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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

Quote from: K_Dubb on July 05, 2019, 04:54:51 PM
You Danes always were sticklers about order and that sort of thing.  I hope you choke on an aebleskive.

and i hope the barber fucks up during your next bowl cut.



Companies that sell designers fashions in XXS (extra, extra small) but don't carry XXL.

Teen boys' "medium" t-shirts that are larger than women's "large" t-shirts.


Sexual predators, and people who make excuses for those who engage in harassment of such a nature.


People whose politics fall squarely within party lines, whose politics are not informed by what they personally deem important on an issue by issue basis.


When I know a loved one is starting another batch of angry bipolar mania days.  Is there no legal thing I can do to stave off her illness?  After a couple warning scratches, the next time she approaches for a connection, I beg off, say no, say it's an inconvenient time, say I have other priorities (all true).  They wheedle and cajole and present rationalizations until a sense of family duty overcomes me and I take the bait again.  One would think I would preserve household situations delicately, if for no other reason than peace and quiet for my elderly pet.  FAIL.


Webpage grab bars for scrolling that only give you a hand-eye coordination range of 5 pixels.


That the government announces how many jobs were created, but doesn't subtract the opposite number of jobs that were eliminated.


When "MacAfee subscription expired" hijacks a tab and then doesn't let you go back at all.

When deleted gmail drafts don't end up in the trash bin.

When the menu which includes the trash bin only appears arbitrarily.


Dates and interviewers that go off character once their agenda is done.  Haven't we all seen it, the date who realized you aren't the one, so they bail out or act sloppy.  The interviewer who rules out everyone in the group interview, and then just become unprofessonal, slouching, showing fatigue even though the interview was only 40 minutes early in the day, etc...

Look, we showed up for a good time.  You don't have to marry us or hire us, but don't reduce yourself to a bad attitude and sloppiness 10 minutes before the end.  Thank everyone for coming.  Wish us well.  One of our close friends or relatives might be your doctor's wife.  Our daughter might marry your son.  Even if we didn't fit what you need, we are still people and deserve respect.  When you go out of character, you show your true colors, that you are fake and myopic.  All that talk about radiance doesn't mean much if you're just going to fall apart when you don't meet your immediate goal.

You still expect a thank you note from me, so don't start being gross now!


Businesses that respond to negative reviews by naming names and biting back with things bordering on libel and HIPPA violations.  And yet they still somehow fail to address the main complaint!  There are ways to say things without being publicly insulting.  Might not want to work for you!


Businesses that advertise for an opening, but aren't really ready for it.
"How many hours is the position?"  We aren't sure.  Probably 16 right now but some weeks will be 40, and some inbetween.
"What will the work days be?"  We don't know.  Here are our hours...
"Which of your two offices will the position mainly work in?"  For this position?  ("::) No, McDonalds.")
"When would you like to hire?"  We aren't in a hurry.

This tells me they operate at minimum staffing, don't even have enough staff to cover vacations and personal days/sick days, and that they just want someone who can do anything for them.  How many capable workers in the work force can "just work any number of hours"?  Married, well-to-do women who just want pocket money?  Late bloomers living at home?  I don't get it.

I can understand upper management wanting to keep their latte lifestyle.  But they should pay all hires enough to maintain a car or pay for a room... And nothing said about how to balance the hours with a position elsewhere.

And when times are tight, like if a professional leaves & is not replaced, then this employee is the first to go...


I recently acquired a "slip-stick."

I vaguely being bored as a Jung-onion when I was instruckeducated as to its use.  Something about logs and reverse logs>?  Sounds preverted.

Hehe, I said "slip-stick..:"

I find it annoying that I do not remember, perhaps I should use my knowledge of mathematics and play with this "slip-stick?"

I also find it annoying that I cannot find the Beavis 'n' Butthead episode where this song was panned:


That is all, Carrie Anne.


Quote from: pate on July 13, 2019, 12:46:46 AM
...Sounds preverted.

Hehe, I said "slip-stick..:"

I find it annoying that I do not remember, perhaps I should use my knowledge of mathematics and play with this "slip-stick?"
Well, the longer you are in contact with it before moving, the more the friction will be, lol.


When someone gets home two hours early and you see them coming and whip everything back into the shape they demand, including yourself, before they open the door.  And they say, "I'm going to bed," as they disappear, along with their to-go container. 


