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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


The full sentence doesn't matter, as the fact that you are willing to condemn "some" people, the ones that you decide are not worthy of your love (oh boy), tells the reader everything they need to know about your nascent, ill-formed opinions.

Here, have a sucker, that's a good lad.

Quote from: norland2424 on February 24, 2016, 12:07:55 AM
One thing i am hazy on, do you not believe the Holocaust happened, or just at a far less number than 6 mil?

Very briefly, and not complete, I believe that the allies created a narrative that the Germans attempted to genocide the Jews, giving the allies the moral authority to move en masse the jews to Israel as a way to have an ally in an oil rich part of the world going forward into mid-century, and also under a religious context.

I believe there were camps, every side had camps.  However, I believe most of the deaths you see in pictures were due to disease and other causes and not a concentrated effort to put jews in gas chambers and ovens.  I do believe the conditions in these german camps weren't great  and most of them if not all of them were abandoned by the german guards which lead to even worse conditions that it was when the allies discovered them.

I don't believe the number of 6 million jews were anywhere close to the number specifically of jews.

The propaganda in Poland between Russia and Germany was infamous.  Russia brutalized the polish people and constantly fabricated evidence it was the Germans and the world media ran these stories in their publications.  This is well documented.

That is all I am saying.  It was just a severe propaganda push against Germany to cover up the war atrocities that the allies themselves committed by putting the focus solely on Germany, and not themselves.

I really don't think my views on this are so random and unbelievable, but it is what it is.

Quote from: Jackstar on February 24, 2016, 12:18:43 AM
The full sentence doesn't matter, as the fact that you are willing to condemn "some" people, the ones that you decide are not worthy of your love (oh boy), tells the reader everything they need to know about your nascent, ill-formed opinions.

Here, have a sucker, that's a good lad.

So you love Islamic terrorists?  Wow,  you are certifiable. I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you when talking about that subject.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 12:09:54 AM
Trump extolled the virtues of greed in his victory speech tonight.

Man, that will be fodder in the movies and on the tv for years to come.

Let me ask you a specific question about Ted Cruz, an honest question without any pretext or snark.

I keep seeing a Ted Cruz commercial where he says we need to stop compromising with Democrats, we need to stand up and say No.  My question is how can you back someone who seems bent on not doing what he is there to do, which is find common ground and solve issues, if Ted simply is against compromising and actively against working with Democrats.  I just don't see how that militancy is compelling in a leader.  Can you explain?

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:02:47 AM
Questioning history suddenly is hateful?  Uh okay. 

Your point was simplistic and uninspired, anyone would have gotten it.  My rebuttal, you chose to ignore in order to hurl personal attacks.  Pretty much I win again as usual.

What personal attack?  If you're saying Jimi Hendrix would have agreed with a bigoted, Holocaust denying, Hitler apologist, please provide evidence to support you're assertion.

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on February 24, 2016, 12:28:21 AM
What personal attack?  If you're saying Jimi Hendrix would have agreed with a bigoted, Holocaust denying, Hitler apologist, please provide evidence to support you're assertion.

Where have I apologized for Hitler?  Where do I say Jimi Jendrix would have agreed with me?

Put the liquor down and quietly go to bed.  You are way in over your head here.

Trump at 46% now.

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:27:54 AM
Let me ask you a specific question about Ted Cruz, an honest question without any pretext or snark.

I keep seeing a Ted Cruz commercial where he says we need to stop compromising with Democrats, we need to stand up and say No.  My question is how can you back someone who seems bent on not doing what he is there to do, which is find common ground and solve issues, if Ted simply is against compromising and actively against working with Democrats.  I just don't see how that militancy is compelling in a leader.  Can you explain?

Not all compromise is bad but I am against bad compromises which leave Constitutional conservatives losing more and more ground.  This has been happening for decades now.  I'm through with that sort of compromise as is Ted.

Kok, I have to go.  Bed is calling.  Ciao.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 12:38:33 AM
Kok, I have to go.  Bed is calling.  Ciao.

