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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: b_dubb on August 04, 2011, 06:20:33 PM
recent ufo show w/ leslie kean .... snoory interrupts his guest and goes on and on about how he wanted to do a story on stanton 'captain eyebrows' friedman way back when.  george ... shut the fuck up and let the guest talk.  no one cares about your bullshit life

You and I must have been yelling at George at the same times last night, b_dubb.  Is it just me, or has Noory gotten really, really bad about rudely overriding his guest's interesting stories to rehash his same old yarns ad nauseum?

And did anyone else take note of the story told by the woman who had attended one of the health fairs Noory is so proud to speak at?  When it became apparent how nutty it was (even to George) that people at the fair were lining up to touch a certain spot on certain types of US currency and then registering on some electrometer (or whatever) as having weakened muscles in their arm, George cut her off in a New York minute. (The good news was that if one wrote down 369, the normal muscle tone quickly returned.)

You can't make this stuff up, folks.  ::)

HAL 9000

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on August 04, 2011, 06:36:28 PM
wtf!!!  this is awesome.  i have to hear this, if anyone has audio...

Here is just the "Antonio from Washington" portion of the call.

BTW Antonio ... speak a little slower - it's a bit hard to understand you  ;) :o

[attachment deleted by admin]

The General

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on August 04, 2011, 09:06:49 PM
i edited to the specific portion where dandan's second shoutout occurs.  it's attached.   sweeeet.

Looks like you got two for the price of one, bro.
Good going on everybody's part.


Noory's ugly mug appeared as one of the talking heads on tonight's new episode of Ancient Aliens.
He offered his extensive knowledge of the ancient greek mythological creatures like centaurs and dogs with 3 heads.

Quote from: Morgus on August 04, 2011, 03:11:44 AM
Noory reported tonight in the first hour's news stories that the article has been now proved to be a total hoax.
So he says IE users have high IQs after all.  :P

No shit Morgus? I'm a new member here and haven't had enough time on the forums to offer an informed decision on whether that moustache-lipped-douche himself actually reads the posts here. I do have to say, that is a rather strange occurance for him to comment on such a thing so immediate. The Assclown probably has a spoof account here as well I bet. Ok, I think Noory lurks here.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Morgus on August 04, 2011, 11:15:06 PM
He offered his extensive knowledge of the ancient greek mythological creatures like centaurs and dogs with 3 heads.

   I hope a distempered Cerberus bites him multiple times and sets us free from this radio Hell.

Herb Sewell needs to call Noory.
QuoteHerb Sewell is a convicted and former "active and enthusiastic" child molester who served 8 years at Atascadero Psychiatric Forensic Facility in Atascadero, CA. A self-described "monster," Herb admittedly committed "a wide variety of perversions against men, women and children." Having served his time and been subjected to several treatments, including electroshock, insulin shock and "chemical castration," Herb has since been released and infrequently calls in to the Phil Hendrie Show as an "expert" commentator (usually regarding news stories of a deviant sexual nature).

During his stint at the hospital, Herb became acquainted, and in some cases, "dear friends" with a variety of murderers, child molesters and other sexual criminals. Most notably of these is Walter Bellhaven, a serial murderer who may be responsible for up to 120 deaths but was convicted of only 20.

Punctuated by fits of unsettling "nervous" laughter, Herb talks freely about his days behind bars at the facility and is usually in an upbeat and jovial mood.
He is also the author of several books, including "Splendor in the Night," a book about tsunamis.

As a child, Herb was sexually abused and tortured by his mother, whom he still visits "because she's my mother." Despite his professed devotion to "Mother," he admits to fantasies of torturing and killing her. His father was a heroin junkie and well-known jazz musician who died sometime during Herb's childhood.

Herb was once married to a woman named Diane, who he pushed from a moving car and killed on the Grapevine portion of Interestate 5 in California. He has 3 children named Paul, Kim and James, who all witnessed their mother's death at 90MPH on the freeway. His children were traumatized by this and stopped talking to him after moving in with Diane's mother, who Herb refers to as "the creature." He served 6 years for 3rd degree manslaughter at California State Prison in Avenal, CA.

I have at least my own filing cabinet at the National Institute of Health, psychology division.
The last thing I heard when I walked out those gates was Walter Bellhaven's howling laughter.


