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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: Nick el Ass on February 07, 2015, 01:32:53 AM
Couldn't this dude even make up a funny voice for his character?!?

Uh, that is his funny voice.


Get her the gift sure to show some love

"...George's Berries
She'll die from them..."

Dipped in top secret pizza sauce, and swizzled with mustache shavings, they are sure to make her bleef

The guy who bought the Shari's Berries and liked them so much in the commercial sounded like Seth.

Seth says "uh" a lot.

He has as much trouble with English as Jorch.

This is so-o-o-o-o-o bad it could only happen on Jorch's show.

The guy began laughing during his own phony Seth spiel.

He must have had a slug of liquor between channelings.

Seth . . . next time . . . smoke some meth.

Maybe you'd be more interesting and at least talk faster.

Seth, another spirit is fucking your wife while you're dicking around here in Jorch's clown car.

Jorch:  "Seth, can we get your books at Amazon?  How do the other spirits get them on there without a credit card?"

Uh, oh.

Seth just said chemtrails will be the death of us.

Then he laughed and let out a snort.

The sick bastard.  He and Jorch are two peas in a pod.


Quote from: Nick el Ass on February 07, 2015, 01:32:53 AM
Couldn't this dude even make up a funny voice for his character?!? Noory needs to realize that if they did hack it maybe it just happened because no one else is reporting any hacking that I have seen, or someone sent him an email after they got a message about site maintenance..

The dude should find a better shtick. He sucks like a sNoory.

One of his Norryites raised the flaming flag of fear and sNoory responded in kind The BoA site upgrading message has been plastered on their website for days if anyone had bothered to read it after they had logged in. So now everyone will rush to try and change their passwords, thinking the site had been hacked and compromised, because "newsman" sNoory told them a rumor that hadn't been verified and vetted. It's the exact same non-thinking process he does with his uneducated opinions on vaccines and other science issues that affect lots of people. sNoory doesn't bother to investigate these things before he reports it as a factual major news alert. He wants to be the first on the scene with the breaking news even if there's no news at all. He often wonders why no one else reports on the things he's reporting on. Well, maybe it's because the genius newsman doesn't act or think like an honest and reputable newsman, but thinks with his "gut" and acts like a sensationalist wannabe-a-newsman-but-never-will-be amateur.


Quote from: nextgen.fm on February 07, 2015, 01:28:58 AM
I wonder if George is still so flustered over Art's return if he will even play his beloved UFO Phil song tonight and maybe he will thank Art
since Noory has a live event to appear at tomorrow, he might sneak out early tonight and have them play some old replay of the last half hour or so of an old open lines show including him reading his old thank-you list with Art Bell and the UFO Phil song...

Quote from: michio on February 07, 2015, 02:00:06 AM
The dude should find a better shtick. He sucks like a sNoory.

One of his Norryites raised the flaming flag of fear and sNoory responded in kind The BoA site upgrading message has been plastered on their website for days if anyone had bothered to read it after they had logged in. So now everyone will rush to try and change their passwords, thinking the site had been hacked and compromised, because "newsman" sNoory told them a rumor that hadn't been verified and vetted. It's the exact same non-thinking process he does with his uneducated opinions on vaccines and other science issues that affect lots of people. sNoory doesn't bother to investigate these things before he reports it as a factual major news alert. He wants to be the first on the scene with the breaking news even if there's no news at all. He often wonders why no one else reports on the things he's reporting on. Well, maybe it's because the genius newsman doesn't act or think like an honest and reputable newsman, but thinks with his "gut" and acts like a sensationalist wannabe-but-never-will-be amateur.

Nice job there.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 07, 2015, 01:57:34 AM
Uh, oh.

Seth just said chemtrails will be the death of us.

Then he laughed and let out a snort.

The sick bastard.  He and Jorch are two peas in a pod.

birds of a feather..

Should Jorch really be talking about truth in journalism after just finishing up telling us a lie about Bank of America?

How much credibility has Jorch lost?

What a hypocritical snot this creature is.

Jorch is going on and on with this interminable monologue so that he doesn't have to take Open Lines calls.

I think Brian Williams should resign as a newscaster and take over hosting duties on Coast.  Credibility has been out the window anyway at C2C for years since this douchebag has been hosting. At least Williams knows how to read the news and conduct an interview.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 07, 2015, 02:01:48 AM
Nice job there.

It pisses me off because without being backlogged with frantic callers on their customer service lines it's bad enough, but this sort of crap is unnecessary and uncalled for. And now reputable sNoory is giving us a sermon on Brian Williams and his credibility.  ::)


oooooh   It is time to channel, the wig.  I am the wig on Noory's head.  I have many stories I can share and I can tell the truth.

I am a credible wig.  No, Norry was not shot at.  He did not see the heat of battle, but I feel the heat from the brow.  It is a tough job, but some wig has got to do it.  My most favorite job is Beeyond Bleef.  It gets scary when he does not use wig tape and he nods his head up and down in agreement.  I would hate to go flying across the stage and hit the camera. 

caller: George, how you doing?

noory: You too, thx!


Quote from: michio on February 07, 2015, 02:18:01 AM
It pisses me off because without being backlogged with frantic callers on their customer service lines it's bad enough, but this sort of crap is unnecessary and uncalled for. And now reputable sNoory is giving us a sermon on Brian Williams and his credibility.  ::)

damn I JUST MISSED that part...


Quote from: narcissist noory on February 07, 2015, 02:19:58 AM
caller: George, how you doing?

noory: You too, thx!

bwahahaha he does this A LOT actually

Quote from: Dateline on February 07, 2015, 02:19:43 AM
oooooh   It is time to channel, the wig.  I am the wig on Noory's head.  I have many stories I can share and I can tell the truth.

I am a credible wig.  No, Norry was not shot at.  He did not see the heat of battle, but I feel the heat from the brow.  It is a tough job, but some wig has got to do it.  My most favorite job is Beeyond Bleef.  It gets scary when he does not use wig tape and he nods his head up and down in agreement.  I would hate to go flying across the stage and hit the camera.

That is hilarious.

Uggh. Soylent Noory. A taste of that will destroy anybody's brain.  Mad cow disease has nothing on Soylent Noory.

Caller just pulled noorys card on carnivora and the guests indirect answers.

Oh man.  Can you imagine George Noory on the Joint Chiefs of Staff?  The world would be destroyed in 5 minutes after GN recommends launching nukes.

I'm trying to figure what Noory is going to do so he can cut out early.  He's got to be at the Conscious Life Expo tomorrow.  Has there been a recent death in the Coast family?


That Brian Williams commentary was the dumbest thing I've heard in awhile.

Did he seriously say that Brian Williams is delivering the best ratings NBC has seen since HUNTLEY-BRINKLEY?!

Brian Williams: 9 million viewers nightly
Huntley-Brinkley: 20 million+ viewers nightly

This kind of fuzzy math is why Noory thinks he's getting better ratings than Art Bell was...

Let me get this straight.  Noory is an expert on ricin potency because he 'watched the breaking bad movie?'. Does this guy really not get that there's a difference between watching fiction and doing research?  And since when was it a movie?  I don't swear publically often but I'm tempted to now.

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