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Random Political Thoughts

Started by MV/Liberace!, February 08, 2012, 10:50:42 AM

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 02, 2013, 01:17:33 AM
           AK's are for Commies. It's all about the ArmaLite.

          Still waiting for that last shipment from Colonel Gaddafi. He's really CPT-ing this delivery!

You haven't heard the news then? Re: Gaddafi? I think you'll be putting in a paypal claim.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Sardondi on August 02, 2013, 12:24:19 AM

And BTW, you've got a tremendous problem with your chronology if you maintain that poor Islam is merely reacting to 21st century events.

Well no I don't; it depends how far back we go? Personally I think it ludicrous that the Crusades are brought up as a justification for violence today, or such as the Battle of the Boyn in Ireland. 1690 FFS! When all said and done religion has been a very convenient hook to hang all disputes on, even if the original dispute wasn't because of religion. In the future it will be water and food wars; then religion will be a very poor second place to try and justify murder.

Quote from: Nucky Nolan on August 01, 2013, 10:28:43 PM
. It's not lost on some people that it has strong roots in Saudi Arabia, home of most of the perpetrators of 9/11. Many terroristic events stem from geopolitical and military factors, not just from "freedom-hatred". ::) That's an explanation of the "why", not an excuse for the "what".



Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 02, 2013, 01:17:33 AM
           AK's are for Commies. It's all about the ArmaLite.

          Still waiting for that last shipment from Colonel Gaddafi. He's really CPT-ing this delivery!

Damn you Eddie, now I am purchasing an AR-10.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: onan on August 02, 2013, 04:31:41 AM
Damn you Eddie, now I am purchasing an AR-10.

        Practical, great for defensive purposes and wonderful for propaganda pictures. If gals don't get turned on by a Balaclava and an AR...then they are probably Ellen.

        My kid's birthday is at the end of the month. I'd love to give him an ArmaLite. Unfortunately, his mother is such a fuddy duddy. Always worried about safety and pinko shit like that.


You mean the A in AR stands for armalite and not ASSULT or AUTOMATIC?

That's part of the discussion I have with weapons noobs, and 12 year old video game buffs pretending they know what they are talking about.
I'm a ex-servicemember and all too often I become irked by the people on the internet that think they know what they are talking about, and especially ones that are against weapons.
"I think weapons should be made illegal... ESPECIALLY ASSULT RIFLES like the A.R.15!" That's about the time I pull out all of my hair.


In addition to Wahhabbism, there's a concept that was pushed by bin Laden and al Qaeda that I believe is called takfir.  It's the concept that a Muslim who does not subscribe to and act as al Qaeda believes, that person is an apostate and subject to being killed.

You may be correct, UFOFill... I don't know, not being Muslim or especially interested in learning what its fanatical interpreters "think" about the subject.  I hope the moderates of the religion eventually gain some sort of control from the whackjobs who have been the voice of Islam for several decades now (and who have always been there).  Of course, I feel the same way about most religions, wicked agnostic that I am.  :o


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 02, 2013, 01:17:33 AMAK's are for Commies. It's all about the ArmaLite...
Quote from: onan on August 02, 2013, 04:31:41 AMDamn you Eddie, now I am purchasing an AR-10.
Have you seen how many people today have AR-15 systems? It brings a tear to my eye at how popular the things are almost 60 years after Eugene Stoner designed their ancestor. Unlike the AK, the AR design is infinitely variable, and one small-caliber and one large-caliber AR receiver are enough to give you more than 50 different caliber weapons if you just have the correct barrel/forend assembly. Unprecedented.

But how typical this is of the differences in America and the USSR in the 20th century. The Americans produce a precision weapon using state-of-the-art design and materials, which is infinitely variable, capable of such impossibly broad use as the basic arm of the nation's infantry, intermediate-range weapon for military and police snipers, and the only gun which millions of civilian hunters need because of the staggering array of calibers which can be accessed in a moment by change of a barrel assembly. This makes the AR design very likely the most versatile longarm in history. At nearly the same time the Rus come up with a weapon which, while brilliant in its simplicity and inspired in its ruggedness, is designed with such unheard of gaps and clearances that "tolerance" connotes a precision in conception and craft in workmanship which is simply incompatible with the weapon. It is produced in such famously roughhewn fashion that a high magazine capacity is mandatory in order to give its shooter a chance of scoring a hit. Granted, it would still fire after being dropped from a Hind copter into a pile of elephant dung and then submerged in a warthog mudhole for 6 months. And I think that shooters who regularly encounter those conditions should rush right over to the "We Are Being AKs" store. But it should be recalled that while the AK has had essentially no real improvements since its inception, and certainly not in the 21st century, the AR design has taken on new life in the last 15 years or so with the expansion of its repertoire as a standard hunting weapon, and its widespread use as a "weapons system" because of its multiple caliber capability due to its barrel interchangeability.

