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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 10:52:59 AM
I never have seen such bravery!  True heroes whose accomplishments will go down in the annals of history. Stories will be written and songs will be sung. Children, filled with wonder and admiration, will be thrilled to hear elders retell the epic of the brave student walkout of 2017. Memorials and plaques made, streets renamed in honor. Long oratories of praise will be spoken in pulpits and legislatures. True heroes, to prevail over such adversity! To be able to walkout of something! Only once in a century, perhaps, can we see such valor.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 10:46:39 AM
But Trump. What of him? Its quite telling you list verbatim the qualifications of someone you believe has written less than flattering things about Obama, yet completely try to denigrate similar qualified people who give insight into how Trump functions, who its fair to say has no convictions, political or otherwise apart from trying to beat anyone who disagrees with him. Shit is he going to get a wake up in Brussels with the NATO delegates. Well, assuming his brain can digest more than sixty words a minute.

Having Marxist parents isn't a crime in the free world. Honestly. Neither is it having parents who are neo nazis.

1. How many things are these anti-Trump journalist going to have to get wrong before you realize that the facts don't matter to them as long as the story damages Trump? 

2. The NATO membership realizes who the big frog on the pond is and they will be more than gracious to a Trump.  Depend on it.

3.  Most certainly no one should be held responsible for the beliefs of their parents but in Obama's case he held those same beliefs well into adulthood.  Some of his leftist cohorts who are in a position to know claim he has publicly disavowed the more extreme of those beliefs as a political expedient but that he still holds them privately.  They consider this duplicity and his failure to more aggressively advance socialism while President to be a betrayal. 


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 21, 2017, 10:26:36 AM

I just finished reading "Rising Star, the Making of Barak Obama" by David Garrow who is a self-identified ardent progressive.   (I have included a summary of his background below.). I have also read books on Obama by Bob Woodward and other moderate to left leaning authors who voice the exact same criticisms of him that Garrow does.  All confirm that he was brought up by a mother and grandparents that were admitted communists and that Obama's orientation was decidedly in that direction until relatively late in life when, with the help of Bill Ayers, Valerie Jarrett and others, he became convinced that his manifest Marxist tendancies were extremely limiting with respect to his political viability.  So, according to Garrow, he began taking steps to distance himself from his well known advocacy of Marxist doctrine.  He did the same thing for the same reasons in obscuring his attachment to the Muslim faith by becoming a member of Wright's congregation.  The central theme of Garrow's book is that Obama is an unscrupulous moral and political chameleon.  I would suggest that you read the two books I cite above to facilitate an informed opinion of Obama.  Until then you should not waste the time of others by speaking from ignorance.  (Let me know if Garrow is not left wing enough for you.)

"Garrow served as a senior adviser for Eyes on the Prize, the award-winning PBS television history of the Civil Rights Movement covering the years 1954â€"1965. He has taught at Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the City University of New York, The Cooper Union (where in 1992â€"1993 he served as Visiting Distinguished Professor of History), the College of William and Mary (where in 1994â€"1995 he served as Harrison Professor of History), American University (where in 1995â€"96 he served as Distinguished Historian in Residence), Emory University (where from 1997 until 2005 he was Presidential Distinguished Professor). Between 2006 and 2011 he was a Senior Research Fellow at Homerton College, University of Cambridge, and since 2011 he has served as Research Professor of History and Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law."

Obama is either a flaming Marxist or a typical political trimmer, you can't have both, poppet. It sounds like you agree with me more than you are prepared to let on. Right wingers want to see him as a radical but he isn't. I don't care what his parents did.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 11:27:05 AM
I never have seen such bravery!  True heroes whose accomplishments will go down in the annals of history. Stories will be written and songs will be sung. Children, filled with wonder and admiration, will be thrilled to hear elders retell the epic of the brave student walkout of 2017. Memorials and plaques made, streets renamed in honor. Long oratories of praise will be spoken in pulpits and legislatures. True heroes, to prevail over such adversity! To be able to walkout of something! Only once in a century, perhaps, can we see such valor.

