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Rush Limbaugh

Started by Marc.Knight, March 17, 2011, 10:10:10 AM

Tinfoil Hat

Did somebody mention Lush Rimbaugh, radio's most famous blowhard drug addict?

That man has done nothing but lower the level of political discourse. He's like a Howard Stern version of Senator McCarthy and about as truthful and honest as him too. Bleeeeech.


Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on September 17, 2013, 11:22:08 PM
Did somebody mention Lush Rimbaugh, radio's most famous blowhard drug addict?

That man has done nothing but lower the level of political discourse. He's like a Howard Stern version of Senator McCarthy and about as truthful and honest as him too. Bleeeeech.

What is he lying about?


A few minutes ago, he just said, "They know I'm a genius."
I actually like him. He just makes me mad when he talks about things he probably isn't qualified to talk about. That includes a lot of science topics.

Taoof LuxLisbon, Ive been meaning to say what a lovely avatar you have. I liked The Virgin Suicides, liked Middlesex a bit better. Eugenides really captured what it was like being a teenager in the 70s.

I heard a couple minutes of Jabba the Rush this morning.  It must have been the program's intro.  He did his usual schtick about he has "talent on loan from God" in that loud, bloviating voice.  I know his fans will say he's being humorous, that he doesn't regard himself with such worship and awe.  I am not convinced.

Rush has been on the air for how long now... 30 years?  I'm sure he's been on target more than a few times.  I'm sure he's missed the mark as many times.  Look, he's a radio personality (not a straight news guy); being bland won't bring in listeners.  He (like all of them) has to be edgy, controversial.  Being so, he is going to offend as many people as who sing his praises.  This is all clear enough to the posters at this forum.  It keeps coming down to our basic subjective opinion of him (and Hannity, and Olbermann, and Maddow, and Coulter, and blah-blah-blah).  I find him to be more toxic that instructive.

Is there, truly, a genuinely objective news source anymore?  Are there pundits whose opinions are not tainted by their own political perspectives?  My answer is a resounding no.


Pundits are not credible news sources.  Nor is a newspaper editorial.  Both spew opinions. 
Since the McLaughlin Group, though, reporters seem to think people care about their opinions.  Those opinions have rolled over into what are supposed to be factual news stories.  Shameful.


I change the station very quickly when he spouts outta my radio.  He's like a poisonous vapour seeping into the car. I have zero tolerance for this blubber mouth.

Out of curiosity, what do you guys think of Rush's voice and delivery?  I know he is articulate.  He's been doing his thing to the tune of tens, nay, hundreds of millions of dollars now for nigh on three decades.  But to me, his voice -- the tone and timbre -- are so self-important, so bloody insistent, that I can only listen for a minute or two.  His supposedly-joking "Talent on loan from God" thing -- to me -- is so off-putting that I just can't listen.  Of course, it doesn't help that I disagree with the vast majority of what he says.

HOWEVER, I feel similarly about Garrison Keillor, who, like Rush, has been on the air for decades, made boat loads of money, and whose programming I DO enjoy.  Nonetheless, his delivery and tone are beginning to put me to sleep.  The pace, the repetition of words, the audible inhalation of breath, just distract me now.

Heather Wade

And what about, "Half my brain tied behind my back to make it fair."  Jeez.  That guy.

He just sounds bloated and fat to me, and gross.  Confidence is one thing, but being completely delusional regarding one's own self-importance is quite another.  Can't listen to that voice.  I imagine him eating when I hear him, and must find a happy place to make the mental image go away quickly.

I have a friend and former colleague who interviewed Rush back in the late 90's for a series of instructive videos on writing he was doing.  He said Rush was courteous and professional.  And I can see those qualities when I watch these programs (which have aired on PBSU).  But now, I just hear constant bloviation, resentment, anger, anger, anger.  Rush is not alone in this.  I am politically much more aligned with a Keith Olbermann, but his voice, too, left me tired after a while.  His rather over-the-top Worst Person in the World segments just got tiresome after a while, even when the persons featured WERE pretty damn crummy. 

Maybe that's why I like Art's voice so much.  He modulates.  You occasionally hear doubt, uncertainty, humility.  I get very nervous around people who are absolutely certain they are the smartest cats in the room.


