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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Juan Cena

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 29, 2015, 03:58:14 AM
Well, that was kind of a bust.  Egyptology guest gets information from Richard C. Hoagland and psychic visions.

And you're surprised by this?


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 29, 2015, 03:58:14 AM
Well, that was kind of a bust.  Egyptology guest gets information from Richard C. Hoagland and psychic visions.
I've been semi-following Dr.Carmen Boulter for several years now.  I like her.  I enjoyed her documentary series The Pyramid Code  a great deal. Don't sneeze at psychic visions, even Tesla had them at times.


Quote from: Paradox on May 29, 2015, 01:13:11 AM
Has anyone else noticed that Dave plays longer clips or whole songs since Art first mentioned his issues about getting bumper music?  Or am I having hallucinations again?
Could be we're smoking the same stuff, 'cause I observed the same thing the other night.  More time spent on music means less time spent talking to the guest, which is Dave's weak point.   


Quote from: Paradox on May 29, 2015, 01:13:11 AM
Has anyone else noticed that Dave plays longer clips or whole songs since Art first mentioned his issues about getting bumper music?  Or am I having hallucinations again?

I've been listening on and off while working on a project. I feel left out when I stay away from Coast for too long. I did notice, once or twice, that they played pretty much the whole song. I think it was because I didn't like the song and I kept wondering when they would stop it already. Sometimes I think Coast is the hallucination.  ;)


Guest complimented Noory on his singing last night.


Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on May 28, 2015, 11:25:59 PM
Noory's made protecting the power grid "his own personal pilgrimage."  Heh.

It's the second time he's completely misused the word recently. I recall a few weeks ago he said he had made 'making people healthy' his personal pilgrimage. How profoundly stupid do you need to be to know that makes no sense at all? Just one more example of Dave and the English language being at war with each other.

I also enjoyed the tangle he got himself in when he asked Dame Edna if you can remote gruhview the after life:
"Let me ask you this. In remote viewing, do you have the capability, assuming, you know, life after death, I mean, death after life after death exists....."

And what was all that stuff about remote viewing the vice-president's genitalia? I got completely lost with that one, but spat toothpaste round the bathroom when Dave followed up by saying, in what was surely an unconscious associated innuendo, "The clock's ticking. Get your websites out for us."


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on May 29, 2015, 12:50:45 PM
And what was all that stuff about remote viewing the vice-president's genitalia? I got completely lost with that one, but spat toothpaste round the bathroom when Dave followed up by saying, in what was surely an unconscious associated innuendo, "The clock's ticking. Get your websites out for us."


I think he was indirectly referring to 2008 with McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden.  Since only one of the candidates had a vagina, he could get his star remote viewers to draw out the genitalia they saw in the White House and thereby determine who would win the election.

Quote from: Izintit? on May 29, 2015, 05:16:34 AM
  Hoagland sent her the information unsolicited.She pretty much made Hoagland sound like the  nut he is. The callers for her were much better than average.

I guess my brain turned off after hearing 'Hoagland' so I missed that subtly.  She was a good guest and knew her stuff, but I thought she seemed quite credulous and would still take everything she said with a grain of salt.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 29, 2015, 12:58:38 PM
I think he was indirectly referring to 2008 with McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden.  Since only one of the candidates had a vagina, he could get his star remote viewers to draw out the genitalia they saw in the White House and thereby determine who would win the election.

Yes, the discovery of Ed Dames was a great moment in late-night radio

Sort of a fear mongering version of Jason the Horse


Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 29, 2015, 08:21:37 AM
Guest complimented Noory on his singing last night.
Dave had Marlee Matlin on too?


Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 29, 2015, 08:21:37 AM
Guest complimented Noory on his singing last night.

Some guests also compliment on his questioning ability.  When you are hungry, you compliment the cook. 


Norry, if you are reading this here is something for you to Google, Salton Sea.  This is a lake in California that was a famous resort back in the days of Sinatra.  There were even postcards that said "Greetings from Salton Sea."  Now, it is dried up barren.  The resorts are no more.  The lake is drying up.  To compare, Art is returning and your career will be remembered as the Salton Sea. Dried up and barren. 