A bit like Trump being brave enough to evade being called up to Vietnam although he was fit enough to play contact sports? Might be best not to compare students who have a problem with giving tacit approval to what a bigotted, self righteous, misogynist, smug cunt has to preach, with a cossetted coward who had his daddy look after him.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 21, 2017, 11:27:49 AM
1. How many things are these anti-Trump journalist going to have to get wrong before you realize that the facts don't matter to them as long as the story damages Trump? 

Oh? What have they got wrong so far? And show your workings. Minus points for quoting anyone in the WH as your source.

2. The NATO membership realizes who the big frog on the pond is and they will be more than gracious to a Trump.  Depend on it.

Oh, they'll recognise the USA. Trump? Not so much. Why would they? He has little interest.

3.  Most certainly no one should be held responsible for the beliefs of their parents but in Obama's case he held those same beliefs well into adulthood.  Some of his leftist cohorts who are in a position to know claim he has publicly disavowed the more extreme of those beliefs as a political expedient but that he still holds them privately.  They consider this duplicity and his failure to more aggressively advance socialism while President to be a betrayal.

But you're fine with white supremacists? Do you actually know that Marx was anti authoritarian rule? Believed that the population should have more say in the running of a countrys affairs? Doesn't that sound familar? A bit like Republicans?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 11:39:42 AM
A bit like Trump being brave enough to evade being called up to Vietnam although he was fit enough to play contact sports? Might be best not to compare students who have a problem with giving tacit approval to what a bigotted, self righteous, misogynist, smug cunt has to preach, with a cossetted coward who had his daddy look after him.
I love how you leftists now think Vietnam was a good war and everyone should've gone to fight. Just a few years ago it was an awful war, one that- to some- say we were tricked getting into, that was racist, "baby killers," etc, and it was brave to even flee or burn your draft-card. Sort of like the flip-flop on Russia. Hilarious.

Brave students. Long shall tales be told of the walkout of 2017! I have a great idea: in place of all of those monuments taken down in NOLA, and elsewhere, replace with bronzes and grand marble statues of the brave student walkout.
ps: Pence's dad, as I recall, was a Korean War vet who owned some gas stations, a good guy I'm sure but hardly a person of such power. Not sure why that is a problem or what your problem with him is. I haven't even heard anyone really talk about him. Maybe Pence himself has at some point? I would hope any father looks after their children though, too many aren't around and don't.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 11:50:28 AM
I love how you leftists now think Vietnam was a good war and everyone should've gone to fight. Just a few years ago it was an awful war, one that- to some- say we were tricked getting into, that was racist, "baby killers," etc, and it was brave to even flee or burn your draft-card. Sort of like the flip-flop on Russia. Hilarious.

And that excuses Trump from avoiding the draft? Pitiful. I don't think it was a good war. No war is good, some might be justified, but not good. So drop the 'You leftists' bullshit.

Brave students. Long shall tales be told of the walkout of 2017! I have a great idea: in place of all of those monuments taken down in NOLA, and elsewhere, replace with bronzes and grand marble statues of the brave student walkout.
ps: Pence's dad, as I recall, was a Korean War vet who owned some gas stations, a good guy I'm sure but hardly a person of such power. Not sure why that is a problem or what your problem with him is. I haven't even heard anyone really talk about him. Maybe Pence himself has at some point? I would hope any father looks after their children though, too many aren't around and don't.

Some of those students might save your life one day. Think about it. They have a concience, an attribute you can hardly heap on the GOP.


There was an age when an improper court reference could be the undoing of a diplomatic mission.

Being feted by Saudi crooks, and then curtsying to their king like a half-assed Alice in Wonderland - what a joke we must look like to the world.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 21, 2017, 07:09:54 AM
The recent study conducted by Harvard merely quantifies corporate media's malice towards Trump and demonstrates its willingness to dispense with any pretense of journalistic integrity to cause him damage. 
I have to head out to help a friend move- I am interested to find the original study.  However, the article that you linked to states that he has received far more negative press than other presidents in his first 100 days.

