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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: albrecht on June 15, 2016, 06:03:59 PM
It should've been done through the lawyers but I don't understand how a setting judge should be members of race/ethnic-based organizations. Sure, they have a right to associate with whatever group they wish, even racist ones, but it should be public knowledge and questions of bias are certainly a legitimate question. Replace "Raza" with "race" or "Hispanic" with "White" and see how that would fly in the media. Say the judge was a white old guy with a history or memberships in "National White Attorney Association" or "The Race Legal Assc of California" trying a black person- even in a civil case.

We're in an age where 20% of the leading Presidential candidate's campaign is being funded by Saudi money. All bets are off.

Quote from: The King of Kings on June 15, 2016, 06:04:53 PM
I would agree.

He has to cultivate a better message and do it fast.

The problem is there is a huge media push to bash this guy and doing so subsequently electing Hillary Clinton.  Fine bash Trump all you want, but I find it odd none of these media outlets are talking about the complete evilness of Clinton's politic career.

It's frightening that these supposed liberal entities refuse to see the havoc and destruction Clinton has been involved with during her political career.

I  totally agree about Clinton and the media.  A lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes with the Clintons and the media just doesn't care.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on June 15, 2016, 06:05:41 PM
Right. In fact, I find Trump's supporters way more interesting than Trump himself. The mental machinations one would have to go through to keep supporting this guy, with all his obvious problems, makes Trump supporters the reality show stars of this campaign. I don't generally watch or appreciate reality tv, but in this case it is unavoidable.

So who should we support then?  Someone who has a chance of winning?

You think Hillary Clinton is better than Trump?  Really?


I don't think he's losing on purpose. I just think he's not very good. The dude is a 70 year old man who never had a job in politics, it shouldn't be too much of a shock that he will flame out. How much do we even know about Trump, how hands on was he in his business the last few years. When he did his PR thing before politics it was always on his carefully crafted on his terms, being in politics it's not so simple.

The guy is so over his head, it's on the Republican voters, they voted on nominee on a catchphrase and how bombastic he can be and he was able to get attention away from everybody else. But  now we are at the finals and the spotlight is as high as ever and now the general voting public is seeing his flaws much more and how unprepared he is and it's seems to be getting to him.

The whole judge thing is a perfect example of him being clueless about how to be a winning politician, sure he was angry but it does nothing for him in gaining any votes. All it did was bring a bigger spotlight to the case, make first generation (voting) Hispanics feel like he will not treat them right, heck it might even discourage other first generation citizens. We haven't even gotten to the can of worms of abuse of power as Prez threatening a judge which could be considered an impeachable offense. Even though everybody said this is a bad idea, he continued out of spite.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Zetaspeak on June 15, 2016, 06:16:45 PM
I don't think he's losing on purpose. I just think he's not very good. The dude is a 70 year old man who never had a job in politics, it shouldn't be too much of a shock that he will flame out. How much do we even know about Trump, how hands on was he in his business the last few years. When he did his PR thing before politics it was always on his carefully crafted on his terms, being in politics it's not so simple.

The guy is so over his head, it's on the Republican voters, they voted on nominee on a catchphrase and how bombastic he can be and he was able to get attention away from everybody else. But  now we are at the finals and the spotlight is as high as ever and now the general voting public is seeing his flaws much more and how unprepared he is and it's seems to be getting to him.

The whole judge thing is a perfect example of him being clueless about how to be a winning politician, sure he was angry but it does nothing for him in gaining any votes. All it did was bring a bigger spotlight to the case, make first generation (voting) Hispanics feel like he will not treat them right, heck it might even discourage other first generation citizens. We haven't even gotten to the can of worms of abuse of power as Prez threatening a judge which could be considered an impeachable offense. Even though everybody said this is a bad idea, he continued out of spite.

Right again. You're on a roll. Particularly when you say "it's on the Republican voters" and whoever else voted for him thus far. Nobody was bamboozled or in any way fooled by a phony politician. Trump is exactly what he appears to be. So, if he is elected, voters would have total ownership of the results. No blaming anyone else.

Of course Trump wants to lose. It's been clearly obvious for weeks, if not months. Naturally, the trump humpers are under his spell, so they persist with their glassy-eyed idolatry, oblivious to everything. Trump is a phony who never intended to go this far in the process. That is according to his insiders, who have, graciously, leaked this information to the press.