Quote from: Morgus on August 04, 2011, 11:15:06 PM
Noory's ugly mug appeared as one of the talking heads on tonight's new episode of Ancient Aliens.
He offered his extensive knowledge of the ancient greek mythological creatures like centaurs and dogs with 3 heads.

The episode focuses on mythological creatures, specifically the ones with bodies of this animal, heads of that one, feet of something else, etc - Anubis, the minotaur, dragons...  So there he is, right at the top of the show, in his best radio guy, knowing, professorial tone...

"There was some kind of experimentation going on.  (Short pause for effect) Let's take this (another short pause) animal, and give him two heads.  Let's take this (another pause) dragon, and give him wings.."

He seemed very pleased with himself.


     Astrologer Linda Schurman was causing me no harmness, up unitil she said that the "tea party was paid for by Coca Cola."  Then I had no use for her.  Paranormal investigator and scientist, Dr. Charles T. Tart, was in good spirits, and didn't mind answering George's questions once, and sometimes twice, and noted that some of George's questions were "impossible to answer" (George seems to think that asking those broad, useless questions, like "so how many ghost are running around the earth, right now, in your estimation?", makes him cerebral), but what was really odd was when George brought up the "old hag", (something he always does, he seems to be fixated on this thing) Dr. Tart said that not only had he heard of the old hag syndrome, but he was roommates with the guy who coined the phrase.  Huh?  Really? Do ya think George wanted to know more?  Even a little?  Nope.  Not a chance.  Flip the index cards and forge ahead.  Don't be distracted by the answers.  If you get done early, ask them all again.



That new CC radio has... wait for it...

"TWO HUNDRED [DICKSHITTING] MEMORIES! Enough for all of your radio needs."

Sweet, another Friday night radio show without Snoory.  Take a few weeks off Snoory, we'll be fine!


We get another Noory-free Friday tonight, but have to pay for it with a Noory-hosted Sunday show this weekend.  :P

Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 05, 2011, 03:08:43 AM

The episode focuses on mythological creatures, specifically the ones with bodies of this animal, heads of that one, feet of something else, etc - Anubis, the minotaur, dragons...  So there he is, right at the top of the show, in his best radio guy, knowing, professorial tone...

"There was some kind of experimentation going on.  (Short pause for effect) Let's take this (another short pause) animal, and give him two heads.  Let's take this (another pause) dragon, and give him wings.."

He seemed very pleased with himself.

There was another part later in the show (about 32.30 on the YouTube replay) where they once again turn to George Noory.  It was a larger exerpt from the same comment:

"There was some kind of expermentation going on... novelty!.. a zoo!  Let's see what we can do!  We'll play with these creatures.  Let's take this animal (pause) and give him two heads.  Let's take this (pause) dragon, and give him wings.  Let's let him breathe fire.  Let's have some fun.  Maybe that's what they did."

This does not begin to relate his smug smirky delivery, but it does reveal more of George's depravity when it comes to animals.  George can imagine experimenting for no other reason than to just 'have some fun'.  George Mengele Noory out for the novelty, creating his own freak zoo.  Just something to do, a way to have fun.  Nice.

Can't wait for the History Channel to turn to George Noory for medical commentary on some future show.  This person needs to be kept far from a live microphone.

"Let's take this (another pause) dragon, and give him wings.., let's have this dragon breathe fire, let's have some fun"


Quote from: Morgus on August 05, 2011, 12:59:07 PM
We get another Noory-free Friday tonight, but have to pay for it with a Noory-hosted Sunday show this weekend.  :P

Hoping UFO phil is not an emerging artist


Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 05, 2011, 01:43:46 PM

There was another part later in the show (about 32.30 on the YouTube replay) where they once again turn to George Noory.  It was a larger exerpt from the same comment:

"There was some kind of expermentation going on... novelty!.. a zoo!  Let's see what we can do!  We'll play with these creatures.  Let's take this animal (pause) and give him two heads.  Let's take this (pause) dragon, and give him wings.  Let's let him breathe fire.  Let's have some fun.  Maybe that's what they did."

This does not begin to relate his smug smirky delivery, but it does reveal more of George's depravity when it comes to animals.  George can imagine experimenting for no other reason than to just 'have some fun'.  George Mengele Noory out for the novelty, creating his own freak zoo.  Just something to do, a way to have fun.  Nice.

Can't wait for the History Channel to turn to George Noory for medical commentary on some future show.  This person needs to be kept far from a live microphone.

