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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on October 29, 2016, 08:14:21 PM
i read that with this persons voice in mind.....


I actually forgot what was annoying me.

OH YEAH!!   Canadians! who think everybody around the world loves them. Can you believe it? some of them still exist, and they must go. New Canadians are as loud, verbose, and as arrogant as anybody else on this planet.

Earlier generations of Canadians earned that reputation, and they deserved it too. But the new breed has for the most part, let them down. Not ME! I'm very fucking nice and respectful when visiting abroad as I am a guest, and I am also representing my country. I alone will restore the reputation.

Unless I don't and can't.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: ksm32 on November 03, 2016, 08:18:39 PM


I actually forgot what was annoying me.

OH YEAH!!   Canadians! who think everybody around the world loves them. Can you believe it? some of them still exist, and they must go. New Canadians are as loud, verbose, and as arrogant as anybody else on this planet.

Earlier generations of Canadians earned that reputation, and they deserved it too. But the new breed has for the most part, let them down. Not ME! I'm very fucking nice and respectful when visiting abroad as I am a guest, and I am also representing my country. I alone will restore the reputation.

Unless I don't and can't.

I visited Cuba in 2005, which is a shortish flight from most of Canada. The French Canadians were the most rude arrogant people I've had the misfortune to be around (apart from arrogant Russians), the Canadians from Vancouver were the opposite. Friendly, generous, funny. They didn't like the FC either.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 03, 2016, 08:32:20 PM
I visited Cuba in 2005, which is a shortish flight from most of Canada. The French Canadians were the most rude arrogant people I've had the misfortune to be around (apart from arrogant Russians), the Canadians from Vancouver were the opposite. Friendly, generous, funny. They didn't like the FC either.

Having been stationed 50 miles south of Montreal for 4 years, I concur.


Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on November 03, 2016, 04:54:49 PM
Wow.  You handled it much better than I could have.  Let us know how it goes when you return and say 'hi' to the old man. 

That would be foolish. Anything could happen, from nothing to felony trespassing charges. I have no idea what narrative was spun to the manager, or if s/he agreed and upheld that narrative after we left.

I made my mind up not to do business with them the second he made the empty threat to call the cops on us. So the ban is moot. Besides if I really need to shop at Walmart again, I'll just go to the one across the street.

They have so many people banned or trespassed they can't keep up with them all. About the only time you could be caught is if you get caught stealing, or someone who was directly involved in the banning remembers you, then they'll tell you to leave, or call the police have you arrested and press trespass charges. Fuck'em if thats how they want to treat their honest customers.

We used to comply with the receipt check every time they asked. Until one day after being checked, we loaded up the the car, and went home. While putting up the Walmart haul, it struck me, we might not have paid for a 12 pack of soft drinks. We looked at the receipt, sure enough we didn't pay for it. OH SHIT! The receipt nazi missed it too! Now what?

This incident gave us three important bits of information as a takeaway. We previously talked about how the checks were so fast they couldn't catch anything and were bullshit, it was mostly security theater. That notion seemed to pan out in this particular instance. However if by some chance they actually did catch the error... Then what? Would they see it as an honest mistake, or accuse us of shoplifting? Now you are at the whim of people whos company treats and pays them like shit. Good luck. After the great getaway, we stopped putting stuff under the cart, and double checked making sure everything made it onto the conveyor belt. 

We tried to rectify the debt a week later. We told the cashier we accidentally didn't pay for soda last week, would she be so kind and charge us twice for the 12 pack this week. She looked at us like a baby arm sprouted out of our foreheads, then smiled and said "Thats okay don't worry about it." We insisted on paying. Her smile grew larger, and in a very gracious tone said "Nooo! Really, it's okay. Don't worry about it!" We apologized for our error, then thanked her for understanding and kindness. And everyone lived happily evar after.


Quote from: GravitySucks on November 03, 2016, 08:36:29 PM
Having been stationed 50 miles south of Montreal for 4 years, I concur.
OOOOO, that must have sucked. You were right in the midst of them.  Canada was only an hour or 2 to your East or West. (Unless you were still stateside)



Quote from: Hog on November 03, 2016, 08:55:19 PM
OOOOO, that must have sucked. You were right in the midst of them.  Canada was only an hour or 2 to your East or West.


