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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: JesusJuice on November 20, 2016, 08:34:49 PM
I liked the site design two versions ago. I absolutely hated it when they changed to the last one (the previous one). I got used to it. I don't even remember what the previous, previous version looked like anymore.

All sites are going to be optimized for mobile. Big ass images, sparse text, options and menu items hidden away so you can't find your way around the site anymore.

Aha. There could be a legitimate market for website displays with an html only option and one for mobile users in parallel.
I still think the desktops and laptops are going to be around for a long long time yet. Just today the neighbor was looking for a picture and he was pawing and pawing and scrolling for this for 5 minutes. In the business world that kind of turkey doesn't fly.


Quote from: JesusJuice on November 20, 2016, 08:34:49 PM
I liked the site design two versions ago. I absolutely hated it when they changed to the last one (the previous one). I got used to it. I don't even remember what the previous, previous version looked like anymore.

All sites are going to be optimized for mobile. Big ass images, sparse text, options and menu items hidden away so you can't find your way around the site anymore.

I agree on that, two versions ago was cool looking design -and same as you I got used to the last one ,
but this re-design is just cheap looking regardless of the reason to optimize for mobiles even tho I think it could be design with more
creativity but I don't visit C2C site that often any more anyways -just got so disinterested in it ,turn the radio on and play it
as a back ground noise most of the time -and catch some interesting stuff from time to time

Before /the two versions ago, and a bit with the last one / when the site had interesting links I visited them almost daily
to check other stuff besides guest for the evening, not any more...


Quote from: trostol on November 20, 2016, 06:55:41 PM
hmm..new site design..doesn'y look awful..but i see i may have to put up with GN on Tuesday as he has NDT on

Somewhere a little 3x5 card stack is waiting: 

"How'd you get into astronomy?"
"Don't you think there must be life out there?"
"Can you explain the big bang?"
"What's your number one favorite science fact?"
"Isn't the universe amazing?"
"Will we ever get the answers?"


Quote from: Dyna-X on November 20, 2016, 08:46:20 PM
They could have sent home all the web developers a decade ago and the state of the net would be an improvement. ...

haha yes.  I remember when gmail & yahoo mail were both simple, efficient, readable.  Now they're clunky over-engineered fails.  I used to fight it but now just hack away as best I can at all the unwieldy interfaces.


Quote from: zeebo on November 20, 2016, 09:41:25 PM
Somewhere a little 3x5 card stack is waiting: 

"How'd you get into astronomy?"
"Don't you think there must be life out there?"
"Can you explain the big bang?"
"What's your number one favorite science fact?"
"Isn't the universe amazing?"
"Will we ever get the answers?"
Can you imagine if Einstein had a computer?


Quote from: zeebo on November 20, 2016, 09:41:25 PM
Somewhere a little 3x5 card stack is waiting: 

"How'd you get into astronomy?"
"Don't you think there must be life out there?"
"Can you explain the big bang?"
"What's your number one favorite science fact?"
"Isn't the universe amazing?"
"Will we ever get the answers?"

Quote from: GravitySucks on November 20, 2016, 09:55:37 PM
Can you imagine if Einstein had a computer?

"What drives you to do what you do" ?


Ah Georgie, his questions are like that cozy old blanket, well-worn and a little too small, but there's a strange comfort in knowing it's always there.


God, what the hell has happened to this place??

George Noory Sucks!


Quote from: NowhereInTime on November 20, 2016, 10:34:38 PM
God, what the hell has happened to this place??

George Noory Sucks!

so does pretty much everyone else though lol

Gumby, Dammit

Quote from: NowhereInTime on November 20, 2016, 10:34:38 PM
God, what the hell has happened to this place??

George Noory Sucks!
douchebots now own the place


Quote from: NowhereInTime on November 20, 2016, 10:34:38 PM
God, what the hell has happened to this place??

George Noory Sucks!

Git Wit ThiT, NiT, wit:




I have just received notifaction from Pair-A-NAMBLA-Date that a one "Tomee" is awaiting me in Greater Britlishistan, JOY!


