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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Makes you wonder who the real cucks are 🤔🤔🤔  :-X :-X :-X

Quote from: Xyrsys on August 20, 2017, 02:31:45 AM
Makes you wonder who the real cucks are 🤔🤔🤔  :-X :-X :-X

They are part of our history, dear.  Where I come from we honor our history and try to learn lessons from it.

Also Xyrsys.  What do you think of the Joan of Arc monument being vandalized in New Orleans?  What a bunch of uneducated morons.

Well I guess Xyrsys is a hit and run coward like many on the left.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 19, 2017, 10:10:52 PM
He's never even been afforded the basic respect that supposed to go with the job.
Oh, FFS... Really?  You mean people gave him less respect than that Kenyan born muslim primate in chief?  ::)

*** This is to say that it has been a long time since anybody who did not want whatever president was in the white house gave that person any respect based on the office they held.  Decades, perhaps?

Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 03:25:44 AM
Oh, FFS... Really?  You mean people gave him less respect than that Kenyan born muslim primate in chief?  ::)

*** This is to say that it has been a long time since anybody who did not want whatever president was in the white house gave that person any respect based on the office they held.  Decades, perhaps?

True,  Reagan arguably due to the electoral landslides he had.  Maybe Kennedy or Ike.   Media wasn't all that hostile to Nixon when he won in 1968.  Witness his appearance on the hip show, Laugh-In, saying "sock it to me."  By the end of his Presidency, they did just that.


Quote from: Up All Night on August 20, 2017, 12:25:58 AM
Oh, I threw in that 'throne' reference to rile the Left, who express thoughts that they think Trump is acting like a Monarch...  :D

Alex Jones ... Gives his comments about Trump, Bannon, and Roger Stone about 2:30 in.  :)

I made it thirty seconds in.  He says he walked for five minutes and he had one guy say "fuck you" to him.  And then he starts bitching because "this is Amerika, where we are supposed to have free speech."

Yeah, apparently he has his, but if somebody says "fuck you" suddenly those rights evaporate for that individual.  That is as far as I care to go with the hypocrite this time around. Too bad- because the "target" of this video is deserving... Maybe they just need somebody who isn't a blowhard twat making the point.


Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 03:25:44 AM
Oh, FFS... Really?  You mean people gave him less respect than that Kenyan born muslim primate in chief?  ::)

*** This is to say that it has been a long time since anybody who did not want whatever president was in the white house gave that person any respect based on the office they held.  Decades, perhaps?

So, that image was in the mainstream media, was it? If not then STFU with your straw man argument. Thanks for the diversion and for playing anyway. You'll receive a copy of Bellgab: The Home Game on your way out.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 20, 2017, 03:53:02 AM
So, that image was in the mainstream media, was it? If not then STFU with your straw man argument. Thanks for the diversion and for playing anyway. You'll receive a copy of Bellgab: The Home Game on your way out.
I'm really not about to go digging through Bellgab for every insult to Obama.  However, your belief that people "on the right" showed him respect due to the office is... Well, kind of cute, in a Pollyanna sort of way. :)

***No doubt you will be here to tell me that you respected the office and gave him a chance... And that it was only after he proved himself incapable that you lost all respect for him and his office.  Great- good for you.  But certainly you can admit that many people did not give him that chance (and I will say that an exceedingly high number of people did not give Trump any chance whatsoever.)


Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 04:08:16 AM
I'm really not about to go digging through Bellgab for every insult to Obama.  However, your belief that people "on the right" showed him respect due to the office is... Well, kind of cute, in a Pollyanna sort of way. :)

Who gives a shit about what was posted here. Here is not representative of the establishment, which is what I was talking about. Furthermore, where did I say that I was speaking for people on the right? Politics really isn't (or shouldn't be) like supporting your favorite sports team, you know? My point is that the establishment usually accepts the peaceful transition of power and reminds everyone that regardless of which way you voted we all live in the same country so now let's all get back to work. Not this time.   ::)


Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 04:08:16 AM
***No doubt you will be here to tell me that you respected the office and gave him a chance... And that it was only after he proved himself incapable that you lost all respect for him and his office.  Great- good for you.  But certainly you can admit that many people did not give him that chance (and I will say that an exceedingly high number of people did not give Trump any chance whatsoever.)

Well, if voting for him the first time is a sign of respect then yeah, I guess you can say I started out respectful. Frankly, it was hard not to when the mainstream media were repeatedly hammering into my mind that he was the new messiah! That should've been (and kind of was) my first clue that things weren't as they seemed. If you're really such a fan of bullshit though then, by all means, keep swallowing it.  :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 20, 2017, 04:15:37 AM
Who gives a shit about what was posted here. Here is not representative of the establishment, which is what I was talking about. Furthermore, where did I say that I was speaking for people on the right? Politics really isn't (or shouldn't be) like supporting your favorite sports team, you know? My point is that the establishment usually accepts the peaceful transition of power and reminds everyone that regardless of which way you voted we all live in the same country so now let's all get back to work. Not this time.   ::)
It's getting late... If you were referring to the "establishment" not giving Trump the respect that his office is due but giving it to Obama- then great.  I had interpreted it that you were upset with ATTIFA and the left in general not giving him a chance.

That said, the entire point of electing Trump was to "shake up the establishment."  And now you are shocked that "the establishment" did not just remind everybody to go back to sleep after the election?

