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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:33:27 PM
6 million jews unaccounted for

You really believe those "ovens", could actually process 6 million human bodies?

You must know literally nothing about how long it takes to burn a human body.

Simple math proves that narrative is lie, yet people take it as truth.

Just odd to me.

::) If you're going to troll you need to show at least some semblance of intelligence, no offense.

Quote from: VoteQuimby on February 23, 2016, 10:35:14 PM
::) If you're going to troll you need to show at least some semblance of intelligence, no offense.

Not trolling.

I know it's hard for some people to look at different evidence. You have been influenced your entire life to believe a narrative; in school, news media, and films.

I am not surprised.

Just curious why you discount everything that is easily accessible to you.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:40:45 PM
Not trolling.

I know it's hard for some people to look at different evidence. You have been influenced your entire life to believe a narrative; in school, news media, and films.

I am not surprised.

Just curious why you discount everything that is easily accessible to you.

I have an idea. Why don't you create your own holocaust thread and let's get back to Trump.

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 23, 2016, 10:44:12 PM
I have an idea. Why don't you create your own holocaust thread and let's get back to Trump.

Sounds good.

It looks like Trump is way ahead of everyone in early polling results.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:29:30 PM
You know it's odd.  When I was in high school listening to the events of WW2 and the Holocaust, it always struck me as odd the sheer amount of people(jews) that were supposedly killed over such a short period of time.  The math and the process of the Holocaust wasn't quite believable back to me back then, just a gut feeling I had.

It's not hard to kill enormous amounts of people in a very short time. The Turks killed epic amounts of Armenian Christians simply by driving them back and forth across the Syrian desert until they dropped dead from the heat. The Nazis were comparatively slow as far as genocide is concerned when one takes the Turks into account. Stalin was no slouch either.

When I became an adult I started seeing all these op-ed pieces written years before WW2, written by jewish authors, claiming 6 million jews were at risk and Europe must act to stop this coming Holocaust of 6 million jews, I started questioning the events and narrative, especially after finding out it is illegal in most European countries to question the validity of this event.  Not to mention the  millions of these jews who supposedly died in concentration camps suddenly pop up to claim Israel for themselves.

You'd have convince a whole bunch of people to corroborate the claim by claiming that they lost fictitious relatives in the holocaust all in lockstep and keep the story coherent, down to what concentration camp their family members died in. Conspiracies on that level are not possible. It's flat earth level bullshit.

Then when you start looking at the evidence you realize that every guard or soldier that confessed was tortured and beaten for days in order for them to confess.

I would need a lot of proof to buy that, especially in light that it would have been US servicemen carrying much of it out.

I can't make you believe what I believe, but I would really urge for anyone to look deeper into the evidence, and not be swayed that you are doing something "anti-semitic" simply for looking at the veracity of the claims or understanding the propaganda of the official narrative.

Well, I think part of the problem is that you guys always use "The Jews" as a blanket term. That shit's insane, it's like saying "The Christians" like everyone of them follows the agenda of the Pope. It's simplistic blanket bullshit on its face.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:29:30 PM
You know it's odd.  When I was in high school listening to the events of WW2 and the Holocaust, it always struck me as odd the sheer amount of people(jews) that were supposedly killed over such a short period of time.  The math and the process of the Holocaust wasn't quite believable back to me back then, just a gut feeling I had.
Ah... The math.  fine.  Let's call it two million people for the hell of it.  I mean, what's two million people in the grand scheme of things?

Now, lets suppose that it only really lasted three years in total... And lets limit the number of places where they would kill people to exactly 10.  None were killed in the ghettos, none were killed on the trains, and none were killed on the streets- just 10 locations.

So, we take the two million, divide it by an even thousand days (let's keep it simple).  We end up with 2000 / day.  Limiting the places where we kill them it is 200 / day in each location.  Now, if NYC can deal with 150 dead each day with respect and dignity, I would think that a camp with slave labour would be equipped to deal with that number easily if they skip the embalming, funerals, caskets, obituaries, and grief counselling.

If we open it up to include a few each day killed in the ghetto, a few for not performing in the factory, a few starved to death and a dozen in a boxcar when not provided water and overheated and I would say that the math works out (Again, I don't know about 6 million- but I still argue that there must have been lot of bread and great pizza nights in those camps given their nice ovens.)

Did you pass your math class?

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:40:45 PM
Not trolling.

I know it's hard for some people to look at different evidence. You have been influenced your entire life to believe a narrative; in school, news media, and films.

I am not surprised.

Just curious why you discount everything that is easily accessible to you.

You just said you doubt the holocaust because you doubt it happened in three ovens shown in a picture. That's utterly silly. You're trolling.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 23, 2016, 10:44:12 PM
I have an idea. Why don't you create your own holocaust thread and let's get back to Trump.

That's a thought. Then we can eat cheese and crackers and share some beers with the same Hitler-loving, Holocaust-denying fuckheads that were ranting just a minute ago. I'm sure that underneath the swastikas they're just like you and me. Right-O.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:33:27 PM
You must know literally nothing about how long it takes to burn a human body.
Actually... Without getting into it- I know far better than most people how long it takes using modern methods up to, and including the time once you turn on the afterburner... No, I'm not kidding- look it up.

