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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



I nominate this video for Noory's next submerging artistes AND bumper music.
Knowing Noory, he wouldn't get it.

And for Teritaryimam  as well wherever he may be.

Pug Destroyer: Dogs Singing Death Metal


I don't think that you're supposed to say you're in AA, that's what's A about it. I realize that saying "I'm a friend of Bill W" is not literally the same thing, but still.

If I had some of the stuff on a Facebook page that this guy has, I don't think I'd be talking about selling ones soul to the devil, blah, blah.


This guest is definitely not wrapped tightly. He gets pretty worked up, though, so it has some entertainment value. I am really sick of all the Jesus/Bible content on c2c in the past year. I miss the old days when the preaching would get shut down immediately.

Oh, and now he said all Pagans do is threaten Christians with violence. Ummhmm.

You can admit that you are in AA, if you want to, just not who else is.


Well, I'm a practicing Christian myself. But I can't think of very many Bible-quoting C to C guests that I respect.
If these people would talk real theology instead of Christianity mixed with conspiracy theories or other agendas, listeners might not dislike it so much.


You can admit that you are in AA, if you want to, just not who else is.



Quote from: Birdie on January 22, 2014, 03:26:24 AM
I miss the old days when the preaching would get shut down immediately.

Well it's an odd thing you know, Jorch has all these apocalyptic christian guests on, and then when they want to actually quote or read a specific bible passage that is when Jorch gets his panties all bunched up his asshole.

(my point is to show the irony here: reading passages is somehow considered proselytizing yet they can go on and on preaching all their horseshit beliefs)


Quote from: Birdie on January 22, 2014, 03:26:24 AM
This guest is definitely not wrapped tightly. He gets pretty worked up, though, so it has some entertainment value. I am really sick of all the Jesus/Bible content on c2c in the past year. I miss the old days when the preaching would get shut down immediately.

Oh, and now he said all Pagans do is threaten Christians with violence. Ummhmm.

You can admit that you are in AA, if you want to, just not who else is.

J.C.  Should be lovin' this guy.


I know what you're saying.

Satanic ritual abuse has been debunked for all intents and purposes. No one has found evidence of it, and they tried. It was another crisis that wasn't.


Quote from: yumyumtree on January 22, 2014, 02:27:42 AM
...Is this guy for real?...
Quote from: Birdie on January 22, 2014, 03:26:24 AM
This guest is definitely not wrapped tightly...

    Robert Young Pelton talks about his adventures in Chechnya, and Somalia, and the Congo, and his upcoming hunt for that Kony fellow in the Central African Republic, and George talks about the time a Mexican cab driver took him around the block a few dozen times.  I thought Joshua Abraham was great.  Yeah, he was supposed to talk about ancient aliens, and he did from time to time, but funny how Christians keep sneaking up on us and raising hell.  It was all about his gusto and energy and bizarre tangents, and his ability to keep George quiet, who, by the way, uttered such things as, (with Pelton) "so you have no animosity about going there?"  Did he mean hesitations?  Reservations?  And (with Abraham) "They saw things that not a lot of people, at the time, was saw."  Was saw?  Was saw?  Jeez.  To quote Elvis Costello, he's like a chainsaw rolling through a dictionary.


Quote from: yumyumtree on January 22, 2014, 03:57:46 AM
I know what you're saying.

Satanic ritual abuse has been debunked for all intents and purposes. No one has found evidence of it, and they tried. It was another crisis that wasn't.

Hmm, someone's been ritually abusing Satan himself ? sounds like a major news story to me.


It didn't take long for Jorch's ineptitude to fully resurrect the GNS thread.  Over 1400 pages of suckage.  Jorch is still talking about "The Great Mexican Cab Driver Escapade?"  ::)


Quote from: norrykilledc2c on January 22, 2014, 01:56:35 AM
Look at that. Truly disturbing. It's the four stages of Noory.
1. Just thinks he's so damn funny.
2. Completely oblivious.
3. Easily amused imbecile.
4. Reverts back to soulless George.
These pics are downright disturbing!  By the way, how many wigs does this guy have?  :o


Quote from: Birdie on January 22, 2014, 03:26:24 AM
This guest is definitely not wrapped tightly. He gets pretty worked up, though, so it has some entertainment value. I am really sick of all the Jesus/Bible content on c2c in the past year. I miss the old days when the preaching would get shut down immediately.

Oh, and now he said all Pagans do is threaten Christians with violence. Ummhmm.
No one in media has the balls to call Revelation Cult freaks like Abraham what they are...brainwashed cultists fanatics.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on January 22, 2014, 10:17:08 AM
No one in media has the balls to call Revelation Cult freaks like Abraham what they are...brainwashed cultists fanatics.

what most people were unaware of is that st. john was writing about the roman emperor at the time and not about the future and not about end times either.


Quote from: ItsOver on January 22, 2014, 08:03:43 AM
It didn't take long for Jorch's ineptitude to fully resurrect the GNS thread.  Over 1400 pages of suckage.  Jorch is still talking about "The Great Mexican Cab Driver Escapade?"  ::)

someone needs to make a board game of that. whatever happened to the guy who was making a noory/ab video game ?

" $nooron kidnapped by mexican bandits. they return him and pay you $500 to keep him after shaving off his mustasche and eyebrows and duct taping his mouth. go back 3 spaces. "

hmm, remember that magnetic game where you could put a mustache or wig on the guy on the clipboard using iron filings ? maybe a game where you change mustasches and wigs on Noory. Kind of like the old colorforms games or in this case DT Schmoe. A real American Zero. ( the DT standing for Detroit ).


