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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 24, 2017, 10:30:39 PM
He was so fond of due process that he fled to Pakistan

We can hope that the new pressure being brought to bear by Trump, and new friend Saudis  >:( , and that money, could get them picked up and "interrogated" by the Paki ISI. They are very friendly in their questioning and are known to love due process. Maybe even a rendition for Wasserman-Schultz etc for some questioning there? Kidding.

Falkie's latest YouTube production regarding Islamic Terrorist demonstrates his understanding and quite intelligent solution to the total problem!
Jared Kushner..::
for a more knowledgeable JEW to "advise" The Donald a.k.a. President Trump !


Quote from: Happier Times are coming ! on May 24, 2017, 10:44:28 PM
Falkie's latest YouTube production regarding Islamic Terrorist demonstrates his understanding and quite intelligent solution to the total problem!
Jared Kushner..::
for a more knowledgeable JEW to "advise" The Donald a.k.a. President Trump !
So, so far, we got:
-Russians (mainly Orthodox or secular) controlling Trump and getting him elected who are allied with Iran and Syria (Non-Sunni Muslims, mainly)
-Trump and a bunch of Arab Sunni Muslims "laying hands" on a glowing orb
-Melania coming out as a Catholic (though no records of any Baptism or Confirmation that I've seen. She was raised in a then secular, commie country.)
-Many Trump advisors, and family members, are Jews
-Going to West Wall and meeting with Netanayhu
-the anti-jew, islamophobic, racist 'far-right' electing Trump
-mainstream evil Republo-Christian Pence as his VP
-Meeting with the pope, and Ivanka (married to a Jew) getting a book on 'environmentalism' from him as a gift
I'm sure I'm missing some stuff...

Quote from: Happier Times are coming ! on May 24, 2017, 10:44:28 PM
Falkie's latest YouTube production regarding Islamic Terrorist demonstrates his understanding and quite intelligent solution to the total problem!
Jared Kushner..::
for a more knowledgeable JEW to "advise" The Donald a.k.a. President Trump !

Falkie confirmed for being less mentally ill than the libtards in this thread. This is the best timeline.



Quote from: K_Dubb on May 24, 2017, 11:20:33 PM
This trip keeps giving.

It is frigging AWESOME. This one, no glowing orb, but still great. I can't wait until Trump and entourage decides to go to Asia or, better yet, Africa! I, personally, want to see some live monkey brain eating, with some dried tiger and rhino horn (virility) , for the men in Asia or some bones-in-nose ensembles for the ladies when visiting the local dictator in Africa. And maybe make a "Big Deal" since China is buying up Africa.


Quote from: albrecht on May 24, 2017, 11:25:09 PM
It is frigging AWESOME. This one, no glowing orb, but still great. I can't wait until Trump and entourage decides to go to Asia or, better yet, Africa! I, personally, want to see some live monkey brain eating, with some dried tiger and rhino horn (virility) , for the men in Asia or some bones-in-nose ensembles for the ladies when visiting the local dictator in Africa. And maybe make a "Big Deal" since China is buying up Africa.

I know!  I've been up at unreasonable hours just to catch the various youtube streams of his doings.  Priceless images, like the guy schlepping the nuclear football through the papal apartments â€" it looked heavy.  We should send him around the world, just looking at things.

Quote from: K_Dubb on May 24, 2017, 11:20:33 PM
This trip keeps giving.

The Handmaid's Tale was just renewed for 10 seasons.


Quote from: K_Dubb on May 24, 2017, 11:41:19 PM
I know!  I've been up at unreasonable hours just to catch the various youtube streams of his doings.  Priceless images, like the guy schlepping the nuclear football through the papal apartments â€" it looked heavy.  We should send him around the world, just looking at things.
Please start a thread or post more of these awesome photos! Melania in that Pope pic I could see in a horror movie moving down a Vatican hallway- without walking- in a fast motion, maybe chasing to seduce an intrepid investigator, played by Tom Hanks, who discovered some Jesuit plot to the end of the world involving CERN and a glowing orb.


Quote from: albrecht on May 24, 2017, 11:48:43 PM
Please start a thread or post more of these awesome photos! Melania in that Pope pic I could see in a horror movie moving down a Vatican hallway- without walking- in a fast motion, maybe chasing to seduce an intrepid investigator, played by Tom Hanks, who discovered some Jesuit plot to the end of the world involving CERN and a glowing orb.

Haha I think she looks like she's being persecuted by some corvid à la Tippi Hedren.  And Ivanka like the bride of my nightmares.


Quote from: K_Dubb on May 24, 2017, 11:20:33 PM
This trip keeps giving.

I knew there was a reason I liked you.  That has to be the best thing ever.  I may take the photo and crop Don and the holy father out and use it as a screen saver.  Brilliant!