Abrupt loud ads during Delta sleep You Tubes.


Quote from: Sixteen on July 14, 2019, 03:21:53 AM
Abrupt loud ads during Delta sleep You Tubes.

You are letting the deep state sleep program you.


Audio clips, like The Hax, that don't have a forward up option.

Listen on Repeat editor picks dominating as search results even after your actual search comes back.

Pet tag machines that don't allow words on both sides.

People who teach developmentally disabled people hundreds of daily things, but never bother to teach them basic hygiene, basic manners and basic grooming. It's a disservice to the patient, as everyone knows 9 of of 10 of them love and need hugs and touch - but who wants to touch someone whose residual nasal mucous is all presumably over her within a half hour of getting up?  Get her a puppy; at least it can clean itself anytime, whereas I can't.


Quote from: Sixteen on July 19, 2019, 10:49:33 PM
People who teach developmentally disabled people hundreds of daily things, but never bother to teach them basic hygiene, basic manners and basic grooming. It's a disservice to the patient, as everyone knows 9 of of 10 of them love and need hugs and touch - but who wants to touch someone whose residual nasal mucous is all presumably over her within a half hour of getting up?  Get her a puppy; at least it can clean itself anytime, whereas I can't.

Can take years. If you know somebody, take the time and it will enrich their lives.

It starts with "you have to shower every day." But then you realize they are wearing the same cloths. Then you say that you have to change your clothing every day, not realizing that they own three pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear. Then you realize they have never washed their bath towel... Please throw that in the laundry every week. What's that you say? You forgot to mention the nasty sheets that have been on the bed for a year.

Add all of this to somebody functioning at a grade 1 level, and you have yourself a project. (Ask me how I know.)


Quote from: WOTR on July 19, 2019, 11:02:13 PM
Can take years. If you know somebody, take the time and it will enrich their lives.

It starts with "you have to shower every day." But then you realize they are wearing the same cloths. Then you say that you have to change your clothing every day, not realizing that they own three pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear. Then you realize they have never washed their bath towel... Please throw that in the laundry every week. What's that you say? Your forgot to mention the nasty sheets that have been on the bed for a year.

Add all of this to somebody functioning at a grade 1 level, and you have yourself a project. (Ask me how I know.)
Well, sort of.  You must be talking about dementia.  Yes - that's frustrating too.  I think you once said something about care giving a relative.

But I was talking about what used to be called retardation.  Just to keep their hands clean, not to eat from their nose, and not to demand to grab people to compulsively sniff their scalp like an animal sniffing another animal.  I don't let her touch me at all.

This patient category was a first time for me.  Her situation is better now, but decades of neglect have not made much of her socialization, nor her health.


Dementia is hard because why should an (older) person want to clean something, when, to their old eyes, it looks, feels and smells perfectly clean.  I used to know one person who did not believe me that ants were crawling on her food.  Because she couldn't see them.  She wondered if I was lying.  You can see how they get paranoid, then.

And for some reason, their brains don't quite get it when you remind them they can't see the ants because they are legally blind.  Usually they deny the diagnosis, or claim that it's just too dark in the house.  I'm only in my 50s, but gosh darn it I'll use bright flash lights and black Sharpies!  One lady I new was blind, but loved to use pastel pink and green felt pens with a .10 tip.  It was ridiculous.  She couldn't even see the pens themselves!  Why don't people just adjust to aging as it occurs.

There are everyday adaptations that make transitioning a lot easier and help people retain independence.  But so many people stay stalwart until the end!  For lack of adaptation, they just end up helpless, completely dependent on others for everything.  Honestly, why should I glove up to put on someone long-ass socks and lace-up shoes when I myself transitioned to slip-ons or velcro, and easy wear a long time ago?  Were these people clueless?  Were they raised in a Congressional setting?  Oh, God forbid we be comfortable.  You know though, they all seem to opt for elastic waistbands.  Hmmm, that says it all.  They can adapt when they want to, when they don't want my hands near their crotch zipper.  Well, if they can adapt to that, they might as well start using a damn reacher too. That's what I'm gonna do for you anyway, dingbat.

I mean, these people would rather be completely helpless than get shoes they are able to fasten, get reachers they are able to use...  All things like this should start long before old age sets in.  While a person still is mobile enough or adept enough to order supplies.  Then, when feebleness gets more serious, at least they would have experience in getting what they need.

