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Falling Skies and Walking Dead

Started by pabigfoot, August 03, 2011, 11:37:59 AM


Quote from: HorrorRetro on February 18, 2013, 10:09:17 PM
I can beat the kid who plays Carl when it comes to worst child actor.  Have you seen The Langoliers? The girl who played the blind psychic was simply atrocious.  It's cringe inducing.  I do agree, though, that the kid who plays Carl is pretty bad. 

You mean the 1995 one starring Bronson Pinchot?  Oh my god, that shit made my eyes bleed.


Quote from: Usagi on February 18, 2013, 10:13:52 PM

You mean the 1995 one starring Bronson Pinchot?  Oh my god, that shit made my eyes bleed.

Yep.  The whole movie was simply awful.  We watch it for a laugh now and then. 

What I don’t understand about zombies is, if their digestive track no longer functions,
what compels them to eat? I could see biting someone to transfer the virus, as with rabies, but
why do they eat?
I guess it could be some strong remaining primal force/habit, but then why do they not sleep or have sex? Or do they? Or do they eat to make up for lack of it? Or simply have nothing better to do other than shuffling around.
And, since they cannot digest, wouldn’t their stomachs just fill up and they would burst, since they can’t poop?
Maybe they eat the flesh of the living, to try and become the living.

Also, I would have thought that when Axel (in this last episode) was being continually shot, why no bullets went through him, and hit Carol? And with all the machine gun fire and bullets flying every which way, it seems only Axel and the guy in the tower were hit.

The ‘walking dead’ is actually supposed to refer to those still living.

Quote from: Usagi on February 18, 2013, 01:49:25 AM
Tonight's episode had me worried that it would only be redeemed by Darryl appearances.  Far too much Andrea and her Miss-Piggy complected puffy face for my taste.  However, my patience was rewarded by the Governor's storming in the last five minutes.  (I also did not anticipate the death of poor Oscar, although I should have considering he had over two lines.  I'd have foreseen it if he'd been black.)

I'll definitely watch next week.

Hey! I see it!  I like it!  Good call.

Quote from: Rachael Nexusei on February 20, 2013, 07:56:18 AM
What I don’t understand about zombies is, if their digestive track no longer functions,
what compels them to eat? I could see biting someone to transfer the virus, as with rabies, but
why do they eat?
I guess it could be some strong remaining primal force/habit, but then why do they not sleep or have sex? Or do they? Or do they eat to make up for lack of it? Or simply have nothing better to do other than shuffling around.
And, since they cannot digest, wouldn’t their stomachs just fill up and they would burst, since they can’t poop?
Maybe they eat the flesh of the living, to try and become the living.

Also, I would have thought that when Axel (in this last episode) was being continually shot, why no bullets went through him, and hit Carol? And with all the machine gun fire and bullets flying every which way, it seems only Axel and the guy in the tower were hit.

The ‘walking dead’ is actually supposed to refer to those still living.

I'm thinking it's a combo of a virus transmission mechanism and a super base rage driven instinct to fight and destroy, triggered by something about humans that reminds some part of the zombie brain/virus what it/it's host was and makes them/it rail against their current condition.  With a lack of self-reflection ability, the instinct is to eradicate the factor causing the disturbance.

As for the eating, everyone knows killing and slaughter makes for hungry work.  Add to that the soothing and satisfying effect the act of chewing, various textures no less. Pork cracklings, jello, beef jerky, blood pudding/sausage.

For the bullets, it all depends on calibers, distances, trajectories, type of clothing and other obstacles, etc. Basic ballistics.  And maybe more importantly, the power of the writers pen.


Caught a bit of Return of the Living Dead from 1985 starring ol' marbles-in-the-mouth Clu Gullagher, an old reliable of cowboy tv shows in the 60s, cop shows in the 70's-80's, and one of the Murder She Wrote Social Security gang in the 90's. This movie featured zombie action I'd never seen: a talking zombie. But I'm by no means a connoisseur of zombie flicks, so it may be a more common Z-characteristic than I thought.

Anyway, it was the oddest thing to see this female zombie, or actually the upper 1/3 of this zombie, since it was just most of a spine stripped of all meat, which led up to an a mostly intact upper torso and head, minus part of the jaw of course. But this chunk o' zombie was "alive", talking and moving. It was downright weird to see the naked spine scraping and banging around on a table where the "body" was strapped down while it was, uh, interrogated. And as far as eating, this zombie said they had to eat brains because it eased the painful process of rotting.

Man, now I'm intrigued and I just might have to watch this turkey...


omg that was the sexy redhead with the big blue eyes right??  She could really move what was left of her spine around... made me think she was some sort of belly dancer or stripper in life.  What an awesome scene!!  It's one that has stood out in my mind as well.

When I first heard Beth singing, I knew I recognized the lyrics but could not place it the way she was singing it.
I absolutely adore Tom Waits, I could listen to him all day and most of his lyrics are just so heartfelt, kinda melancholy-

Tom Waits "Hold On"

In the comic, Tyrese stayed at the prison and was with the group for a long time, unlike the tv series.
And the Gov's whole story is way different in the comic. He is pretty much pure evil.  In the tv series you can have
a little more sympathy for him.  So far.
If you really like the show, it pays to read the comic.

