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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: K_Dubb on May 21, 2017, 06:23:02 PM
Hahahaha i can't believe this actually happened look at his face

Wonder if they could see the flaming eye of Putin when they touched the orb. 😏


Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 08:04:16 PM
Glass domes are a favorite subject of RCH after all. We need him back to explain this! Maybe the domes on the moon and other planets are really orbs- just half of it hidden underground?

My favorite from the short list (not on twitter but sure there are more)

    just some billionaires gathering in the dark and holding a glowing orb. probably fine
    â€" jon hendren (@fart) May 21, 2017

The symbolism is obvious.  World peace is at hand.


Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 07:35:13 PM
And the look on "King" Salman. He looks like he got caught cheating on a pop quiz or something. That is so crazy and just beautiful. That picture guarantees the jobs of youtubers, radio conspiracists, and "researchers" & "experts" for various radio shows for years! Who will be the first C2C guest to mention? And what are the conspiracies/symbology related to this? I'm sure Clyde and Alex will have some. Quayle will likely have a deep one, obviously giants are involved.

Unfortunatly I wouldn't  hold my breath. C2C has been so soft on Trump conspiracies . They are not touching the Russia stuff, just as a C2C topic you can have  some fun with, it. Heck they haven't  even gone with the classics like voter machine minipulation  this year.

But you are so right, that photo has C2C freak out written all over it lol. With Jorge great analysis  of "I don't  know what it is, but it's  freaky" . They names you mentioned  would be smart choices any other time.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 22, 2017, 06:43:18 AM
Unfortunatly I wouldn't  hold my breath. C2C has been so soft on Trump conspiracies . They are not touching the Russia stuff, just as a C2C topic you can have  some fun with, it. Heck they haven't  even gone with the classics like voter machine minipulation  this year.

But you are so right, that photo has C2C freak out written all over it lol. With Jorge great analysis  of "I don't  know what it is, but it's  freaky" . They names you mentioned  would be smart choices any other time.

As its unlikely Trump will bring his considerable diplomatic and in-depth knowledge of Islam and the ME in general to bear in his quest to bring long lasting peace to the region by selling $150 billion worth of thngs to kill people, some of which will find itself in the hands of ISIS, the glass dome is obviously a portal to a KFC.


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 07:49:36 PM
As usual you got nothin (but jive-ass Youtube videos). You're ignorant as fuck, a coward, and a shit-posting trump troll.
He believes neither in facts nor in common sense, like many of those in his phylum.

It's a shame we all have to step around the vomit every morning. You can tell even those who agree with him tire of his particular brand of idiocy. Maybe deep down they feel the same way about Donald.


"The Orb" (globe) resides inside the War Room Command and Control Center of the Saudi's new  "Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology". Trump attended it's inaugural opening yesterday.

Suffice it to say, the open existance of such installations and their probable uses/abuses by world Govs is alarming, bigly. The Future stands revealed. Sleep well !
[The first 8 mins of this vid is the important bit.]


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 22, 2017, 08:15:17 AM
"The Orb" (globe) resides inside the War Room Command and Control Center of the Saudi's new  "Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology". Trump attended it's inaugural opening yesterday.

Suffice it to say, the open existance of such installations and their probable uses/abuses by world Govs is alarming, bigly. The Future stands revealed. Sleep well !
[The first 8 mins of this vid is the important bit.]


The mischievous might suggest the Arabs were sending Trump up. Let him look more of a naive idiot than he already is.


For being a conspiracy fan as he is, I am alarmed how he's falling for every evil trick.

Allowing Russians into the Oval Office which they can bug the office.
Putting his hands foolishly on a magical orb while a Arab man is also touching, obviously stealing his thoughts.

What is he going to do next in Israel? Is he going to go to pee in a magical fountain and cross streams with another dude, which of course will cause body swapping.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 22, 2017, 07:39:30 AM
He believes neither in facts nor in common sense, like many of those in his phylum.

It's a shame we all have to step around the vomit every morning. You can tell even those who agree with him tire of his particular brand of idiocy. Maybe deep down they feel the same way about Donald.

So, how goes those facts about Trump colluding with the Russians?

The only facts I have witnessed on bellgab from the anti-trump propaganda machine are mostly opinions or unsubstantiated hearsay.

Those aren't "facts", unless you are referring to someone saying "yes, in fact that is his opinion, or yes in fact these are unsubstantiated rumors and hearsay".

The only vomit that is being deposited here on bellgab every morning is the anti-trump hate machine.  I thought you would tire out, but alas, you folks have the energy and focus of an autistic special needs kid.

Even Dennis Kucinich is mocking you people for how desperate and degenerate you idiots are.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 22, 2017, 08:39:09 AM
For being a conspiracy fan as he is, I am alarmed how he's falling for every evil trick.

Allowing Russians into the Oval Office which they can bug the office.
Putting his hands foolishly on a magical orb while a Arab man is also touching, obviously stealing his thoughts.

What is he going to do next in Israel? Is he going to go to pee in a magical fountain and cross streams with another dude, which of course will cause body swapping.

He's worn a kippah at the wall. He just has to eat kosher food and he'll be fully mind controlled. Not that there's much mind to control.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on May 22, 2017, 08:55:27 AM
So, how goes those facts about Trump colluding with the Russians?

You know don't you there are six investigations on it? Subpeonas have been issued?