Ol' Mary Todd is calling


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:27:54 AM
Let me ask you a specific question about Ted Cruz, an honest question without any pretext or snark.

I keep seeing a Ted Cruz commercial where he says we need to stop compromising with Democrats, we need to stand up and say No.  My question is how can you back someone who seems bent on not doing what he is there to do, which is find common ground and solve issues, if Ted simply is against compromising and actively against working with Democrats.  I just don't see how that militancy is compelling in a leader.  Can you explain?

Just like Obama said in 2008. Elections have consequences. Name one compromise the Democrats made in 2008 or 2009 when they controlled both houses and the presidency? 

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 24, 2016, 12:43:28 AM
Just like Obama said in 2008. Elections have consequences. Name one compromise the Democrats made in 2008 or 2009 when they controlled both houses and the presidency?
I will be honest, I am not much into politics outside of the race for the presidency.

I can say I am wholly ignorant on the question you pose.

Trump at 47% now.  Can he make it to 50%?


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:45:59 AM
I will be honest, I am not much into politics outside of the race for the presidency.

I can say I am wholly ignorant on the question you pose.

Trump at 47% now.  Can he make it to 50%?

Even with a republican majority in both houses, he refuses to compromise. Look at his vetoes and veto threats. Clearly the electorate has rejected Democratic policies in 2010, 2012, and 2014 by electing more Republicans to the house and senate, but he still refuses to sign any bill that he disagrees with. That is not compromise. Some, if not most, have even had limited democratic support.

Ted Cruz is right in taking a firm stance. He has been consistent, even taking on moderate republicans that were not living up to their campaign promises. That is why the establishment is backing Rubio above Cruz. Cruz has pissed off the moderates in the GOP. Rubio sold out on the Gang of Eight bill and will be as bad as Obama if elected. He is controlled by the lobbyists and the GOP establishment.

Trump will not be.  Cruz may be, but not on constitutional issues. 


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 12:33:30 AM

Not all compromise is bad but I am against bad compromises which leave Constitutional conservatives losing more and more ground.  This has been happening for decades now.  I'm through with that sort of compromise as is Ted.

A president who wins with barely half the popular vote should by nature aim to bring both sides together to compromise on what is best for the country. If Cruz wins and gets 75 - 80% of the vote, by all means be the ideologue that he is as the country is supporting it.


Quote from: Designx on February 24, 2016, 12:57:04 AM
A president who wins with barely half the popular vote should by nature aim to bring both sides together to compromise on what is best for the country. If Cruz wins and gets 75 - 80% of the vote, by all means be the ideologue that he is as the country is supporting it.

What is best or the country is following the Constitution, reducing the debt (not just reducing deficit spending), reducing the size of the federal government and returning sovereignty and decision making to the states.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 12:24:59 AM
So you love Islamic terrorists?  Wow,  you are certifiable. I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you when talking about that subject.

I even love your mom.

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:33:05 AM
Where have I apologized for Hitler?  Where do I say Jimi Jendrix would have agreed with me?

Put the liquor down and quietly go to bed.  You are way in over your head here.

Trump at 46% now.

It looks like you win again. Here's your prize.  Good night, sweet King.

Trump whips everyone in Nevada. I am not sold that Cruz becoming less of a factor will help Rubio more than Trump.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 24, 2016, 01:21:44 AM
Trump whips everyone in Nevada. I am not sold that Cruz becoming less of a factor will help Rubio more than Trump.

Cruz will win Texas Tuesday. There are 155 delegates up for grabs. The way they are warded is very complex, but he could get a big chunk of them. Trump will come in second, rpRubio a distant third. I haven't looked to see how Cruz is doing in the other Super Tuesday states, but it is clear that Rubio will not lead in any of them. The first, and only, one that he has a chance of winning is Florida.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 11:03:15 PM
Modern 21st Century methods at a facility built to perform these tasks, versus 1930's open brick ovens built in make shift camps relying on coal or firewood.