Sometimes I think our society expects certain people to act helplessly.  I've seen people be hand fed, or professionally transferred from one seat to another, when I know full well they can feed themselves and change chairs just fine.  A little sympathy and extra help is nice to receive, but let's not all act like helpless Jello just because someone is around to turn us over or help us up.  Hospitals also perpetuate needless helplessness, but not having ways for patients to stretch or work out in socially acceptable ways.  You are just expected to lay in bed 24/7, when nine out of ten patients is capable of and should do a little exercise each day.  If not, we should do it for them with passive exercises to keep their joints flexible.  But, that never happens.  No one prioritizes it.  No one allows time for it.  People would stare if a patient did isometrics in bed.  There is such a stereotype that you have to be on your back in a hospital.  But, in real life, patients actually stand up and mount stretchers, or walked into ER.  Not everyone is truly helpless in mobility.  I advocate for workout rooms in all health facilities.  After all, it is called health care.


Quote from: Sixteen on July 19, 2019, 11:11:06 PM
Well, sort of.  You must be talking about dementia.  Yes - that's frustrating too.  I think you once said something about care giving a relative.

But I was talking about what used to be called retardation. 
Nope... I was talking of the mentally challenged. When the person functions at the level of a 8 year old (but is 40), they can have a tough time "learning" how to be clean. Things that "anybody" should know (to change your cloths, to change your linens) does not necessarily come natural to them... And they may not understand why you would spend the time doing it.

Fortunately, there was a group of people to help guide the particular individual I am thinking of (many of whom were more patient and more tender than I.) He is still living a good life, and there is only the occasional day that you can get a "whiff" of odor.


Quote from: WOTR on July 20, 2019, 12:35:09 AM
Nope... I was talking of the mentally challenged. When the person functions at the level of a 8 year old (but is 40), they can have a tough time "learning" how to be clean. Things that "anybody" should know (to change your cloths, to change your linens) does not necessarily come natural to them... And they may not understand why you would spend the time doing it.

Fortunately, there was a group of people to help guide the particular individual I am thinking of (many of whom were more patient and more tender than I.) He is still living a good life, and there is only the occasional day that you can get a "whiff" of odor.
I see.  The lady I helped is said to be mentally around age 3.  But I know from her trouble-shooting skills and her assessing my responses before proceeding and her ability to transfer knowledge from one situation to another that parts of her brain are way beyond 3.  Maybe she could function more like 8 if people hadn't neglected her so much and let her live like an animal.  Or if her health conditions weren't so bad.  Skin is truly an organ and without proper care, like moisturization and exfoliation, especially with hormone disorders, without proper care, it can't do its job right.  And a lot of infections happen in people's lower legs, with broken skin.  She doesn't have cellulitis, but anyhow she is now getting the help she needs.  In middle age.


Quote from: WOTR on July 20, 2019, 12:35:09 AM
Nope... I was talking of the mentally challenged. When the person functions at the level of a 8 year old (but is 40), they can have a tough time "learning" how to be clean. Things that "anybody" should know (to change your cloths, to change your linens) does not necessarily come natural to them... And they may not understand why you would spend the time doing it.

Fortunately, there was a group of people to help guide the particular individual I am thinking of (many of whom were more patient and more tender than I.) He is still living a good life, and there is only the occasional day that you can get a "whiff" of odor.
Arguably not all are mentally challenged (though there are some studies with regard to average level of intelligence based on demographics/racial-types but these are highly controversial and also fraught with methodology problems) but we also take it a lot of illegals, "refugees," and "migrants" who simply have never had access to modern facilities and have not been raised in a manner of cleanliness. This is why there are signs, and even classes, to 'teach' these people how to use a toilet, to wash hands, to not crap on the floor, or in the street, not to 'wipe' with your hand but use paper, brush teeth, and so on. There are also cultural "taboos" in some cases with regard to hygiene, especially feminine hygiene and funeral processes.  Then there are the mentally challenged or just zonked out due to decades of drug/alcohol abuse that are homeless that also are unable, or unwilling, to take care of themselves or operate in a hygienic way and just crap, piss, throw trash everywhere- a real problem in some cities. 

