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Rush Limbaugh

Started by Marc.Knight, March 17, 2011, 10:10:10 AM


Are there any "Rush Rooms" left?  I remember that was big for several years across the country.  Some have commented that his edge is gone, but I think his commentary is just more sophisticated.

Eddie Coyle

Another "rock-ribbed conservative" whose off-air habits alienated many of his loyal followers. His peak in terms of popularity was 1992-1995.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on March 17, 2011, 10:23:20 AM
Another "rock-ribbed conservative" whose off-air habits alienated many of his loyal followers. His peak in terms of popularity was 1992-1995.

Yes, I have to cringe when I read stories about US customs officials confiscating little blue pills from Limbaugh after he returned to the US from the Dominican Republic.  What the hell was he doing? 



Quote from: Marc Knight on March 17, 2011, 10:52:08 AM

Yes, I have to cringe when I read stories about US customs officials confiscating little blue pills from Limbaugh after he returned to the US from the Dominican Republic.  What the hell was he doing? 
We absolutely do not want to know!

Eddie Coyle

That Bill Hicks routine about Limbaugh's sexual practices with Bush 41 and Barbara Bush(the old one) comes to mind.. :-[


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on March 17, 2011, 11:45:11 AM
That Bill Hicks routine about Limbaugh's sexual practices with Bush 41 and Barbara Bush(the old one) comes to mind.. :-[
i like rush but it's hard not to laugh at hicks.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on March 17, 2011, 11:45:11 AM
That Bill Hicks routine about Limbaugh's sexual practices with Bush 41 and Barbara Bush(the old one) comes to mind.. :-[

WHAT?  This I have to see...

Eddie Coyle

From Hicks' "Rant In E-Minor" cd...priceless material.


Rush was making the point today that the world has been shocked by Obama's passivity regarding both the Libyan and Japanese crises.  Obama is trying to position the US as just another country watching world events from the sidelines.  What a mistake. 


Quote from: Marc Knight on March 17, 2011, 10:52:08 AM

Yes, I have to cringe when I read stories about US customs officials confiscating little blue pills from Limbaugh after he returned to the US from the Dominican Republic.  What the hell was he doing? 


Probably be doing the same thing you or I, or anyone,  would be doing if i were to go on a sex tour...  What's the big deal?


Quote from: Marc Knight on March 17, 2011, 12:49:55 PM
Rush was making the point today that the world has been shocked by Obama's passivity regarding both the Libyan and Japanese crises.  Obama is trying to position the US as just another country watching world events from the sidelines.  What a mistake. 
that's because in obama's mind, he believes there IS nothing unique about the united states as an idea.  we're just another country. 

i think he views the united states as a cancer on the world, and he views his presidency as an opportunity to correct that injustice.  i know there are plenty who will disagree with my assessment, but i don't give a shit.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Michael V. on March 25, 2011, 02:23:52 PM
that's because in obama's mind, he believes there IS nothing unique about the united states as an idea.  we're just another country. 

i think he views the united states as a cancer on the world, and he views his presidency as an opportunity to correct that injustice.  i know there are plenty who will disagree with my assessment, but i don't give a shit.

Here Here!  Dinesh D'Souza's "The Roots of Obama's Rage" is a damn good treatise on the subject. Using Obama's own words no less..."Dreams of My Father" indeed.

The General

I just learned that Rush makes 50 million dollars a year.  Damn.

That's 200,000 dollars PER SHOW, if he takes 2 weeks off per year.


Quote from: The General on April 06, 2011, 11:01:44 PM
I just learned that Rush makes 50 million dollars a year.  Damn.

That's 200,000 dollars PER SHOW, if he takes 2 weeks off per year.
it's just an incomprehensible amount of money.  however, i look at it this way... rush's talents have generated wealth for a LOT of people other than himself... so it seems only fitting that he make them pay for it... and pay they have!

