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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Last night he asked the lie detector guy -
if a person refuses to take a lie detector test, is that guilt by association?

It's as though Dave was reared in a time warp, not quite in the same world as the rest of us.
Most of us, as kids, were taught not to hang with the bad kids or people would deem us guilty by association.  Guilt by association refers to you being judged by the company you keep.

That's such a fundamental of our culture that I'm wondering who he really is.
In spy movies that kind of mistake is made by the enemy mole in your midst. It's a tell.


Quote from: grizpsych on June 03, 2015, 07:40:53 AM
Long time lurker, first time poster. Wow, after listening to George on gabcast, I have a completely different perspective of him.  :-\ And, I wonder if his granddaughter has taken one of my classes.
Norry claimed that people threatened or say stuff about his family (or something to that effect,) which isn't good if it actually happened, but then he goes on to say where his granddaughter is going to school :o. Hint to Norry and other "celebrities"- if you don't want creeps or media harassing your family don't talk about them all the time, post pictures, tell people where they go to school, and so on. Common sense.

Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on June 02, 2015, 11:17:50 PM
that may be, but MV does deserve respect and so does BellGab.

Do you listen to the gab cast a lot? F-bombs are pretty mild compared to something discussed on the show. The only thing that is embrassing is Noory's behavior. He tries to come off like I nice guy, but when I pressed him the true George came out for everyone to see.


Quote from: nbirnes on June 02, 2015, 11:42:43 PM
I was surprised to learn that Godfrey's daughter didn't actually take LSD and jump out of a window, thus ending all research into that drug.

I think that Art Linkletter's daughter jumped out of a building all drugged up.


edit: I should have read all the way thruogh the posts before commenting. (GN still S)


Quote from: nooryisawesome on June 03, 2015, 09:19:15 AM
Do you listen to the gab cast a lot? F-bombs are pretty mild compared to something discussed on the show. The only thing that is embrassing is Noory's behavior. He tries to come off like I nice guy, but when I pressed him the true George came out for everyone to see.
Noory yelled and called you a "lowlife"
Does that mean he considers himself and his buddies a "highlife" ?


Quote from: brujo on June 03, 2015, 09:32:33 AM
I think that Art Linkletter's daughter jumped out of a building all drugged up.

To my recollection, she was not high at the time, but LSD was the ostensible cause as she had previously experimented with it. A sad situation in search of a causative boogey man imo.

Quote from: Morgus on June 03, 2015, 09:33:42 AM
Noory yelled and called you a "lowlife"
Does that mean he considers himself and his buddies a "highlife" ?

He had no explanations for anything either. It is clear he is trying to "game of thrones" art. Somehow, that makes me the low life.


Quote from: onan on June 03, 2015, 05:47:45 AM
My problem with Dave is all about his pretension of moral superiority. Dave walks into the serpent's den and when bitten complains about the snakes. He gets to feign indignation for lack of respect. And, although true, insults are one of the common currencies in many of these threads, he can't have it both ways. If Dave were a consistently present member he may have some ground for demanding some level behavior with other members, but to present himself on such an infrequent basis and request/demand different behaviors is at least naive and more than likely manipulating with the hopes of fomenting infighting.

Yeah I agree, he vacillates between hey guys help me do better and you guys are horrible.  But I doubt he's deep enough to think of strategic manipulation.  I bet his people try to keep him away from here -- for a public person directly engaging critics is a big PR no-no.  I guess I see his ambivalence, wanting it both ways, as a normal human reaction to the circumstances here, and fascinating in an armchair-psychology way.


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 03, 2015, 10:04:20 AM
Yeah I agree, he vacillates between hey guys help me do better and you guys are horrible.  But I doubt he's deep enough to think of strategic manipulation.  I bet his people try to keep him away from here -- for a public person directly engaging critics is a big PR no-no.  I guess I see his ambivalence, wanting it both ways, as a normal human reaction to the circumstances here, and fascinating in an armchair-psychology way.

I thiink you are correct...this was always an ego feeder for Dave...if he came on then he would think he was the guest of honor, if he canceled then that also gave him the sence of superiority...


One thing I did learn from Daves call is that MV has an antenna on this car. What's he driving anyway?


Quote from: PathoJen on June 03, 2015, 10:14:54 AM
One thing I did learn from Daves call is that MV has an antenna on this car. What's he driving anyway?

This might be a tight fit.


Based on the rumors I have heard about Norry, he is not the right person to be endorsing a paranormal dating site.

This is just another way of him using the Coast brand as a cash cow for his back pocket, and he keeps milking it.


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on June 02, 2015, 11:17:50 PM
...MV does deserve respect and so does BellGab.

now you've gone off the deep end, sir.


Quote from: zeebo on June 03, 2015, 12:03:35 AM
Honestly I just can't muster the kind of anger some have towards him personally.

same here.  i was angry years ago, but that has long since worn away.