So TRUMP WINS !!!!!! by cnn


Quote from: Showroom Dummy on February 23, 2016, 11:00:04 PM
So TRUMP is far in lead by like 50 %

If he gets 50% I think he gets all of the delegates. That would send a message.

Quote from: WOTR on February 23, 2016, 10:58:23 PM
Actually... Without getting into it- I know far better than most people how long it takes using modern methods up to, and including the time once you turn on the afterburner... No, I'm not kidding- look it up.

Modern 21st Century methods at a facility built to perform these tasks, versus 1930's open brick ovens built in make shift camps relying on coal or firewood.

Not sure if your argument is for or against my point.

Trump wins Nevada btw.

I kind of wish Kasich would have done a lot better tonight.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 11:03:15 PM
Modern 21st Century methods at a facility built to perform these tasks, versus open brick ovens built in make shift camps relying on coal or firewood.

Not sure if your argument is for or against my point.

Trump wins Nevada btw.
Strangely, modern methods require time to cool and proper cleaning between bodies and complete cremation of the remains... I don't know if that respect would be shown in the camps...

Oh, and good to see Trump win.  I think I am off to buy a shirt and tie made by Trump in China tomorrow to celebrate that America will once again be great.

I just hope Teen Tit Films Ted comes in third.

Ted should just quit at that point.

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 10:33:27 PM
6 million jews unaccounted for

Simple math proves that narrative is a lie, yet people take it as truth.

Maybe it was only 5,972,306 and historians just rounded it up for the sake of convenience.  Simple math makes me disbelieve Wilt Chamberlain's claim of having sex with 10,000 different women, but I have no doubt he came pretty darn close. I don't deny being envious of that lucky fellow, even if it was only half the number.

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on February 23, 2016, 11:18:39 PM
Maybe it was only 5,972,306 and historians just rounded it up for the sake of convenience.  Simple math makes me disbelieve Wilt Chamberlain's claim of having sex with 10,000 different women, but I have no doubt he came pretty darn close. I don't deny being envious of that lucky fellow, even if it was only half the number.

Fair enough, but if there was a concentrated effort every time someone questioned his claims to call them racist and anti-black, and the government made it a crime to question his claims, would that make you believe his claims more or less?


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 11:12:41 PM
I just hope Teen Tit Films Ted comes in third.

Ted should just quit at that point.

I wish but he's taking Texas (or at least some are claiming he will). There's a slim chance Trump wont be in the lead after Super Tuesday.

Quote from: Designx on February 23, 2016, 11:26:24 PM
I wish but he's taking Texas (or at least some are claiming he will). There's a slim chance Trump wont be in the lead after Super Tuesday.

In the Texas poll, they have Cruz at 37% and Trump at 29%.

Cruz might eek out a win, but it will definitely be close.

Quote from: The King of Kings on February 23, 2016, 11:25:02 PM
Fair enough, but if there was a concentrated effort every time someone questioned his claims to call them racist and anti-black, and the government made it a crime to question his claims, would that make you believe his claims more or less?

I'm sensing that the point I was making went right over your head, and that it's not the first time it's happened. 

And you should be ashamed of yourself for using that avatar.  Revere Jimi Hendrix as a brilliant, innovative guitar player, but don't associate him with your hateful, bullshit beliefs. He was all about bringing people together, and you do nothing but debase his memory.

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on February 23, 2016, 11:58:34 PM
I'm sensing that the point I was making went right over your head, and that it's not the first time it's happened. 

And you should be ashamed of yourself for using that avatar.  Revere Jimi Hendrix as a brilliant, innovative guitar player, but don't associate him with your hateful, bullshit beliefs. He was all about bringing people together, and you do nothing but debase his memory.

Questioning history suddenly is hateful?  Uh okay. 

Your point was simplistic and uninspired, anyone would have gotten it.  My rebuttal, you chose to ignore in order to hurl personal attacks.  Pretty much I win again as usual.

Anyways, I hope you guys heard Trump's victory speech in Nevada tonight.  It was one for the ages.


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:02:47 AM
Questioning history suddenly is hateful?  Uh okay. 

Your point was simplistic and uninspired, anyone would have gotten it.  My rebuttal, you chose to ignore in order to hurl personal attacks.  Pretty much I win again as usual.

Anyways, I hope you guys heard Trump's victory speech in Nevada tonight.  It was one for the ages.

What exactly do you win?  ???


Quote from: The King of Kings on February 24, 2016, 12:05:15 AM

Trump at 45%

One thing i am hazy on, do you not believe the Holocaust happened, or just at a far less number than 6 mil?

Trump extolled the virtues of greed in his victory speech tonight.

Man, that will be fodder in the movies and on the tv for years to come.

Quote from: Jackstar on February 24, 2016, 12:13:46 AM

Are you in a habit of quoting people out of context?  If you're going to quote me, use the full sentence.

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