*sigh* If life were fair Eugene Stoner would have become rich as Croesus from his fantastically successful design instead of having to have sold it at a firesale price. I only wish he could have been here to see his design become the free-world's AK. It really should be the other way around, with the AK today called "the Soviet bloc's M-16". *sniff* But I'll have to content myself with the fantasy that the first thing Stoner did on encountering Mikhail Kalashnikov in the afterlife was to blow the Commie bastard away with his .308 AR-10.

So what is Sister Sarah up to these days?  According to The Daily Beast (today):

"Over the first half of 2013, SarahPAC took in $460,000, but spent more than $495,000. Despite its stated purpose of supporting like-minded candidates, it donated to only oneâ€"giving $5,000 to Jason Smith, a conservative Republican backed by the NRA and pro-life groups who won a special election in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District in June by a margin of 67â€"27.

In contrast, the group spent almost $484,000 on fundraising, research, speechwriting, and high-end travel. This is a comedown from the 2012 cycle, when SarahPAC raised eyebrows for spending more than $4.8 million on consultants while doling out $298,500 to candidates."

Now, maybe this is normal for all "political figures" (regardless of party),* but to me this just re-enforces the point that Sarah Palin is nothing but an attractive grifter intent on fleecing the flock.

* Please note that as usual, I am including the disclaimer that I think both parties are subject to corruption.  I am not so naive or ignorant as to suppose that only one party's politicians do this sort of thing.

Two headlines I see in the news today:

1) Black teen unemployment 41.6%

2) Congressman and tax cheat Charles Rangel (D, NY) claiming the Tea Party is a bunch of crackers and are the same group of segregationists that fought civil rights.

There is your typical big city politician - doing nothing for his inner city constituents who desperately need change, while at the same time lying about people he doesn't agree with and going out of his way to stir up race hate.  This is standard discourse for these people.  Always destructive.  Never anything positive.  All for politics.  Never anything to actually help anyone.

Remember when the Tea Party came to be - Obama and the 'Progressives' in Congress did everything legal and illegal, used every dirty trick, twisted every arm, told every lie, made every threat, and cut every deal, and made every promise to pass their unwanted, illegal, destructive ObamaCare 'plan'?

How after they shoved it down our throats, the Congress took a recess, went back to their districts and held their 'Town Halls'.  The Tea Party, and other citizens concerned about the bill and how it was passed showed up to display their displeasure.

Oh, how they were scorned by the Progressives' and their advocates in the Media.  It was uncouth, they were angry mobs, full of hate, mean, rude, disrespectful.  'Teabaggers'.  And worst of all, 'white'.  And of course racist.  And terrorists.  And on.  And on.  And on.  And on.

Turns out this year the 'Progressives' are all ginned up to disrupt Town Halls.  I guess because they are the only ones that are supposed to be protesting and demonstrating.  Any bets that this will turn violent, unlike the Tea Party confrontations and events?

Nucky Nolan

Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 03, 2013, 01:43:54 AM
Two headlines I see in the news today:

1) Black teen unemployment 41.6%

2) Congressman and tax cheat Charles Rangel (D, NY) claiming the Tea Party is a bunch of crackers and are the same group of segregationists that fought civil rights.

There is your typical big city politician - doing nothing for his inner city constituents who desperately need change, while at the same time lying about people he doesn't agree with and going out of his way to stir up race hate.  This is standard discourse for these people.  Always destructive.  Never anything positive.  All for politics.  Never anything to actually help anyone.

And notice no one in their party ever disputes any of it or calls on them to apologize, or anything.  Not ever.

It's par for the course. They never let facts and truth get in the way of a good sound byte. You might as well say that the Congressional Black Congress is just like the New Black Panther Party. Don't let it raise your blood pressure. In a sworn deposition, Paula Deen revealed that she once referred to a Black robber, who put a gun to her head some twenty years ago, as a "nigger". She is then greeted by Torquemada with his Grand Inquisition on "Today", and the days-long hysteria led to the end of her career. Rangel lied about a whole group of people this week, and it was greeted with the comparative sound of chirping crickets. Only a moron would seriously compare the Tea Party to the "cracker" segregationists of the days of Bull Connor and George Wallace, and Charlie's not a moron.

