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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Lunger on December 25, 2014, 07:55:40 AM
Census was done in 6-7 BC not AD

Absolutely certain it's AD (shouldn't argue on Chrissie Day, though)


But I will.... ;)


The Jewish historian Josephus recorded that in the year 6â€"7,[2] after the exile of Herod Archelaus (one of the sons and successors of Herod the Great), Quirinius (in Greek, Κυρήνιος, sometimes transliterated Cyrenius), a Roman senator, became governor (Legatus) of Syria, while an equestrian assistant named Coponius was assigned as the first governor (Prefect) of the newly created Iudaea Province. These governors were assigned to conduct a tax census for the Emperor in Syria and Iudaea.[3]
The passage [in Luke, describing the census] describes how Jesus' parents, Joseph and Mary, travel from their home in Nazareth, in Galilee, to Bethlehem, where Jesus is born; this explains how Jesus, a Galilean, could have been born in Bethlehem in Judea, the city of King David.
This passage has long been considered problematic by Biblical scholars, since it places the birth of Jesus around the time of the census in 6/7, whereas both this Gospel and the Gospel of Matthew, which makes no mention of the census, indicate a birth in the reign of Herod the Great, who died in 4 BCE, at least ten years earlier.[12] In addition, no historical sources mention a census of the Roman world which would cover the entire population. Those of Augustus covered Roman citizens only,[13] and it was not the practice in Roman censuses to require people to return to their ancestral homes.[14][15][16][17][18]James Dunn wrote: "the idea of a census requiring individuals to move to the native town of long dead ancestors is hard to credit".[19] E. P. Sanders points out that it would have been the practice for the census-takers, not the taxed, to travel, and that Joseph, resident in Galilee, would not have been covered by a census in Judaea.[20]



Meanwhile, Noory will be there for us live on the holiday tonight (which he called Christmas Day Night), and will be doing what? Engaging in another round of science bashing.

George Noory's world view: angels and demons are incontestably real, the Big Bang and all of science is wrong.

I love how this dumb son-of-a-bitch, George Noory, gets to use applied sciences like radio and the internet to grunt the Neanderthalian lead-in to tonight's show:

"And we'll be talking about why science is wrong."

Hear that?  We'll be talking about why curiosity and documented investigation are wrong after last night's important discovery that angels are real.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on December 25, 2014, 02:52:19 PM

I love how this dumb son-of-a-bitch, George Noory, gets to use applied sciences like radio and the internet to grunt the Neanderthalian lead-in to tonight's show:

"And we'll be talking about why science is wrong."

Hear that?  We'll be talking about why curiosity and documented investigation are wrong after last night's important discovery that angels are real.

He's just bitter that he couldn't pass his first year pre-dental courses, like first year physics, chemistry, and biology -- some of the easiest he could hope to face.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on December 25, 2014, 02:55:57 PM
He's just bitter that he couldn't pass his first year pre-dental courses, like first year physics, chemistry, and biology -- some of the easiest he could hope to face.

10-4, 2216.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on December 25, 2014, 10:56:49 AM
Meanwhile, Noory will be there for us live on the holiday tonight (which he called Christmas Day Night), and will be doing what? Engaging in another round of science bashing.
George Noory's world view: angels and demons are incontestably real, the Big Bang and all of science is wrong.
Then he returns next week for his terrible New Year's Eve and Day predictions shows - a poor shadow of Art's original version.
Art used to take caller predictions for the entire week between Christmas and New Year's Day, with NO guests during that time.
Noory has reduced the caller predictions down now to one night only and will probably have a guest(s) that night taking up some of the time too. Then he has his own variation on New Year's Day with the same tired group of 'professional' predictors that all have terrible track records including the Number's Lady...  :P


Gott im Himmel! Somehow they even got "orbs" into this insane angel show. Worse thing is the new LA studio sounds good...so I can hear Guillley too well. "Of course" Norry won't broadcast from there yet because there still is not "signage" up yet? :o
Ps: he also claims he stands up during most of the show. I call bs on that.

Quote from: Morgus on December 25, 2014, 05:22:50 PM
... his terrible New Year's Eve and Day predictions shows - a poor shadow of Art's original version...

