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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Ana: i remember you inviting me to the gn gaffs page, yet for the life of
me can't seem to find it.  Is it funny?


    Len Horowitz turned me on to the Denver airport weirdness the last time he was on the show, tonight he was talking about the E.coli outbreak in Europe.  He impresses me more each time I hear him.  He has that Quayle/Bloom/Lance intensity that carries a show.  It seems the only thing George knew about Dr. Jack Pruett was that his ideas were similar to Zachariah Stichens, with humans being created by aliens to dig for gold, or something, but when Pruett told George that the Virgin Mary was artificially inseminated by those aliens, well, George really didn't know what to do except disassociate himself from the good doctor.  "I can't protect you from the callers", he said, and as it turned out, the callers mostly heaped praise on the old coot, which was surprising considering he also believed that Satan was here to help humanity, and Jesus came to enslave.  Where I come from, that's crazy talk.
Jesus & Satan - reefer-madness photo


Quote from: Roger on June 03, 2011, 12:53:10 AM
Ana: i remember you inviting me to the gn gaffs page, yet for the life of
me can't seem to find it.  Is it funny?

Search "INCOMPETENCE" and you'll find it.  For a time we thought gathering just the goofs and gaffes in one place and putting them on a spreadsheet would be fun and possibly effective in getting him removed.  Then we realized that they don't care if he is incompetent or not, the show is not based on the quality of the presentation, rather it is sold bundled with other shows and stations are forced to take C2C if they want Rush.  Rollye James gave a detailed explanation of the politics of radio and C2C history, if you are that interested, you can search on her name and get more info.

Noory has become a professional hack and lends his name and "reputation" to a variety of products appealing to the aged.  The show has lost the younger demographic and no longer offers vacations to Las Vegas or even cruises, unless they involve the recycled five guests.  I'm expecting their new sponsors will be bedsore medication, denture cream, and the like.



Quote from: the Nooroni'm george the fake fuck noory and i want to talk to you about a new, homeopathic cure for red, inflamed, engorged hemorhoids.  my producer puts it on my head after each show and it usually makes me completely disappear

noory sucks


Quote from: valdez on June 03, 2011, 05:01:50 AM
    Len Horowitz turned me on to the Denver airport weirdness the last time he was on the show, tonight he was talking about the E.coli outbreak in Europe.  He impresses me more each time I hear him.  He has that Quayle/Bloom/Lance intensity that carries a show.  It seems the only thing George knew about Dr. Jack Pruett was that his ideas were similar to Zachariah Stichens, with humans being created by aliens to dig for gold, or something, but when Pruett told George that the Virgin Mary was artificially inseminated by those aliens, well, George really didn't know what to do except disassociate himself from the good doctor.  "I can't protect you from the callers", he said, and as it turned out, the callers mostly heaped praise on the old coot, which was surprising considering he also believed that Satan was here to help humanity, and Jesus came to enslave.  Where I come from, that's crazy talk.

In Mormon cosmology, Satan and Jesus are brothers with Satan wanting people compelled to obey and Jesus opting for free agency.  In a peculiar twist of fate, Mormons are compelled to pay tithing, stop masturbating, and dress properly or they can't go to their children's weddings until they pay up and leave the monkey unspanked.  Don't believe it? Mormons are called in every year for an audit to make sure they are paying the proper amount (Jesus wants to see your W-2's!)

All that aside, Valdez, it is very telling don't you think that he sees his job is to what? Protect listeners from the guests?     AHAH!  I KNEW IT!

No wonder the guests are mainly watered down versions of each other, with a few startling exceptions.  George takes a look at them and says, "That's too weird...listeners don't need that..."  But it's ok to scare the living shit out of listeners with show after show of religious hoo-haw about end of days and Satan on the move and look out for ebola and the giant scorpions.

Meanwhile, he gets a scientist on there and tries to argue about the existence of God, then follows up with an attack on all scientists "they are just too rigid in their thinking."   Yes, requiring statements to be based on actual facts is pretty rigid. 

Does EVERY show have to be religious or bent toward religion?  It's a great interest of mine, but I tend to lose interest when we are dissing scientists in general and then stating that they are trying so hard to get them on the show.  You eliminate the scientists and what do you have left?  The Sylvia Brown types, Ed Dames, Richard Hoagland, and Linda Moulten Howe.  Might as well just give them each one night a week plus open lines Friday and DONE!  No more work finding guests!  Of course the listeners will fade away but the marketing is bundled, which means Rush will carry them all!

Perhaps we could advertise on Craigslist:  WANTED:  Radio show host with open mind and gift of gab for empty late night weird news/paranormal time slot.



Quote from: anagrammy on June 03, 2011, 09:55:40 AM
In Mormon cosmology, Satan and Jesus are brothers with Satan wanting people compelled to obey and Jesus opting for free agency.  In a peculiar twist of fate, Mormons are compelled to pay tithing, stop masturbating, and dress properly or they can't go to their children's weddings until they pay up and leave the monkey unspanked.  Don't believe it? Mormons are called in every year for an audit to make sure they are paying the proper amount (Jesus wants to see your W-2's!)