It did. The beaches on Lake Champlain were a summer resort for the Frogs. Got to see some good concerts and hockey games in Montreal. Old Montreal was quaint. But the people... nah. Only been back there once to see a football game at McGill. Same experience.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 03, 2016, 08:05:03 PM
I haven't shown my receipt to anyone at the door since I found out I was not legally required to do so.  So far no one has even questioned my breezy ''no, thanks'' as I stroll past them. 

Each time, I hoped that day would be the day I would get to say ''well, call the cops, but they need to get here before I walk to the car and drive off''

We stopped complying over five years ago also. Never had any problems with any checker letting us go on our way unimpeded. I would let them see my receipt if the theft alarm went off, and I wasn't in a hurry. I might also let them see my receipt if I came from the back of the store with a big ticket item, but I don't really buy electronics at Walmart. I can get better products at better prices online.

Well we got to live your dream. Feels good, bro!

On a more serious note. The old man let his rent-a-cop/greeter job go to his head, and was pushing the bounds of his actual authority. He was walking a fine line, we called him on his bullshit, because we knew better. He was only succeeding at getting Walmart sued, and being promoted to customer. 

Quote from: Catsmile on November 03, 2016, 08:36:40 PM
... if you get caught stealing...

New plan.  When it feels right, I'm going to plead the 5th on the way past the receipt checkpoint.  What fun.


Quote from: Catsmile on November 03, 2016, 09:39:17 PM
We stopped complying over five years ago also. Never had any problems with any checker letting us go on our way unimpeded. I would let them see my receipt if the theft alarm went off, and I wasn't in a hurry. I might also let them see my receipt if I came from the back of the store with a big ticket item, but I don't really buy electronics at Walmart. I can get better products at better prices online.

Well we got to live your dream. Feels good, bro!

On a more serious note. The old man let his rent-a-cop/greeter job go to his head, and was pushing the bounds of his actual authority. He was walking a fine line, we called him on his bullshit, because we knew better. He was only succeeding at getting Walmart sued, and being promoted to customer. 

I am pretty sure Walmart will not miss you.... And I hope nobody ever disrespects your elderly parents for actually doing the job their employer requires them to do. Pretty sure your unjustifiable hatred of people that do their jobs will catch up to you. We may even see it on the next episode of "Cops"....

Quote from: HAUnted TEXan on November 04, 2016, 07:36:44 AM
I am pretty sure Walmart will not miss you.... And I hope nobody ever disrespects your elderly parents for actually doing the job their employer requires them to do. Pretty sure your unjustifiable hatred of people that do their jobs will catch up to you. We may even see it on the next episode of "Cops"....

So you aren't able to discern between someone asking to see the receipt and letting you go if declined - as they are trained to do, and required to do by law - and someone belligerently, aggressively trying to intimidate the customer?


Quote from: HAUnted TEXan on November 04, 2016, 07:36:44 AM
I am pretty sure Walmart will not miss you.... And I hope nobody ever disrespects your elderly parents for actually doing the job their employer requires them to do. Pretty sure your unjustifiable hatred of people that do their jobs will catch up to you. We may even see it on the next episode of "Cops"....

We now know you work as a Walmart associate.

We're not trying to hurt Walmart by not shopping there anymore. We're not shopping there anymore because they can't show us the same respect we afford them, it's that simple. Had we not been pressed for time we would have went to the returns department, and got a refund for our legally purchased products before departing.

Yeah, I hoped Walmart employs would never disrespect my 70 year old mother. Over 50 years of shopping as an adult without a hitch. Shes a small elderly lady with health problems, whom predators would see as an easy target. I've taken her shopping for many years to insure that doesn't happen. It never really crossed my mind that I would have any problems with Walmart associates. 20 plus years without any problems reinforced that notion.

Look at it this way, between both of us shopping at Walmart for over 20 years at least once a week. Lets do some math on that (20*52=1,040). Twenty years of shopping, at least one visit a week at Walmart equals, One thousand and forty visits minimum, or 2,080 visits for each of us combined. Nary a problem, with anyone, ever, associates or customers. Your logic is we are the problem, and not one over zealous associate?...mmmkay.