Noory has reduced the caller predictions down now to one night only...

Whut got yew innereschted in callin' thuh show tuh make yor predict-shuns?

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on December 25, 2014, 02:55:57 PM
He's just bitter that he couldn't pass his first year pre-dental courses, like first year physics, chemistry, and biology -- some of the easiest he could hope to face.

Imagine how wrong botany is -- or zoology.  The science that's always wrong is microbiology because all that stuff under a microscope is nothing but a hoax made up by evil scientists.

See, you're much better off consulting a witch doctor or an angel expert like last night's guest.


Quote from: wr250 on December 25, 2014, 07:10:08 AM
merry christmas everyone , and yes even you gnoory.

Let's not get carried away.

QuoteI always think of “Skeptiko 1.0” as being “Follow the data wherever it leads”…that was me thinking that science and skepticism was pretty much a straight-up game, and we just had to dig into the science and we’d get the answers that we need. And there’s some truth to that, but I think what it led to was a greater truth that I call “Skeptiko 2.0” â€" at least to myself I call it that. That was about “It’s more than the data”. It’s about the larger culture of science. It’s about deception [and] conspiracy. It’s about the way the world works and the motivations of the individuals involved."

Dear, dear, dear George,
Please don't fuck this up.
Just take the night off.


Quote from: Morgus on December 25, 2014, 05:22:50 PM
Then he returns next week for his terrible New Year's Eve and Day predictions shows - a poor shadow of Art's original version.
Art used to take caller predictions for the entire week between Christmas and New Year's Day, with NO guests during that time.
Noory has reduced the caller predictions down now to one night only and will probably have a guest(s) that night taking up some of the time too. Then he has his own variation on New Year's Day with the same tired group of 'professional' predictors that all have terrible track records including the Number's Lady...  :P

Yes, I remember when the prediction shows were actually entertaining!  Now we get about 10 predictions of utter crap, moronic guests and probably stupid stories and an idiot song put together by Coast staff.My 2015 prediction is that the show will continue to suck, actually suck more.  Might as well give me a ding on that.  George, when did yew become interested in sucking?


Oh, also for 2015, George will discover he has a portal on his behind with orbs coming out of it.  Will have a whole show dedicated to the topic


"Of all the times that you have sucked, which is the occasion that stands out for you, as the show when you came away thinking, 'Jeez, I really, really did suck hairy balls tonight, didn't I?'"


Quote from: Robert1972 on December 25, 2014, 08:23:34 PM
Yes, I remember when the prediction shows were actually entertaining!  Now we get about 10 predictions of utter crap, moronic guests and probably stupid stories and an idiot song put together by Coast staff.My 2015 prediction is that the show will continue to suck, actually suck more.  Might as well give me a ding on that.  George, when did yew become interested in sucking?

I remember Art would go back to the prior year's predictions and rate them with either a "bonk" or a "ding" I think.  I have not listened to a Noory prediction show in years.  Does he still do that?  I doubt he would be organized enough to be able to pull off something like that.


Paper Boy-that was excellent.  I especially like the line about Joorch's brain being 2 sizes too small.  That certainly explains a lot.


Quote from: MikeJ on December 25, 2014, 09:35:00 PM

I remember Art would go back to the prior year's predictions and rate them with either a "bonk" or a "ding" I think.  I have not listened to a Noory prediction show in years.  Does he still do that?  I doubt he would be organized enough to be able to pull off something like that.

Don't remember if snorge does the bonk or ding thing.  Art did it


Quote from: MikeJ on December 25, 2014, 09:35:00 PM

I remember Art would go back to the prior year's predictions and rate them with either a "bonk" or a "ding" I think.  I have not listened to a Noory prediction show in years.  Does he still do that?  I doubt he would be organized enough to be able to pull off something like that.

Art would write down the predictions on a paper and lock it away.   No, you are right, George wouldn't be that organized.  He would use the paper to wipe off the pizza roll sauce all over his face and pants and throw it away

Quote from: MikeJ on December 25, 2014, 09:39:19 PM
Paper Boy-that was excellent.  I especially like the line about Joorch's brain being 2 sizes too small.  That certainly explains a lot.

Thank you.