Oprah Winfrey apparently attended that same hateful church the Obama's did - Rev Wright's church in Chicago.  Strange how that never seems to come up.

Anyway, in a recent Parade Magazine interview to promote her new movie, she said Americans know 'diddley squat' about the history of the civil rights movement.  She then commented on the millions of blacks lynched.

Except that historians at (historically black) Tuskegee Institute say 3446 blacks were lynched between 1882 and 1968.

I wonder if she is really that uninformed, or if she exaggerates this on purpose.  No one should have been lynched, and I can't imagine the horror of being killed that way or losing a friend or family member, or even a member of the community, but why the lie and the gross distortion?


I can't explain why one would distort in that manner, other than not really doing the research or so inflamed with self righteous passion that restraint is overran with stupidity.

On the other side... lynchings weren't done in secrecy. Many times they were done with days of "advertisement". Many times it was done by a group of self righteous criminals. Then the body left as notice to other blacks.

Approximately 3500 lynchings over 90 years... it is horrid no matter how you break it down mathematically. It is still 3 to 4 a month during that time.

I have no doubt that if 3 to 4 white people today were lynched, blacks would be extinct in this country.


Quote from: onan on August 03, 2013, 03:42:28 AM...Approximately 3500 lynchings over 90 years... it is horrid no matter how you break it down mathematically. It is still 3 to 4 a month during that time....
Which no one disputes at this time...but from a tactical and technical point of view it is a very nice parry, because it is plainly not the point of PB's post, which was, as I understood it, the essential untrustworthiness and dishonor of the race hucksters. Among whose, uh, number it seems the owner of the OWN now apparently counts herself.

Now, a different subject. Folks, I have good news tonight, uh, today. And what makes it all the more unusual is, it's from the Middle East. It seems we've had a breakthrough in Iran's attitude toward Israel. The president-elect, Hasan Rouhani has called Israel a "wound" "that should be removed". That's not the good news. The good news is this: he later claimed he was misquoted!

Isn't that fantastic! I mean, no one in Iran has bothered to ever say they were misquoted when they said Israel was a cancer on the body of Islam that had to be cut out, or that Israel would be utterly destroyed, etc. You know, the usual stuff. And, while Rouhani didn't go so far as to suggest what it was he really said when he was supposedly misquoted, it's still an excellent sign, and surely means that there could be some dissenters when Teheran is scheduled to nuke Tel Aviv next year. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/02/hasan-rouhani-israel_n_3694531.html?utm_hp_ref=world


I thought I addressed that in my not understanding why.

And to be completely candid, there is hucksterism on both sides of the fence. Strong ugly hucksterism and the only way to win is not to play at all.

Someone misrepresenting the number of lynchings does not remove the history.

But thank you for giving me credit for being bright enough to maneuver the conversation... I really had no intent to do that.

If anyone wants to hate Oprah there are lots of reasons without the millions statement. But I see no reason not to use it as a footnote for poor research.

Yesterday I offered a post about Sarah Palin. The results?  Crickets.  In my post I pointed out that both sides have their Sarah Palins, their grifters (as I typically do).  Today I see posts from Paperboy and Sardondi in which the progressives are again attacked with not even the mention that there are perhaps turds to be found in the conservative punchbowl. 

Can I ask you two (Sardondi & Paperboy) if you see no fault in your own party?  I suspect you will both quickly parry and say that, "Yes, there are bad Republicans, but we are not Republicans!  We are conservatives."

Yet again, as always, there is not a hint of compromise from you guys.  Democrats?  All bad... Republicans?  Some may be bad.  Conservatives?  Hallelujah! 

We will never have a true dialogue this way.  I know that "compromise" is one of the seven deadlies in conservative idealogy.  But in the wild event, the crazy off-chance that you might want to actually make me (and other progressives) ponder your perspectives, you might want to use a little more self-examination.

Yeah, Paperboy, Rangel is a career politician.  I suspect he is corrupt seven ways to Sunday.  John Edwards was a phony, a dishonest man and -- no doubt -- a shitty husband.  Anthony Weiner is a moron.  I hope he gets crushed by whoever opposes him.  Jesse Jackson is a grifter.  James Carville is annoying.