Simple common sense customer service dictates don't initiate an interaction with a customer in an aggressive, confrontational, or demanding manner. He was the one who chose to initiate in a confrontational manner, not us. Walmart company policy disallows dressed out associates working the floor from confronting suspected customers/shoplifters, that is a job for security. He could have simply asked nicely "Can I see your receipt?" We reply "No thanks." and that would have been the end of it. Had he suspected us of stealing he could have used his radio to call security, manager, asset protection, and let them do their jobs. The reason he didn't... thats also on him. They didn't detain us in the parking lot for a reason, no grounds. He just wanted to play the intimidate, insinuate, humiliate, manipulate head game, so we would waive our rights. It didn't work. He lost face, got mad and banned us. Simple as that.     

As for hating someone who does their job, nonsense. I've worked retail, and other jobs that requires dealing with the public, I can empathize. When doing business with anyone I'm always courteous, as that produces much better outcomes for both parties 99.9% of the time, it's common sense and decency. We know Walmart treats and pays most of its associates like shit, they don't need our shit on top of it. However turnabout is fair play. They don't get to treat us like shit because their employer treats them poorly or they are having a bad day. We don't harbor any ill will toward the associate who acted inappropriately. We were shocked or dumbfounded if anything. We think he was having a bad day, was poorly trained, or let the authority go to his head. Or some combination of the three. Who knows? I do know his behavior was out of line with Walmarts company policy, common sense customer service, common courtesy.

As far as seeing me or my 70 year old mother on COPS I doubt it. At least as long as we stay within the bounds of law. Acting like decent respectful citizens, asserting the rights given us by state and federal governments. You can dream though. :)

Generally I know my rights, and when I'm on the right side of the law. I've dealt with over zealous law enforcement the same way I did the greeter, several times in my life. Once they get/act pissed and try to provoke a reaction, so they can make an arrest. I smile. Because I know they don't have a case, and are on a fishing expedition. At that point, I tell them "I don't consent to this contact any longer." "I'm not saying anything else." "Am I free to go?" Which in turn actually pisses half of them off. They know the game is up. They have to make charges and arrest me, or let me go. Unless they have a solid case things can go just as badly for them as me.

I would think a good God fearing, Republican, Texan, like yourself would advocate for personal responsibility, and upholding citizens legal Rights. Letting someone shirk personal responsibility for their actions, or depriving others of their Rights using mantras like "I'm just doing my job." "It's company policy." "I'm following orders" isn't acceptable as an excuse. They are hiding their own lack of professionalism, and disregard for The Rule of Law behind such statements, pure and simple. Believing otherwise is specious reasoning. Excepting that kind of lazy behavior is eroding, and endangering The Rule of Law. Which we all purport to live by. All for the sake of a small pittance. 

Your fact free, emotionally manipulative, rant trying to paint me as a bad guy who disrespects elders for "just doing their job, and following company policy" is specious bullshit, pure and simple. I'm sorry you are a self-loathing shitkicker, stuck working for Walmart.

May your life be full of everyday low prices. :)


Quote from: Catsmile on November 04, 2016, 09:46:11 PM
May your life be full of everyday low prices.

^^^top right, please, MV  ;D


Quote from: PChirp on November 04, 2016, 09:57:28 PM
^^^top right, please, MV  ;D
MV doesnt pick, and if you ask, it WONT happen.

People step foot into Wal Marts 10 times a week?  jesus, do they sell Coke or something in there?  No wonder the world is going to shit.  Fucking Wal Mart, a great store, so long as its NOT in YOUR city.



Quote from: Catsmile on November 04, 2016, 09:46:11 PM
We now know you work as a Walmart associate.

We're not trying to hurt Walmart by not shopping there anymore. We're not shopping there anymore because they can't show us the same respect we afford them, it's that simple. Had we not been pressed for time we would have went to the returns department, and got a refund for our legally purchased products before departing.

Yeah, I hoped Walmart employs would never disrespect my 70 year old mother. Over 50 years of shopping as an adult without a hitch. Shes a small elderly lady with health problems, whom predators would see as an easy target. I've taken her shopping for many years to insure that doesn't happen. It never really crossed my mind that I would have any problems with Walmart associates. 20 plus years without any problems reinforced that notion.

