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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 26, 2014, 08:37:54 AM

One day Eddie, there should be a holiday screenplay of growing up in Boston, A Christmas Story for modern times and this episode should be a key part of it. The detail of the first communion and dodging the celebrations is so spot on. I can actually see it.  ;D

It sounds like someone's significant other or parent made him throw them away but he didn't have the heart to actually do that so he left it out there for someone else to appreciate.

     That screenplay/film would mirror "Good Will Hunting", just without the genius/Harvard angle. I remember immediately thinking "Of all the fuckin' days to find these magazines, it's the day when our houses are filled with more people than usual" but knowing that if we left those boxes there, the older kids who drank there at night would find them.

       I had the luxury of my siblings being younger. My two cohorts had older brothers who not only found the contraband, but one absconded with the items when he moved out not long after.



analog kid

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 26, 2014, 12:39:39 PM

Do both lead to wrist slitting?

I take it, yes.

I've heard a portion of one of her songs, and I remember nothing about it, mercifully. I don't need crap like that bouncing around in my head.


Basically every one in my family except my daughter.   Especially my mother.   

Eddie Coyle

     It sucks that when "A Christmas Story" is on, I start excitedly yelling about "look! It's Messy Marvin!!! and nobody seems to know what I'm talking about. Dirt Bike Kid would elicit similar response I suppose.

    Well, a greasy 'fuck you' to people born after 1977 for not understanding. How dare you.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on December 29, 2014, 11:23:48 AM
     It sucks that when "A Christmas Story" is on, I start excitedly yelling about "look! It's Messy Marvin!!! and nobody seems to know what I'm talking about. Dirt Bike Kid would elicit similar response I suppose.

    Well, a greasy 'fuck you' to people born after 1977 for not understanding. How dare you.


LOL! Oh Jeeze, I just outed myself. Messy Marvin was really cute, though, and much better than the other blonde kid who was the death knell of too many sitcoms trying to belt out the last wheeze by bringing on a cute adopted *tyke*.

Bart Ell

"Blacks Passport Photos" is a very misleading sign.
Or,  "Blacks Sale"

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 29, 2014, 12:17:24 PM

LOL! Oh Jeeze, I just outed myself. Messy Marvin was really cute, though, and much better than the other blonde kid who was the death knell of too many sitcoms trying to belt out the last wheeze by bringing on a cute adopted *tyke*.

   "Robbie Rist Syndrome" of the 70's becoming "Danny Cooksey Snydrome" in the 80's. Indeed, the death rattle of a sitcom is the arrival of a newly found kid. Granted, my exposure to sitcoms ends around 1993, but what I watched back then displayed obvious patterns.

     Here's what a demon seed I was as a kid. I'd yell "Messy Marvin!" and then proceed to knock over the milk/soda of the kid next to me at the lunch table, or at recess. I must have done that 50 separate times in 3rd/4th grade. Never got old. Even the detention was worth it.


Naggers. People that nag me really annoy me.

analog kid

Quote from: eyenoeyeno on December 27, 2014, 08:59:39 AM
Basically every one in my family except my daughter.   Especially my mother.   
I'll trade you. I'll even throw in some complimentary scotch and prozac. You're going to need it.


I'll loan uguise Falkies catheter tube, it can be used as an IV if you have an extra large artery that you can access.  That way you can directly infuse his blood stream with the Scotch and the Prozac tablets can be pushed through into his system more quickly.

Quote from: bennylava on December 30, 2014, 10:37:02 PM
Naggers. People that nag me really annoy me.
well, if you were not so lazy, stupid, hard of hearing, hard headed, short, skinny, handsome, opinionated, so old, too young, sneaky, smart, pretty, hard working, open minded, tall, fat, bug infested, rich, hated, boring, poor, well groomed, smelly, ...etc. we wouldn't have to nag at you.    :D

analog kid

Quote from: paladin1991 on December 31, 2014, 11:12:55 AM
I'll loan uguise Falkies catheter tube, it can be used as an IV if you have an extra large artery that you can access.  That way you can directly infuse his blood stream with the Scotch and the Prozac tablets can be pushed through into his system more quickly.

Scotch IV you say?

Quote from: bennylava on December 30, 2014, 10:37:02 PM
Naggers. People that nag me really annoy me.
Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on December 31, 2014, 05:05:02 PM
well, if you were not so lazy, stupid, hard of hearing, hard headed, short, skinny, handsome, opinionated, so old, too young, sneaky, smart, pretty, hard working, open minded, tall, fat, bug infested, rich, hated, boring, poor, well groomed, smelly, ...etc. we wouldn't have to nag at you.    :D
btw, they annoy me too. however, i do relish the knowledge i have in some way confirmed their perfect world and i the imperfection needing their input.
i do prefer naggers over complainers. not to complain of course. that would be rude.  ;D


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on December 31, 2014, 08:59:00 PM
btw, they annoy me too. however, i do relish the knowledge i have in some way confirmed their perfect world and i the imperfection needing their input.
i do prefer naggers over complainers. not to complain of course. that would be rude.  ;D
what about complaining naggers?

Quote from: wr250 on December 31, 2014, 09:05:32 PM
what about complaining naggers?
that would be the politics section. right?  ;D

Eddie Coyle

    The three Boston-area rock stations playing "New Year's Day" by that rancid,egg fart of a band U2.

     You unimaginative hacks. I hope Black September or Alpha 66 or Baader-Meinhof or Posse Comitatus blows up your transmitters.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on December 31, 2014, 11:07:40 PM
    The three Boston-area rock stations playing "New Year's Day" by that rancid,egg fart of a band U2.

     You unimaginative hacks. I hope Black September or Alpha 66 or Baader-Meinhof or Posse Comitatus blows up your transmitters.