As a non-member (no not that kind of member) who grew up in SLC, I probably get a bigger kick out of this than most hehehe...


     Psychotherapist Barbara Lamb on human/alien hybrids.  Weird to hear someone who could be your sweet, charming grandmother talking of such things.  Open lines, and in spite of the "nine lives" theme of the night (George did this about two years ago-is it so difficult to come up with new and different dumb themes?) the real theme was George's birthday (today).  Everybody calling in and wishing him a good one.  Even his daughter.  I suppose somebody here has got to do it, or we'll all just continue to be labled as "haters", and never get that shout out.
     Happy Birthday, George.
09alien cake 300x238 alien autopsy cake


Quote from: valdez on June 01, 2011, 04:39:38 AM
    A number of you guys alluded to this ad,  and I hadn't seen it until this morning.  Unbelievable.  Un-friggin'-believable.

Wow! It works great! Check out those buff fat rolls!


Quote from: jinwicked on June 02, 2011, 08:46:47 AM
Ugggh, I could have gone my whole life without seeing this.

Use P90X for all your saggy armpit needs.

Take a look at this.


George Noory wants to master your prostate.

George Drooly

Quote from: valdez on June 04, 2011, 04:52:50 AM...the real theme was George's birthday (today).  Everybody calling in and wishing him a good one.  Even his daughter.

George has a daughter? How does something like that happen? Too much turmeric?


I stopped listening to C2C after Art officially left (no more filling in for George).  Which I suppose speaks volumes in and of itself regarding the negligence of George.  Not only is he not capable of giving a good interview, but clearly the format changed for the show as well.  At least the last time I listened, the topics discussed and the guests on the show are just horrible.

In the beginning I thought, well maybe Art Bell just had a good relationship (which he did) with the guests, so I was cautiously optimistic that maybe after a while Arts old guests would begin to show up.  But at least the last time I listened this wasn't the case. 


i guarrantee that p90x photo of george is photoshopped.  he has no fat in the midsection yet his arms have all the muscle tone of a tube of cake frosting.  bullshit

It's really hard for me to wish Noory a happy birthday without a hint of snark, so I won't.

Oh "Brother" Dimond. This has been the best religious guest Snoory has had on since I don't know when (and ya'll know how Snoory loves his religion and angels) Why? Because Mr. Dimond actually takes a stand. Balls. I've had my fill and then some of the new-agey, touchy feely, "everyone's invited", no-offense, cookie-cutter modern spiritualists. Gimme some fuckin' fire and brim-stone, Gol-dammit!

Maybe next Noory can interview a radical muslim cleric? Now THAT I'd stay up for.


Quote from: Jackpine Savage on June 06, 2011, 01:37:10 AM
I've had my fill and then some of the new-agey, touchy feely, "everyone's invited", no-offense, cookie-cutter modern spiritualists. Gimme some fuckin' fire and brim-stone, Gol-dammit!

Is this perchance said tongue-in-cheek, Jack?  Can't tell for sure.

If not, you should have no problem finding plenty of what you're looking for.  :-\ 

Quote from: Scully on June 06, 2011, 02:44:41 AM

Is this perchance said tongue-in-cheek, Jack?  Can't tell for sure.

If not, you should have no problem finding plenty of what you're looking for.  :-\

You misunderstand. I'm not looking to attend their church, I'm looking for controversy on my late-night radio. I haven't heard a guest disagree with Snoory this much in  I don't know when. Any guest who calls out Snoory's "can't we all just get along and agree sumthin's happenin" intellectual laziness is fine by me. I don't have to agree with them, just take a stand damnit. I don't mean make a bunch of outrageous claims, then completely negate any conviction with mindless compromise. Mr. Dimond actually believes what he says. How many coast guests can you say that about? I bet you can count them on less than one hand.

I want conviction. I want controversy. I'm sick of this pop culture agree to disagree, go along to get along bullshit. Look at our politicians. They all claim to disagree, yet when the chips are down they all go the same way. The disagreements are all superficial and farcical. I want REAL conflict. I want substance. I'm sick of this NWO's false dichotomy.


Quote from: valdez on June 04, 2011, 04:52:50 AM
    I suppose somebody here has got to do it, or we'll all just continue to be labled as "haters", and never get that shout out.
     Happy Birthday, George.

Well I suppose with a thread named George Noory Sucks -- The Definitive Compenduim, this is bound to be an ongoing problem.


     Having to reschedule Jesse Ventura, George pieces together a show with Lawrence Joseph talking about our electrical grid system and how we're all going to go insane when it fizzles out, and Kevin Randle on UFOs.  How many times is George going to relate the "I was on the roof with Ed Grimsly with night vision glasses" story?  And when Randle mentioned a guy named Frank Hoffman, George says...
     "Frank Hoffman.  I did a show with him"
     "Yeah, well, he's completely bogus."
     "Yeah, but he was a good interview."
     Truth Seeker, indeed.  Richard C. Hoagland shot down Martines Google Mars discovery.  I saw the video two days ago.  It freaked me out.  I've been scouring the angry red planet ever since.