So is the "paranormal date" the "big announcement" that was promised?

Will there be background checks- obviously which would include past-lives, palm reading, and an astrological compatibility test- and identification procedures for login (either based on your aura or frequency vibration?) Will Norry be liable if the matching system doesn't work and there are The Entity-like rapes or if a jilted boyfriend starts electronic harassment and gang-stalking and the poor girl becomes a targeted individual?


Quote from: PathoJen on June 03, 2015, 10:14:54 AM
One thing I did learn from Daves call is that MV has an antenna on this car. What's he driving anyway?

i proudly drive a 1996 sunfire.


Quote from: MV on June 03, 2015, 11:04:37 AM
i proudly drive a 1996 sunfire.

A what?  Is that the model that Fred Flintstone drives?  How're your brakes?


Quote from: paladin1991 on June 03, 2015, 11:06:34 AM
A what?  Is that the model that Fred Flintstone drives?  How're your brakes?

I suspect his sandals are worn down to mere nubs.


Quote from: chefist on June 03, 2015, 10:07:45 AM
I thiink you are correct...this was always an ego feeder for Dave...if he came on then he would think he was the guest of honor, if he canceled then that also gave him the sence of superiority...

Yes, he gets a lot of attention on this site, probably more than he gets from his insiders, and even negative attention is stimulating for attention-seeking people.

My favorite part of last night was when he was all "oh so you're a tough guy yeah" when he got cussed out.  Right out of a 1940s mobster movie.


Is tonight the big announcement night?  George will probably make us wait until hour 4 - which I won't do.


Dave is addicted to Bellgab the same way some Bellgabbers can't resist the Falkie thread.

I think that Dave's behavior towards Nooryisawesome shows why Dave can't take unscreened callers. and probably why the calls are so very highly screened by Tommy. I wonder how Art would have handled a similar call, likely with class.

The thing I don't get is why everyone is so great full sounding that Dave called in. I don't think he has one, two or even three balls - he is narcissistic and thrives on being the center of the drama & attention. He is the sole person that created the drama by saying the Bellgab site was libelous and that his paras we're going to comb over all the posts. Then when he called in he was a big fat liar saying that he had made no threats toward MV and the site.

So now today, we are talking about what a good guy Dave is....calling GabCast. Instead we should be talking about how awesome Dr. J was & how great of a producer he will be for MiTD. I had never heard him before, and now I am even more psyched for July 20.

Edit: also, last nite, I found out I am not just a hater, I am now a lowlife hater, according to Dave.


Quote from: LadyFish on June 03, 2015, 12:16:31 PM
Dave is addicted to Bellgab the same way some Bellgabbers can't resist the Falkie thread.

Great point, though I'd argue it's also Bellgabbers addicted to Dave for that reason, including me.  Slow-motion train wreck; you can't turn away.


OMG HE CALLED.  It was after the threat of donations to bellgab loL!

I'm listening to it now


Quote from: zeebo on June 03, 2015, 01:54:44 AM
The generational stuff was actually kind of interesting.  I think that guest was on once with Ian was he not?  I remember that being a pretty good show long ago.  But this polygraph test topic is putting the zzzzzz's in zeebo.  Nite all.

I think you're right.  I said Art before but I think it was Ian who prompted me to buy the book.

Thanks for the Haikus.

Quote from: albrecht on June 03, 2015, 09:13:51 AM
Norry claimed that people threatened or say stuff about his family (or something to that effect,) which isn't good if it actually happened, but then he goes on to say where his granddaughter is going to school :o. Hint to Norry and other "celebrities"- if you don't want creeps or media harassing your family don't talk about them all the time, post pictures, tell people where they go to school, and so on. Common sense.

I don't remember him saying people said stuff about his family.  I heard him say members of his family have come across this site and it's embarrassing for him.  Maybe I tuned out for a minute while reading the UFOship chat?


Quote from: LadyFish on June 03, 2015, 12:16:31 PM

...Edit: also, last nite, I found out I am not just a hater, I am now a lowlife hater, according to Dave.
You also "are unemployed, live in your mom's basement, and eat rats." Well, at least for dinner.


Quote from: PaulAtreides on June 03, 2015, 11:26:45 AM
Is tonight the big announcement night?  George will probably make us wait until hour 4 - which I won't do.
I'm guessing it is that "paranormal dating" site he and some other guy came up with but maybe it is something else.

Quote from: K_Dubb on June 03, 2015, 11:25:03 AM
Yes, he gets a lot of attention on this site, probably more than he gets from his insiders, and even negative attention is stimulating for attention-seeking people.

My favorite part of last night was when he was all "oh so you're a tough guy yeah" when he got cussed out.  Right out of a 1940s mobster movie.

My favourite part was when he said "Hell no" to one of (Redacted)'s questions, and then corrected it to "Heck No."  That really shouldn't be my favourite part.  I guess it shows my level of maturity.

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