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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



If you have ever criticized Noory in the past, you are a hater by default. Noory labels people "haters" because that means he can dismiss any legitimate complaints that person has about him or the show. He is capable of improving the show, but he is too lazy and just doesn't care, so "haters gonna hate".


The guest, Paul F Eno, was pretty good and Norry didn't screw it up- too much. It was funny though the complete silence when Eno mentioned "I'm sure you have...." 'visited the British Museum', 'visited the White House', etc. Norry no replied as I doubt he has visited interesting or historical sites.


Quote from: SnapT on May 06, 2015, 12:59:07 AM

The funny thing about this video was how happy Jorch was to let Falkie the Foil rant against Bellgabbers while he stood by and played "good cop" murmuring "no!" as if he wasn`t enjoying it and was just a nice guy.  It might have been more believable if he didn`t have that shit-eating grin on his face. Meanwhile, Tommy was playing bodyguard,I guess, standing there like Notorious P.I.G.  GNS


In the first video where they were at the event, Noory said "hi bellgabbers", and there was no negativity or hate in the way he said it. I think it was a genuine "hello". But then later on, Falkie, the Bloated Assface went on a tirade about bellgab, so Noory started talking about the 25 haters, I think to appease Falkie.
I find it funny that Falkie bitches so much about this site when he should be thankful that WE are the reason his shit gets views. WE are the only people who gives that crybaby any attention.

Quote from: ponyboysunset on May 06, 2015, 09:57:21 AM
I just want to say I am one of the 25 haters, so that only leaves 24 more of you left! But somehow that qualifies for fuzzy math, if anything ever does.

Perfect.  Now if only 24 more of you admit to being haters, I'll be absolved of any guilt  :).

Another hater here, that's T minus 23 and counting.  C'mon people step right up and be counted!  :P


I don't really hate Noory, but I'm a hater according to him because I think he sucks at being a radio host.  Talk about sleeping on the job, geeesh!


I think my avatar explains it all. /hater


Can we have a thread where people can register as haters? I need a list!


Long time hater here. My husband is not on Bellgab, but he is a hater, too. We maintain a Nooryfree home.

LadyFish, did you get your screen name from the scene in "Auntie Mame" where her nephew is talking about pretending to be fish in school? 


Go ahead and put my name on the hater list. I've given Dave enough shit whenever he pops into the forum that he likely considers me one of them.

A few thoughts that occur after seeing Falkie's video:

Falkie must have been dropped on the head one-too-many times as a child.

The number of haterz has gone up from 5 to 25. Jorch always said it was 5 before.

Tommy should try doing some exercise. That doesn't mean lifting food towards his fat face.

Jorch should stop telling people not to listen if they don't like him. Maybe Jorch could actually try to improve his lazy, incompetent performance, then people wouldn't complain. Also, the long-time Coast listeners and people with even a cursory interest in the guest or subject matter may want to listen. But Jorch doesn't consider that people may be interested in hearing the guest or subject matter, he thinks the show is all about him. Because he's an egomaniac. So the onus should be on you Jorch, to improve your half-assed performance, instead of telling haterz not to listen.

Tommy is a condescending fat-fuck who says "They know what google is don't they?" in answer to someone's question about what Lisa Lyons looks like.

Regarding your alleged 8 hours of show prep time: Boys, if you're really doing 8 hours of show prep, then you might as well not even bother, and just do 5 mintues, because people will never be able to tell the difference. Your 8 hours of show prep seems like 5 minutes. I don't think Tommy is capable of writing interesting questions on Jorch's 3x5 cards, even with 16 hours of show prep. And Jorch sure as hell isn't capable of asking an interesting question, or even engaging the guest in an entertaining fashion. It's obvious Jorch is just going throught he motions for his paycheck. Instead of telling people not to listen Jorch, you should think about getting off the air, and stop subjecting people to the bumbling performance of a lazy nincompoop with the IQ of a chimp and the intellectual curiosity of a fly.

Oh, and if Jorch really thinks there are only 25 hatez then he is even more delusional than I previously thought.

And one more thing, you can tell by the smarmy look on Jorch's face that he thinks he's humoring a slightly off-kilter person.