You didn't?

What a mindless fuck.

Yorkshire pud

I wonder how the chat will go with the Israelis now Trump has flogged all those weapons to the Arabs?  ??? After all that campaign stuff about how Islam hates America and the Saudias kill on sight. I wonder if the Israelis think he might not think about what he says before opening his mouth?


Yorkshire pud

"Turkish" and Putin bitch Flynn is taking the predictable fifth.

Here's what Drump said about it on the campaign.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump blasted aides to Hillary Clinton for taking the Fifth Amendment in relation to the investigation of her use of a private email server while secretary of state. He said at a September Iowa rally: "So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment, like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

Nothing to hide... ;D


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 22, 2017, 09:10:33 AM
"Turkish" and Putin bitch Flynn is taking the predictable fifth.

Here's what Drump said about it on the campaign.

Nothing to hide... ;D

Yes, I expect all that talk about him having a story to tell was signalling to the people behind the scenes that they had better come up with a pretty good to deal or he would blow the gaffe. Which is what it looks like has happened. If everything is all kosher and above board they are sure doing all they can to look like guilty people.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 22, 2017, 07:39:30 AM
He believes neither in facts nor in common sense, like many of those in his phylum.

It's a shame we all have to step around the vomit every morning. You can tell even those who agree with him tire of his particular brand of idiocy. Maybe deep down they feel the same way about Donald.

I wish he (and the rest of the local Klansmen) were an isolated case. I'm afraid it's far worse and more pervasive than I could have believed possible. After catching-up some on the last 30 years of directed Conservative dirty tricks and their targeted war on/of media, the scale and scope if their organized well financed brainwashing propaganda machine, I believe we are in VERY big trouble, and combating it now, defeating it, recovering from it, given its decades-long incubation and development, it's apparent permanent foothold/embedment/infestation within the fabric of the greater communications sphere, will require nothing short of miracles! It's a job not well suited to fundamentally decent, nice, people. You almost have to be willing to become equally as depraved as they are, and in a sustained manner, because they will stop at nothing, no manner of treachery is too-much for them, there is no line, no part of the human contract is off-limits, their evil-ways are second-nature by now, it's their default modus-operandi.
Oh well. Let's hope, pray, regain the House, and see . . .

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 22, 2017, 09:13:39 AM
Yes, I expect all that talk about him having a story to tell was signalling to the people behind the scenes that they had better come up with a pretty good to deal or he would blow the gaffe. Which is what it looks like has happened. If everything is all kosher and above board they are sure doing all they can to look like guilty people.

Maybe they wouldn't offer him a deal? That could suggest they told his lawyers it would be useful to have his version of events, but if not, no matter. And he thinks they (FBI, intel committee) are bluffing.Which might be a first, I wasn't aware the FBI made social visits to pull a practical joke.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 22, 2017, 09:10:33 AM
"Turkish" and Putin bitch Flynn is taking the predictable fifth.

Here's what Drump said about it on the campaign.

Nothing to hide... ;D

Just found out Trump used the Fifth 97 times to avoid adultery questions  in 1990.

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 22, 2017, 08:56:11 AM
He's worn a kippah at the wall. He just has to eat kosher food and he'll be fully mind controlled. Not that there's much mind to control.

I was just wondering, why is it when a western  women goes to the Middle East and decides to wear the traditional  headscarf, and a lot of people  freak out. But every guy goes to Israel puts on that  cap and no one even blinks about it.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 22, 2017, 09:34:04 AM
Drumpf used the Fifth 97 times

... how is this any different than when a Clinton does it?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 22, 2017, 08:58:45 AM
Subpeonas have been issued?

You didn't?

What a mindless fuck.

Don't be so hard on yourself. It was only a matter of time before you wised up.


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 22, 2017, 09:14:41 AM
After catching-up some on the last 30 years of directed Conservative dirty tricks

Oh, you're caught up? Great.

... who killed Kennedy?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 22, 2017, 08:24:45 AM
The mischievous might suggest the Arabs were sending Trump up. Let him look more of a naive idiot than he already is.

We now know the context of the Kings expression as he watched impishly for Trump's reaction to the grand spectacle spreading out before him. It _is_ pretty damn impressive, raises the bar. It's also every Authoritarian's wet-dream, that place.

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 22, 2017, 08:58:45 AM
You know don't you there are six investigations on it? Subpeonas have been issued?

You didn't?

What a mindless fuck.

Yeah, and......

You sound as dopey as Maxine Waters.

Any day now!

How about a bet.

If these investigations don't show any collusion between the Russian government and then Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, you have to change your name to "Bellgab's Forum Idiot", and vice versa for myself.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 22, 2017, 09:44:44 AM
We now know the context of the Kings expression as he watched impishly for Trump's reaction to the grand spectacle spreading out before him. It _is_ pretty damn impressive, raises the bar. It's also every Authoritarian's wet-dream, that place.

"Hi Salman, its Barack, hows it goin?"

"Hey Barack, long time no hear, how are things with you?"

"I need a favour please"

"Sure, I'll try to help, what is it?"

"Well, Trump is heading your way in a week or so, I wondered if you could spend a bit of dough and put on a bit of a show, that everyone in the room is in on, apart from him?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I dunno, something mystical, a hint of the supernatural"

"I know just the thing, leave it with me, bye for now"

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