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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 27, 2013, 07:00:12 PMI've never thought George was actually stupid.  No matter how hard he tried to appear so.  Lazy, yes.  Dumb, yes.  Ignorant of so many things, yes.  Unable to think in his feet, of course....

Well, perhaps George has a certain low animal cunning. Enough to allow him to dream of being the "Theme Restaurant King Of South Detroit". Just not enough intelligence to know how to do it.


There once was a host name McSnore.
Who was indeed, indeed an incredible bore
With cue cards in hand
A great sucking sound he did command
And folks he continues to suck don't misunderstand


Being a poetic soul this evening
When on commercial break he did read
All of the comments in opposition to his stead
He did not believe he thought he was the gift to all
The number don't lie they say number one they call
The back office did deceive they were just being kind retirement  was soon to fall.


Tonight I'd like my suck with extra Cremo.

Everyone was dancing in the moonlight.....except george noory and Michael cream-oh. They were too busy sleeping at the mic instead of doing an interesting show. Creapo is as exciting as a turtles orgasm. Can....... anyone.........say.............NAY-ANDRO-TOLLLLLLLL?............anyone?.............anyone?..............Bueller?...........Bueller?....

If anyone is sick of Creapo, Clyde Lewis was talking about a bird outside his window saying "help" tonight.  I'm sure you can find the podcast on tune-in. Give captain crunch and Crappo a rest and check out ground zero.  It's much more energetic.


I think Clyde was stretching it just a little tonight but still better than The Snooron.  I'll play along with Clyde. It sounded to me like the bird was saying "help."   Maybe he'd had enough of Noory, too, and was trying to get Clyde to do something about it.

Jorch maybe in trouble.  I don't think they're are many phone booths left to hide in.

George Drooly

Typically awful show tonight.

First hour nonsense about EVPs, which are "of course" one of the most patently phony/fakeable supernatural "fuh-nomina" so I have zero interest and zero tolerance for the fools that believe in them or suggest they might be real. George's master stroke of the evening came when he - not once, not twice, but THREE times - played a voice recording, mumbling over what we were supposed to hear with the admonition "just a little pause here, then the voice will --" haha, mumbles does it again! He abhors dead air... unless it's inside his own skull.

Second guest was dull as plaster, despite interesting subject. George no help as always, totally unable to have a normal back-and-forth conversation, interrupting, asking questions already answered 30 minutes earlier, etc.

"Classic" show.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on March 27, 2013, 08:41:06 PM

Who said anything about him doing no wrong?  I think I and the other poster have made it clear we don't think he is a competent host.  But this is exactly what I don't want to become... someone who is so wrapped up in my hatred and opinion I can't accept anything but black and white adherence to my belief system, or am completely blind to anyone who might admit the possibililty that someone, Noory in this case, is not 100% bad and 100% evil.   I'm not a shill.  I'm a Canadian (I know what shill means but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say).  Something tells me you're a Tea Party Republican.  Sorry, I tried to keep this light and reasonable but obviously that was not an effective approach.

If you need to completely detest someone, direct it at a true fraud like Hoagland, Leer, or Quayle, and not just a fool host.

I detest Snoory because in 10 years of being on the air he has done nothing to improve and whatever skills he has have completely deteriorated.

And he's made a joke out of what once was a pleasurable experience to listen to.

His continual shilling of products and seeing his face on everything is also annoying.

Hoagland at least makes some attempt at discussing science and he was right about water being on Europa. His claims of a NASA conspiracy don't hold water to me because what does it get NASA by doing it ? I've got both of his books on my shelf and would have to re-read them to see if any of his claims hold water, no pun intended. It's been awhile.

But in his defense, anomalies have been also seen on the moon by competent astronomers, like bridges and other structures for which there was never a credible explanation and there are numerous cases for them in the literature.

Leer makes wild claims but is interesting to listen to.

As for Quayle, I was never into his seeming obsession about Giants and usually turned him off.

When I said you were a shill " for the house " you were coming off as an apologist for Snoory. We already have one in Fort Rock or a couple of other posters.

And yes, I am a Tea Party Republican who attended the first Tea Party rallies. There's nothing inherently wrong with being a member of the Tea Party given that MOST of us want our government to stop wasting money, balance the budget and act responsibly fiscally. At least we don't trash auto dealership windows, defecate on police cars and leave tons of trash when we meet to protest our elected officials.

At one time I worked for major Democratic candidates on the national and state level until my party got taken over by extremists whose positions I could not support nor agree with. That's why in part I became a Republican. There are things in my party I do not agree with either. I didn't and still don't like John McCain and felt that Romney was not the best choice to run against Obama and that I am tired of RINOs running and losing when they fail to go on the attack and try to treat their opponents as a " nice " guy.