Quote from: zeebo on November 18, 2016, 06:54:46 PM
Great post, I feel exactly the same.  So tired of page bloat and broken plug-ins and horrible floating icons and slow-loading pointless slideshows etc.  God I miss the days when the net was mostly pure html and emails were plain text.  Fast, cross-platform, easy to read.  Now all these sites are filled with broken formatting and blinking widgets and slow menus.  I'm even mad at Firefox which reached it's perfect state like 5 years ago and since then has been in steady decline with endless unecessary re-engineering and interface redesigns.  Same with Google, and Yahoo, and Ebay and friggin every financial institution I've ever logged into.  The last holdout seems to be the beautifully archaic but blazingly-fast and easy-to-read Craigslist.
You and CP are exactly right. We need more pages like this. Click through a couple of the hyperlinks there and watch how the pages load instantaneously.
(hey, you guys remember blinking text ? - (gag) )

  Zeebo, give palemoon a look. They forked from FFx just before the Australius (blech) design implementation, which would put it at FFx v24 (I think ?) If websites tell you your browser is out of date, there are plenty of addons to spoof your referrer.

Oh Yeah,  George Noory STILL Sucks ! ! !

Quote from: Dyna-X on November 20, 2016, 08:30:00 PM
I'm not crazy about the new C2C website design. Having text and pictures scrolling against a translucent picture is very distracting and when I scroll it makes me feel like I am on a fast elevator. Why cant they just use a flat color background?
I cant wait until the semi-translucent GUI fad dies.
Not a good Background choice.


Quote from: NowhereInTime on November 20, 2016, 10:34:38 PM
God, what the hell has happened to this place??

George Noory Sucks!
There must be an earthquake in the force.  I agree with you completely.


I think George should use his contacts to find Richard C. Hoagland, then perhaps give Hoagie a pep talk on how to do a show on a regular, or at least semi-regular, basis.


I guess because of Thanksgiving, LMH is Wednesday this month.  But, not to worry, Jorch will still be there for the decrepit, the invalids, and the shut-ins on Thanksgiving night with a "very speshial Shecret Doors!  Oh, joy.

Thursday - November 24, 2016
George Noory
Open Lines
On this festive night, join George Noory live as he tries to guess which surprise guests are behind the secret door.


Quote from: ItsOver on November 21, 2016, 09:47:23 PM
I guess because of Thanksgiving, LMH is Wednesday this month.  But, not to worry, Jorch will still be there for the decrepit, the invalids, and the shut-ins on Thanksgiving night with a "very speshial Shecret Doors!  Oh, joy.

Thursday - November 24, 2016
George Noory
Open Lines
On this festive night, join George Noory live as he tries to guess which surprise guests are behind the secret door.
Goodness, aren't the people in those situation already in enough trouble? And didn't Norry do a "secret door" recently? You would think he would just have one of his "doctors" on that night to scare the diseased invalids even more and to milk whatever remaining savings out of them for desperation for a cure and buy some of his supplements. Maybe even taunt them with a "foundation" or "insurance plan" to help out listeners as he did (nothing became of it.) Heck, mabye after a "secret door" he can give away some unread books sent in by guests to his blind listeners.


Quote from: Jackstar on November 20, 2016, 12:50:34 AM

...There's something wrong with all you old farts. Remember the old VCR clocks that would flash "12:00" over and over? That's you now.
Ha!  I don't have to remember.  My old VCR clock still flashes "12:00" over and over.


The latest hashtags trending on Twitter:




I wonder if once we have a new president in office, will sNoory continue to have Mush Shedlots on at the top of the show speaking about the horrible economy and imminent recession, or will Mush's long tradition of sNoory backed economic pessimism suddenly go the way of the dodo bird like sNoory's claimed political neutrality. Time will tell.

136 or 142

Quote from: michio on November 22, 2016, 12:43:30 AM
I wonder if once we have a new president in office, will sNoory continue to have Mush Shedlots on at the top of the show speaking about the horrible economy and imminent recession, or will Mush's long tradition of sNoory backed economic pessimism suddenly go the way of the dodo bird like sNoory's claimed political neutrality. Time will tell.

I think the likeliest thing is that he won't have guests critical of the Trump Administration on for the first six months or so (Howard Bloom may be on but not to discuss Trump or politics) but, by then, Trump's approval ratings will have fallen to around 40% and the critical guests will start re-appearing.  I've been wrong on predictions here before, but this prediction is for a friend.

Quote from: 136 or 142 on November 22, 2016, 02:16:31 PM
... by then, Trump's approval ratings will have fallen to around 40%...

