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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM


Quote from: The General on October 04, 2016, 02:22:14 PM
I got a lot of catching up to do in this thread....
The Beach Boys.
Mike Love of the Beach Boys.


Quote from: Bobbysaltereg0 on October 09, 2016, 11:09:49 PM


People who are constantly on social media...

Can we expand that to constantly staring into their phones, period?

Yea that too. families going out to dinner and everyone is typing to someone else on social media..


The San Francisco Giants battling back to take the lead in Game 3. And then the game going into extra innings after the Cubs tie it up in the 9th. Giants should just roll over. This is the year of the Cubs.

There may be another post if the Giants end up winning this game. The Cubs only have one pitcher left.


Quote from: GravitySucks on October 11, 2016, 12:39:37 AM
The San Francisco Giants battling back to take the lead in Game 3. And then the game going into extra innings after the Cubs tie it up in the 9th. Giants should just roll over. This is the year of the Cubs.

There may be another post if the Giants end up winning this game. The Cubs only have one pitcher left.
Thanks for the jinx.


Dammit. Giants just won in the 13th. Cubs lead the series 2-1.

Quote from: GravitySucks on October 11, 2016, 12:39:37 AM
... This is the year of the Cubs...

Are you sure?

They may be well advised to keep any chickens, pigs, rabbits, goats and other farm animals away from the stadium, block off the seats within about 20 rows of the field so their idiot fans can't interfere with play, etc.  Just for insurance, they should probably stay off the cover of SI the next few weeks

I doubt any of it will be enough though.  The next strike of The Curse will of course be completely different and unforeseeable.


Solar FREAKING Roadways!!!1
All the money they've scammed over this lame idea.
Why this idea wasn't stillborn... is proof people are idiots.



I tried to buy my daughter a plane ticket home for Christmas and failed.  Apparently my last colonoscopy was too long ago.


"Things That Annoy You"

...people who read my posts


Quote from: theONE on October 23, 2016, 03:37:18 PM
"Things That Annoy You"

...people who read my posts

...and then baby-cry about me


Although I post often in politics and also hate the season particularly when we have questionable candidates, CONSTANT callers wanting me to answer polls or to support one candidate over the other, and purposely badly worded bond issues or amendments that confuse that is actually being voted on. It was nice to spend a weekend free of politics and watch football and then F1 race. (F1 'going green' with the new engines make me laugh. All the travel from people all over the world, three days of events and other races, to pack up and fly somewhere else- for a 2hr race. Very green business model!)


Kickstarter projects that drag on and on and on and on...

I just received project status update #67 for a hammer I helped fund back in 2013. It is a cool multi-tool in concept. They still don't have a functioning prototype.



Quote from: GravitySucks on October 25, 2016, 07:21:32 PM
Kickstarter projects that drag on and on and on and on...

I just received project status update #67 for a hammer I helped fund back in 2013. It is a cool multi-tool in concept. They still don't have a functioning prototype.


--indeed very interesting design, what's the story behind such a long delay in making a prototype ?
..but wasn't the one they use in the video the prototype ??

"Buy a Cole-Bar Hammer on Kickstarter"



Quote from: theONE on October 25, 2016, 07:35:41 PM
--indeed very interesting design, what's the story behind such a long delay in making a prototype ?
..but wasn't the one they use in the video the prototype ??

"Buy a Cole-Bar Hammer on Kickstarter"


Manufacturers backing out one after another and multiple design changes to the ratchet mechanism to handle the torque. Just changed engineering companies again. This is like the 7th one.

The one on the website is more like a model. It could be considered a prototype but the inventor is calling whatever evolves as the final design as a functional prototype.


Quote from: GravitySucks on October 25, 2016, 07:46:46 PM
Manufacturers backing out one after another and multiple design changes to the ratchet mechanism to handle the torque. Just changed engineering companies again. This is like the 7th one.

The one on the website is more like a model. It could be considered a prototype but the inventor is calling whatever evolves as the final design as a functional prototype.

That was one of the reactions I had watching that video, THE ratcheting capability and rigidity of the handle to use it as a nail remover,
and mass /or luck of it/ on the separated hammer handle to deliver strong effective blows.
It wouldn't be used by every day professional tradesman but perhaps once in a blue moon by a hobbyist or a occasional handy-man in my opinion.

As to the ratchet option, I don't think that is not essential to have it because usually stets of ratchet sockets come with the ratchet handle
-except this one in the hammer handle is longer and might provide bit more torque momentum.

But overall it's a nice idea,..
that $100,000 you invested in it could bring you more return if you went 50/50 with Art on MITD Show marketing expansion investment ;)

Yorkshire pud

The evil MV's not so subtle attempt to secure donations by sticking the donate tab where the home tab used to be. Damn him.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 26, 2016, 10:52:46 AM
The evil MV's not so subtle attempt to secure donations by sticking the donate tab where the home tab used to be. Damn him.

Are you high on tea or on your own farts?
Perhaps he should pay us for every post we make. Some times you should re-read your posts and hit the "Remove" button


Quote from: theONE on October 26, 2016, 11:30:24 AM
Are you high on tea or on your own farts?
Perhaps he should pay us for every post we make. Some times you should re-read your posts and hit the "Remove" button

lighten up, frodo.


I get that meter and rhyme are so deprecated that it's now fashionable to speak the verse of Shakespeare's day as though he'd handed you a modern tv script, and his couplets are delivered almost apologetically.  It's funny that performers of early music will churn out pages and pages analyzing the degree of metrical discretion permitted by authenticity, but actors just steamroll over all that concern when it comes to verse.

Just an example, seen in a video done by an RSC actor:  "To thine own self be true" is three iambic feet -- "to THINE own SELF be TRUE", but years of tuneless ears have turned it into two anapests -- "to thine OWN self be TRUE", placing a single, odd accent on "Own" instead of the double-barreled "THINE own SELF".


Quote from: K_Dubb on October 26, 2016, 12:36:38 PM
I get that meter and rhyme are so deprecated that it's now fashionable to speak the verse of Shakespeare's day as though he'd handed you a modern tv script, and his couplets are delivered almost apologetically.  It's funny that performers of early music will churn out pages and pages analyzing the degree of metrical discretion permitted by authenticity, but actors just steamroll over all that concern when it comes to verse.

Just an example, seen in a video done by an RSC actor:  "To thine own self be true" is three iambic feet -- "to THINE own SELF be TRUE", but years of tuneless ears have turned it into two anapests -- "to thine OWN self be TRUE", placing a single, odd accent on "Own" instead of the double-barreled "THINE own SELF".

Alas! Poor K_Dubb!

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