Look at it this way, between both of us shopping at Walmart for over 20 years at least once a week. Lets do some math on that (20*52=1,040). Twenty years of shopping, at least one visit a week at Walmart equals, One thousand and forty visits minimum, or 2,080 visits for each of us combined. Nary a problem, with anyone, ever, associates or customers. Your logic is we are the problem, and not one over zealous associate?...mmmkay.

Simple common sense customer service dictates don't initiate an interaction with a customer in an aggressive, confrontational, or demanding manner. He was the one who chose to initiate in a confrontational manner, not us. Walmart company policy disallows dressed out associates working the floor from confronting suspected customers/shoplifters, that is a job for security. He could have simply asked nicely "Can I see your receipt?" We reply "No thanks." and that would have been the end of it. Had he suspected us of stealing he could have used his radio to call security, manager, asset protection, and let them do their jobs. The reason he didn't... thats also on him. They didn't detain us in the parking lot for a reason, no grounds. He just wanted to play the intimidate, insinuate, humiliate, manipulate head game, so we would waive our rights. It didn't work. He lost face, got mad and banned us. Simple as that.     

As for hating someone who does their job, nonsense. I've worked retail, and other jobs that requires dealing with the public, I can empathize. When doing business with anyone I'm always courteous, as that produces much better outcomes for both parties 99.9% of the time, it's common sense and decency. We know Walmart treats and pays most of its associates like shit, they don't need our shit on top of it. However turnabout is fair play. They don't get to treat us like shit because their employer treats them poorly or they are having a bad day. We don't harbor any ill will toward the associate who acted inappropriately. We were shocked or dumbfounded if anything. We think he was having a bad day, was poorly trained, or let the authority go to his head. Or some combination of the three. Who knows? I do know his behavior was out of line with Walmarts company policy, common sense customer service, common courtesy.

As far as seeing me or my 70 year old mother on COPS I doubt it. At least as long as we stay within the bounds of law. Acting like decent respectful citizens, asserting the rights given us by state and federal governments. You can dream though. :)

Generally I know my rights, and when I'm on the right side of the law. I've dealt with over zealous law enforcement the same way I did the greeter, several times in my life. Once they get/act pissed and try to provoke a reaction, so they can make an arrest. I smile. Because I know they don't have a case, and are on a fishing expedition. At that point, I tell them "I don't consent to this contact any longer." "I'm not saying anything else." "Am I free to go?" Which in turn actually pisses half of them off. They know the game is up. They have to make charges and arrest me, or let me go. Unless they have a solid case things can go just as badly for them as me.

I would think a good God fearing, Republican, Texan, like yourself would advocate for personal responsibility, and upholding citizens legal Rights. Letting someone shirk personal responsibility for their actions, or depriving others of their Rights using mantras like "I'm just doing my job." "It's company policy." "I'm following orders" isn't acceptable as an excuse. They are hiding their own lack of professionalism, and disregard for The Rule of Law behind such statements, pure and simple. Believing otherwise is specious reasoning. Excepting that kind of lazy behavior is eroding, and endangering The Rule of Law. Which we all purport to live by. All for the sake of a small pittance. 

Your fact free, emotionally manipulative, rant trying to paint me as a bad guy who disrespects elders for "just doing their job, and following company policy" is specious bullshit, pure and simple. I'm sorry you are a self-loathing shitkicker, stuck working for Walmart.

May your life be full of everyday low prices. :)
Never worked at "Wally World" and, thankfully, in a position where I will never have to. My point was, which you missed for whatever reason, that there are so many aspects of an individual business that you are not aware of, or entitled to. Outside pressures from the police threatening to no longer respond to every Walmart issue that arises may have put intense pressure on management causing, as usual, over reactions from middle management that can cause normally fair and rational folks now working for minimum wage to follow those asinine instructions in hope of bringing the shit to an end. Not sure if you are a bad guy or not, but you do seem to have abusive issues with anyone who has an opinion other than yours.... That must make interesting family dinners, video please?


Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn’t seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their “Older Person Friendly” policies.

One day the boss called him into the office for a talk. “Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you
finally get here; but your being late so often is quite bothersome.”

“Yes, I know boss and I am sorry and am working on it.”

“Well good, you are a team player. That’s what I like to hear.”

