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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM

Oh, man... I got nuthin'....

You're a funny guy.  Are you, by any chance in academics?  I imagine your classroom would be entertaining.  Actually, before I entered academics, I worked in law enforcement for a little over a dozen years and did see actual photographs from "an event" (an initiation ceremony) for a local fraternal organization.  Said initiation involved oral stimulation by a human of farm animals.  Although no goats were injured in the filming of this event, I suspect that the mental health of the humans involved declined precipitously.

Yorkshire pud

Sorry to disappoint, no I'm not achad..achi... akidem...in schools or nuffin. I was too lazy at school, and came out into a job that I did in various places at various companies for the next 23 years or so before a change of direction (Several times!).. I do admire those who go into any kind of teaching, it's a thankless task for many, although I imagine the rewards when they come are nuggets of gold.

I remember we had a French teacher who was basically adored by all he taught. He was the teacher all teachers at school wished to be. He saw potential and skills in everyone; Not necessarily in speaking French, but in his mind every kid was capable of something, and do it well. he was an inspiration. He even let one lad go and set up a market stall in town when he should have been in school. These days he'd be dragged through the courts,but back in the 70's we didn't have such a nanny state.

I've digressed...Oops.


Knock knock.
Who's there?
Nixon who?
Nixon who also used the IRS to harass and intimidate his political opponents. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/irs-apologizes-targeting-conservative-groups

Oh yeah, the IRS did this entirely on its own, completely without knowing the will of Neo. Right. Virtually the entirety of US academia and 95% of the ranks of today's journalists think the charge against Nixon was enough to label him a world class criminal. But stand by for the Big Yawn as the news media plays Officer Barbrady.

If that doesn't work, blame Bush. Oops, already done - Bush's fault! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/carney-distances-white-house-from-independent-agency-irss-targeting-of-conservative-groups/

Hey, it worked with the story about the the greatest serial killer in US history. http://washingtonexaminer.com/gallup-shock-just-7-following-kermit-gosnell-abortion-trial-very-closely/article/2529352

Gosnell? Who's Gosnell?


Quote from: Sardondi on May 11, 2013, 12:53:51 AM

Hey, it worked with the story about the the greatest serial killer in US history. http://washingtonexaminer.com/gallup-shock-just-7-following-kermit-gosnell-abortion-trial-very-closely/article/2529352

I wonder if the 'lack of interest' in that story is because the public has (finally) lost its taste for the kind of gruesome details that have been exposed ? I know I don't watch any of the grosser stuff on the Web (beheadings especially) . I suspect the novelty of knowing about this stuff is wearing off, and people are just turning away.

Might also be that abortion is probably the single most polarized issue in the country, and the folks who aren't following the trial are those who are pro-choice regardless.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: stevesh on May 11, 2013, 05:42:43 AM
I wonder if the 'lack of interest' in that story is because the public has (finally) lost its taste for the kind of gruesome details that have been exposed ? I know I don't watch any of the grosser stuff on the Web (beheadings especially) . I suspect the novelty of knowing about this stuff is wearing off, and people are just turning away.

Might also be that abortion is probably the single most polarized issue in the country, and the folks who aren't following the trial are those who are pro-choice regardless.

...Or they might just have more pressing things in their lives. Following such as a trial doesn't follow along polarised lines, and  just because someone doesn't follow A B and C, that they necessarily subscribe to X Y and Z.

To address abortion; 'Pro Choice' means that..The woman's right to choose. In my view men shouldn't have a say. From a very personal perspective I feel I am qualified to have that view, being a father, and my son being conceived at a difficult time in my and his mother's life at the time. Would she have chosen termination? No. Did we discuss it? Yes..Was it her decision ultimately? Yes, of course. 