And what are your thoughts on Mitch Turtleboy McConnell?  Michelle Bachmann?  Rick Perry?  Yeah, you guys have more than once said that a Sean Hannity is an idiot, but then he's not a true conservative, is he?

Maybe Onan (paraphrasing the computer Joshua in Wargames) is correct:  The only way to win is not to play at all.  These political threads are becoming echo chambers.  You, Sardondi, know the dangers of those empty rooms.

As much as it pains me to say it, Sarah has lost all credibility. I believe her intentions were pure, when she began her political career back in Wasilla. Unfortunately, AS IS USUALLY THE CASE, Ms. Palin was seduced by the money and power offered her by Washington power brokers.

She sold her conservative soul to the Gods of Wealth and Power.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on August 03, 2013, 10:40:39 AM
As much as it pains me to say it, Sarah has lost all credibility. I believe her intentions were pure, when she began her political career back in Wasilla. Unfortunately, AS IS USUALLY THE CASE, Ms. Palin was seduced by the money and power offered her by Washington power brokers.

She sold her conservative soul to the Gods of Wealth and Power.

I always thought Sarah Palin was stupid. I will however concede that the press did, many times, report stuff that was inconsequential. The reporting had little to do with vetting her ability to legislate or negotiate. Then again, she fed right into it. I think that may be her tragic flaw... well along with not being all that bright. But not being bright has not been a detraction for many politicians. So in my mind it does come down to less than favorable coverage AND a party that has been making bad choices in its candidates for more than 15 years.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on August 03, 2013, 10:21:05 AM
Yesterday I offered a post about Sarah Palin. The results?  Crickets....

Oh, you were wanting a conversation. I gathered what you were after was one of those old Bobo dolls with sand in the bottom that just stood there when you hit it and popped back up for you to bash it in the nose again. Heh.

Seriously. Sarah Palin's travel. Against an administration which is drenched in corruption and daily abuses of power which dwarf even Nixon. Right. Bring on the crickets.

Quote from: onan on August 03, 2013, 09:57:19 AM...Someone misrepresenting the number of lynchings does not remove the history....

Huh? 3,500 vs "millions" is something to be overlooked? To invoke a favorite target of the left, Sarah Palin on her worst day never came up with something as ridiculous as that...and her slightest slips were turned into some sign of the apolcalypse. Such a disrespect for fact as Oprah has shuts down any hope of a conversation. But conversation is all too often the last thing wanted.

Because those figures are all about getting other figures. The usual Jackson-Sharpton play is a con to extort "donations" to their "institutes" (and when was the last independent audit performed on those? Oh, I see - the 12th of Never), even board seats for themselves, from corporations, NGOs and even quasi-government commissions and the like.

I think, Onan, that Sarah is definitely not overly bright.  I agree that the press did jump on her pretty fast as soon as they collectively smelled the blood of stupidity.  Of course, you also had journalists (Rich Lowry) who wrote seriously about "seeing starbursts" when Sarah spoke.  Greta on Fox pretty much idolized her.  But UFOFill is right:  she sure when after the big bucks -- fast and successfully.  She trashed her credibility in the process, but I'm sure she's laughing all the way to the bank.  And she looks pretty good in her red Naughty Monkey heels:  a pretty face and an emptyish soul.  (Yeah, I know, I'm judging her soul.  I'm doing so only conversationally, not in great earnest.)


Quote from: Sardondi on August 03, 2013, 11:16:16 AM

Huh? 3,500 vs "millions" is something to be overlooked? To invoke a favorite target of the left, Sarah Palin on her worst day never came up with something as ridiculous as that...and her slightest slips were turned into some sign of the apolcalypse. Such a disrespect for fact as Oprah has shuts down any hope of a conversation. But conversation is all too often the last thing wanted.

Because those figures are all about getting other figures. The usual Jackson-Sharpton play is a con to extort "donations" to their "institutes" (and when was the last independent audit performed on those? Oh, I see - the 12th of Never), even board seats for themselves, from corporations, NGOs and even quasi-government commissions and the like.

I am not sure what you want from me Sardondi? I choose not to get angry about it. Just like I am not going to get angry about Michelle Bachmann misrepresenting the number of drilling permits. Cantor saying the democrats spent more money than in the last 200 years. Perry saying children can't openly celebrate christmas in schools. When LaPierre stated crime is lower in states with ccw.

I mean it goes on and on.

I am surprised you didn't bring up the millions of slaves thrown over the side on slave ships and how sharks still follow those trade lanes.