The General

Quote from: Michael V. on April 07, 2011, 12:19:47 PM
it's just an incomprehensible amount of money.  however, i look at it this way... rush's talents have generated wealth for a LOT of people other than himself... so it seems only fitting that he make them pay for it... and pay they have!
Yeah, I don't begrudge him that success or amount of money, not at all.  Good for him.  He's a radio pioneer and he earned it.  He didn't take that money from anyone else.  I wish more people were as successful.  I was just surprised.  He makes way more money in three hours than I make in three years.  It's amazing.


Quote from: The General on April 07, 2011, 12:29:02 PM
Yeah, I don't begrudge him that success or amount of money, not at all.  Good for him.  He's a radio pioneer and he earned it.  He didn't take that money from anyone else.  I wish more people were as successful.  I was just surprised.  He makes way more money in three hours than I make in three years.  It's amazing.
oh, no... i didn't think that you were suggesting anything negative about his income at all, so i don't want you to think i was specifically responding to anything you said.  i was just preemptively responding to those out there who will always make a predictable set of negative comments... as if his acquisition of a mountain of money has somehow harmed them and held them back.

The General

Quote from: Michael V. on April 07, 2011, 12:38:05 PM
oh, no... i didn't think that you were suggesting anything negative about his income at all, so i don't want you to think i was specifically responding to anything you said.  i was just preemptively responding to those out there who will always make a predictable set of negative comments... as if his acquisition of a mountain of money has somehow harmed them and held them back.
Oh I know.  I figured.  Seems like we see eye to eye on a lot of politics, economics, cultural issues, etc...


As most of you already know I am not a big fan of rush. However I was pleased to see him step up today with this:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama," Limbaugh said. "President Obama has done something extremely effective and when he does, this needs to be pointed out. President Obama has continued the Bush policies of keeping a military presence in the Middle East. He did not scrub the mission to get Bin Laden. In fact, it may be that President Obama single-handedly came up with the technique in order to pull this off."

My hat is off, rush.

Quote from: Michael V. on March 25, 2011, 02:23:52 PM
that's because in obama's mind, he believes there IS nothing unique about the united states as an idea.  we're just another country. 

i think he views the united states as a cancer on the world, and he views his presidency as an opportunity to correct that injustice.  i know there are plenty who will disagree with my assessment, but i don't give a shit.

LOL. If anyone said anything remotely like this about Bush's inner most thoughts <snicker> though, they'd just be unpatriotic, right?

I mean really......the guy talks all the time about how only in America could someone like him have a chance to be president (whether that's true or not), when he speaks to groups of kids and students he says it over and over about how they can do the same and how America has always been that way, how people find ways to come together, to overcome, to change and grow, that life is hard, but living in this country can make it easier and someone can have a freaking chance......I suppose that's not red meat patriotic enough to give the average conservative a boner.....they see it as too sappy or maybe they just don't like the look of the folks he's addressing on any given day. Yeah, I said it and I don't give a shit either. Point is I don't know why the hell anyone would project what they do on to him unless they simply refuse to listen and just buy all the preconceived notions created by right-wing pundits.

Limbaugh is no longer on the air at KSFO in San Francisco.  Anyone know why?  Has he been discontinued on other stations recently?  I am not much of a Rush fan, but the new guy, JD Hayworth, is even worse.  Listening to the dishwasher run is more interesting and informative.

Frys Girl

Quote from: DangerousBlossom on January 04, 2012, 04:10:57 AM
Limbaugh is no longer on the air at KSFO in San Francisco.  Anyone know why?  Has he been discontinued on other stations recently?  I am not much of a Rush fan, but the new guy, JD Hayworth, is even worse.  Listening to the dishwasher run is more interesting and informative.
Oh my gosh. JD Hayworth is pure crap. I'm sorry for this.


Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on May 02, 2011, 05:56:34 PM
LOL. If anyone said anything remotely like this about Bush's inner most thoughts <snicker> though, they'd just be unpatriotic, right?

soooo... i guess in your mind, the appropriate response when challenging criticism of obama is to dangle bush's name in the discussion?  who said i support bush?  why is it that every time someone on this forum defends obama, they do so by mentioning what a piece of shit bush was?  you assume too much.  i'm no bush cheerleader, and few are.  this is a really weak debate tactic that i see employed incessantly.  criticism of the douche who now serves as our president does not obligate me to defend bush, nor would i.  let's get that straight.