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 24, 2017, 08:17:27 PM
I'm thinking there's a difference between illegally seeking out, reviewing, and leaking the incidental (US citizen) portions of conversations that were recorded when targeting foreign officials and other non US citizens, and not doing so.  There's also a difference between intentionally misleading a FISO judge in order to spy on Americans, and not doing so.  But forget all that and just impeach Trump already, right?
Let him promise that he will put an end to all of the shady crap that has been happening over the last decade and limit private companies in their collection of user data and I will be his biggest supporter. As Zeta had just reminded me, so far he his biggest contribution to allowing us to regain the right to our data and privacy is to sign a bill allowing our ISP's to sell it.

Right now, I don't care what happens.  Impeach him, promote him to king.  It's all the same shit while the unelected officials continue doing exactly what they always have while presenting a new face (or at least new hair) for people to support or hate.

Quote from: WOTR on May 25, 2017, 12:17:44 AM
Let him promise that he will put an end to all of the shady crap that has been happening over the last decade and limit private companies in their collection of user data and I will be his biggest supporter. As Zeta had just reminded me, so far he his biggest contribution to allowing us to regain the right to our data and privacy is to sign a bill allowing our ISP's to sell it.

Right now, I don't care what happens.  Impeach him, promote him to king.  It's all the same shit while the unelected officials continue doing exactly what they always have while presenting a new face (or at least new hair) for people to support or hate.

So I was right?  There is a difference between what Obama was doing and the normal data collection going on now?

Quote from: GravitySucks on May 24, 2017, 10:30:39 PM
He was so fond of due process that he fled to Pakistan


How the hell was she able to leave the country?  More interference and obstruction from Debbie and the Democrat Caucus on behalf of foreign spies, who in a strange quirk of fate happened to be Muslim?  I'm sure this will be front page news tomorrow, and the Democrat Fake News Media will be all over it.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 25, 2017, 12:27:12 AM
So I was right?  There is a difference between what Obama was doing and the normal data collection going on now?
Remind me again how many years it took for "what Obama was doing" to come out (and do you really believe that it has ALL come out? I think if they dig, there will be lots more.)

So, what makes you think that they are disclosing their law breaking in real time now?  Have you seen the dozens of new bills put in place to protect your privacy?  I'm guessing the answer is no... It is "business as usual" for those collecting your phone conversations and "metadata."


this is life for so many posters in this thread, i imagine

Quote from: WOTR on May 25, 2017, 12:35:14 AM
Remind me again how many years it took for "what Obama was doing" to come out (and do you really believe that it has ALL come out? I think if they dig, there will be lots more.)

So, what makes you think that they are disclosing their law breaking in real time now?  Have you seen the dozens of new bills put in place to protect your privacy?  I'm guessing the answer is no... It is "business as usual" for those collecting your phone conversations and "metadata."

You're still comparing apples to oranges.  Obama was lying to the FISA court about what they were after.  There is no evidence any other president has done that.  Obama was ostensibly claiming to target foreign operatives, but was really after what is referred to as the ''incidental'' portions of the conversations - the US citizen on the other end of the call (which was Trump and his campaign).  Even if he had reason to believe the US citizen he was spying on was guilty of a crime - because that person is a US citizen there is a higher bar in convincing a judge to order a wire tap.  It's a different court, and a different process.

Obama then went on to pass the information gathered among all intelligence agencies, where he had his toadies in place to make use of it.  After all that, it seems likely it would also be passed on to other accomplices of his who would benefit, like, say, Mrs Clinton and her campaign.

Obama then went on to leak damaging info to the media, to friendly members of the Congress and their staffs, and who knows who all else. 

No other president has even been accused of any of this.  The information gathering is completely different from the usual NSA collection - needing to go through the FISA judges and all.  In other words, Obama committed a felony, and was illegally ''interfering'' in the election.

Like it or not, the NSA collection has been ruled legal.  What Obama was doing is not.  But, you know, just lump it all together and accuse Trump of something.  Business as usual.

By the way, between Obama's spying, the hacking of Hilary's unsecure server, and Hilary and the DNC colluding to deny Sanders the nomination, there is much reason for the Fake News Media and the other Democrats to distract from all that by piling on Trump.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump to date - despite all the investigations and every reporter in the western world turning over every rock.  But there is an enormous amount of illegal activity involving Bill, Hilary, Barry, and the DNC - well beyond what's been mentioned here today.  Behold the power of the press.


i would actually get gay with trump, he's that awesome


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 25, 2017, 12:59:23 AM
By the way, between Obama's spying, the hacking of Hilary's unsecure server, and Hilary and the DNC colluding to deny Sanders the nomination, there is much reason for the Fake News Media and the other Democrats to distract from all that by piling on Trump.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump to date - despite all the investigations and every reporter in the western world turning over every rock.  But there is an enormous amount of illegal activity involving Bill, Hilary, Barry, and the DNC - well beyond what's been mentioned here today.  Behold the power of the press.