Yeah it is all about gathering contributions and both sides are guilty. I think rocks may still be undecided about that but everyone else with a brain gets it.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 02, 2013, 08:58:55 AM
...his mother is such a fuddy duddy. Always worried about safety and pinko shit like that.

pfft wimmin.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on August 03, 2013, 10:21:05 AM
Yesterday I offered a post about Sarah Palin. The results?  Crickets.  ...

The way I look at these boards is, if I want to post something I do, and people can either respond to it or not.  Or maybe even just scroll past and not read it at all (I'm aware I am sometimes redundant).  Lots of times I'll chip in after someone else has posted something - especially if I very much disagree, or think I can provide an answer to a question from my perspective on a topic of interest to me. 

If someone else posts something, if I have something to add and wish to that day, I do.  Lots of times I don't have anything except the standard response we've all heard a thousands times, so I don't.  I already post a lot and don't want to hog the board.

One thing I'd like to say is I read everything by everyone, and I get a lot out of it.  Onan is very reasonable and I like his posts a lot.  West of the Rockies is very even handed and I like his posts too.  I agree with a lot more of your posts than either of you would probably guess.  I'm just using those two posters as examples since they are the ones asking today, but I could say similar things about others.

There are lots of things I'm not all that interested in, or think have been done to death,  I usually don't post a response, or have posted previously and have nothing new.  Abortion, gays, guns.  Sarah Palin and all the Rs that have been beaten down by the Media - sure they have flaws, but I'd take any one of them over Obama in an instant, how many ways are there to say that.

After the way the ObamaCare bill was passed, I realized there were no decent honest trustworthy Democrats in DC.  None.  The way they all fell into line with that and no one stood up for the country when it really counted.  And especially the leadership that pushed it through.  The party has become so corrupt and so radical - I guess in a couple of elections where they lost seats, the seats they lost were their moderates while their safe seats remained in the hands of people like Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel.  These are the destructive forces in DC.

Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman?  One isn't even in office and the other is leaving at the end of her term.  I'd take either over any DC Dem.

As far as the Rs in DC.  Very disappointed.  The leadership is rudderless and embarrassing.  They don't stand for anything that I'm aware of.  They don't represent anyone.  They don't know how to frame issues or how to fight.  They are failing the country by this continuous show of standing up to Obama and the Senate Ds, then folding every time.  They end up with the bad press they are going to get by not going along with the Ds the first place, but end up with no policy wins.  Lose-lose losers.

The same scorn could be heaped on John Roberts voting for ObamaCare when it came up in the Supreme Court.  Of course it's un-Constitutional.  Clearly and beyond doubt.  A total betrayal.  Another bad decision that could have been stopped by a Judge that knew better. 

There are some Tea Party or other Conservative types, but when it comes right down to it, they have little power or say in DC.  They have good ideas and seem to know how to fight, but they get beaten down by their own party.  And yes, each one of them has flaws, just like everyone else.  It seems like any flaws the Rs have are magnified by the Media, while the flaws the Ds have are ignored.  Yes, I wish we had better people in office across the board.

This is so sickening and distressing that I haven't really brought myself to post about it.  Maybe I will.  The failure of the Rs in leadership and the lack of clout by the Conservatives and the resulting consequences for the country is probably worthy of it's own thread.

As Sardondi alluded to, I'll take any one of the people targeted by the Media and their flaws over Obama and his.  Because of his position, his flaws are more dangerous and damaging than anyone else's in DC.  Because of his worldview and corrupt methods of ruling by decree and the way he is protected and advocated for by a powerful Media, he is incredibly toxic to our country.   Because he seems to have bought into the Marxism and hatred of America that Rev Wright preaches, I consider that evidence that perhaps he isn't actually all that bright.

There is just simply more to say about the direction of our country under the current D leadership than there is to say about what the Rs should be doing but aren't.  At least for me.

Thank you for your thoughtful response, Paperboy.  You and I don't agree on much politically, but I do eagerly read your posts.  Your sense of humor on matters cultural is always pretty solid.  We'll disagree on the relative merit of Bachmann and Palin. 

George sucks.

Nucky Nolan

Quote from: West of the Rockies on August 03, 2013, 12:45:39 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful response, Paperboy.  You and I don't agree on much politically, but I do eagerly read your posts.  Your sense of humor on matters cultural is always pretty solid.  We'll disagree on the relative merit of Bachmann and Palin. 

George sucks.

