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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: yumyumtree on March 25, 2014, 01:24:13 PM
What's your take(anybody)on his lawsuit against Chris Kyle and now Kyles widow? When I first heard if it, I thought he was wrong to sue the widow, but after finally learning the details, I'm not so sure. It is a sordid mess, that is for sure.
If the incident never happened at all (not a "he said, she said" but never happened at all, like Jesse wasn't even there) than I say let the lawsuit go on. He is suing the estate and/or publisher as I understand it. If they made up a story to make headlines than they should pay. I'm more curious as to all these Special Forces guys being killed in non-combat arenas, od'ing, or dieing in accidents seemingly all over the place. I'm sure there are some good conspiracy theories there.

George Drooly

Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 25, 2014, 11:18:36 AMTrust me on this; Ventura IS a former frogman. Period.

I think you just like to say "frogman" over and over.

Abby Normal

Jorge (hoar-hay) and James George Janos (Jesse) are quite the admirers of Fidel Castro.  They called him Fidel numerous times.  Personally, I like to call him, "Scum-sucking, Low-Life, Communist Dictator for Life Castro."

I wonder if Fidel took James George Janos for a ride in his 54 Chevy.  Or maybe took him to a detention center to see some pour souls who have been locked up for 50 years for speaking up for democracy.

Here's a thought.  You know why James George Janos didn't run for a second term as Minn-a-SOOOOOOOTA governor?  Because he knew he would LOSE.

Maybe Jorge (Hoar-Hay) will open a studio in Havanah?

Dr. Sax

Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution. Who needs universal education and health care, etc.? Gringos get along fine without them. Just look around.

There's a truly creepy far-rightist undercurrent in here and in this whole High Strangeness scene, and the minute anyone (like Ventura) strays from it, the flag comes out, Kate Smith starts singing, and it's knee-jerk "Thanks for your service" time. I bet half of you are still pissed off about Jane Fonda, let alone the South losing the US Civil War.

Ventura should come out for a monument in D.C. for Vietnam draft dodgers and deserters just to give you that final brain aneurysm.

"The dogs are barking. It's a sign we are on horseback." -- Cervantes


Quote from: Dr. Sax on March 25, 2014, 05:50:44 PM
Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution.

Actually they were.  In 1958, Cuba ranked 3rd or 4th in the Americas on any economic scale - behind the US, Canada, and on a few scales, Costa Rica.  It ranked far ahead of many European countries, which were still recovering from WWII.

As for the free medical care, I don't think I'd like to go to these Cuban hospitals.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on March 25, 2014, 11:18:36 AM
You are INCORRECT, sir. Trust me on this; Ventura IS a former frogman. Period.  He graduated BUD/S class 58 (PLEASE research it) and served as a UDT/ SEAL (slightly different before the 80`s, but cross-trained to do the same tasks) 1970-1975. I don`t much care for the idiot he has become, but he is a brother, and due all the appropriate respect he has earned.
If he was technically a "frogman", I stand corrected. I relate the term to the original WWII and Korean War UDT swimmers who had no SCUBA technology or special weapons. 


Quote from: Dr. Sax on March 25, 2014, 05:50:44 PM
Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution. Who needs universal education and health care, etc.? Gringos get along fine without them. Just look around.

There's a truly creepy far-rightist undercurrent in here and in this whole High Strangeness scene, and the minute anyone (like Ventura) strays from it, the flag comes out, Kate Smith starts singing, and it's knee-jerk "Thanks for your service" time. I bet half of you are still pissed off about Jane Fonda, let alone the South losing the US Civil War.

Ventura should come out for a monument in D.C. for Vietnam draft dodgers and deserters just to give you that final brain aneurysm.

"The dogs are barking. It's a sign we are on horseback." -- Cervantes
I agree, somewhat, though it was interesting to hear old Norry squirm when Ventura started talking about rights of homosexuals and other topics. But I am still mad at Jane Fonda. And certainly the position of workers in general and even slaves were made worse after the Civil War. Corporate and banking interests didn't serve most people well in that time. Habeus Corpus suspended, so many lives lost, the aggrandizement of power to the Federal government over States and the people, and less democracy, and cheaper labor for all (an awful system but at least slaves had to be fed and housed and were a valuable commodity) whereas leased prison labor, share-croppers, and factory labor- without any safety requirements-, and child-labor were in many cases cheaper and meaner and one didn't need to worry about welfare at all.


