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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



I may take a jab at editing the video, but at one minute long, theres not much material to work with.


Quote from: albrecht on June 03, 2015, 11:04:16 AM
So is the "paranormal date" the "big announcement" that was promised?
It certainly looks like thats his big announcement for tonight.
Noory probably got the idea of "paranormal date" from longtime caller Bill the AAA who Noory tried to setup on a date with another caller some years back...


Quote from: coaster on June 03, 2015, 03:10:22 PM
I just find it weird. Can you imagine meeting a couple and asking how they met, and them saying they met on paranormaldate.
"I just found it so hot how he was into alien abductions, and it just sealed the deal when he found out I hunt ghosts for a living"
How would you like to have them as neighbors...no thanks.
Probably one of the few dating sites that you could mention getting anally probed and get a second date,though.


Quote from: Izintit? on June 03, 2015, 04:14:56 PM
Probably one of the few dating sites that you could mention getting anally probed and get a second date,though.
It would be an odd first date; breaking the ice with casual conversations like cored rectums discussions (is it UFOs or a government plot?)

Little Hater

Quote from: Morgus on June 03, 2015, 03:48:40 PM
It certainly looks like thats his big announcement for tonight.
Noory probably got the idea of "paranormal date" from longtime caller Bill the AAA who Noory tried to setup on a date with another caller some years back...

The domain is owned by Mark Rollins of Talent On Hold, which appears to be a voice-over agency. My guess is that this is just another venture Noory is lending his name to (for a few $) and has no real connection with, like all of his books.


I've been opining here about Noory for the last 2.5 years.  I think it's time for me to let it go.  George got me thinking when he said on the gabcast that he's a different kind of broadcaster, and he's doing a different kind of show.  I think I've been too attached to the c2c of old, and it's time to realize that's gone, and move on.

Obviously I hope Art's new show will bring back some of the magic, but in any case, the modern-day c2c really is something else, it's really aimed at a different kind of audience, many of whom seem to still like it.  I've decided to try and just accept that.

So I'm gonna cut way back on my activity on this thread.  I may check in from time to time, to comment on various guests or whatever, but I'm gonna try to resist going on diatribes about George or the show.  Put another way, gonna try to be more pro-Art, and less anti-Noory.  However, George Noory haikus are exempt from this plan - I mean I have to have some outlet, right? 

So here's your early b-day present George, one less jedi squirrel giving you a hard time.  Catch the rest of you guys on some other threads.


Quote from: zeebo on June 03, 2015, 04:26:06 PM
Put another way, gonna try to be more pro-Art, and less anti-Noory.  However, George Noory haikus are exempt from this plan - I mean I have to have some outlet, right? 

Yes, it is unwise to stop cold-turkey. I agree we should all be more Pro-Art but still like people detailing the Norryisms.

I thought Jorch's big announcement was going to be a raffle to win a date with Annie from Alabama. What he forgot to mention in his promo for the new dating website is that Annie from Alabama will be the only female member, and she is more hirsute than Jorch.

What a pathetic attempt to milk more money out of dumb suckers. Jorch should start his own paranormal sideshow next. Ten-Ton Tommy as the morbidly obese man. Annie from Alabama as the bearded lady. Jorch himself as the bewigged dunce with the IQ of a pebble.

Quote from: Little Hater on June 03, 2015, 04:25:03 PM
The domain is owned by Mark Rollins of Talent On Hold, which appears to be a voice-over agency. My guess is that this is just another venture Noory is lending his name to (for a few $) and has no real connection with, like all of his books.

Most of these dating sites are just carbon copies of each other formatted with different names to try to lure different people in.

Quote from: zeebo on June 03, 2015, 04:26:06 PM
I've been opining here about Noory for the last 2.5 years.  I think it's time for me to let it go.  George got me thinking when he said on the gabcast that he's a different kind of broadcaster, and he's doing a different kind of show.  I think I've been too attached to the c2c of old, and it's time to realize that's gone, and move on.

Obviously I hope Art's new show will bring back some of the magic, but in any case, the modern-day c2c really is something else, it's really aimed at a different kind of audience, many of whom seem to still like it.  I've decided to try and just accept that.

So I'm gonna cut way back on my activity on this thread.  I may check in from time to time, to comment on various guests or whatever, but I'm gonna try to resist going on diatribes about George or the show.  Put another way, gonna try to be more pro-Art, and less anti-Noory.  However, George Noory haikus are exempt from this plan - I mean I have to have some outlet, right? 