"Let's take this (another pause) dragon, and give him wings.., let's have this dragon breathe fire, let's have some fun"

In that segment, Noory acted like ancient gods were just creating animal hybrids for fun.
Probably because thats what he thinks about doing, not for a real purpose, just to goof around like he does on his radio show.  :o
Wonder what Noory did for fun with animals as a kid?  :P

Listening to Noory reminds me of the old geezer barbershops my dad used to take us to.

In the dilapadated part of town, most of the buildings boarded up, a tumbleweed rolling through sometimes, there would be one of those red, white, and blue barber poles going round and round.  A sign of life inside.

There would be one or two Noory-like barbers, trying to project thr nice guy image, wasn't really working, but happy to see you, how are you, what have you been doing lately.  Some guests, er, customers would play along, others were happy for the conversation, some would sit there and just get it over with, some wanted to do all the talking and had plenty of goofy ideas themselves.

George, er, the barber would snip a little, walk around, fumble with stuff on the table behind him.  He'd have a bunch of questions he probably asked everyone, a few pet theories he'd ramble through everytime we went in.  Each time, it was as if he'd never told them to us before, he'd always start at the beginning.

Sometimes there would be a guest, er, customer, that loved to talk, and George, er, the barber would quietly wait - not really listening - for his chance to jump in with one of his pointless comments or stories...  There is no yelling or screaming at the barber shop.

I just knew I'd been through all this before somehow... George 'The Barber' Noory... 'my dad wanted me to be a dentist, but yuh kno, I'd rather be right here...'

Quote from: Bart on August 03, 2011, 02:14:32 PM
... And as for the hawaii studio------is george financing it or is it another premrat venture that george HOPES he can get a chance to use someday.  I don't for a minute believe it is FOR him as he likes to imply.  He creeps me out.

My guess is the 'Hawaii Studio' is just another lie that we aren't supposed to remember once the show is over, or, at best, he's trying to get PremRat to make a deal with a local affiliate for George to be able to broadcast there for a few months a year.

Why would they 'build' a studio for a part-time broadcast location when there is plenty of studio space already built?

I think George hates his job, has very little interest in the topics, has nothing to do all day - show prep being out of the question - and misses going out to lounges, strip clubs, and casinoes at night.  Broadcasting from Hawaii he would be on the job (for lack of a better description) from 7pm to 11 instead of 10pm to 2am in LA. 

The 2 hour time difference is probably another reason he goes to St Louis - but he probably hates coming in for the midnight start there, cutting short a night out


Priceless.  OMG, Paper Boy, it's a Twilight Zone episode...

"Hello, George,"

"Hello, look Tommy, it's Mark--sit here on Chair 3, from Washington, if I remember, right?"

"Right, George.  Snohomish, Washington."

"People probably get ya mixed up with Washington, D.C. all the time, don't they Mark?"

"Yes, George.  I love your shop.  You are the bestest of the best and I don't care who knows it."

"Ha Ha, Mark, well, I'm always glad to hear it, never get tired of it, in fact, why don't you say it again."

"Er, sure, George.  I love your shop.  You and Tommy are the best," he looks at the other barber, reading a magazine.  He looks around-- there's no one else in the barbershop.

"Long time traveler, first time hair cut"

"Well, we just love those, so welcome, Mark, that's your name, right?


"So, what can I do for you today?"

"Just a trim, George, a little off the top..." 

"Reminds me of the time my parents drove up to Detroit, passing through with me and my sister.  I was only about eight..."

Camera fades as Rod Sterling walks in.  The barbershop is frozen in tableau.  "George Noory, a man caught in time.  Cycling through the same visitors, the same haircuts, the same comments and stories.  Seemingly innocent, but only at first. Visitors seldom come back.  Since the freeway came in, there's no through traffic anymore.  Few come this way because seen from the outsider's view, the scene is off, somehow canned or...maybe stale. Eerily malevolent in its repetition. 

"See you next time, George."

"OK. Get ready for that."   Camera pans the stillness of the room, the slow fanblades circling overhead. They follow George, who walks stiffly up the stairs.  He opens the door at the top.  To nothing but sky....

Because George Noory lives... in the Twilight Zone.


Yes, Ana.  I can see it clearly.  And in black and white.
Perfect.                   :)


There was a couple callers from Hawaii last night and Noory of course told them the studio on the big island is now ready for him.