Quote from: fysisist on June 06, 2011, 01:03:46 PM
Well I suppose with a thread named George Noory Sucks -- The Definitive Compenduim, this is bound to be an ongoing problem.



     Steven Quayle in the first hour linking the E.coli Europe problem to industrial corporate terrorism or something.  Steve Volk on the paranormal.  Interesting, well spoken guy.  Told a creepy story of a dream he had about a lady stabbing herself. 

Seamus Capone

Quote from: valdez on June 08, 2011, 05:28:06 AM
Steve Volk on the paranormal.  Interesting, well spoken guy.  Told a creepy story of a dream he had about a lady stabbing herself.

I enjoyed that segment. Noory, being the morbid person that he is, just had to mention Elizabeth Kubler Ross's theories on death and dying. What a cutting-edge reference! I'm surprised that he didn't bring up Jean Dixon.

Noory Voice: "Did you see Uri Geller on The Tonight Show?"

Seamus Capone

Whoops! My fourth new post will have to serve as my introductory post. To make a long story short, I lurked here for a few days, and I realized that I needed a place to joke and vent. I don't wanna gild the lily with complaints that you've read dozens of times in the past. I'll just add a few things that have gotten worse lately. Is it just me, or does Noory talk even more about himself now? Also, what's up with the added chitchat and small talk? It makes an already bland, generic, vanilla show that much worse. You sometimes wonder if Noory's Coast is a plot to turn people off to the paranormal. Someone else here put it quite well. Noory can take a fascinating subject and turn it into something banal and mundane.   


    Phillip Margo, one of the original members of the Tokens (The Lion Sleeps Tonight, 1961), live in the studio, and who has since been doing some producing and writing (wrote the last episode of The Love Boat) and now has a science fiction novel to push.  David Darling on the many ways the earth can be destroyed, with George asking, "what if another planet crashes into us?  What about getting sucked into a black hole?  What about being eaten by giant space worms?  What about..." George also refuses to accept that the universe may not have an end:  "It has to end.  It just has to have an end."  Fine, George, whatever you say. Joshua P. Warren visiting haunted prisons and battlefields.  He used to annoy me.  Now not so much.
Phillip on the far right...I think.


Quote from: valdez on June 09, 2011, 05:11:03 AM
      "It has to end.  It just has to have an end."

If only the same could be said for the loutish and tiresome reign of the talking mustache.  Has anyone else noticed that he is trying to edge Art Bell out of the classic shows?  I know they must have a trove of AB shows that they don't use in Classic shows for one reason or another.  Maybe the network doesn't have rights to many of them?


Holy Mother of Bejeezus... please tell me you guys have seen this ad with George in it for the "P90X Extreme Home Fitness".  It's probably already been ripped to shreds here and has it's own thread, but I had to say something before I even looked!

And it *isn't* a photo-shopped gem here!



Quote from: Usagi on June 09, 2011, 07:25:26 PM

And it *isn't* a photo-shopped gem here!


Yeah, I posted it here when I saw a couple of pages back- but, actually, it is Photoshopped!  I've seen the original picture of his face in that ad before on the site somewhere (99% sure of this) and that was NOT the body that was attached to it.  Having studied design and portraiture for years, I can tell you it's altered.  The proportion of the head and body is not right.  Pretty gross to think that Noory looks worse than that in real life.


Quote from: bmd88 on June 09, 2011, 07:42:22 PM
Yeah, I posted it here when I saw a couple of pages back- but, actually, it is Photoshopped!  I've seen the original picture of his face in that ad before on the site somewhere (99% sure of this) and that was NOT the body that was attached to it.  Having studied design and portraiture for years, I can tell you it's altered.  The proportion of the head and body is not right.  Pretty gross to think that Noory looks worse than that in real life.

Oh yeah... it's for sure Photo-shopped.  That's what makes it so beautifully tragic!

I meant more that it wasn't, say, a Marc Knight original here at Coast Gab.  It could easily have been a comedic piece (well it is... unintentionally...). 


Quote from: valdez on June 01, 2011, 04:39:38 AM


*  *  *   A number of you guys alluded to this ad,  and I hadn't seen it until this morning.  Unbelievable.  Un-friggin'-believable.

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Marc Knight on June 09, 2011, 10:49:39 PM

I love it! That's what Noory *should* look like if he completes the program. Have you seen any of the infomercials for that system? The people look like bodybuilders and fitness models. Guys, in their fifties, are more ripped than most guys in their twenties. These new endorsements bring another sad thought to light. I can't see Knapp pitching fitness routines and health food, and this again highlights the disparity between the two hosts. I half expect to hear Noory doing ads for magic beans that grow money trees.

Noory Voice: "Just send one dollar to twenty friends, who will send one dollar to twenty of *their* friends."


          George's idea of a conversation is to try and finish his guest's sentences, getting it wrong every time.  Roger Tolces talking about financial armageddon.  It's getting a little freaky with all these people telling us to store food.  Tolces said to watch the US dollar index, and when it drops below 70 (its 74.3 as of this post) the mad max/road warrior American era will begin.  I track the price of a barrel of oil daily, and I think I'll begin watching this dollar index thing.  Just for kicks.
And get a dog.

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