So here's your early b-day present George, one less jedi squirrel giving you a hard time.  Catch the rest of you guys on some other threads.

My tablet inexplicably opened up my radio app and started playing sad piano music while I read that.  I'm sorry to see another good poster leave.


  Paranormaldate.com is too broad. I can see a man who is interested in CERN yawning while his date rambles on about psychics or a woman facinated with crop circles rolling her eyes when all her date wants to talk about is Sasquatch. No, if you really want to start an all-inclusive paranormal dating site buy GNSdate.com.



Quote from: Morgus on June 03, 2015, 03:48:40 PM
It certainly looks like thats his big announcement for tonight.
Noory probably got the idea of "paranormal date" from longtime caller Bill the AAA who Noory tried to setup on a date with another caller some years back...

Well, you know he's loaning his name to this little project so he can make a lot of money for doing nothing.   Also, like all Noory "products," you're invited to use a discount code "George" or some such thing in order for them to track you.  Hell, that's a revenue stream for him too -- giving your personal information out to various personal data collection firms and agencies...


Noory on the Gabcast, what more can be said?

Well I'm not going to say it was a dull moment hearing nooryisawesome go all Joe Pesci on him, but I think it's easier if you see Jorch not as the enemy but as an object for parody or satire. The idea to keep in mind is not to frustrate oneself with anything Jorch does but to take it all with a grain of salt. Keep your sense of humor about it.

And to answer the question: Why does Jorch come here? Because he sees himself as a "worker in the light", and according to Jorch, everyone here at bellgab is in the dark and so Jorch sees himself as sort of a savior who can change hearts and rescue souls. So on your knees, take your pizza roll communion and worship the 'stache!



Quote from: Rico999 on June 03, 2015, 01:11:26 PM
Listening to Dave's "performance" on GabCast told me several things:  First, his appearance was an obvious threat to MV that he and his handlers are thinking about suing.  The repeated denials that he was considering such an action was proof to me that's exactly what's on his mind.  You know the old adage "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"   Well, it should go both ways and I trust that the people who run this site understand that's the way it is.   My conclusion is that Dave wants to tame down this site so as to render it ineffective.  Even though he's using a subtle, "good cop" approach to the operators of this site,  his message was pretty clear.

I think Dave being tardy in coming on the GabCast was a result of him and his staff discussing what should be said for public consumption and how it would be presented -- or if he should go on the program in the first place.  Evidently, they decided it would work for him.   I don't think Noory does anything public off the cuff.   The whole idea is to reinforce the idea to the public, i.e., supporters and members of this forum, is that he's a "good guy," and "approachable."

I would be very hesitant to communicate with Dave on a personal level.  I think he and his handlers would love to find out who exactly the people who post on this forum are for security purposes.  And I wouldn't at all be surprised if they are able to find out who the posters are, that they share that information with law enforcement or other government entities, certainly their own corporate security people.  If you're a member of Coast Insider, you can guarantee that information has been shared.  Further, I'm certain that given the nature of the topics covered on the program,  elements of the US government security apparatus would like to know the identities of listeners and callers to this program -- for obvious reasons.

This goes for not only Coast, but the whole lineup of programs on Premiere Radio Networks.   Edward Snowden's revelations about how extensive the government intrusion is into our private lives -- and the participation of corporate entities cooperating with the government to accomplish this tells me that one has to take care to be mindful of our own personal security.

"Paranormal Date" is a really good example of what I'm talking about. 

Dave's not only a lamebrain radio talker, he's probably a useful idiot for people who want to know who you are.

This takes me back to my scene kid days, George your acting like a 15 year old scene boy who went on his myspace and found something he didn't like. You print it off and go crying to the principal and the school constable about how society just doesn't get me and haters are ruining my life. You told a caller on the gab cast last night to grow up. I totally get that caller's frustration with you as I am sure many would have some choice words for you, but myself would have been a bit more professional. George take you own advice and grow up a little bit. Sticks and stones George, sticks and stones.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on June 03, 2015, 04:39:21 PM
My tablet inexplicably opened up my radio app and started playing sad piano music while I read that.  I'm sorry to see another good poster leave.

Thanks GFP, I'll be around, just keeping a low profile on this thread.  Of course last time I tried this, I only lasted a few weeks before George said or did something so exhasperating I just had to go on a tirade about it.  We'll see if I can beat my record.   :D   


Quote from: zeebo on June 03, 2015, 04:26:06 PM
I've been opining here about Noory for the last 2.5 years.  I think it's time for me to let it go.  George got me thinking when he said on the gabcast that he's a different kind of broadcaster, and he's doing a different kind of show.  I think I've been too attached to the c2c of old, and it's time to realize that's gone, and move on.