Quote from: Dateline on May 29, 2015, 07:09:26 PM
Norry, if you are reading this here is something for you to Google, Salton Sea.  This is a lake in California that was a famous resort back in the days of Sinatra.  There were even postcards that said "Greetings from Salton Sea."  Now, it is dried up barren.  The resorts are no more.  The lake is drying up.  To compare, Art is returning and your career will be remembered as the Salton Sea. Dried up and barren.

George, how it that global cooling working out for ya?


I was watching the local news to catch some updates on the flooding when a piece with a pretty young reporter came on.  She was interviewing someone about something I can't recall and as the interview progressed I became aware that the style and questions sounded familiar.  Then it dawned on me.  It sounded exactly like a Noory interview.  So here we have a host of a national syndicated radio talk show who in reality functions at the level of a newly graduated reporter on thier first assignment.

Sad.  Very sad.


I found this movie listed on Amazon Instant Video today when I searched for "time travel":

Time Travel 0 (2010):
"John Titor Noory, who claimed that he was from the year 2036, would not address trivial questions about the future, but instead address the potential nuclear war between Iran, North Korea, and the United States. "


Quote from: Morgus on May 29, 2015, 08:09:54 PM
I found this movie listed on Amazon Instant Video today when I searched for "time travel":

Time Travel 0 (2010):
"John Titor Noory, who claimed that he was from the year 2036, would not address trivial questions about the future, but instead address the potential nuclear war between Iran, North Korea, and the United States. "
Shouldn't that be John Titor Dave Noorie?

Breaking News! Mystery trumpet sounds explained. It's not the apocalypse! Linda Moulton Cowe discovered the sounds were coming from the Premrat studios. Apparently, Ten-Ton Tommy has taken to playing the butt-trumpet when Jorch enters the studio, to signal, with pomp and circumstance, that radio royalty has arrived.


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on May 29, 2015, 09:13:19 PM
Breaking News! Mystery trumpet sounds explained. It's not the apocalypse! Linda Moulton Cowe discovered the sounds were coming from the Premrat studios. Apparently, Ten-Ton Tommy has taken to playing the butt-trumpet when Jorch enters the studio, to signal, with pomp and circumstance, that radio royalty has arrived.

That must be what prompted that tirade of posts about the King or Something of Late Night Radio.  The trumpet has sounded.

Ok, after a little more investigation, Linda Moulton Cowe discovered that Ten-Ton Tommy learned how to play the butt-trumpet by watching this video. He now serenades Jorch with it, as a sign of respect, when Jorch enters the studio. This shocking information can be found on Linda Moulton Cowe's Earth Fraud Files website. I find this all to be extremely disturbing and disgusting, and Tommy should be ashamed of himself. 


Nick el Ass

The suck is starting already, and I can feel it trying to suck everyone into the portal below Noory's moldy mustache.


Big Mention to Falkie by Noory and plugged his YouTube channel.


He just plugged Failkie's YouTube video on banker suicides

Hey Failkie can I get $10 so I can buy some toenail clippers?  Things are grim.  Can't my shoes on.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: b_dubb on May 29, 2015, 11:13:16 PM
He just plugged Failkie's YouTube video on banker suicides

Hey Failkie can I get $10 so I can buy some toenail clippers?  Things are grim.  Can't my shoes on.

Listening to that man will only make more people want to off themselves.


He just made an intelligent comment.  Grunt!


I, for one, hope Davenport (and LMH) do periodic updates on MITD shows. A link to the past and I like them both, and efforts and continuity if it they had to deal with a Norry aberration for good nighttime radio.
ps: I think I may have a heart attack if Peter gets a report that is not "very interesting."

Nick el Ass

Creepy and/or crazy is an apt description of Dave.

Nick el Ass

George: "Will you be hitting the deck?" Ummm, I think that saying has a different meaning than someone walking around Noory you fucking moron.


Dave just called Davenport 'Feeter' instead of Peter.


Did I just hear Connie "The Giggles" Willis?  Who were all those people she was mentioning that Dave said he knew in his showbiz voice?

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