Quote from: popple on May 06, 2015, 02:25:23 PM
Can we have a thread where people can register as haters? I need a list!
Yes!  Absholutely!  Plus one for Art Bell nuthuggers.  #ArtBellNuthuggersNation


Quote from: albrecht on May 06, 2015, 12:28:47 PM
The guest, Paul F Eno, was pretty good and Norry didn't screw it up- too much. It was funny though the complete silence when Eno mentioned "I'm sure you have...." 'visited the British Museum', 'visited the White House', etc. Norry no replied as I doubt he has visited interesting or historical sites.

I bet Noory's been to Mel's Hole.

Jorch said that he thinks MV is a genius. Yeah he sure is. He started a thread called George Noory Sucks, which has had 3,993,279 views and has over 2000 pages.

They've made it official...for all his years of service.


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on May 06, 2015, 02:58:00 PM
LadyFish, did you get your screen name from the scene in "Auntie Mame" where her nephew is talking about pretending to be fish in school?

No,  my LadyFish is from one of my favorite Don Knott's movie from my youth, The Incredible Mr. Limpet. LadyFish was really nice and introduced her new friend, Henry Limpet, to the ways of the ocean. ( or at least that is how I remember  her - it's been years since I saw it)


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 06, 2015, 01:43:09 PM
Perfect.  Now if only 24 more of you admit to being haters, I'll be absolved of any guilt  :).

Do you need photo ID for accreditation? Put me down for one + 1. Do I have to pay? Like 15 cents a day or something?

On a more serious note, Humilia, it's worth pointing out that Joorch started throwing the H-bomb around. My main point is, and always has been, oft repeated, that he is just simply awful at his job. The notion that he might start to improve after 12 years of sucking is frankly laughable. He unticks every single box required for qualification to be a talk show host. He can't write or read copy, has no more than a passing acquaintance with the English language, can't extemporise, conduct an interview or interact with callers, lacks any insight into the issues of the day, has no intellectual curiosity about his subjects and is without an original thought in his head. Apart from that, he's not bad.

If that's hating, so be it.


Quote from: LadyFish on May 06, 2015, 05:15:57 PM
No,  my LadyFish is from one of my favorite Don Knott's movie from my youth, The Incredible Mr. Limpet. LadyFish was really nice and introduced her new friend, Henry Limpet, to the ways of the ocean. ( or at least that is how I remember  her - it's been years since I saw it)

This would make a good avatar image for you:

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 06, 2015, 01:43:09 PM
Perfect.  Now if only 24 more of you admit to being haters, I'll be absolved of any guilt  :).

Nick el Ass

Hi. My name is Nick el Ass, and I am a hater too.


I think the accusation that one is a "hater" for expressing a necessary criticism of someone's inherently flawed professional performance has to be one of the biggest modern myths! If that's true, then you are a hater for refusing to buy the poorest quality of food products on the shelf. Just shut up and enjoy your overly roasted peanuts, your flavorless potato chips, your ice cream that has artificial sweetner and has the consistency of a frozen block of syrup. Is it hateful to say "I won't buy this crap again!"? Or how about "I either want to see the quality of this product improved or I want it completely removed from the shelf!"

I refuse to be labelled a hater but then I guess that's being a hater too.

Well, to be fair, it was George who labeled anyone who criticized his show a hater. We're just embracing it.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on May 06, 2015, 05:30:37 PM
On a more serious note, Humilia, it's worth pointing out that Joorch started throwing the H-bomb around.

Yeah I know, he tosses that word around pretty frequently, that was pretty much the impetus for my post.

Quote from: UFQuack on May 06, 2015, 06:07:20 PM
I think the accusation that one is a "hater" for expressing a necessary criticism of someone's inherently flawed professional performance has to be one of the biggest modern myths! If that's true, then you are a hater for refusing to buy the poorest quality of food products on the shelf. Just shut up and enjoy your overly roasted peanuts, your flavorless potato chips, your ice cream that has artificial sweetner and has the consistency of a frozen block of syrup. Is it hateful to say "I won't buy this crap again!"? Or how about "I either want to see the quality of this product improved or I want it completely removed from the shelf!"

I refuse to be labelled a hater


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on May 06, 2015, 03:08:23 PM
... Tommy is a condescending fat-fuck who says "They know what google is don't they?" in answer to someone's question about what Lisa Lyons looks like...

What would you expect him to say?: 

"Well, she dyes her hair brown, with that and a little makeup she looks ok for her age most days.  She has nice tits but a little too much junk in the trunk for me.  What do you think, George?"  "Uhh, ab-shuh-loot-lee"

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