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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

The General

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on October 31, 2013, 09:50:48 PM
Women who wear a top hat at a smart angle.
The elusive Camazotz Automat.
Welcome back Cam.

Quote from: The General on November 01, 2013, 01:45:08 AM
The elusive Camazotz Automat.
Welcome back Cam.

Thanks for the secret Woodmen Of the World handshake greeting, General.


Favourite posters who disappear for ONLY A WHOLE FUKIN YEAR  ::)


Quote from: BobGrau on November 01, 2013, 06:09:38 AM
Favourite posters who disappear for ONLY A WHOLE FUKIN YEAR  ::)

I'm talking about Fort Rock, of course.


Funny on the gabcast MV mentioned dead posters and I thought about cam.

The General

Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 01, 2013, 01:59:09 AM
Thanks for the secret Woodmen Of the World handshake greeting, General.
I knew that only you would pick up on that.

Quote from: BobGrau on November 01, 2013, 06:09:38 AM
Favourite posters who disappear for ONLY A WHOLE FUKIN YEAR  ::)

Yeah. I hate those pricks.


Quote from: BobGrau on November 01, 2013, 06:26:31 AM
I'm talking about Fort Rock, of course.

It seems like it was just yesterday.


megyn kelly on fox news.  she's a typical fnc big government neo conservative establishment republican who is predictable in ALL of her analysis.  what show did she replace?  this is a fucking insufferable show.  i haven't watched fnc in a while, so i'm not aware of what show they dumped to make room for her. 

i miss the beltway boys.


Quote from: BobGrau on November 01, 2013, 06:09:38 AM
Favourite posters who disappear for ONLY A WHOLE FUKIN YEAR  ::)
Conversely, least favorite posters who won't disappear for a whole fukin year.


Quote from: MV on November 01, 2013, 07:12:06 PM
megyn kelly on fox news.  she's a typical fnc big government neo conservative establishment republican who is predictable in ALL of her analysis.  what show did she replace?  this is a fucking insufferable show.  i haven't watched fnc in a while, so i'm not aware of what show they dumped to make room for her. 

i miss the beltway boys.

She's in Hannity's old time slot.  Hyper Hannity is now on after her, for a "double delight."  ;)  They both need to back off of the caffeine.


Quote from: ziznak on November 01, 2013, 11:12:20 AM
Funny on the gabcast MV mentioned dead posters and I thought about cam.

"Cam's not dead, he's just... unborn."

Quote from: BobGrau on November 01, 2013, 08:22:06 PM
"Cam's not dead, he's just... unborn."

Aye. BG be knowin' me 'umble origins or lack thereof.


What annoys me today? Oh, an average of 5 (mostly inane) topics started per week, and an average of something like 12 posts each day. Every day. All day long.

But then my sleep has been very bad and I'm in an especially ornery mood. So YMMV.


Teachers. They bitch about sub standard pay and a heavy workload yet it seems the teachers I know are constantly going on trips and drive decent cars and live in nice houses. Listen up douche nozzles: you get paid a salary that any responsible adult could comfortably live on, get ridiculous vacation, and you have insane benefits and job security because you work for the state. All this and somehow some of you continue to complain. And the future of the country seems destined for the shitter because outlet youth are (seemingly) fucking ignorant. Fuck you bitchy teacher. Fuck you


Quote from: Sardondi on November 02, 2013, 01:07:03 PM
What annoys me today? Oh, an average of 5 (mostly inane) topics started per week, and an average of something like 12 posts each day. Every day. All day long.

But then my sleep has been very bad and I'm in an especially ornery mood. So YMMV.

Yeah me too, I fucking HATE that shit.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: lonevoice on November 01, 2013, 07:32:58 PM
Conversely, least favorite posters who won't disappear for a whole fukin year.

      And create 17 threads per day as a reminder of their presence.

Quote from: b_dubb on November 02, 2013, 01:17:48 PM
Teachers. They bitch about sub standard pay and a heavy workload yet it seems the teachers I know are constantly going on trips and drive decent cars and live in nice houses. Listen up douche nozzles: you get paid a salary that any responsible adult could comfortably live on, get ridiculous vacation, and you have insane benefits and job security because you work for the state. All this and somehow some of you continue to complain. And the future of the country seems destined for the shitter because outlet youth are (seemingly) fucking ignorant. Fuck you bitchy teacher. Fuck you

Weeeell, some of us don't make fantastic salaries. I still haven't hit my salary as a software engineer in the 80's after 12 years of teaching. Two years ago I bought my first new car with money I inherited. My former car had rust in the roof so my ass was wet if it snowed or rained. As for fantastic job security, my school is changing next year and I will lose all job security I had plus my accrued sick days, 72 in all. I do have the summer off to work another job, though, or tutor, or raise funds in some other way, plus prepare for the next year. The 401K plan I have comes from my private sector job. My masters cost me $15,000 dollars at a public university and I have to take continuing education credits at my own expense. I don't expect a pat on the back as it was my choice to teach, but one of the things that annoys me is lately the only time anyone seems to appreciate teachers is when they take a bullet for someone else's kid.

analog kid

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 02, 2013, 02:02:58 PM
      And create 17 threads per day as a reminder of their presence.

They kind of stay on the periphery at least, for the most part. You don't see some of them posting in the nightly Art Bell threads, for some reason.

And I say this as someone who was every bit as annoying as some of these guys at one point.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: analog kid on November 02, 2013, 03:14:54 PM
They kind of stay on the periphery at least, for the most part. You don't see some of them posting in the nightly Art Bell threads, for some reason.