Art never let anybody quote from the bible.  I'm sure any issue George has with bible quotes stems from that and nothing more.  If it was really up to George you could probably read the whole damn thing as long as he got to sleep and mutter the occasional Jorchspeak.


Quote from: ziznak on January 22, 2014, 03:07:38 PM
Art never let anybody quote from the bible.  I'm sure any issue George has with bible quotes stems from that and nothing more.  If it was really up to George you could probably read the whole damn thing as long as he got to sleep and mutter the occasional Jorchspeak.

I can just hear him now:

"I've always wunderd, did the Romans KNOW that Jesus was a mercaya??"

"Yow! Being croociferd musta really hurt! You couldn't get ME to do it!"

"This reminds me of the time that 'I' was horsewhipped by a Roman!"

"Now, just how evil WAS Satan?"

"If Eve had been a guy, would we even be eating apples today?"

"So did the big bang really take six days? Because I always heard it was instantatious."


"It sherrizz!"


Quote from: dortmunder on January 22, 2014, 03:43:33 PM
I can just hear him now:

"I've always wunderd, did the Romans KNOW that Jesus was a mercaya??"

"Yow! Being croociferd musta really hurt! You couldn't get ME to do it!"

"This reminds me of the time that 'I' was horsewhipped by a Roman!"

"Now, just how evil WAS Satan?"

"If Eve had been a guy, would we even be eating apples today?"

"So did the big bang really take six days? Because I always heard it was instantatious."


"It sherrizz!"
ah man, yer jorchisms got me thinking how funny it would be if jorch could interview all the big characters in the bible... jesus, mary, and joseph of course... the wisemen lol... fucking pilate!! lol or john the baptist.

oh wait... no... had to edit this one in... barabbas interviewed by jorch would be hilarious.


Quote from: ziznak on January 22, 2014, 04:16:16 PM
ah man, yer jorchisms got me thinking how funny it would be if jorch could interview all the big characters in the bible... jesus, mary, and joseph of course... the wisemen lol... fucking pilate!! lol or john the baptist.

oh wait... no... had to edit this one in... barabbas interviewed by jorch would be hilarious.

Heh heh, those would be instant classics!


Quote from: dortmunder on January 22, 2014, 04:36:25 PM
Heh heh, those would be instant classics!
Jorch interviewing Jesus. Ha.  Jesus would have crucified himself after that ordeal.


Quote from: ItsOver on January 21, 2014, 12:50:20 PM
I'm sure Hoagie and Fanthorpe are on standby.  Hoagie should recite "Springheel Jack" and Lionel should hallucinate about the mysterious rock on Mars just to see if Noory even notices.
CLassic observation, ITs OVer!   ;D


Hey, Scully.  Where have you been?  I miss your cogent observations.

Quote from: dortmunder on January 22, 2014, 03:43:33 PM
I can just hear him now:

"I've always wunderd, did the Romans KNOW that Jesus was a mercaya??"

"Yow! Being croociferd musta really hurt! You couldn't get ME to do it!"

"This reminds me of the time that 'I' was horsewhipped by a Roman!"

"Now, just how evil WAS Satan?"

"If Eve had been a guy, would we even be eating apples today?"

"So did the big bang really take six days? Because I always heard it was instantatious."


"It sherrizz!"

Thanks for this. Not much can make me laugh out loud anymore, but this did.


Quote from: At the stroke of midnight on January 22, 2014, 09:28:44 PM
Thanks for this. Not much can make me laugh out loud anymore, but this did.

"instantatious" is my new favorite word.

Quote from: dortmunder on January 22, 2014, 03:43:33 PM
I can just hear him now:

"I've always wunderd, did the Romans KNOW that Jesus was a mercaya??"

"Yow! Being croociferd musta really hurt! You couldn't get ME to do it!"

"This reminds me of the time that 'I' was horsewhipped by a Roman!"

"Now, just how evil WAS Satan?"

"If Eve had been a guy, would we even be eating apples today?"

"So did the big bang really take six days? Because I always heard it was instantatious."


"It sherrizz!"

This is perfect


Quote from: At the stroke of midnight on January 22, 2014, 09:28:44 PM
Thanks for this. Not much can make me laugh out loud anymore, but this did.

Anything I can do to help lift the mood around here :-)


Sounds like kind of a cool line-up tonite.  :)  Or maybe I'm just buzzed again and feeling irrationally optimistic.  :(

The Electric Universe
Date:    01-22-14
Host:    George Noory
Guests:    David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill, Paul H. Smith

Comparative mythologist Dave Talbott and physicist Wallace Thornhill will discuss several recent discoveries in space which offer new support to the electric comet hypothesis and legitimize previously controversial theories.

First Hour: Remote viewing instructor Paul H. Smith shares updates.


Quote from: ziznak on January 22, 2014, 03:07:38 PM
Art never let anybody quote from the bible. 
Not so. Bell hosted Hal Lindsey a couple times; uber-fundie and instigator of the most recent Revelationist Cultism with his "Late Great Planet Earth" crapola in the 70s.  He got very rich milking the Armageddon cash cow. Bell did cut off fundie callers who attempted to read Bible text instead of discussing show topics.


Hey if remote viewing was worth a peanut why wouldn't you just remote view some CEO's office and do some extrasensory insider trading ... i.e., why aren't all the remote viewers billionaires, instead of schlepping for shekels from friggin George Noory?

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