An example: 









Quote from: albrecht on July 20, 2019, 10:30:25 AM
Arguably not all are mentally challenged (though there are some studies with regard to average level of intelligence based on demographics/racial-types but these are highly controversial and also fraught with methodology problems) but we also take it a lot of illegals, "refugees," and "migrants" who simply have never had access to modern facilities and have not been raised in a manner of cleanliness. This is why there are signs, and even classes, to 'teach' these people how to use a toilet, to wash hands, to not crap on the floor, or in the street, not to 'wipe' with your hand but use paper, brush teeth, and so on. There are also cultural "taboos" in some cases with regard to hygiene, especially feminine hygiene and funeral processes.  Then there are the mentally challenged or just zonked out due to decades of drug/alcohol abuse that are homeless that also are unable, or unwilling, to take care of themselves or operate in a hygienic way and just crap, piss, throw trash everywhere- a real problem in some cities. 

An example: 









Things that annoy you.  That poor children receive entitlements for HOT school lunches, while children from higher income families are reduced to a cold, sack lunch.


Quote from: Sixteen on July 19, 2019, 11:51:08 PM
Dementia is hard because why should an (older) person want to clean something, when, to their old eyes, it looks, feels and smells perfectly clean.  I used to know one person who did not believe me that ants were crawling on her food.  Because she couldn't see them.  She wondered if I was lying.  You can see how they get paranoid, then.

And for some reason, their brains don't quite get it when you remind them they can't see the ants because they are legally blind.  Usually they deny the diagnosis, or claim that it's just too dark in the house.  I'm only in my 50s, but gosh darn it I'll use bright flash lights and black Sharpies!  One lady I new was blind, but loved to use pastel pink and green felt pens with a .10 tip.  It was ridiculous.  She couldn't even see the pens themselves!  Why don't people just adjust to aging as it occurs.

There are everyday adaptations that make transitioning a lot easier and help people retain independence.  But so many people stay stalwart until the end!  For lack of adaptation, they just end up helpless, completely dependent on others for everything.  Honestly, why should I glove up to put on someone long-ass socks and lace-up shoes when I myself transitioned to slip-ons or velcro, and easy wear a long time ago?  Were these people clueless?  Were they raised in a Congressional setting?  Oh, God forbid we be comfortable.  You know though, they all seem to opt for elastic waistbands.  Hmmm, that says it all.  They can adapt when they want to, when they don't want my hands near their crotch zipper.  Well, if they can adapt to that, they might as well start using a damn reacher too. That's what I'm gonna do for you anyway, dingbat.

I mean, these people would rather be completely helpless than get shoes they are able to fasten, get reachers they are able to use...  All things like this should start long before old age sets in.  While a person still is mobile enough or adept enough to order supplies.  Then, when feebleness gets more serious, at least they would have experience in getting what they need.

Sometimes I think our society expects certain people to act helplessly.  I've seen people be hand fed, or professionally transferred from one seat to another, when I know full well they can feed themselves and change chairs just fine.  A little sympathy and extra help is nice to receive, but let's not all act like helpless Jello just because someone is around to turn us over or help us up.  Hospitals also perpetuate needless helplessness, but not having ways for patients to stretch or work out in socially acceptable ways.  You are just expected to lay in bed 24/7, when nine out of ten patients is capable of and should do a little exercise each day.  If not, we should do it for them with passive exercises to keep their joints flexible.  But, that never happens.  No one prioritizes it.  No one allows time for it.  People would stare if a patient did isometrics in bed.  There is such a stereotype that you have to be on your back in a hospital.  But, in real life, patients actually stand up and mount stretchers, or walked into ER.  Not everyone is truly helpless in mobility.  I advocate for workout rooms in all health facilities.  After all, it is called health care.

Bravo!  God Bless you Sixteen! :-*


Quote from: Sixteen on July 21, 2019, 05:03:59 AM
Things that annoy you.  That poor children receive entitlements for HOT school lunches, while children from higher income families are reduced to a cold, sack lunch.
Serious question Sixteen.  With all these things that annoy you why do you get up each morning?


Quote from: whoozit on July 21, 2019, 02:30:25 PM
Serious question Sixteen.  With all these things that annoy you why do you get up each morning?
Now, now, Mr. W, you know waking up is best because the alternative would be annoying to say the least!


Hallmark channel Depends commercials seem to be using femle child pelvis models.  Reprehensible!

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