On a lighter note..straight from the C2C website, just posted! For 15 cents a day you can talk to Dave Shrader and listen to to old shows.

Note to C2C: You need to increase the size and circulation of your audience! It's not so hard!

Quote from: Dr. Sax on March 25, 2014, 05:50:44 PM
Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution. Who needs universal education and health care, etc.?...

How many were escaping to the US on rafts before La Revolución Cubana?



My father referred to himself as a frogman.
He was trained on Catalina Island by the OSS...

It was 1943...

For training the ocean was lit on fire and recruits had to swim under it and through it without gear...
Waking to trash can lids at 3am to run through jungle to a seaside cliff in their underwear...and if you didnt jump at the right moment, you would break your legs...
Underwater obstacles and traps...

The attrition rate of his unit was about 90%...
After the war, he threw his medals in to the ocean...
And told me...
The only heroes are the ones that died.

Now just what is it about "special weapons" or "SCUBA"  you find so fascinating...?
About who is a frogman or a SEAL?

BTW: The Noron sucks...


Quote from: Dr. Sax on March 25, 2014, 05:50:44 PM
Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution. Who needs universal education and health care, etc.? Gringos get along fine without them. Just look around.

There's a truly creepy far-rightist undercurrent in here and in this whole High Strangeness scene, and the minute anyone (like Ventura) strays from it, the flag comes out, Kate Smith starts singing, and it's knee-jerk "Thanks for your service" time. I bet half of you are still pissed off about Jane Fonda, let alone the South losing the US Civil War.

Ventura should come out for a monument in D.C. for Vietnam draft dodgers and deserters just to give you that final brain aneurysm.

"The dogs are barking. It's a sign we are on horseback." -- Cervantes

Notice you didn't cite any of the great cuban inventions or cures. The fact Cuba is a 3rd world toilet has nothing to do with someone being right or left. The difference is, Communist 3rd world toilets always manage to lure left wing morons in and fool them by taking them to the 1 nice hotel and restaurant reserved for the dictator class. We heard about this same great universal healthcare Venezuela had before the truth came out. All through the 80's lefties who would visit the USSR would come back with stories of grandeur and wealth. I remember one speaking to my junior high school 1985, even then non-leftists knew better. Gee guess what happened when the truth came out? This is the same old Communist song and dance, its so tired.


QuoteWed 03-26  Prophecy & Ukraine
• John Hogue

Oh, this ought to be a hoot.


Man, you guys are right.  This entire damn show is pre-recorded.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 25, 2014, 11:11:38 PM
"Koala Lump Poor"

Hahah, I wasn't sure if I heard that right.  Koala.

What an idiot.


"There's an old saying, when the economy goes south, the war goes north....maybe that will happen"

Google can't even find that saying said by anyone.


Quote from: Abby Normal on March 25, 2014, 03:49:11 PM
Jorge (hoar-hay) and James George Janos (Jesse) are quite the admirers of Fidel Castro.  They called him Fidel numerous times.  Personally, I like to call him, "Scum-sucking, Low-Life, Communist Dictator for Life Castro."

I wonder if Fidel took James George Janos for a ride in his 54 Chevy.  Or maybe took him to a detention center to see some pour souls who have been locked up for 50 years for speaking up for democracy.

Here's a thought.  You know why James George Janos didn't run for a second term as Minn-a-SOOOOOOOTA governor?  Because he knew he would LOSE.

Maybe Jorge (Hoar-Hay) will open a studio in Havanah?

You and me both. During that portion of the "interview" Ventura sounded like Sean Penn, Dennis Rodman or some other befuddled celebrity enamored of a dictator. And George's questions and comments sounded even more childish and stilted than usual.


Quote from: Juan on March 25, 2014, 06:03:50 PM
Actually they were.  In 1958, Cuba ranked 3rd or 4th in the Americas on any economic scale - behind the US, Canada, and on a few scales, Costa Rica.  It ranked far ahead of many European countries, which were still recovering from WWII.

As for the free medical care, I don't think I'd like to go to these Cuban hospitals.

I happened on a good book on contemporary Cuban life called Havana Real by Yoani Sanchez. She is a blogger who posed as a German tourist in an Internet cafe to write her blog. She mostly writes about the minutiae of everyday life, such as struggling to have enough soap with which to keep clean and obtaining nutritious food for her child. But one thing that was memorable was her preparation for a friends hospital stay. This meant gathering medical supplies such as the right size of needles because the hospital won't have them.