Not sure if your argument is for or against my point.

Trump wins Nevada btw.

Yeah, you're a fucking moron. I won't even dignify your attempt at trying to suggest because it was 1930's the Nazis were in some way inefficient, because it's wasted on fuckheads such as you..But hey, if you get Trump, you'll be able to live through it this time.

Yorkshire pud


Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has thanked the poorly educated for his decisive victory in the US state of Nevada on Tuesday evening. He also celebrated securing the backing of the state's Hispanic voters.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has easily won the US state of Nevada, cementing his lead in the race for party nomination.
The billionaire now has three consecutive wins, after victories in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who have been attacking each other this week, are vying for second place.
Party officials said they were looking into reports of double voting and not enough ballots at one caucus site.
Some volunteers also wore clothing in support of Mr Trump, but officials said this was not against the rules.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:33:27 PM
6 million jews unaccounted for

You really believe those "ovens", could actually process 6 million human bodies?

You must know literally nothing about how long it takes to burn a human body.

Simple math proves that narrative is a lie, yet people take it as truth.

Just odd to me.

Mass graves were a plenty dumb ass. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Auslandia on February 24, 2016, 03:34:44 AM
Mass graves were a plenty dumb ass.

Yeah, but Kunt of Klunks maybe thinks they were hologrammes.

And the allies who liberated the camps had a mass hallucination. The interrogation of the camp Kommandants who admitted the atrocities, and no they weren't beaten half to death to get confessions; it doesn't work. Someone forgot to tell Dubya and Rumsfeld though.

I guess he might think the atrocities in more recent times in Srebrenica didn't happen either. Or Rwanda.. Or Cambodia...Or Stalin's years (Road of Bones anyone?)


None of that addresses the fact that even though tens of millions of people died during WWII, only the Jews are still whining about it.

All that beachfront property on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean is apparently not enough to assuage all their broken hearts. Boo-hoo.


Quote from: Jackstar on February 24, 2016, 03:50:36 AM
None of that addresses the fact that even though tens of millions of people died during WWII, only the Jews are still whining about it.

All that beachfront property on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean is apparently not enough to assuage all their broken hearts. Boo-hoo.

You are an idiot.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Jackstar on February 24, 2016, 03:50:36 AM
None of that addresses the fact that even though tens of millions of people died during WWII, only the Jews are still whining about it.

All that beachfront property on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean is apparently not enough to assuage all their broken hearts. Boo-hoo.

You are aware how and why WW2 broke out aren't you? I know America only joined in from the second period onwards, but it was in all the papers. Even in the States.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 24, 2016, 03:32:12 AM

Thanking the poorly educated was a real "beaut," as we say over here. But the "greed is good for America" part of the speech was, uh, unbelievable, incredible, the best. I don't know what to do, move or buy a gun. You know, fight or flight.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 24, 2016, 03:54:01 AM
Thanking the poorly educated was a real "beaut," as we say over here. But the "greed is good for America" part of the speech was, uh, unbelievable, incredible, the best. I don't know what to do, move or buy a gun. You know, fight or flight.

I genuinely feel scared for the USA, I'm just amazed that more 'intelligent' voters don't outnumber the ones who can't find a neuron in their entire family.


I understand; it was a hard question. lol

*dismissive hand-waving gestures*

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 24, 2016, 03:56:35 AM

I genuinely feel scared for the USA, I'm just amazed that more 'intelligent' voters don't outnumber the ones who can't find a neuron in their entire family.

Have you been here lately? I'd bet we could un-amaze you pretty quickly. Beyond that, as I said here the other day, all kinds of people have fallen victim to the Donald's charms. The intelligent seem to have no special protection. They're just better at rationalizing. They're up to that challenge where Trump is concerned.

Please don't feel compelled to compensate for the inadequacies of our educational system by accepting the burden of explaining about Lebensraum and The Final Solution, two agendas joined at the hip and born in the fires of Hell.

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