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 11, 2013, 07:11:28 AM
...Or they might just have more pressing things in their lives. Following such as a trial doesn't follow along polarised lines, and  just because someone doesn't follow A B and C, that they necessarily subscribe to X Y and Z.
The people who, initially, are not following it are the reporters.  There was a photo posted a few weeks ago of the reserved media area.  There were seats for a couple of dozen reporters, but only a couple were there.  Ordinary folks don't follow something that is not reported.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in newsroom meetings when this is brought up as a possible story.  I wonder what excuses are offered for avoiding it.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: UFO Fill on May 11, 2013, 07:28:13 AM
The people who, initially, are not following it are the reporters.  There was a photo posted a few weeks ago of the reserved media area.  There were seats for a couple of dozen reporters, but only a couple were there.  Ordinary folks don't follow something that is not reported.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in newsroom meetings when this is brought up as a possible story.  I wonder what excuses are offered for avoiding it.

Excuses? I guess 'Kim K fills her car with gas and her tits fall out' is more newsworthy..sadly Fill, it's the same the world over..Sex (and the C word (Celebrity)) and more sex sells more. No excuse needed..It's what pisses me off about 'journalism'..Once upon a time I really wanted to be a journalist (I came close being a press photographer for a brief period), but it's not about real life any more, it's about non reality shows and who is shagging who with what.

rant over... :-X


Quote from: stevesh on May 11, 2013, 05:42:43 AM...Might also be that abortion is probably the single most polarized issue in the country, and the folks who aren't following the trial are those who are pro-choice regardless.
It's because the story has been spiked. Because Gosnell is, to put it mildly, an embarrassment to all right thinking people. And not just because of abortion and race. Gosnell doesn't follow The Approved Narrative, because his case isn't about all those Tea Partiers who use 3D AKs to gun down little children of same-sex couples at inner city Head Starts sited at mosques. No, that story doesn't exist, but not for the majority of those in the news media trying to will it so, praying to the Great Lesbian Sophia Spirit of the Universe to make it so.

It's pretense to maintain Gosnell's crimes would have been put in the permanent cryogenic file had he been, say, a white nurse at a rest home, and if Gaia was good, a Texas G.O.B., or (oh, oh pleeeeease) a Republican. But we all know the quash has been put on it because he ran an abortion factory ay which he treated poor women of color like they were less than human as he stuck scissors and forceps in the back of scores of their babies heads as or after they were born. He's off the news because what he is and does is indefensible. Plus he brings home what "partial-birth" abortion means, a procedure which is now actually on the table of those who wish to "expand choice".


The Gosnell Blackout -Huffpost Live

Why I Didn't Write About Gosnell's Trial - And Why I Should Have -The Daily Beast

Why Is the Press Ignoring the Kermit Gosnell Story? -Bloomberg

It's getting attention now, and many are admiting the 'blackout'.

Quote from: Pragmier on May 13, 2013, 09:10:53 AM
The Gosnell Blackout -Huffpost Live

Why I Didn't Write About Gosnell's Trial - And Why I Should Have -The Daily Beast

Why Is the Press Ignoring the Kermit Gosnell Story? -Bloomberg

It's getting attention now, and many are admiting the 'blackout'.

The Press are constantly "catching up" with stories. Gee, I wonder why.

HOW & WHY in THE FUCK are any of the Clintons relevant in anything political in this day and age, let alone politically active?
Have we lost collective memory and our fucking minds??

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 13, 2013, 12:07:35 PM
HOW & WHY in THE FUCK are any of the Clintons relevant in anything political in this day and age, let alone politically active?
Have we lost collective memory and our fucking minds??

I'm a Brit and I might be way off on this; but wasn't Bill Clinton the President at one time and his wife in the current administration in some senior capacity? I would suggest that past or present; US presidents (other than assassinated and otherwise dead ones-although that isn't always the case) still have influence to a lesser or greater degree.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 13, 2013, 12:17:36 PM

I'm a Brit and I might be way off on this; but wasn't Bill Clinton the President at one time and his wife in the current administration in some senior capacity? I would suggest that past or present; US presidents (other than assassinated and otherwise dead ones-although that isn't always the case) still have influence to a lesser or greater degree.

Clinton Chronicles full movie

Yorkshire pud

I can't be arsed..can you give a brief synopsis please?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 13, 2013, 12:32:02 PM
I can't be arsed..can you give a brief synopsis please?
LOL, not that I'm busy atm, but I don't think anyone on Earth could do a "brief" synopsis of it.
I'm nowhere near man enough for that task.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 13, 2013, 12:35:19 PM
LOL, not that I'm busy atm, but I don't think anyone on Earth could do a "brief" synopsis of it.
I'm nowhere near man enough for that task.