Quote from: Redacted on October 13, 2013, 12:48:10 PM
And what about, "Half my brain tied behind my back to make it fair."  Jeez.  That guy.

He just sounds bloated and fat to me, and gross.  Confidence is one thing, but being completely delusional regarding one's own self-importance is quite another.  Can't listen to that voice.  I imagine him eating when I hear him, and must find a happy place to make the mental image go away quickly.

All that^


Quote from: Cynnie on October 13, 2013, 03:33:07 PM

All that^

It is easy to hate, it is even easier to be stupid. Limbaugh is the maestro to the band of hate and stupid.


Quote from: onan on October 13, 2013, 03:45:25 PMIt is easy to hate, it is even easier to be stupid. Limbaugh is the maestro to the band of hate and stupid.
Huh. And here I thought it was that his blowhard and irritating style was part of a shtick chosen to elicit an even more pissed off response when he exposed the left's failures and hypocrisies.


Quote from: Sardondi on October 13, 2013, 07:51:39 PM
Huh. And here I thought it was that his blowhard and irritating style was part of a shtick chosen to elicit an even more pissed off response when he exposed the left's failures and hypocrisies.

Can't both be true?


Quote from: onan on October 13, 2013, 07:55:49 PM
Can't both be true?
You know, as a problem in plane geometry, I guess it is. Not in this case, though. Besides, I don't think I'd want to harp on how stupid some guy is that my team hasn't been able to stop or even slow down for over 25 years.


Quote from: Sardondi on October 13, 2013, 08:15:54 PM
You know, as a problem in plane geometry, I guess it is. Not in this case, though. Besides, I don't think I'd want to harp on how stupid some guy is that my team hasn't been able to stop or even slow down for over 25 years.

I am so frequently bemused by those who see Rush as a blowhard, denigrate him for his weight ( being overweight is a safe topic to disparage someon ) and yet all too frequently, the same people who say they can not abide by his voice are the same ones who do not listen to his program on a regular basis.
Like Art, you don't rise to a position of prominence on radio by just being a blowhard with nothing to back it up.
Premiere paid Art for his show and Rush's network paid him $ 400 million to do his.
IF he were only a blowhard, then he'd have been off the air in months instead of being on it for 25 years.
Yet other blowhards on the other side of the spectrum have fallen by the wayside, because in part, they make things up.
Rush has a track record for being correct on issues and when he's wrong he admits it.
I've listened to the man on and off since literally the first minute he was on the air in Sacramento.
I've never heard him, as an example, call for the killing of Dick Cheney or George Bush as I have heard people do both on radio and tv.
The man is a professional and acts accordingly.
Part of what he does is showmanship, thus the " one hand tied behind my back ", " talent on loan from G*d ", etc.
But when he brings up issues, he does the research first and then disccusses the topic.
Unlike a certain other talk show host we know who claims to and doesn't.
And there have been Leftist journalist who have made up racist things about him, only to later retract them and apologize.
Rush gets a raw deal because of a perception that is not true, much like many Conservatives and Tea Party members do for being " haters ", "homophobes ", " xenophobes " and other ad hominem attacks, just like attacking him for his weight instead of the issues he brings up on a daily basis.


Sorry guys, but this time you are wrong. I don't care how many listeners he has. Stupid is stupid. You don't have to believe me. Honestly in this case your agreement or disagreement is of little importance.

I won't even bother posting a list of stupid things this moron has said. The list is too long.


One thing Rush did was bring the energy and sense of humor of Top 40 radio to talk radio.  Some of his stuff is just old-time disc jockey foolishness.  As he says, he sometimes uses absurdity to illustrate absurdity.  You may or may not like that technique, and it is certainly very different than the techniques of a typical NPR host. I think Rush is a pretty bright guy, even though he has little formal education.  That doesn't mean I agree with him on everything.

Onan, if you want stupidity, give a listen to Sean Hannity's radio program.  I'll give you a medal if you last 15-minutes. Ha.


Quote from: UFO Fill on October 14, 2013, 06:44:23 AM
One thing Rush did was bring the energy and sense of humor of Top 40 radio to talk radio.  Some of his stuff is just old-time disc jockey foolishness.  As he says, he sometimes uses absurdity to illustrate absurdity.  You may or may not like that technique, and it is certainly very different than the techniques of a typical NPR host. I think Rush is a pretty bright guy, even though he has little formal education.  That doesn't mean I agree with him on everything.