“Yes sir, I understand your concern and I will try harder.“

Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “I know you’re retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you
showed up in the morning late so often?”

The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, then said with a grin, “They usually saluted and said, Good morning, Admiral, can I get your coffee, sir?”



While out on my daily run today, I passed a house fully decked out for Christmas.  I suppose I should be happy they waited until after Halloween.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: whoozit on November 07, 2016, 12:36:41 PM
While out on my daily run today, I passed a house fully decked out for Christmas.  I suppose I should be happy they waited until after Halloween.

Our standing joke is you know its ready to prepare for Christmas when the easter eggs are in the shops.

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo being paid twenty million dollars this year for standing on the sideline chewing gum like a hick on Green Acres.

People are stroking out while trying to open a can of SpaghettiOs, and Romo's like, "Derp, I'm a master athlete and I can chew gum and make twenty million a year.  I am totally worth it."

Then - because a particularly sadistic type of camera operator keeps showing awkward shots of the insolent gum chewer -  the game announcers throw Romo a bone and talk about how great his career was.  Jesus Pigskin Christ, there is a hell, and it's called the NFL.

This damn can of SpaghettiOs isn't cooperating.



Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2016, 01:57:37 PM
Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo being paid twenty million dollars this year for standing on the sideline chewing gum like a hick on Green Acres.

People are stroking out while trying to open a can of SpaghettiOs, and Romo's like, "Derp, I'm a master athlete and I can chew gum and make twenty million a year.  I am totally worth it."

Then - because a particularly sadistic type of camera operator keeps showing awkward shots of the insolent gum chewer -  the game announcers throw Romo a bone and talk about how great his career was.  Jesus Pigskin Christ, there is a hell, and it's called the NFL.

This damn can of SpaghettiOs isn't cooperating.


*sigh* a guilty pleasure of mine

Quote from: onan on November 07, 2016, 02:22:36 PM
*sigh* a guilty pleasure of mine

If SpaghettiOs/Campbell's got you as a child, they got you for life.

Sometimes a craving pops up out of nowhere.  Some kind of Manchurian tomato sauce programming and it must be played out.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2016, 02:29:03 PM
If SpaghettiOs/Campbell's got you as a child, they got you for life.

Sometimes a craving pops up out of nowhere.  Some kind of Manchurian tomato sauce programming and it must be played out.

I hope this doesn't sound racist but are you guys originally from South of the border? I only ask because I used to run AV for corporate shows and events and one time I was working for Con Agra (I think they're the Chef Boyardee people) and they said that they were particularly big in South America with those kinds of products.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2016, 02:29:03 PM
If SpaghettiOs/Campbell's got you as a child, they got you for life.

Sometimes a craving pops up out of nowhere.  Some kind of Manchurian tomato sauce programming and it must be played out.
Ooooohhh yeah.

Some things just go together.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 07, 2016, 02:44:52 PM
I hope this doesn't sound racist but are you guys originally from South of the border? I only ask because I used to run AV for corporate shows and events and one time I was working for Con Agra (I think they're the Chef Boyardee people) and they said that they were particularly big in South America with those kinds of products.

I am not sure precisely what you are implying, but I am exactly as the thirteen gods made me.  Good day to you, sir. 


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2016, 03:46:58 PM
I am not sure precisely what you are implying, but I am exactly as the thirteen gods made me.  Good day to you, sir.

I actually like it too and I'm a total WASP.  :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 07, 2016, 03:59:09 PM
I actually like it too and I'm a total WASP.  :D
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2016, 03:46:58 PM
I am not sure precisely what you are implying, but I am exactly as the thirteen gods made me.  Good day to you, sir.

I have always thought it was mandatory by societal law, to consume tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.


Quote from: onan on November 07, 2016, 04:13:07 PM
I have always thought it was mandatory by societal law, to consume tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

I can actually say I have never partaken. Never had SOS either. I am such a rebel.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 07, 2016, 03:59:09 PM
I actually like it too and I'm a total WASP.  :D

Currently positioned in my car's CD player:
(there are no coincidences)


Quote from: GravitySucks on November 07, 2016, 04:14:30 PM
I can actually say I have never partaken. Never had SOS either. I am such a rebel.

Really, weren't you in the military? As I remember, once a week, at least.

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