Obviously I hope Art's new show will bring back some of the magic, but in any case, the modern-day c2c really is something else, it's really aimed at a different kind of audience, many of whom seem to still like it.  I've decided to try and just accept that.

So I'm gonna cut way back on my activity on this thread.  I may check in from time to time, to comment on various guests or whatever, but I'm gonna try to resist going on diatribes about George or the show.  Put another way, gonna try to be more pro-Art, and less anti-Noory.  However, George Noory haikus are exempt from this plan - I mean I have to have some outlet, right? 

So here's your early b-day present George, one less jedi squirrel giving you a hard time.  Catch the rest of you guys on some other threads.
Don't be too scarce, Zeeb.  You're our favorite squirrel.

Quote from: coaster on June 02, 2015, 10:16:36 PM
Noory, none of us run the gabcast. Don't use us as an excuse to back out of the show. I give you a lot of crap and poke fun, but you need to post as least one instance where someone said anything about your family.
and yes, time for everyone to chill out and look forward to July.

Right? This bothered me. The only time I recall seeing his family mentioned was about his granddaughter who was offended by something she read and he wanted MV  to delete this thread. Oh the irony coming from the so-called champion of free speech. That, and the avatar of his grandchild in the egg which wasn't at all offensive. And, if I recall correctly, people here were very supportive when his mother passed away and during his sister's bout with brain cancer.

It's another way to try and break the forum up into fighting groups, the same way he maneuvered Falkie behind the scenes until Falkie made that vicious video about Redacted. I'll say it again for all new people: don't be fooled, he is not a nice man. He came on long enough to play the victim last night, but it's an act.

zeebo, I hope you don't stay away too long. Jedi squirrels the world needs.

Quote from: Unscreened Caller on June 03, 2015, 07:47:16 PM
... That, and the avatar of his grandchild in the egg which wasn't at all offensive...

The photo of the grandchild photo-shopped into the egg was offensive.  Horrible, poor kid

The thing is, someone in the Noory family did it and George had it posted on the C2C website - where it was found by posters here


I'm listening to Dave Schrader's show on Dark Matter Network right now.  He just announced that Noory will be making an appearance tonight to talk about a press release.  Guess this is the Big News he's been talking about.


Dave tells us a little 30 second story. Would have been longer, but the original is only a minute long. Not a lot of meat on that bone.



I have never seen mention of his family here.
Who would care enough to drag them into it?
There was a thread about suspected alcoholism that might be considered out of bounds, but he can't possibly be reading everything said on this sub-board.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 03, 2015, 07:57:12 PM
The photo of the grandchild photo-shopped into the egg was offensive.  Horrible, poor kid

The thing is, someone in the Noory family did it and George had it posted on the C2C website - where it was found by posters here

Sorry, I should have elaborated on that one. He can't claim it was offensive if someone in his family made it and he posted it. This is why I find all this about insulting his family just so much bs designed to make him the victim.


Quote from: coaster on June 03, 2015, 08:12:00 PM
Dave tells us a little 30 second story. Would have been longer, but the original is only a minute long. Not a lot of meat on that bone.




Quote from: SaucyRossy on June 03, 2015, 08:45:45 PM
WOWSA!   Such a parody, it brought tears to my eyes and I became all choked up. . . laughter.

Introducing the first member of the Paranormal Date website:

Annie from Alabama-
She enjoys long walks on the beach, on the Redneck Riviera.
She loves dining out on possum and squirrel.
Hobbies include calling in to Coast to Coast every night with increasingly stupid and pointless comments.
Turn ons include hirsute dunce radio hosts with black rats on their heads, who are incapable of speaking the English language.
She describes her figure as "rubenesque."
She states she is adventurous, and would not turn down a three-way between herself, Ten-Ton Tommy, and a certain bewigged cretin.


Quote from: coaster on June 03, 2015, 08:12:00 PM
Dave tells us a little 30 second story. Would have been longer, but the original is only a minute long. Not a lot of meat on that bone.



Quote from: Little Hater on June 03, 2015, 04:25:03 PM
The domain is owned by Mark Rollins of Talent On Hold, which appears to be a voice-over agency. My guess is that this is just another venture Noory is lending his name to (for a few $) and has no real connection with, like all of his books.
ANd his shows.


So, is tonight the unveiling of Noory's secret? If so, I may go to the c2c website, click on an affiliate, and listen to their free stream (rather than pay c2c for the same stream).

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