Quote from: onan on May 02, 2011, 05:33:08 PM
As most of you already know I am not a big fan of rush. However I was pleased to see him step up today with this:

<idiotic Osama Bin-Ladin story>

My hat is off, rush.

Rush just forgot to mention...

...that they supposedly dumped Osama into the Ocean despite that such a "high profile" target should have all CIA and FBI interrogators wetting their tongues. After all he was the guy behind 9/11, or wasn't he?
...that Osama and Clinton lied their asses off and had to change the story how many times? 3 times, 4 times? I'm loosing track. First they saw everything on the livestream... then they admitted that the photo that was in every newsoutlet of them sitting and watching was totally staged... Hillary even lied her ass off that she had a cough when she held the hand in front of her mouthpiece.
... this guy "Osama" had guns/had no guns... covered behind his wife/didn't... there was a 1h long firefight/no there wasn't.. WTF?
...they released some very badly photoshoped Osama death pics, but the video was only for some elitist Sentators ...(yeah sure).
...the locals in Pakistan said in several interviews that whoever was in that house - it SURE wasn't Osama.
...the area where this "compound" was located is right next to a huge Pakistani military base with the employees living all over the place.
...the US gave the Bin-Ladin family FAT contracts to build US military installations all over the middle east.
...the Bush family are big buddies and business-partners with the Bin-Ladins since like forever - but hey - Osama is simply the family's black sheep - can't blame the honourable Bin-Ladin for him right? Not that Osama did exactly what the US wanted him to : play the Boogeyman to justify US militarism, while his family reaped in all the bonuses, and he played along since he was a dead man walking anyway with all his illnesses.

But hey - they got his frikkin DNA to proof everything. GREAT!

The guy died sometime around December 2001 from his frikking illnesses, and anybody who believes the "US got him" needs his head examined.

just one of the ridiculous Osama videos... I hope you at least admit that the Osama on the left is not the Osama on the right. But what's the point in faking Osama videos when the guy supposedly was alive back then? Well, as I said, he died around late 2001.

Frys Girl

Rush is hilarious! I disagree with his neo-conservativism, but when it comes to American politics, he's dead on. Even if you like him, I think you can say you have a love-hate relationship with him. He's not what he used to be, but he's still the best thing on radio. I think what bothers people about Rush, if they are bothered at all, is that he is simply good at his job and he didn't need a college professor to tell anyone that. Rush made the show and he never changed it for anyone, no matter how much people turned up the heat.

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on January 04, 2012, 10:01:14 AM

soooo... i guess in your mind, the appropriate response when challenging criticism of obama is to dangle bush's name in the discussion?  who said i support bush?  why is it that every time someone on this forum defends obama, they do so by mentioning what a piece of shit bush was?  you assume too much.  i'm no bush cheerleader, and few are.  this is a really weak debate tactic that i see employed incessantly.  criticism of the douche who now serves as our president does not obligate me to defend bush, nor would i.  let's get that straight.

Okay. Fair enough. But I notice you ignored the rest of what I said.

Quote from: Frys Girl on January 04, 2012, 07:50:46 AM
Oh my gosh. JD Hayworth is pure crap. I'm sorry for this.

I thought Hayworth was Rush's new fill-in guy. Guess he got his own gig. Interesting.


Why are the two top-rated radio hosts in the universe from the state of Missouri?
Limbaugh and Noory, show me why.

Back to Limbaugh, the Federal Building in Cape Girardeau is even named in honor of him.  I don't recall the exact name, but I think it is the Rush Limbaugh Federal Building.  Do the Feds and Limbaugh have common interests, are they in the same building together?  Did one of Lindbaugh's relatives donate the land. . . .

Frys Girl

Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on January 04, 2012, 06:39:36 PM
I thought Hayworth was Rush's new fill-in guy. Guess he got his own gig. Interesting.
Hayworth had a show on XM radio lol. I think he had to beg for a radio gig because he failed at unseating John McCain in the last Senate election......

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