Quote from: MV on February 25, 2013, 03:55:35 PM

i think i will.

I want to as well, but there are soooo many now that it feels like a chore every time I go into B&N or B.A.M. 


New Falling Skies S3 footage teases much bigger problems ahead

For the most part, Falling Skies has been about humans vs. aliens. These creatures have killed innocent men and women, while kidnapping their children. Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) and his 2nd Mass militia have struggled to put up a fight. Everytime they think they've made progress, they discover something worse on the horizon.[Season two spoilers ahead]TNT's released new footage from the upcoming season, which is a gamechanger. A bigger and badder threat may be heading their way. In last season's finale, we discovered that Hal (Drew Mason) was implanted with an alien parasite. It drastically changes his personality and makes him unstable.
There's also the issue of Anne's (Moon Bloodgood) baby. The writers and producers insinuate that something more diabolical could be going on. We're reminded that Tom was held captive on an alien ship and is unaware of what was done to his body. We don't know what's floating in his bloodstream. Could he have passed it on to the child?

We can't forget the introduction of the new aliens. They're completely different from the ones we've seen in the past. The first one we saw was played by Hellboy's Doug Jones.

Check out the Falling Skies recap and new footage from the upcoming season:

Falling Skies - Unanswered Questions: It Is Coming

Would Dr. Frankenstein's monster technically be considered a walking dead, since he was made from dead body parts, or would he be considered one of the living dead, or whatever, because he was animated by sort of a jump-start with an electrical charge? Living or Dead?
And why did the Dr. use parts instead of just an entire corpse? 


Quote from: Rachael Nexusei on March 03, 2013, 10:14:01 AM
Would Dr. Frankenstein's monster technically be considered a walking dead, since he was made from dead body parts, or would he be considered one of the living dead, or whatever, because he was animated by sort of a jump-start with an electrical charge? Living or Dead?
And why did the Dr. use parts instead of just an entire corpse?

Easy answer... anyone can reanimate a whole corpse... but putting one together, like a model car, is a true hobby.

Quote from: onan on March 03, 2013, 10:32:57 AM

Easy answer... anyone can reanimate a whole corpse... but putting one together, like a model car, is a true hobby.

Hahahaha!  :-) Yep!  He must have been a really great seamstress (is that the same for male or female?), what with all those nerves and vessels to reconnect. 

Another question-  Would you have stopped for the hitchhiker?
(I don't know if it was meant as a public service warning, 'never pick up hitchers'.  I've watched the
movies with Sean Bean *sigh* and Rutger Hauer *sigh2* <(both as in cuteness, oh how shallow I am :-)

Anyway, is compassion, empathy and trust- humanity, the first thing to go?  Those that are left, split into warring factions, and group/personal self-preservation become all that matters?  War?  Is that the fundamental truth of it all?  Like fighting off zombies isn't enough! 
At least it gives an example of how to prepare, I guess.

One more question- Would you fight to survive against all odds, or give up and cash it all in?


The last couple episodes of TWD has reaffirmed by enjoyment of the show.  While not as good as some of the earlier episodes, they certainly have been good, and headed in the right direction.  A mini-Armageddon is coming!

As to Rachael's question, I would fight to survive against almost all odds.  By "almost" I mean I would always keep once extra bullet reserved for myself.


Tonight's episode of TWD was such a snoozer. The fail continues. So many plot holes, I've lost count. I don't know if I can keep subjecting myself to this.


Quote from: MV on March 18, 2013, 02:00:25 AM
Tonight's episode of TWD was such a snoozer. The fail continues. So many plot holes, I've lost count. I don't know if I can keep subjecting myself to this.

I gave up 3 episodes ago.


zombies today are more ghoul than zombie. zombies used to be mindless drones. ghouls were ravenous flesh eaters. but nothing moves a story along like an army of quasi-indestructible flesh eaters. they're really just a convenient plot device. need to add suspense? add zombies. lazy storytelling.


Quote from: b_dubb on March 18, 2013, 06:10:10 PM
need to add suspense? add zombies. lazy storytelling.

that really is what it comes down to... but the people behind twd aren't even doing a good job of that.

Quote from: onan on March 18, 2013, 07:05:44 AM
I will be giving this a try:


not bad. since you may not have viewed it yet, i won't give it away except to say it has a great comedy moment using a common family activity.  8)

i would have rather seen the story take on more of the earlier sub of discovering the cause and prior knowledge before the outbreak. it is also obvious that none of them have seen Zombieland.... too many rules violated....  8)


If TWD is such a snoozefest, with plot holes (I disagree with the former, but admit to the latter), what are some examples of similar types of series who did not fail in that regard?  I'm curious as to what the standard is to those of you who have given up on this show.


I do agree with Evil Twin of Zen, that the source and cause of the zombie outbreak would be a great story line, largely unused thus far.

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