Onan, if you want stupidity, give a listen to Sean Hannity's radio program.  I'll give you a medal if you last 15-minutes. Ha.

Hell I enjoy Rush every once in a great while. I am not debating his talent. And I agree Hannity... well...


Quote from: onan on October 14, 2013, 06:52:56 AM
Hell I enjoy Rush every once in a great while. I am not debating his talent. And I agree Hannity... well...
Rush and Hannity make me sick.
The only two people that makes me more sick is Sarah Palin and John McCain.

Sarah Palin wants money to give a speech for things she say are necessities for our freedoms.
John McCain has his head screwed on backwards.
Rush and Hannity are just in it for a paycheck.

Wanna know someone who I respect? ART BELL. The man who does it for the love and for his fans. Making 75k a year, and turning down big money offers, because he didn't give in to the greed.


Quote from: Philosopher on March 17, 2011, 10:10:10 AM
Are there any "Rush Rooms" left?  I remember that was big for several years across the country.  Some have commented that his edge is gone, but I think his commentary is just more sophisticated.

He is a bloated rich fat cat now and is out of touch no matter how he tried to connect.

He lost a lot of credibility with those everyday joes who walk the walk while talking the talk when he was scamming for hillbilly heroin.

He is still uneducated, and it shows no matter how intelligent and well spoken he is.

He no longer has the Clinton's to poke fun at.  The Obama problem is much larger and he cannot do the cheeky humor about the Clinton's.

He is being copied and refuses to innovate.

He doesn't have many people on the right to cheer for these days.

However, his political analysis is typically spot-on, profound , and forward thinking.   Rush is more of a political analyst than right wing fire breather these days.   Kind of like an approachable Carl Rove that likes pills instead of teenage boys.  Rarely listen to him.    Find it a chore to hear him and do not want others knowing that I'm tuning him in.


Quote from: Foodlion on October 14, 2013, 10:01:20 AM
Rush and Hannity make me sick.
The only two people that makes me more sick is Sarah Palin and John McCain.

Sarah Palin wants money to give a speech for things she say are necessities for our freedoms.
John McCain has his head screwed on backwards.
Rush and Hannity are just in it for a paycheck.

Wanna know someone who I respect? ART BELL. The man who does it for the love and for his fans. Making 75k a year, and turning down big money offers, because he didn't give in to the greed.

You seem pretty well up to speed with what current and former politicians make for speaking appearances.    Do you have any figures on what Bill Clinton has been making?

Agree on AB though.  But I don't think he even needs the money you quoted.   He could/should be making twice that.  But to your point, it's not about money, and if you don't need money that is more true.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on October 14, 2013, 01:49:29 AM
I am so frequently bemused by those who see Rush as a blowhard, denigrate him for his weight ( being overweight is a safe topic to disparage someon ) and yet all too frequently, the same people who say they can not abide by his voice are the same ones who do not listen to his program on a regular basis.
Like Art, you don't rise to a position of prominence on radio by just being a blowhard with nothing to back it up.
Premiere paid Art for his show and Rush's network paid him $ 400 million to do his.
IF he were only a blowhard, then he'd have been off the air in months instead of being on it for 25 years.
Yet other blowhards on the other side of the spectrum have fallen by the wayside, because in part, they make things up.
Rush has a track record for being correct on issues and when he's wrong he admits it.
I've listened to the man on and off since literally the first minute he was on the air in Sacramento.
I've never heard him, as an example, call for the killing of Dick Cheney or George Bush as I have heard people do both on radio and tv.
The man is a professional and acts accordingly.
Part of what he does is showmanship, thus the " one hand tied behind my back ", " talent on loan from G*d ", etc.
But when he brings up issues, he does the research first and then disccusses the topic.
Unlike a certain other talk show host we know who claims to and doesn't.
And there have been Leftist journalist who have made up racist things about him, only to later retract them and apologize.
Rush gets a raw deal because of a perception that is not true, much like many Conservatives and Tea Party members do for being " haters ", "homophobes ", " xenophobes " and other ad hominem attacks, just like attacking him for his weight instead of the issues he brings up on a daily basis.