Quote from: Morgus on August 05, 2011, 08:33:36 PM
There was a couple callers from Hawaii last night and Noory of course told them the studio on the big island is now ready for him.

Notice he says, "Ready for me" rather than us.  Guess the production team is going to stay in LA and George is going to try to do the show from a tropical island.  Hmmm.  Who does that sound like?


Quote from: anagrammy on August 05, 2011, 10:35:00 PM
Notice he says, "Ready for me" rather than us.  Guess the production team is going to stay in LA and George is going to try to do the show from a tropical island.  Hmmm.  Who does that sound like?


They've come to their senses and they plan to maroon him?

M Knight

Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 06, 2011, 03:34:08 AM

They've come to their senses and they plan to maroon him?

Or, maybe they will just have "technical difficulties" every night Noory is scheduled and will have to go to Knapp or Punnett.


"""""""""""""You ever notice that on a Friday night George usually wastes most of the show with guests? I don't know ... I always look forward to open lines ... and its like one day a week where I can unwind and listen to other people call in with their tales or information on subjects. Whether they are complete idiots or very intelligent ... its makes for great entertainment.

George seems to want to stray from the open lines ... now that I hear of callers being screened multiple times ... it all makes sense. George is not a spontaneous person and indeed does need to be scripted or spoon fed his material.""""""""""""""

I quoted a very old post here and not sure I've done it correctly and what I'm about to say may have already been said. If it has, I apologize. This is a sore point to me and the reason I'm saying it.

The reason for open lines on Friday night is because it's a Federal Law! Or at least an FCC regulation.
The FCC regulations state that on a talk show where the subject is chosen by the host or station it originates from.  One day per week the subject matter shall be controlled by the callers! So, it's not a suggestion for the host or guest not to control the subject matter on Friday night, it's freaking LAW!! Hear that George!!!
Okay, I've beat that dog to death. It's raod kill and stinks...


Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 05, 2011, 03:08:43 AM
"There was some kind of experimentation going on.  (Short pause for effect) Let's take this (another short pause) animal, and give him two heads.  Let's take this (another pause) dragon, and give him wings.."

He seemed very pleased with himself.
not everyone can operate on that level.  most of us would have to be kicked in the head by a mule to be that moronic


Quote from: Jethro on August 06, 2011, 11:17:13 AMThe FCC regulations state that on a talk show where the subject is chosen by the host or station it originates from.  One day per week the subject matter shall be controlled by the callers! So, it's not a suggestion for the host or guest not to control the subject matter on Friday night, it's freaking LAW!!

Is it?  Please cite a source.

Quote from: b_dubb on August 06, 2011, 01:53:19 PM
not everyone can operate on that level.  most of us would have to be kicked in the head by a mule to be that moronic

George on aliens possibly cutting up animals and re-arranging the parts:

"Let's have some fun"

It would be awesome to see all the clips of George on the various Ancient Alien shows spliced together...


Quote from: Art on August 06, 2011, 04:37:25 PM
Is it?  Please cite a source.

Oh Art, You're gonna make me have to work now. I read it in the FCC regulations posted on the web. I'll get the actual wording and post it and location. I looked it up after hearing another Radio talkshow host compaining about it one day. I had to see it for myself too.


Excuse me for abrupt change of subject, but jumping back a few days to the Leslie Kean interview show, about 15 min into the third hour, the Snoorman and Ms Kean were discussing the contributions of Dr. J. Allen Hynek to the field of UFOlogy.  Sort of out of the blue, Snoors declared that Hynek wrote a book titled Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and that in fact was the basis of the Spielberg movie of the same name.  Leslie Kean sounded pretty doubtful, but the Snoormeister assured her that was the how it went down.  Of course this is some bad information that Snoors pulled out of his a$$.  Hyenk authored two books, The UFO Experience and The Hynek UFO Report, and he was listed as co-author on Night Siege the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings.  Having read all these and having seen CE3 a couple times, it seems apparent that the only connection between the books and the movie is that they are both about UFOs, the books more so than the movie.  And also Hynek made a cameo appearance in the movie, as everybody probably knows.  Just another example of the overall incompetence and generally poor quality of C2C with Geo Snoory. 


well of course George hasn't READ any of these books.  sheeeeeeesh.  you want him to furrow that pretty little brow of his?

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