Never-the-less, as I have maintained from the beginning, he has ZERO chance of winning in November. And that's competing against, quite arguably, the most flawed major party nominee in modern history.

New poll indicates 7 of 10 voters find Trump disgusting. I use the term "disgusting" because I have found that, generally speaking, people are either bedazzled by Trump or disgusted by him.



Quote from: albrecht on June 15, 2016, 05:24:27 PM
Often, at least in the European and American experience, it was the second generation of immigrants that cause most of the mass shootings, terrorism, rapes, crimes, etc. (I say usually because until the recent mass "refugee" and illegal invasions, much immigration was more slow or in waves that ended not continuous.) The first generation immigrant, especially if legal but even if not, appreciated the opportunity to live in a more peaceful land and wanted to keep his head down and work. Where as that second generation looked to the former country as idealized, comes in to contact with Imams or other terrorists telling them about the glory of their old land that their parents sold them out, and when not assimilated often jobless and under educated and go get sucked into gangs, terrorism, Islam, etc. They also, often, know the local language and culture better so can infiltrate and commit acts of terror more easily than a first generation who might have struggle with language, look suspicious, etc.
The Koran tells Muslims not to mix with unbelievers.  They do this and dress oddly to leave them unapproachable and then complain that they are not accepted.

I believe that, if your religious book tells you to lie to perpetuate the faith, then lying, even to yourself, becomes easier. 

I think we don't often see Muslims posting on various forums because they have ideological sympathy for the terrorists.  They don't want to live with them, but admire the stand they take for Allah. 

There was an article in the Mirror about a teen female who stopped wearing a bra.  The school took her to task for this.  People commented.  One had a Mid-Eastern name and she said ISIS knows how to take care of such ho's. 

This was probably a lady living in England.  Think of all those French Muslims who sympathized with the C.Hebdo killers. 

There was this Muslim guy from Canada who went underground for the government to spy on terrorists.  He became an addict and almost suicided at the thought of testifying in court against these guys, not because of repercussions from the terrorists, but because he was so fearful that his own mosque may reject him for what he did. 

Then there was that Islam convert, an American woman, who was shocked at all the anti-American talk that went on in her mosque. 

Islam is not just a religion, but also a form of government.  I think treating them merely as a religion under the law might be a problem. 

To me, a partial solution is to treat all religion as any other philosophy.  Tax them, on income and on property.  There are people who pray in a room in their homes and get tax exemptions.  That's not right unless we ALL can get that advantage, even those with no religion. 

There are religious communities who have a regular practice of large families and accepting government money for that.  I think no one should get aid for children if they are on a government subsidy and those children were created while getting a hand out from the rest of us. 

We are a sick society that encourages waste, aren't we? 

Mad Hatter

Richard Armitage: Former Republican Deputy Secretary of State Endorses Democrat Hillary Clinton

Armitage told Politico Donald Trump "doesn’t appear to be a Republican, he doesn’t appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton."

The former Reagan and Bush appointee is the highest-ranking Republican to break ranks from Donald J. Trump for Hillary Clinton.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Doc on June 16, 2016, 02:30:09 PM
Richard Armitage: Former Republican Deputy Secretary of State Endorses Democrat Hillary Clinton

Armitage told Politico Donald Trump "doesn’t appear to be a Republican, he doesn’t appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton."

The former Reagan and Bush appointee is the highest-ranking Republican to break ranks from Donald J. Trump for Hillary Clinton.

Nobody in the diplomatic corps or the military would be looking forward to that next set of orders from a Trump White House or to trying to do their jobs only to have Trump open his mouth. The very least they can do is not vote for him or support him in any way.

While Clinton had his foibles, no President is perfect. The raging prosperity of the 90s, balanced budget and internet freedom we're still enjoying today are thanks to him.

Quote from: VoteQuimby on June 16, 2016, 03:51:58 PM
While Clinton had his foibles, no President is perfect. The raging prosperity of the 90s, balanced budget and internet freedom we're still enjoying today are thanks to him.

and Newt Gingrich.