I  am a of a Libertarian on certain social issues such as marijuana and the legalization of prostitution and support caring for the aged, blind, disabled and the poor.

Unlike the media and national prominent Democrats, most regular rank and file Republicans do not hate the poor, etc. nor do they want them to starve, be thrown out into the streets or other similar base canards that we've been hearing for years.

That old saw goes back all the way to Barry Goldwater when the Democrats of his day accused him of wanting to eliminate Social Security. The Democrats do it in every election and it's never happened. Though if reforms are not made in both SS AND Medicare benefits will have to be cut because both programs are approaching insolvency.

Finally, I have nothing against Canadians. My relatives live in Mississauga though if the NWO does take over the world I will ask them to change it back to Port Credit because I'm tired of trying to remember how to spell and type Mississauga all of the time. I like rainbow trout, spent a lot of summers in Ontario, listened to CHUM and I loved Sgt. Preston and Yukon King and am not a hoser, eh ?

I hope you're not one either. :D

Though I do think the Quebecois are kind of weird.


Quote from: George Drooly on March 28, 2013, 03:05:40 AM
Typically awful show tonight.

First hour nonsense about EVPs, which are "of course" one of the most patently phony/fakeable supernatural "fuh-nomina" so I have zero interest and zero tolerance for the fools that believe in them or suggest they might be real. George's master stroke of the evening came when he - not once, not twice, but THREE times - played a voice recording, mumbling over what we were supposed to hear with the admonition "just a little pause here, then the voice will --" haha, mumbles does it again! He abhors dead air... unless it's inside his own skull.

Second guest was dull as plaster, despite interesting subject. George no help as always, totally unable to have a normal back-and-forth conversation, interrupting, asking questions already answered 30 minutes earlier, etc.

"Classic" show.

I've heard some EVP recordings that not only sounded real but weren't just on C2C.

As an aside, has anyone ever tried to reverse speech some of what Snoory has said over the years ? I know they used to do that with what Art said even when the reverse speech people were live on with Art back in the old days. It might be fun to listen to what Snoory sounds like backwards and who knows, it might even make more sense.

Speaking of pay phones for a minute, not only is it hard to find a phone booth but try to find a pay phone period anymore. It's almost impossible. The former Trans Bay Terminal in SF used to have a lot of the old wooden phone booths before they demolished them. One would hope someone would have saved some of them.

2600 magazine regularly publishes photos of strange and unusual pay phones from around the world.

I went into the Fry's in Concord last week and thought I could use the pay phone because they used to have 3 of them in there. Now 2 are gone and they left one without a receiver on it. Sheesh.

And we bought a keyboard that said it was Mac compatible and it wasn't and now we have to take it back.

grump. I hate that with some things that are made in China.

For years there was a phone booth at Lake Tahoe that had a sign in it asking people to keep it clean because Superman might need to change in it one day. As far as I know it's still there.

Even Kirk Alyn had his own phone booth, literally. He got it from the theatre which had it and he had used it to change into Superman in one of the 2 Superman serials he did. He tried at one time to sell it but could get no takers. Wooden phone booths in good condition with the phone in them sell for $ 1,000 or more on Ebay.

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Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 28, 2013, 03:37:07 AM
I've heard some EVP recordings that not only sounded real but weren't just on C2C.

And I've seen EVP recordings done in cemeteries where famous people are buried, like the one where my Father is buried and watched them do it live. Wyatt Earp is also buried there.

There have been strange sounds heard at night in the place and ghosts have been seen.




As an aside, has anyone ever tried to reverse speech some of what Snoory has said over the years ? I know they used to do that with what Art said even when the reverse speech people were live on with Art back in the old days. It might be fun to listen to what Snoory sounds like backwards and who knows, it might even make more sense.

Speaking of pay phones for a minute, not only is it hard to find a phone booth but try to find a pay phone period anymore. It's almost impossible. The former Trans Bay Terminal in SF used to have a lot of the old wooden phone booths before they demolished them. One would hope someone would have saved some of them.

2600 magazine regularly publishes photos of strange and unusual pay phones from around the world.

I went into the Fry's in Concord last week and thought I could use the pay phone because they used to have 3 of them in there. Now 2 are gone and they left one without a receiver on it. Sheesh.

And we bought a keyboard that said it was Mac compatible and it wasn't and now we have to take it back.

grump. I hate that with some things that are made in China.