Isn't that about what his ratings were just before the election, according to Big Media?  Heck, it may have even been true, plenty of the votes that got him elected anti-Hilary, not pro-Trump.

My own prediction is that when people find out they've been lied to - again - and Trump isn't Hitler, he'll end up popular with Republican, Independents, and the Reagan Democrats.  Leaving the D's with their mighty coalition of the poor blacks they lie to, elite Lib graduates from Ivy League schools, and the true deplorables - the street rioters. 


Ding ding obligatory "I don't get the Big Bang" question.  Still, pretty good show w/ NDT tonite.


After disappearing for months,  Bill the AAA finally called in this hour to give his multi part long questions on space.
Of course he emphasized he is an Atheist since Noory had just discussed the subject of god...


Quote from: Morgus on November 23, 2016, 01:35:57 AM
After disappearing for months,  Bill the AAA finally called in this hour to give his multi part long questions on space.
Of course he emphasized he is an Atheist since Noory had just discussed the subject of god...

Yes and he was peeved Noory didn't mention it himself lol, Bill likes to be properly introduced!

136 or 142

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on November 22, 2016, 08:32:01 PM
Isn't that about what his ratings were just before the election, according to Big Media?  Heck, it may have even been true, plenty of the votes that got him elected anti-Hilary, not pro-Trump.

My own prediction is that when people find out they've been lied to - again - and Trump isn't Hitler, he'll end up popular with Republican, Independents, and the Reagan Democrats.  Leaving the D's with their mighty coalition of the poor blacks they lie to, elite Lib graduates from Ivy League schools, and the true deplorables - the street rioters.

In regards to his negatives, most Presidents receive a post election bounce and the first poll indicates this for Trump as well as he is now 46/46 favorable/unfavorable.  Of course, this poll was conducted before his possible campaign promise reversals and before the extent to which he's engaging in conflicts of interest (which are not illegal for a President) and using his soon to be office to personally enrich himself (which likely is illegal and, whether illegal or not, almost certainly is impeachable) has started to become clear.

I suppose I should have written once his ratings drop to something like 40/60 Noory will likely slowly start to turn against Trump. With these stories coming out, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump's post election bounce is very short lived, and his favorables could quickly drop back to 40%, but I don't think his unfavorables would go much higher than 50% until he starts governing.

It's too soon to say for certain, but to the degree that Trump doesn't govern as a fascist which is essentially what he campaigned as, your prediction may be correct.

I note however, that would mean that many of his campaign promises were lies, which to my mind makes him just one of those standard politicians whose swamp he promised to drain, but you seem to have already forgiven him for likely promising things that were just lies.  Well, I'm shocked.


Quote from: Morgus on November 23, 2016, 01:35:57 AM
After disappearing for months,  Bill the AAA finally called in this hour to give his multi part long questions on space.
Of course he emphasized he is an Atheist since Noory had just discussed the subject of god...
The annoying Bill called into Clyde several weeks ago with his usual AAA spiel and Clyde jumped on him, asking him why he was always so insistent about declaring his atheism.  Clyde was all over him, until Bill was a sputtering mess, at which point Clyde thanked him for calling and kicked him to the roadside.  ;D

136 or 142

Quote from: zeebo on November 23, 2016, 01:16:54 AM
Ding ding obligatory "I don't get the Big Bang" question.  Still, pretty good show w/ NDT tonite.

And 'the God' question.  I thought NDT gave a good answer to that in regards to the NT Bible.  However, I would like it if he had been asked what he thought about the possibility that there is a creator of the universe that has nothing to do with any of the Gods that man has created in his own image.

I, however, also am pleased that Noory didn't say "I don't want to call it God, but..." but simply asked "Do you believe in God?"

Also, for once, Noory didn't use the to me now completely obnoxious phrase 'primordial soup' when bringing up his (likely correct) belief that everything in the universe operates using the same laws of physics.

136 or 142

Quote from: ItsOver on November 23, 2016, 10:40:09 AM
The annoying Bill called into Clyde several weeks ago with his usual AAA spiel and Clyde jumped on him, asking him why he was always so insistent about declaring his atheism.  Clyde was all over him, until Bill was a sputtering mess, at which point Clyde thanked him for calling and kicked him to the roadside.  ;D

Hi, Hi.

Bill doesn't want to admit it, but God insists that Bill always declare his atheism.   God says to Bill "I don't want to take the blame for creating you."

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