Hey, Falkie... well, insulting Rush over his weight is a bit juvenile, but I hear lots of people say nasty things about Rachel Maddow, too:  she's man-ish, she's a lesbian, she's skinny, she's ugly....  I guess this is one of the times when "both sides do it".  Personally, I think Rush is extraordinarily divisive.  He parrots the same stale claims that have been made for years, such as that Clinton intended to use Y2K to establish a permanent position as president.  We hear the same thing now about Obama.  And, yeah, I heard the same sort of claim about GWB. 


Quote from: Lunger on September 18, 2013, 05:45:28 AM
What is he lying about?
I'm not certain if you have access to google but this is just one page found when googling "lies of rush limbaugh"  - [size=78%]http://www.politifact.com/personalities/rush-limbaugh/[/size]

Politifact isn't my source of choice because they seem to slant to the right but I thought that they might be a source you would accept.  It is a list of a few of the many lies from this sources perspective.  Actually, limbaugh won the biggest lie of the year last year on this particular site.  So there's that.....

If this isn't acceptable then I would have to ask you what source would accept to falsify your "what's he lying about" , "nothing I guess" posts.

Best of luck and remember that google is your friend. 


Quote from: yumyumtree on September 18, 2013, 10:32:46 AM
A few minutes ago, he just said, "They know I'm a genius."
I actually like him. He just makes me mad when he talks about things he probably isn't qualified to talk about. That includes a lot of science topics.

Taoof LuxLisbon, Ive been meaning to say what a lovely avatar you have. I liked The Virgin Suicides, liked Middlesex a bit better. Eugenides really captured what it was like being a teenager in the 70s.

Limbaugh most likely has a genius level IQ.  But that does not mean that he is well educated.  It is clear that he is not.  But he has demonstrated a very astute and clear handle on political matters.  Like him or not, he is more often right about motives, strategy, and outcome.   Most people with genius level IQ's know it, but also can often get over their head much to their chagrin.   Smart people often overrate their own abilities.  They often forget to let others to the heavy lifting or let someone else expose themselves to mistakes or failure.


Quote from: awake on October 14, 2013, 04:07:01 PM
I'm not certain if you have access to google but this is just one page found when googling "lies of rush limbaugh"  - [size=78%]http://www.politifact.com/personalities/rush-limbaugh/[/size]

Politifact isn't my source of choice because they seem to slant to the right but I thought that they might be a source you would accept.  It is a list of a few of the many lies from this sources perspective.  Actually, limbaugh won the biggest lie of the year last year on this particular site.  So there's that.....

If this isn't acceptable then I would have to ask you what source would accept to falsify your "what's he lying about" , "nothing I guess" posts.

Best of luck and remember that google is your friend.

So, out of 25 or 30 years running his mouth there are 6 things?  Some of those I would take exception to depending upon the context.

Also, Google is most certainly not your friend.


Quote from: awake on October 14, 2013, 04:07:01 PM
I'm not certain if you have access to google but this is just one page found when googling "lies of rush limbaugh"  - [size=78%]http://www.politifact.com/personalities/rush-limbaugh/[/size]

Politifact isn't my source of choice because they seem to slant to the right but I thought that they might be a source you would accept.  It is a list of a few of the many lies from this sources perspective.  Actually, limbaugh won the biggest lie of the year last year on this particular site.  So there's that.....

If this isn't acceptable then I would have to ask you what source would accept to falsify your "what's he lying about" , "nothing I guess" posts.

Best of luck and remember that google is your friend.

I HEARD the original program where Rush said he wanted - OBAMA'S **** POLICIES **** to fail.

That is a huge difference between that and the outright distortion and lie that he said he wanted the country to fail.
But then, truth is something politifact doesn't always get right, does it ?


Quote from: Lunger on October 15, 2013, 07:53:39 AM
So, out of 25 or 30 years running his mouth there are 6 things?  Some of those I would take exception to depending upon the context.

Also, Google is most certainly not your friend.

So you want someone, certainly not you, to examine all comments made by the guy for accuracy?  No Lunger, that was not an exhaustive list of all the lies of rl.  Please by all means use any search engine you wish and do your own research  oooooorrrrr  just continue to listen and believe the guy.  I really do not give a shit.
later gator

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