For years there was a phone booth at Lake Tahoe that had a sign in it asking people to keep it clean because Superman might need to change in it one day. As far as I know it's still there.

Even Kirk Alyn had his own phone booth, literally. He got it from the theatre which had it and he had used it to change into Superman in one of the 2 Superman serials he did. He tried at one time to sell it but could get no takers. Wooden phone booths in good condition with the phone in them sell for $ 1,000 or more on Ebay.


Quote from: Sardondi on March 27, 2013, 11:18:09 PM
...George has a certain low animal cunning...
Quote from: Meanandnasty on March 28, 2013, 12:00:33 AM
He sucks...
Quote from: midnightbidder on March 28, 2013, 12:42:56 AM
Quote from: George Drooly on March 28, 2013, 03:05:40 AM
Typically awful...nonsense...
Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 28, 2013, 03:14:35 AM
...done nothing to improve...continual shilling......phone booths...China...Wooden phone booths...

     According to ancient Sanskrit writings Brandon Cook of the GIS and his EVPs got a bum deal with only 40 minutes of air time including callers, the guy who asked Michael Cremo "...eh...you said you were...what kind of scientist?" was spot-on brilliant and already a contender for caller of the year, and George Noory sucks.
it really says that...really


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on March 27, 2013, 08:41:06 PM

Something tells me you're a Tea Party Republican. 

Georgie for President:  What's wrong with the Tea Party?  Please respond by listing the specific  positions that you don't support, along with cites proving that the Tea Party really believes this. Who specifically said what.   Don't use gay marriage or abortion, because the Tea Party as a whole is focused on the economic, and has not taken a position on social issues. 

Bet you'll crawl into the woodwork or provide a limp response. 


Quote from: Tara on March 28, 2013, 07:31:28 AM

Georgie for President:  What's wrong with the Tea Party?  Please respond by listing the specific  positions that you don't support, along with cites proving that the Tea Party really believes this. Who specifically said what.   Don't use gay marriage or abortion, because the Tea Party as a whole is focused on the economic, and has not taken a position on social issues. 

Bet you'll crawl into the woodwork or provide a limp response.

I don't think the Tea Party is a bad idea. I do think the Tea Party has made a huge blunder in attaching itself to christian whacknuts. Whacknuts that in my opinion want to replace US law with the book of leviticus.

Or holding hands with the idiots that really think government should be small enough to drag into the bathroom and drown it.

I am not opposed to making the government more efficient and less costly. I am opposed to shredding empathy from those that should receive it.

No I can't list planks from their platform. I can however smell shit when close enough, and the tea party is close enough. Close enough to the Koch brothers and the ilk of Don Blankenship.

I am opposed to teaching the bible as science.

So the Tea Party... to me, has little credibility and maybe is a bad idea.

Quote from: onan on March 28, 2013, 08:08:23 AM

... I can however smell shit when close enough, and the tea party is close enough...

How did Occupy smell?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 28, 2013, 08:27:18 AM

How did Occupy smell?
The question posed was: what's wrong with the Tea Party? That is what I was answering.
But to be fair and candid... Occupy smells of extreme stupidity.


The C2C guest roster has eroded to near nothing.  C2C, mostly Bell, largely put non-PC archaeology on the map but it seems the credentialed and recognized and interesting guests will no longer appear; probably can't endure Noory's bufoonery. Cremo doesn't even make it to "lightweight".  He merely exploits the efforts of serious investigator/authors like Hancock and Schoch with groundless supposition.  And he does it with such dullness. Good thing it's just is empty time before I hit the sack or I'd be pissed.


Quote from: onan on March 28, 2013, 08:08:23 AM

I don't think the Tea Party is a bad idea. I do think the Tea Party has made a huge blunder in attaching itself to christian whacknuts. Whacknuts that in my opinion want to replace US law with the book of leviticus.

Or holding hands with the idiots that really think government should be small enough to drag into the bathroom and drown it.

I am not opposed to making the government more efficient and less costly. I am opposed to shredding empathy from those that should receive it.

No I can't list planks from their platform. I can however smell shit when close enough, and the tea party is close enough. Close enough to the Koch brothers and the ilk of Don Blankenship.

I am opposed to teaching the bible as science.

So the Tea Party... to me, has little credibility and maybe is a bad idea.

Thanks for your LIMP response.  See you can't provide Tea Party Links connecting them to the religious right.  What's wrong with the Koch brothers?  Sorry, rich people are to be emulated, not denigrated.  Am I to emulate ghetto inhabitants.?   I've earned a fair amount of capital, and it's GREAT. 