Batista was no prize, but you're right, people like Elian Gonzales mother weren't trying to come over here on little rafts then. Castro has been in power most of my life time--hope I live long enough to see the old bugger and his brother both out of power.


George seemed to take some pleasure in a story about a German woman who was dead in front of her TV for six months. Also the Oso mud slide. But the Oso mudslide deserves its own thread.


Noory's kind of fired up tonight.  He's always at his best when discussing horrifying end-of-the-world scenarios.  The morbid arousal kicks in and gives his brain a short-term boost into semi-lucidity.


Btw did anyone hear Noory talk about "astronomical" levels of radiation recently measured in St. Louis?  Wtf?

Then he mentioned about how "interesting" it would be to measure childhood cancer rates on the West coast in future years to see if Fukushima fallout was an influence.  (He got a little giddy at this idea.)

And when discussing EMP attacks he mentioned that everyone would suffer except "those priveliged nations without electricity." 

I think I'm done for tonight.


So I turn on a stream after not listening to c2c for a long while and the 1st thing I hear is some caller praising Jorch for taking c2c to new heights since Art left. Why does that term "new heights" keep popping up everywhere he gets praised? New heights should be added to the angels and portals group.


Some "expert". The guy can't pronounce "nuclear" and when a caller asks about taking iodine to combat radiation, he says he's never heard that and it's beyond his expertise. Even I know it's "pottasium iodide" he was talking about.  ::)


Compliment Jorch on how he covers topics then confuse him with a simple question  :'(


How many times can Jorch say Medevdev in the span of two minutes?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Abby Normal

Quote from: Dr. Sax on March 25, 2014, 05:50:44 PM
Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution. Who needs universal education and health care, etc.? Gringos get along fine without them. Just look around.

There's a truly creepy far-rightist undercurrent in here and in this whole High Strangeness scene, and the minute anyone (like Ventura) strays from it, the flag comes out, Kate Smith starts singing, and it's knee-jerk "Thanks for your service" time. I bet half of you are still pissed off about Jane Fonda, let alone the South losing the US Civil War.

Ventura should come out for a monument in D.C. for Vietnam draft dodgers and deserters just to give you that final brain aneurysm.

"The dogs are barking. It's a sign we are on horseback." -- Cervantes

So, in your mind, if a person isn't a starry-eyed admirer of Fidel Castro, he's a supporter of slavery and the Confederacy?

Here's a thought.  If Jesse Ventura can visit Cuba, maybe you can too.  Go there and ask for political asylum.  Then you can spend the rest of your days lounging by the ocean in that worker's paradise.

Quote from: Dr. Sax on March 25, 2014, 05:50:44 PM
Yeah, those Cuban peasants were far better off before the Revolution. Who needs universal education and health care, etc.? Gringos get along fine without them. Just look around.

There's a truly creepy far-rightist undercurrent in here and in this whole High Strangeness scene, and the minute anyone (like Ventura) strays from it, the flag comes out, Kate Smith starts singing, and it's knee-jerk "Thanks for your service" time. I bet half of you are still pissed off about Jane Fonda, let alone the South losing the US Civil War.

Ventura should come out for a monument in D.C. for Vietnam draft dodgers and deserters just to give you that final brain aneurysm.

"The dogs are barking. It's a sign we are on horseback." -- Cervantes

What's truly creepy are far-left commie sympathizers like you.  Put a sock in it or better yet just go away.


Quote from: DocHolliday on March 25, 2014, 11:27:08 PM
"There's an old saying, when the economy goes south, the war goes north....maybe that will happen"
Google can't even find that saying said by anyone.
Quote from: zeebo on March 25, 2014, 11:56:33 PM
...morbid arousal...
Quote from: Immy on March 26, 2014, 12:32:15 AM
Some "expert"...
Quote from: popple on March 26, 2014, 12:47:00 AM

        William Forstchen on EMPs.  I think there are only four subjects now covered on c2c:  EMPs, Piixies, Snapchats, and EMPs.  For God's sakes please don't actually take the time to learn how to pronounce the names of foreign dignitaries, George, you're only a friggin' big time radio broadcaster.  Joseph Gallenberger on positive thinking.  A mildly interesting Jim Karol and Joseph Gallenberger on super memory.  Space guy Steve Kates should get more than 45 seconds.   Catherine Austin Fitts on Facebook's acquisition of everything.

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