Quote from: albrecht on June 15, 2016, 05:24:27 PM
Often, at least in the European and American experience, it was the second generation of immigrants that cause most of the mass shootings, terrorism, rapes, crimes, etc. (I say usually because until the recent mass "refugee" and illegal invasions, much immigration was more slow or in waves that ended not continuous.) The first generation immigrant, especially if legal but even if not, appreciated the opportunity to live in a more peaceful land and wanted to keep his head down and work. Where as that second generation looked to the former country as idealized, comes in to contact with Imams or other terrorists telling them about the glory of their old land that their parents sold them out, and when not assimilated often jobless and under educated and go get sucked into gangs, terrorism, Islam, etc. They also, often, know the local language and culture better so can infiltrate and commit acts of terror more easily than a first generation who might have struggle with language, look suspicious, etc.

I didn't get a chance to reply last night, but I agree a 100% exactly. My experience is immigrants are just happy to be at a better place, willing to work hard and appreciate what they got. Their kids seem to be a lot more entitled and if things don't go their way they are more likely to lash out about because of their background of course in some cases they have a point because racism does exist but of course some cases it jus an excuse.

Side note, a story broke of a former Miss USA contestant was found dead. You know if the shoe on the other foot Trump would be already making vague allegations that Clinton had something to do with it and a guy will be on Noory show shilling a book about it by September. 


Excellent rally in Dallas tonight!


Quote from: Zetaspeak on June 16, 2016, 04:24:49 PM
I didn't get a chance to reply last night, but I agree a 100% exactly. My experience is immigrants are just happy to be at a better place, willing to work hard and appreciate what they got. Their kids seem to be a lot more entitled and if things don't go their way they are more likely to lash out about because of their background of course in some cases they have a point because racism does exist but of course some cases it jus an excuse.

Side note, a story broke of a former Miss USA contestant was found dead. You know if the shoe on the other foot Trump would be already making vague allegations that Clinton had something to do with it and a guy will be on Noory show shilling a book about it by September.
Yeah, especially in some countries where even things like nationality were based on blood-lines and where immigrants were ghettoized. A bit better here, at least recently, because more "room" so you could move to new land but we even have had are problems with crime, sectarianism, bombings, and terrorism with the Italians, Irish, and 'anarchists' etc when the newer wave of major immigration happened. And there also is the backlash effect of the bitter native populations lashing out against the new arrivals. But, generally, I think the US has had a better experience than European countries*. Now these massive waves we all are seeing are a different matter. Shifting demographics too quickly. Not even wanting to assimilate and even expressing acts and protests bolding claiming invasion, taking it back, waving foreign flags, committing crimes, etc. Doesn't bode well.
ps: Trump death list floating around yet?  ;)
* note I'm ignoring the Indians and other native populations in this discussion. Although often violent and fighting each other most of them, that still remain, would likely have another view of the European immigrants to the New World.


What's all this about a nine inch cock?

Hell, if RealCoolCuckio spent this much time posting meme pics of Trump and used that time instead to spread the evidence of corruption of Hillary Clinton, we might effect positve change.

Hillary signing waivers allowing the arming of young 10 year old children in the Sudan to fight in wars?  Naw, Trump had the audacity to ask to have our current laws on immigration followed.

Hillary having 20% of her campaign financed by a Saudi Prince, and the rest by Wall St?  Who cares, Trump said something mean on twitter!

Hillary currently being investigated by the FBI for horrific national security incompetence?  Bruh, Trump Steaks didn't become a success!

Hillary allowing someone with no experience getting a position on a sensitive State Department board that oversees nuclear weapons, simply because this person donated money to the Clinton Foundation?  For the love  of god, Trump is literally H-I-T-L-E-R.


Quote from: RealCool Daddio on June 16, 2016, 08:04:47 PM


That was really bad, oh well at least they tried.

May the candidate with the best memes win and MAGA!




Meme magic is real. Remember that time that /tv/ brought down that plane and killed all those people? If Donald's penis wasn't nine inches before then it surely is now.


America FUCK YEAH!


FULL: Donald Trump Rally Speech Dallas, Texas 6/16/16


Which is funny because this tragedy is much more the fault of government agency failure and cultural Marxism. But I'm not complaining.


Quote from: starrmtn001 on June 16, 2016, 10:02:22 PM
FULL: Donald Trump Rally Speech Dallas, Texas 6/16/16

A very interesting rally especially in terms of speakers beforehand. Varied and mixed messages. And some good motivational speeches. Genius stuff. And as a supporter, since he is the only candidate who even talks about liking the country, but, as someone with a history bent, it is interesting.

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