Koch brothers are bad?  I've had contact with the poor slackers in this world, and their lack of self  control, behavioral pathologies will top anything.   And en masse they great more havoc than some evil billionaires.   Give me an industrious rich man any day.


Quote from: onan on March 28, 2013, 08:08:23 AM

I don't think the Tea Party is a bad idea. I do think the Tea Party has made a huge blunder in attaching itself to christian whacknuts. Whacknuts that in my opinion want to replace US law with the book of leviticus.

Or holding hands with the idiots that really think government should be small enough to drag into the bathroom and drown it.

I am not opposed to making the government more efficient and less costly. I am opposed to shredding empathy from those that should receive it.

No I can't list planks from their platform. I can however smell shit when close enough, and the tea party is close enough. Close enough to the Koch brothers and the ilk of Don Blankenship.

I am opposed to teaching the bible as science.

So the Tea Party... to me, has little credibility and maybe is a bad idea.

I think that ascribing the values and beliefs of Christian fundamentalists, of which I am certainly NOT one, being Jewish with a small J ( I don't work at it like some do who wear their religion on their sleeve ) and assuming that the entire Tea Party movement is a mistake.

I think the majority of the people who were and are involved are hard working people, not slackers like those in the OWS mob. They want their government to be accountable for their actions, fiscally responsible, to stop taxing the individual and small businesses to death ( and the incredible amount of over regulation and micromanaging done by government on every level as well ) and want our budget balanced and the country's finances to be on an even keel and not the massive debt that we have incurred.

As for the Koch Brothers and other wealthy Conservatives, yes, they helped in part fund the Tea Party, but an article in Forbes on them last year ( which I wish I had at hand but don't because it's in the pile of magazines I keep ) belied many of the myths that have been promulgated about them and a lot of it simply isn't true.

The Left has been funded by Soros, people like John Kerry's wife and hundreds of others who fund radical Leftist causes but with the exception of Beck and occasionally Rush, no one says squat about them because it's become fashionable to rail at only rich eeeeevil Republicans.

We've always had a simultaneous fascination with the rich in this country. We admire some of them for being able to make money and then seek to take it away because of the erroneous assumption that ALL of them have somehow oppressed the poor and the middle class.

Their money helps fund new companies like Apple and others and people forget that. You can't start any business without funding. Even a small business that's funded with the savings of someone ( and with loans from family, charging on credit cards and loans from banks ) comes from money EARNED by that person.

It's how people are employed in this country.

Having a lot of money should not be a politically incorrect crime.

It's what you do with the money and the power it gives you that should matter.

And there are far too many out there in Congress and elsewhere who are rich who use their money to gain even more power.

Money gives you power to change things, for good or bad.

That's the real problem.

Many have no ethics on both sides of the political spectrum. They only seek more money and more power.

This quote from 1984 applies even more today than when it was written.

" The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. "

IF I ever become rich, I would help out those I know & those who have helped me over the years and give to groups like the SPCA and other groups that help people who cannot help themselves due to illness, disability and the like. I sure as hell wouldn't give it all away. That would be folly. And I would take part of it and invest it so I'd make more money for not only myself but to fund more charitable work. That's what people should do and which some don't, like our vice president who only gave $ 3k to charity. ( And I'd say that if I wasn't a Republican. He's not only a buffoon he's a cheap buffoon as well ).

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on March 27, 2013, 08:41:06 PM
Who said anything about him doing no wrong?  I think I and the other poster have made it clear we don't think he is a competent host.  But this is exactly what I don't want to become... someone who is so wrapped up in my hatred and opinion I can't accept anything but black and white adherence to my belief system, or am completely blind to anyone who might admit the possibiilty that someone, Noory in this case, is not 100% bad and 100% evil.   I'm not a shill.  I'm a Canadian (I know what shill means but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say).  Something tells me you're a Tea Party Republican.  Sorry, I tried to keep this light and reasonable but obviously that was not an effective approach.

If you need to completely detest someone, direct it at a true fraud like Hoagland, Leer, or Quayle, and not just a fool host.

Well you will probably catch a little flack posting in the GN sucks thread, there are some GN praise threads around and I generally praise the guy when he does a decent job at things. But unfortunately, as the sous donut chef, GN is under the microscope for me.
Its not really about 100% bad and 100% evil as my uncle Lou is a nice enough guy but he steps on his tongue and and doesn't really give much effort in conversation. If Uncle Lou were hosting C2C I would make fun of him too.


Quote from: Tara on March 28, 2013, 10:36:48 AM

Thanks for your LIMP response.  See you can't provide Tea Party Links connecting them to the religious right.  What's wrong with the Koch brothers? 