And I say this as someone who was every bit as annoying as some of these guys at one point.

      Some do finally see sense and moderate their habits and others just kind of fade away. The latter is probably due to their losing computer privileges in the sanitarium rec room.


People that don't signal before they turn.
People that, after 20+ years of living in The U.S., still don't speak English.
People that act all shocked and caught off gaurd when at asked to pay at the checkout counter then proceed to slowly dig through their blackhole of a purse while the line is 10 or so people deep.
People who don't cover their mouths when they cough.


Quote from: BattyBrooke on November 02, 2013, 03:35:31 PM...People that act all shocked and caught off guard when at asked to pay at the checkout counter then proceed to slowly dig through their blackhole of a purse while the line is 10 or so people deep....
This continues to amaze me. It's like, "Huh? What? Oh!! I've got to pay! Oops, I don't have enough money! Now, where is that card? Maybe I should write a check instead.....". Jeez Louise! Drives me crazy.

Now, I'm going to get in trouble here I know, and perhaps YMMV, but I see this thoughtless behavior - the inability or refusal to think ahead and prepare for payment - far more often in women than in men. I can't remember the last time I saw a man not ready to pay. On the other hand, getting behind a woman who starts the process of thinking about payment only after she is told the total of her bill is a regular occurrence. I'm serious - all too often they haven't even found their debit card. The worst are the ones who know they're going to have to write a check and haven't even gotten their check book out, much less begun filling out the basic information.

analog kid

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 02, 2013, 03:22:07 PM
      Some do finally see sense and moderate their habits and others just kind of fade away. The latter is probably due to their losing computer privileges in the sanitarium rec room.

Still others go out in a blaze of crazy, and then try to register under a different name.

I just don't get the dynamic of registering on a forum and immediately insulting everyone. There's an element of entitlement going on with that.

*drunk and rambling


Quote from: Sardondi on November 02, 2013, 03:56:36 PM
Now, I'm going to get in trouble here I know, and perhaps YMMV, but I see this thoughtless behavior - the inability or refusal to think ahead and prepare for payment - far more often in women than in men. I can't remember the last time I saw a man not ready to pay.

Trouble be damned, a fact is a fact, and, in my experience, it is always women who do this. I want to beat them with their own purse, except when it is an elderly woman. They get a pass and deserve my respect and patience.


Quote from: Sardondi on November 02, 2013, 03:56:36 PM
This continues to amaze me. It's like, "Huh? What? Oh!! I've got to pay! Oops, I don't have enough money! Now, where is that card? Maybe I should write a check instead.....". Jeez Louise! Drives me crazy.

Now, I'm going to get in trouble here I know, and perhaps YMMV, but I see this thoughtless behavior - the inability or refusal to think ahead and prepare for payment - far more often in women than in men. I can't remember the last time I saw a man not ready to pay. On the other hand, getting behind a woman who starts the process of thinking about payment only after she is told the total of her bill is a regular occurrence. I'm serious - all too often they haven't even found their debit card. The worst are the ones who know they're going to have to write a check and haven't even gotten their check book out, much less begun filling out the basic information.

They're distracted by wondering why winston churchill is staring at them  :o


Quote from: Sardondi on November 02, 2013, 03:56:36 PM
This continues to amaze me. It's like, "Huh? What? Oh!! I've got to pay! Oops, I don't have enough money! Now, where is that card? Maybe I should write a check instead.....". Jeez Louise! Drives me crazy....

Behavior such as this is why I despise shopping, especially in the grocery store.  Our society seems to be overwhelmed with completely self-absorbed nincompoops.  If an aisle in the grocery isn't blocked by a twit forever staring at items on a shelve, it's somebody taking advantage of the free samples.  I swear, some people go to the grocery for a meal of food samples and fruit pilfering.  Thank goodness for the self-checkouts.  I can usually find one which isn't tied-up by somebody who's jammed-up the checkout machine.

The next fun is leaving the place, with idiots zooming through the parking lot like it was freeway, all the while playing with a phone.  I'm surprised more people aren't run down in parking lots.

Sports commentators who say "It's Katy bar the door!"


Quote from: BattyBrooke on November 02, 2013, 07:42:00 PM
Trouble be damned, a fact is a fact, and, in my experience, it is always women who do this. I want to beat them with their own purse, except when it is an elderly woman. They get a pass and deserve my respect and patience.

I have too many personal experiences to even try to argue this. I will add however, the dumbfounded "hands on, blue collar worker" guy that waits until the total is stated, then realizes his wallet is "hopefully" in his car. As much as I dislike women digging, I at least can rationalize they came prepared.

Quote from: Sardondi on November 02, 2013, 03:56:36 PM
but I see this thoughtless behavior - the inability or refusal to think ahead and prepare for payment - far more often in women than in men.

Quote from: BattyBrooke on November 02, 2013, 03:35:31 PM
caught off gaurd when at asked to pay at the checkout counter then proceed to slowly dig through their blackhole of a purse while the line is 10 or so people deep.

Quote from: BattyBrooke on November 02, 2013, 07:42:00 PM
Trouble be damned, a fact is a fact, and, in my experience, it is always women who do this. I want to beat them with their own purse

These observations beg the question,

What would Corporal Klinger do?
Would he hold up the line?
Or show military efficiency?
Claim his wallet was buried with his Uncle Mortimer?
Pull a pistol from his purse?

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