Oh be brave.. take deep breaths and give it your best..You can't be criticised if you give your best.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 15, 2013, 01:04:26 PM
US news agencies are linked to this report too.
What? Some black guy goes to prison? Next story. Don't you admire the Emperor's new clothes?

That's the media position here.

I have lamented several times on this forum the lack of civility in our political discourse in this country.  I have noted a tendency to demonize "the other side".  Here is an example, a quotation about Hillary Clinton from Pete Santilli, who is evidently a small-time radio/internet pundit who leans to the far right:

"I want to shoot her right in the vagina and I don’t want her to die right away; I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say, on behalf of all Americans that you’ve killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS, the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama, Obama bin Laden thing, that whole fake scenario, because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all. On behalf of all of those people, I’m supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina."

I have no doubt that someone could produce a vile quotation from a pundit who leans to the far left.  My point is not to say that only the right says such things as Santilli.  The point is that if this is the level of our discourse now, we are in a world of hurt.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Sardondi on May 15, 2013, 03:16:44 PM
What? Some black guy goes to prison? Next story. Don't you admire the Emperor's new clothes?

That's the media position here.



haha, bill o'reilly just twice referred to wikileaks as "social media." 

what a stupid old man.


Quote from: MV on May 22, 2013, 09:18:25 PM
haha, bill o'reilly just twice referred to wikileaks as "social media." 

what a stupid old man.

What a vain, stupid old man.


Quote from: MV on May 22, 2013, 09:18:25 PM
haha, bill o'reilly just twice referred to wikileaks as "social media." 

what a stupid old man.

Oh yeah, what do you know about the interweb? 


Quote from: slipstream on May 22, 2013, 10:43:32 PM

Oh yeah, what do you know about the interweb?

yew kinn chat 'n git recipes 'n such.  yew kinn even order yer grits.


I worked with a young woman whose mother dated Bill O'Reilly.  The daughter hated him - said he was as arrogant and selfish in person as he was on the air.


Quote from: MV on May 23, 2013, 12:00:58 AM

yew kinn chat 'n git recipes 'n such.  yew kinn even order yer grits.

   But yeah, I've seen Mr. O'reilly make a fool out of himself more than a few times about all things computer and Internet.  He seems to really dislike that people can can share information and work together.

Why is Anthony Weiner running for Mayor of New York?

Where do these people get the idea they belong to some 'political class' and are entitled to live off the rest of us while making decisions based on what their cronies want or to pander to various voting blocs?  That is the very opposite of Representative government/

He has his chance and he blew it.  There should be an outcry that he dares run for office, and a lost next elections for anyone appointing him to anything.  Time to go get a bullshit lawyering job in the private sector and take the bus to work.

It`s going to take more than a little blue pill to get this wiener to rise again.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 23, 2013, 10:28:45 AMWhy is Anthony Weiner running for Mayor of New York?

Where do these people get the idea they belong to some 'political class' and are entitled to live off the rest of us while making decisions based on what their cronies want or to pander to various voting blocs?  That is the very opposite of Representative government/

He has his chance and he blew it.  There should be an outcry that he dares run for office, and a lost next elections for anyone appointing him to anything.  Time to go get a bullshit lawyering job in the private sector and take the bus to work.

Talk about a narcissist. A man this in love with himself simply cannot be shamed. New York City and Weiner richly deserve each other.

And Weiner is remarkably different from South Carolina politician Mark Sanford exactly how?

I've noticed a dynamic.  Politician X from Party A does something most of us think of as corrupt, stupid, dishonest, immoral.  The silence from Party A is fairly profound (but Party B squawks like nobody's business).  A politician from Party B does something corrupt, stupid, dishonest, immoral.  Party A goes into hysterics, Party B remains astonishingly quiet.  I'd welcome a bit more self-scrutiny from every voter and pundit in this country.

I think Weiner is a turd; if he gets flushed, good riddance.  I think Sanford was equally dreadful.  He somehow was elected to serve again.  If Weiner gets elected, will we hear stories about how the Democratic Party is a boil on the ass of our country?

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