There is nothing I posted that you cant find substantiation with a little search. So much for your industrious side. And I have nothing against the wealthy that do not game the system.

Of course there are more poor... and yes some of them can't get out of their own way. Lucky for them there are people like you to look down on them. That will work.

And Falkie you should do just a little research on OWS. The demographics which aren't that hard to find, suggest a much different person than you complain about.


Breaking news on Yahoo. . . A source has disclosed that Barbara Walters will be retiring in May of 2014, and will leave an opening around the table of the popular daytime show "The View."  It is leaked today that the opening will be filled for the first time by a male host, Mr. George R. Noory.  He will be the first male host on "The View"and will be seated next to Whoppi Goldberg who still remains after several other member have gone on to "other opportunities."
This will be an unbelievable opportunity for Mr. Noory who comes ready and equipped with his own mug.  Yes, that is a requirement to be a member of the view.  It currently sells in the Coast To Coast Store, but it will be optioned off to exit with Mr. Noory as he moves to daytime.  You will see him with his mug, yes, that one, and the coffee mug with the same exact suit he has worn to every speaking engagement for the past two years.  It stands up straight for him now, never being cleaned, and ready to be jumped into as he scurries to his next appearance.
He will be able to hide his cue cards behind the mug as he questions the guests.  It will also be a parting of the ways with his sidekick, the Producer, but never worry, Matt Laur is looking for a new gig and being the man behind Noory suits him just fine, especially after his treatment of Ann Curry.
Be watching both mugs, the one that needs work, and the glass one that needs washed. 


When george was introducing Brenden Cook last night, he called the GIS the Ghost Investor Society. geesh. I heard it on the podcast at around the 12:30 mark.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on March 28, 2013, 12:13:11 PM
I think that ascribing the values and beliefs of Christian fundamentalists, of which I am certainly NOT one, being Jewish with a small J ( I don't work at it like some do who wear their religion on their sleeve ) and assuming that the entire Tea Party movement is a mistake.

I think the majority of the people who were and are involved are hard working people, not slackers like those in the OWS mob. They want their government to be accountable for their actions, fiscally responsible, to stop taxing the individual and small businesses to death ( and the incredible amount of over regulation and micromanaging done by government on every level as well ) and want our budget balanced and the country's finances to be on an even keel and not the massive debt that we have incurred.

As for the Koch Brothers and other wealthy Conservatives, yes, they helped in part fund the Tea Party, but an article in Forbes on them last year ( which I wish I had at hand but don't because it's in the pile of magazines I keep ) belied many of the myths that have been promulgated about them and a lot of it simply isn't true.

The Left has been funded by Soros, people like John Kerry's wife and hundreds of others who fund radical Leftist causes but with the exception of Beck and occasionally Rush, no one says squat about them because it's become fashionable to rail at only rich eeeeevil Republicans.

We've always had a simultaneous fascination with the rich in this country. We admire some of them for being able to make money and then seek to take it away because of the erroneous assumption that ALL of them have somehow oppressed the poor and the middle class.

Their money helps fund new companies like Apple and others and people forget that. You can't start any business without funding. Even a small business that's funded with the savings of someone ( and with loans from family, charging on credit cards and loans from banks ) comes from money EARNED by that person.

It's how people are employed in this country.

Having a lot of money should not be a politically incorrect crime.

It's what you do with the money and the power it gives you that should matter.

And there are far too many out there in Congress and elsewhere who are rich who use their money to gain even more power.

Money gives you power to change things, for good or bad.

That's the real problem.

Many have no ethics on both sides of the political spectrum. They only seek more money and more power.

This quote from 1984 applies even more today than when it was written.

" The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. "

IF I ever become rich, I would help out those I know & those who have helped me over the years and give to groups like the SPCA and other groups that help people who cannot help themselves due to illness, disability and the like. I sure as hell wouldn't give it all away. That would be folly. And I would take part of it and invest it so I'd make more money for not only myself but to fund more charitable work. That's what people should do and which some don't, like our vice president who only gave $ 3k to charity. ( And I'd say that if I wasn't a Republican. He's not only a buffoon he's a cheap buffoon as well ).


i'm starting to notice a lot of people failing to use their
[quote] [/quote]
tags properly, so their entire post looks like one huge quote.  if you do this, please fix it.


oh cool. the new george noory/tea party thread..


Quote from: coaster on March 28, 2013, 07:34:39 PM
oh cool. the new george noory/tea party thread..

Not always.  Sometimes it's the Pittsburgh alumni thread.

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