Do you see ANY of the MSM reporting on the class action lawsuit against the DNC by the Sanders supporters?

Quote from: K_Dubb on May 25, 2017, 12:02:45 AM
One more

You have officially sunk lower than crazed anti-obama poster nitpicking everything Obama did.

I didn't even think that was possible.....

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on May 24, 2017, 11:25:09 PM
It is frigging AWESOME. This one, no glowing orb, but still great. I can't wait until Trump and entourage decides to go to Asia or, better yet, Africa! I, personally, want to see some live monkey brain eating, with some dried tiger and rhino horn (virility) , for the men in Asia or some bones-in-nose ensembles for the ladies when visiting the local dictator in Africa. And maybe make a "Big Deal" since China is buying up Africa.

Well if this is the reaction to an earlier dinner in his honour, I can't imagine the place will be rocking. Smiles all round.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 25, 2017, 12:54:53 AM
You're still comparing apples to oranges.  Obama was lying to the FISA court about what they were after.  There is no evidence any other president has done that.  Obama was ostensibly claiming to target foreign operatives, but was really after what is referred to as the ''incidental'' portions of the conversations - the US citizen on the other end of the call (which was Trump and his campaign).  Even if he had reason to believe the US citizen he was spying on was guilty of a crime - because that person is a US citizen there is a higher bar in convincing a judge to order a wire tap.  It's a different court, and a different process.

Obama then went on to pass the information gathered among all intelligence agencies, where he had his toadies in place to make use of it.  After all that, it seems likely it would also be passed on to other accomplices of his who would benefit, like, say, Mrs Clinton and her campaign.

Obama then went on to leak damaging info to the media, to friendly members of the Congress and their staffs, and who knows who all else. 

No other president has even been accused of any of this.  The information gathering is completely different from the usual NSA collection - needing to go through the FISA judges and all.  In other words, Obama committed a felony, and was illegally ''interfering'' in the election.

Like it or not, the NSA collection has been ruled legal.  What Obama was doing is not.  But, you know, just lump it all together and accuse Trump of something.  Business as usual.

For someone who implies to have an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of American law and procedure, the above laughable diatribe must, I assume be a whimsical flight of fancy: A stream of consciousness that you in a more sober and mellow enviornment would blush at the idea it was based on a reality that reasonable adults would be expected to swallow without question.

A few clues. The POTUS cannot issue, FISA warrants. Neither do they have access to the knowledge of their existence, the background to the reason one was issued, the people or entities involved, the legal basis for their execution or if they're abandoned down the line. In other words, your entire post is a lesson in make believe.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 25, 2017, 12:59:23 AM
Obama's spying, the hacking of Hilary's unsecure server, and Hilary and the DNC colluding to deny Sanders the nomination, there is much reason for the Fake News Media and the other Democrats to distract from all that by piling on Trump.

There is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump to date - despite all the investigations and every reporter in the western world turning over every rock.  But there is an enormous amount of illegal activity involving Bill, Hilary, Barry, and the DNC - well beyond what's been mentioned here today.  Behold the power of the press.


Yorkshire pud

You cane take Trump out of the trailer trash, but you can't take the trailer trash out of the Trump. Arrogant cunt. Fortunately most thinking people don't think he represents America. The expressions on the faces of the gathering says it all...



Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 25, 2017, 11:16:06 AM
Arrogant cunts.


FIFY. That's how most "thinking" Americans think about the situation re: NATO.  The arrogance is all from Europe these days. ;)


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 25, 2017, 11:40:38 AM
FIFY. That's how most "thinking" Americans think about the situation re: NATO.  The arrogance is all from Europe these days. ;)


Well, if Trump isn't happy, he'll be satisfied that the rest of NATO might decide not to share intel with the US. They know now it goes straight to Putin anyway, due to the traitors in the WH.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 25, 2017, 11:16:06 AM
You cane take Trump out of the trailer trash, but you can't take the trailer trash out of the Trump. Arrogant cunt. Fortunately most thinking people don't think he represents America. The expressions on the faces of the gathering says it all...

That speech was more AWESOME.  Marched right in to their new palace and shook them down in front of the Berlin wall.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 25, 2017, 11:47:03 AM
Well, if Trump isn't happy, he'll be satisfied that the rest of NATO might decide not to share intel with the US. They know now it goes straight to Putin anyway, due to the traitors in the WH.

Fine. Take your ball and go home. Frankly, you risk losing more from that decision than we do. We're better off without your "help" anyway.  ;)

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