George Noory and Dr Seuss did most of the work


Merry Christmas from Joorch. 10yo 'little kid' killed in some weird sacrifice in India, and crying 'little kids' because their brand new XBox isn't working because of the hack. Shoddy, shoddy reporting. Of course XBox will work, even if you've been hacked. Playing any game offline would not be a problem: the hack only affects signing in to XBox Live.
What age is a 'little kid'?


There's the mission statement. 'Why science is wrong about almost everything'

Alex's phone sucks. I'm surprised George hasn't said anything yet.  I guess Lionel Fanthorpe and Joshua P. Warren are sleeping with visions of sugarplum fairies in their heads.  God forbid George should drop the guest and go to open lines.

Wow, some classic Louis Armstrong jazz.  For once, George has some good taste.


If George is live on the holidays for the lonely, troubled souls, as he claims, I'm confused. If this was a show that wanted to take a long step backwards from the relentless fascism of Christmas, a place where everything is bright and shiny and happy and jolly and merry and expensive and is pushed at you from all sides on a daily basis for two months before we even get to Christmas and take time to genuinely reach out to those people for whom, for myriad reasons, this season is anything but bright and merry, I'd applaud it to the hilt. But that's exactly not what what this does. In fact, it continues to push Christmas in the same way that every other show does. Let's see what happens when he gets to Open Lines, but we'll struggle to hear Noory engage genuinely with anyone who might be having a hard time this Xmas night.

I won't even comment on this guest. Ignorance and stupidity.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on December 25, 2014, 02:52:19 PM

I love how this dumb son-of-a-bitch, George Noory, gets to use applied sciences like radio and the internet to grunt the Neanderthalian lead-in to tonight's show:

"And we'll be talking about why science is wrong."

Hear that?  We'll be talking about why curiosity and documented investigation are wrong after last night's important discovery that angels are real.

That's an insult to actual Neanderthals, Major. Comparing sNoory's simpleton "brain" to theirs is atrocious.

sNoory's Coast to Coast mission statement and agenda is obvious tonight, as another poster astutely mentioned. This is the sNooron's time to shine and ours to writhe in disgust, as we listen to the abomination he's shamelessly abducted and proudly turned into a hideous shadow and monster of its former grand self.  To be fair, it's hard for him to be humble when he's a notorious narcissist in denial on his never-ending quest to preach the sacred 'Gospel of Georgie.' The AntiArt walks and talks on "the planet, as well."

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on December 26, 2014, 12:51:31 AM
If George is live on the holidays for the lonely, troubled souls, as he claims, I'm confused. If this was a show that wanted to take a long step backwards from the relentless fascism of Christmas, a place where everything is bright and shiny and happy and jolly and merry and expensive and is pushed at you from all sides on a daily basis for two months before we even get to Christmas and take time to genuinely reach out to those people for whom, for myriad reasons, this season is anything but bright and merry, I'd applaud it to the hilt. But that's exactly not what what this does. In fact, it continues to push Christmas in the same way that every other show does. Let's see what happens when he gets to Open Lines, but we'll struggle to hear Noory engage genuinely with anyone who might be having a hard time this Xmas night...

George has never had an original thought.  It would never occur to him to view Christmas any differently than what the typical Christmas themed TV commercials project


Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 24, 2014, 07:00:31 PM
...And so it was done, the Snorge took Art’s place,
And all over the website, the Snorge plastered his face…

Good Lord.  The bumpers make me want to howl at the moon.  I will not be buying the Coast Christmas cd.  Billy Gibbons should not be associating with these clowns at Coast.

Quote from: michio on December 26, 2014, 01:46:21 AM
That's an insult to actual Neanderthals, Major. Comparing sNoory's simpleton "brain" to theirs is atrocious.

sNoory's Coast to Coast mission statement and agenda is obvious tonight, as another poster astutely mentioned. This is the sNooron's time to shine and ours to writhe in disgust, as we listen to the abomination he's shamelessly abducted and proudly turned into a hideous shadow and monster of its former grand self.  To be fair, it's hard for him to be humble when he's a notorious narcissist in denial on his never-ending quest to preach the sacred 'Gospel of Georgie.' The AntiArt walks and talks on "the planet, as well."

So, one of his better shows then.

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