic on tonight's C2C show from the C2C website promo:
Tue 08-09   Defending a Monster
Defense attorney Sam Amirante and co-author Danny Broderick, will discuss what it was like to defend one of America's worst serial killers, John Wayne Gacy, and review the gruesome details of the case and why it’s important to our system of justice that such criminals get a fair trial.

When I first saw the title "Defending a Monster" I thought the guest would be a Noory-lover trying to defend their hero, Noory...  ;D

James G.

I will never forget Mr. George Noory the scientist, who stated that music is the one thing that appeals to all creatures, citing those who snake-charm cobras with fluke music.

Mr. Noory doesn't know -- in his scientific wisdom -- that all snakes are deaf. They lack external ears, and cannot perceive airborne sounds, human voices or music. The reason all species of snakes and monitor lizards flick their tongue in and out is because it's a sensory organ that collects air samples, then transfers it to a gland in their brains for analysis. Specifically, detecting any changes in air density. Like movement from external sources before their eyesight can register it.

It is not the audible music, but the movements of the snake charmers that the cobras acknowledge. I can't wait for the "great" scientist George Noory to "write the book" on living things of this world. He can start with the dinosaurs and work up from there. Ha! No doubt, it will be co-authored by another "great" (junk) scientist, "Dr." Richard Hoagland, and God-only-knows how many of the credentialed guests and bogus "advisers" who are clueless as the day is long.

Only fooling listeners that are dumber than they are. If you can imagine that!

I write comedy and satire, but nothing is more hysterical than the supposed seriousness of George Noory's Coast-To-Coast AM.

Ha! Ha!


Our vocal yocal is unbearable as usual. Who is out there that can entertain???
My favorite gripe is the way he talks about something and says "PEOPLE" blah, blah, blah or "THEY" whatever, as if he and the other SMART guests don't belong to the normal human race that he is berating for NOT KNOWING WHATEVER HE PROCLAIMS "THEY" DON'T GET!!!!!!  George,--------you are the one that doesn't get ANYTHING!  Certainly no respect. 

Quote from: Morgus on August 09, 2011, 07:14:11 PM
... and review the gruesome details of the case and why it’s important to our system of justice that such criminals get a fair trial...

Yes a fair trial.  That isn't supposed to include witness intimidation, lying, manipulating the system, taking it to the media, putting the victim 'on trial', etc. 

That's what the people that defend these scumballs mean when they talk about a 'fair trial'.  Since the show is not about yelling and screaming, I'd bet Deputy Noory agreed with everything and didn't bring any of the rest of it up.


Quote from: Morgus on August 09, 2011, 07:14:11 PM
Looks like another sucky non-paranormal guest/topic on tonight's C2C show from the C2C website promo:
Tue 08-09   Defending a Monster
Defense attorney Sam Amirante and co-author Danny Broderick, will discuss what it was like to defend one of America's worst serial killers, John Wayne Gacy, and review the gruesome details of the case and why it’s important to our system of justice that such criminals get a fair trial.

When I first saw the title "Defending a Monster" I thought the guest would be a Noory-lover trying to defend their hero, Noory...  ;D

LOL, Morgus! I thought it was about the Bigfoot film, maybe a new analysis.  I was excited there for a moment, thinking it was a paranormal station.

But NO, it's just the summer replacement for george's usual late night hobby of "playing" with small animals.



     Craig Hulet running his mouth again.  He can't understand why we killed Osama, saying it will only make things worst.  Memo to Mr. Hulet: it's called revenge.  Somebody named Marshall Klarfield was also on pushing his plan to end the Afghan War.  I downloaded the plan.  It's 18 pages, but the actual plan is all of three lines.   Sammy Amirante and Dan Broderick on the John Wayne Gacy case.  This should have been a good segment, but when George decided to spend the first twenty minutes reviewing what exactly lawyers do for a living, and then mention that he didn't want to get too "graphic", I knew any hope of a good interview was lost.

Gassy Man

Quote from: anagrammy on August 09, 2011, 05:35:29 PM
I remember the Galileo story from elementary school.  Our teacher used it as an example of how observation + curiosity leads to the great discoveries in science.   Maybe George was absent that day, maybe home playing with small animals. 

Maybe he means he always loved the sound of the word.  SCI- ENCE....he likes to say it  SCI- ENCE....he likes to hear other people say it in his presence SCI- ENCE. 

So, Michio, how did you first discover you were interested in SCI- ENCE? 
I have always been interested in SCI- ENCE.  We have that in common, that's why I love having you on the show.....

Yeah, right.

Hee, hee.  :D

Quote from: HorrorReporter on August 09, 2011, 06:10:04 PM
just make your own Miracle..
Was this photo snapped undercover while at a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 10, 2011, 01:21:48 AM

Yes a fair trial.  That isn't supposed to include witness intimidation, lying, manipulating the system, taking it to the media, putting the victim 'on trial', etc. 

That's what the people that defend these scumballs mean when they talk about a 'fair trial'.  Since the show is not about yelling and screaming, I'd bet Deputy Noory agreed with everything and didn't bring any of the rest of it up.

Actually, if you had listened you would have found these guys to be exactly against that sort of grandstanding and turning the trial into a circus. Their defense of Gacy simply was that he was insane, which is hard to argue. I'm not going to get into everything they said, but it was sensible and reasonable, and it's our justice system. They ripped the OJ defense team for doing all that stuff, although they ripped the judge and prosecutors for falling into the trap. This was one of Noory's better shows in a long time.....although he still f'd it up with non-sequitor bullshit by claiming Manson wanted to kill the Beatles in the Tate house, and his story about being the last guy to interview Jimmy Hoffa


Quote from: valdez on August 10, 2011, 04:26:55 AMGeorge decided to spend the first twenty minutes reviewing what exactly lawyers do for a living, and then mention that he didn't want to get too "graphic"
Noory has the only ultra-G rated late night program.
He even says "heck" instead of "hell"  :-*


During last  night's show Noory again had to interrupt the interview to tell about one of his several personal stories.
This time it was about his claim that he was the last "reporter" to talk to Jimmy Hoffa before he disappeared.

Whats most laughable is that Noory claimed he was a reporter back then.
In my mind I see cub reporter Jimmy Olsen with a bow-tie. :D


Quote from: mbrown on August 10, 2011, 05:26:20 PM
Oh he is more daring than that...i have heard him say Hades.
Wow, his mother would wash his mouth out with soap if she heard that I bet...  :o

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: valdez on August 10, 2011, 04:26:55 AM
     Sammy Amirante and Dan Broderick on the John Wayne Gacy case.  This should have been a good segment, but when George decided to spend the first twenty minutes reviewing what exactly lawyers do for a living, and then mention that he didn't want to get too "graphic", I knew any hope of a good interview was lost.

     I must wonder how much of the interview was spent on the clown aspect. Gacy's work as a clown that is, not Noory's natural demeanor as one.

    "Was he related to the actor?"

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 10, 2011, 06:16:21 PM
     I must wonder how much of the interview was spent on the clown aspect. Gacy's work as a clown that is, not Noory's natural demeanor as one.

    "Was he related to the actor?"

They talked about it for a few minutes.......George saying no one was scared of clowns until Gacy and Stephen King created Pennywise. The lawyers pointed out that Gacy was actually his most normal dressed as a clown entertaining children, but that the jagged facepaint was a sign of his instability.

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