I keep hoping that he manages to do what people wanted (that is to say that he actually succeeds in instituting  some major, fundamental change).  Public sector workers need to be cut (along with the pensions) term limits would be nice to see- a little less power in the financial sector (all of which seem really likely to come in under him.)  Don't get me wrong- I figure he is more likely a buffoon than a 3D chess master... But still I (secretly) hope.


Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 04:32:31 AM
It's getting late... If you were referring to the "establishment" not giving Trump the respect that his office is due but giving it to Obama- then great.  I had interpreted it that you were upset with ATTIFA and the left in general not giving him a chance.

That said, the entire point of electing Trump was to "shake up the establishment."  And now you are shocked that "the establishment" did not just remind everybody to go back to sleep after the election?

I keep hoping that he manages to do what people wanted (that is to say that he actually succeeds in instituting  some major, fundamental change).  Public sector workers need to be cut (along with the pensions) term limits would be nice to see- a little less power in the financial sector (all of which seem really likely to come in under him.)  Don't get me wrong- I figure he is more likely a buffoon than a 3D chess master... But still I (secretly) hope.

Antifa is a terrorist organization paid for by George Soros. There is no left in general anymore. There is only the establishment and the political party that represents them. Right now that's the Dems.  ;)

In terms of what you say about the establishment this is my response:

Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 04:32:31 AM
It's getting late... If you were referring to the "establishment" not giving Trump the respect that his office is due but giving it to Obama- then great...

I really wish the establishment media would simply report current events, instead of serving as the publicity function of the Democrat Party, and their devisive destructive agent.  I also wish academia would go back to fostering openness and being a place all views could be discussed and examined.  It would be nice if Hollywood returned to being something that attempted to have a positive impact.  Heck, I wish the two parties would go back to competing over who represents the middle class - neither has for a long time now.

Too much to ask, I know.  I realize their common goal now is a one-world ''progressive'' fascist government, but what motivates them to hate Western civilization and our country and to want this remains a bit of a mystery.  It took tousands of years for us to reach the point of self determination, the rule of law, and personal liberty, and they want to throw it all away.  It astonishes me that otherwise intelligent people go along with them.


Quote from: WOTR on August 20, 2017, 03:37:53 AM
I made it thirty seconds in.  He says he walked for five minutes and he had one guy say "fuck you" to him.  And then he starts bitching because "this is Amerika, where we are supposed to have free speech."

Yeah, apparently he has his, but if somebody says "fuck you" suddenly those rights evaporate for that individual.  That is as far as I care to go with the hypocrite this time around. Too bad- because the "target" of this video is deserving... Maybe they just need somebody who isn't a blowhard twat making the point.

Triggered snowflake.  YAWN! ::)

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 20, 2017, 05:12:41 AM


Why did she let herself be interviewed by the Daily Beast?  Ask yourself that.  My Dad thought she was the shit and I would just roll my eyes whenever I saw that he bought one of her diatribes.  I don't have 45 minutes to watch a video that was taped almost a year ago.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 19, 2017, 10:42:37 PM
I hope I'm wrong but I really don't expect much from here on out except for them to continue to lie, manipulate, gaslight, etc. Welcome to the matrix.  8)

Yes, that is exactly what Trumpers will continue to do.


Quote from: PaulAtreides on August 20, 2017, 05:52:39 AM
Yes, that is exactly what Trumpers will continue to do.

LOL! You're still asleep in your pod, being used as a human battery for the elites. You didn't think they were going to let you in their club just because you support them politically, did you?!  :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 20, 2017, 05:59:38 AM
LOL! You're still asleep in your pod, being used as a human battery for the elites. You didn't think they were going to let you in their club just because you support them politically, did you?!  :D

I do believe you'be been out in the woods too long sleeping amongst the critters.  It has left you more islolated than Trump.  And maybe a little horny.


Do you ever notice leftwingers are incapable of telling you what they really want? If you ever want to shut one up, just ask them: "without criticizing Republicans, tell me what you really want". It goes for their ignorant leaders too. On the best day you'll get a cut & paste article, or worthless generalities like: "peace, equality, protect the enviroment" but they have no clue whatsoever how to obtain any of it. They claim to want a John lennon song and then just spout blame and hate.

9/10 are self proclaimed libertarian. (All leftwingers who smoke weed are). Look at Bill Maher, he claims to be one. He's a joke lemming. They're all registered independents. But have never voted for a single Republican ever. It's like someone once said I want weed legal so I'm a libertarian. And they all jumped on board. As though that's the only thing libertarians stand for..

Their closemindness creates this desperation to project independent thinking but none are independent thinkers  None are libertarians. None can think for themselves. They've bastardized science into claiming closeminded consensus is actually a part of science. It's the exact opposite of science.

Look at anyone who posts pro leftwing comments here. You will never see a well thought out argument. You will never see facts sited. You will never see anything you can find common ground on. They will never tell you what they want or how they think we can get there. They have been brainwashed to just hate the right. And now it's all demokkkrats and their lemmings stand for. They literally have no leadership, no platform whatsoever other than hate. It's sad and it comes from the top down. Demokkkrat politicians to DemokkkratMedia to universities and the public school industry. It's an ignorant and miserable existence and I'm very happy to not have any part of it.


Left wing Liberal Progressives only claim being libertarian when outside the company of other Liberal Progressives.  They are trying and in some aspect succeeding in infiltrating the Libertarian movement.

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