I likely lean to the right of you, but I admire your intellectual honesty and refreshing ingenuousness. Onan also is a fair, honest person who leans to the left of me. I'm at the point where I don't feel comfortable in either main political party. In fact, the Democrat senators/representatives are more in line with my views on the failed law to rein in NSA encroachments on our Constitutional rights.

Paperboy and Sardondi aren't blind partisans. For example, they criticize the Bush administration, and they're not fans of the continuation of the mutated Patriot Act. They just tend to have more beliefs on the right side of the spectrum just as you have more beliefs on the left side of the spectrum. It's fun to shake up the accepted paradigm, though. :)

Quote from: onan on August 03, 2013, 11:03:35 AM
I always thought Sarah Palin was stupid. I will however concede that the press did, many times, report stuff that was inconsequential. The reporting had little to do with vetting her ability to legislate or negotiate. Then again, she fed right into it. I think that may be her tragic flaw... well along with not being all that bright. But not being bright has not been a detraction for many politicians. So in my mind it does come down to less than favorable coverage AND a party that has been making bad choices in its candidates for more than 15 years.

I never got the feeling that she was stupid.   I think at her core, she's s a salt-of-the-earth mom/wife/daughter. A hard working, compassionate woman that stepped up to the plate when she saw things in her community that needed to be addressed. She didn't just complain, she ran for office and made changes. I applaud her for her tenacity. Remember, on a local level, she immensely popular.

Unfortunately,  a desperate McCain campaign convinced her she could be a player on the big stage. Obviously, she's not ready for prime time.  When she walked away from her Governorship, I walked away from her.


Quote from: onan on August 03, 2013, 11:31:12 AM
I am not sure what you want from me Sardondi? I choose not to get angry about it. Just like I am not going to get angry about Michelle Bachmann misrepresenting the number of drilling permits. Cantor saying the democrats spent more money than in the last 200 years. Perry saying children can't openly celebrate christmas in schools. When LaPierre stated crime is lower in states with ccw.

I mean it goes on and on.

I am surprised you didn't bring up the millions of slaves thrown over the side on slave ships and how sharks still follow those trade lanes.

Yeah it is all about gathering contributions and both sides are guilty. I think rocks may still be undecided about that but everyone else with a brain gets it.
Well, just...dang. Look, I hadn't thought about wanting anything, but if you're offering, lemme see. Ah. Okay. I want the same think Yorkie wants: everyone of a differing viewpoint to simply bow down and apologize for your errors and promise never to do it again.

Like that is so hard to figure out. Sheesh.


Quote from: Sardondi on August 04, 2013, 02:06:21 AM
Well, just...dang. Look, I hadn't thought about wanting anything, but if you're offering, lemme see. Ah. Okay. I want the same think Yorkie wants: everyone of a differing viewpoint to simply bow down and apologize for your errors and promise never to do it again.

Like that is so hard to figure out. Sheesh.

I will get right on that kind sir.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on August 04, 2013, 01:54:21 AM

I never got the feeling that she was stupid.   I think at her core, she's s a salt-of-the-earth mom/wife/daughter. A hard working, compassionate woman that stepped up to the plate when she saw things in her community that needed to be addressed. She didn't just complain, she ran for office and made changes. I applaud her for her tenacity. Remember, on a local level, she immensely popular.

Unfortunately,  a desperate McCain campaign convinced her she could be a player on the big stage. Obviously, she's not ready for prime time.  When she walked away from her Governorship, I walked away from her.

Sarah Palin was a very effective and popular gov during her short time in office.  She broke up the crony capitalism deals between the oil companies and the Alaska establishment Rs previously in state office and got a much better deal for the residents of Alaska.  The residents get oil royalty checks sent to them every year and they get substantially more now thanks to former gov Palin.  She was also instrumental in bringing down the corrupt Sen Ted Stevens.  Both the above were her facing down members of her own party.

The reason she resigned was because after the Pres campaign, her and her family were still dogged and harassed by the 'Progressives' who thought it was their job to destroy her completely.  All sorts of nuisance lawsuits were filed against her as governor - to the point where the rest of her term she would have been spending much of her time and quite a bit of state money defending against these BS lawsuits.  She elected to leave instead, and I don't blame her a bit.

The problem the Ds had with Sarah Palin wasn't that she's stupid, which she isn't - it was that she was a strong woman Conservative.  They need every single vote of their coalition to win elections, and they cannot allow Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman or anyone else to peel women voters away,  They must be destroyed.

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