Every generation has its Guy Lombardo on New Year's Eve.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Unscreened Caller on December 31, 2014, 11:13:18 PM

Every generation has its Guy Lombardo on New Year's Eve.

    True, I guess this is part of the horrible tradition of the evening. I get spoiled by the Three Stooges Marathon. Take bad with good...

     But the first music you hear of a new year shouldn't be from the musical version of the Potato Famine.



Speaking of New Year's annoyances...

Why does the news have to do a Year in Review?...as if you need to be reminded of all the shit that happened over the last 12 months.

And that's another thing, 12 months, not a long time at all! Although I hate to sound like Jorch or rather state the obvious about time flying by, but every twelve months people celebrate something which doesn't feel like a celebration and wish each other "Happy New Year!" as if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It may be fun while you are a young person and not so familiar with the pattern of the world but get just a little older and you feel like you are celebrating nothing for no reason too often. Why don't people just wish each other happy new months instead..."Happy January!" "Happy February!" "Happy March!" etc...etc... How about a month in review? Oh that was a bad month, next month will be much better! Hell! Why not do this with weeks or even days? Because not only do we need to know everything but we must continually remind ourselves lest we forget!

Every year it rolls around, the New Year's Eve celebration, and it is like "Party Out Of Desperation" time because there's nothing else that can be done after Christmas (also every twelve months!).


Quote from: UFQuack on January 01, 2015, 05:08:10 PM
Speaking of New Year's annoyances...

Why does the news have to do a Year in Review?...as if you need to be reminded of all the shit that happened over the last 12 months.

And that's another thing, 12 months, not a long time at all! Although I hate to sound like Jorch or rather state the obvious about time flying by, but every twelve months people celebrate something which doesn't feel like a celebration and wish each other "Happy New Year!" as if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It may be fun while you are a young person and not so familiar with the pattern of the world but get just a little older and you feel like you are celebrating nothing for no reason too often. Why don't people just wish each other happy new months instead..."Happy January!" "Happy February!" "Happy March!" etc...etc... How about a month in review? Oh that was a bad month, next month will be much better! Hell! Why not do this with weeks or even days? Because not only do we need to know everything but we must continually remind ourselves lest we forget!

Every year it rolls around, the New Year's Eve celebration, and it is like "Party Out Of Desperation" time because there's nothing else that can be done after Christmas (also every twelve months!).

then there are those that just look for an excuse to party:
its monday need to party
its hump day time to party
its fri/sat/sun time to party
its arbor day time to party
phil saw his shadow ! time to party

Quote from: UFQuack on January 01, 2015, 05:08:10 PM
Speaking of New Year's annoyances...

Why does the news have to do a Year in Review?...as if you need to be reminded of all the shit that happened over the last 12 months.

And that's another thing, 12 months, not a long time at all! Although I hate to sound like Jorch or rather state the obvious about time flying by, but every twelve months people celebrate something which doesn't feel like a celebration and wish each other "Happy New Year!" as if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It may be fun while you are a young person and not so familiar with the pattern of the world but get just a little older and you feel like you are celebrating nothing for no reason too often. Why don't people just wish each other happy new months instead..."Happy January!" "Happy February!" "Happy March!" etc...etc... How about a month in review? Oh that was a bad month, next month will be much better! Hell! Why not do this with weeks or even days? Because not only do we need to know everything but we must continually remind ourselves lest we forget!

Every year it rolls around, the New Year's Eve celebration, and it is like "Party Out Of Desperation" time because there's nothing else that can be done after Christmas (also every twelve months!).
i always looked at these holiday celebration times as my turn to get paid for doing whatever, or nothing. this balances out and erases all the review events. ah... the good old days.  ;D


Quote from: UFQuack on January 01, 2015, 05:08:10 PM
Speaking of New Year's annoyances...

Why does the news have to do a Year in Review?...as if you need to be reminded of all the shit that happened over the last 12 months.

And that's another thing, 12 months, not a long time at all! Although I hate to sound like Jorch or rather state the obvious about time flying by, but every twelve months people celebrate something which doesn't feel like a celebration and wish each other "Happy New Year!" as if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It may be fun while you are a young person and not so familiar with the pattern of the world but get just a little older and you feel like you are celebrating nothing for no reason too often. Why don't people just wish each other happy new months instead..."Happy January!" "Happy February!" "Happy March!" etc...etc... How about a month in review? Oh that was a bad month, next month will be much better! Hell! Why not do this with weeks or even days? Because not only do we need to know everything but we must continually remind ourselves lest we forget!

Every year it rolls around, the New Year's Eve celebration, and it is like "Party Out Of Desperation" time because there's nothing else that can be done after Christmas (also every twelve months!).

Charlie Brooker's 2014 Wipe


The news has to do a news in review because the station needs to fill air time.  They already have all the video, so a lowly editor (in TV an editor puts together video and audio - it's not a management positlion as with newspapers) can put the show together.  The editor is one of the lowest paid people in the newsroom - the video and audio already exist - so the show is cheap.  In modern broadcasting cheap wins over quality.


Quote from: UFQuack on January 01, 2015, 05:08:10 PM
Speaking of New Year's annoyances...

Why does the news have to do a Year in Review?.....

Just chiming in to agree on this.  I dread it every year.  Hey did you manage to finally forget that tragedy/disappointment/disaster/failure?  Here it is again!

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: zeebo on January 03, 2015, 02:44:17 AM
Just chiming in to agree on this.  I dread it every year.  Hey did you manage to finally forget that tragedy/disappointment/disaster/failure?  Here it is again!

   I still can't get over the death of Mickey Rooney.

   I mean that it occurred in 2014. I thought he died during the Clinton Administration.

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