What it does not tell me is if the negative press was warranted or what qualifies.  Just because there were negative stories about him and his policies does not equate to them being "fake news" or "made up stories." 

***Even at that, I do concede that they are, generally much harder on him than past presidents. 

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 21, 2017, 08:11:20 AM
Moreover, how do you account for the trend away from the traditional news outlets towards net-based outlets?

Most people want their "news" filtered for their comfort. Look to history to see how well demonizing media (generally in tandem with the "elitist educated" population) usually plays out. To decide that anything that does not support "beloved leader" is fake news and that a long haired hippie sitting in his parents basement scouring the internet for "the trooth" s a more reliable source is interesting.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 11:55:49 AM
And that excuses Trump from avoiding the draft? Pitiful. I don't think it was a good war. No war is good, some might be justified, but not good. So drop the 'You leftists' bullshit.

Some of those students might save your life one day. Think about it. They have a concience, an attribute you can hardly heap on the GOP.
I can't follow your leftist logic. Vietnam war was bad. "Killing babies" etc was bad. So not going is bad?  :o
It is weird and questionable, but a lot of people did get out by student and/or medical deferments. There is a link on the bottom for the records that were found. Odd that the reason for the last medical is not detailed. Though I'm not an expert on this type of document. It wouldn't surprise me if some influence etc happened. Rich folks often find a way to get out of things like this or get better commissions/postings all through history.

ps: "The possible future Commander-in-Chief, it turns out, has birthmarks on both his heels."<-- sign of the anti-Christ?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 12:10:11 PM
One of my country's universities' students objecting to a statue of Cecil Rhodes. Because in civilised countries assumed superiority based on skin colour is so two centuries ago; Ask these knuckle draggers.
We are tearing down our statues (UT, NOLA, etc) yet you continue to have statues to white supremacists? And complain about Americans? Bill Clinton even accepted a scholarship founded by one of your vehement white supremacists.  :o

ps: is that one in the white shirt a man or a woman? Or a mixed-gender? Wow. Time to rethink choice of outfit and meals.  :o

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 12:11:20 PM
I can't follow your leftist logic. Vietnam war was bad. "Killing babies" etc was bad. So not going is bad?  :o

You're implying he was a conciencious objector? Stop...my sides will split.

It is weird and questionable, but a lot of people did get out by student and/or medical deferments. There is a link on the bottom for the records that were found. Odd that the reason for the last medical is not detailed. Though I'm not an expert on this type of document. It wouldn't surprise me if some influence etc happened. Rich folks often find a way to get out of things like this or get better commissions/postings all through history.

ps: "The possible future Commander-in-Chief, it turns out, has birthmarks on both his heels."<-- sign of the anti-Christ?

He got out of it not once, but five separate occasions. Heel spurs? Yet played football and baseball.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 12:13:37 PM
We are tearing down our statues (UT, NOLA, etc) yet you continue to have statues to white supremacists? And complain about Americans? Bill Clinton even accepted a scholarship founded by one of your vehement white supremacists.  :o
How is any of that dependent on me?

ps: is that one in the white shirt a man or a woman? Or a mixed-gender? Wow. Time to rethink choice of outfit and meals.  :o

I think its a 'he'. A self proclaimed superior being. Well, if you overlook nearly every other species down to plankton.


The media is claiming that Trump risked security for some informants/spies when he talked to Russia about fighting ISIS. Yet nobody really complaining about Obama's security gaffs with far worse consquences.
Note the "fake news" far-right sources:
"WASHINGTON â€" The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward."

"The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose."


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 12:19:09 PM
I think its a 'he'. A self proclaimed superior being. Well, if you overlook nearly every other species down to plankton.
I think a woman, but you could be right. It is a close call. You demean plankton. Plankton are actually a very important part of the food chain.


Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 12:21:13 PM
The media is claiming that Trump risked security for some informants/spies when he talked to Russia about fighting ISIS. Yet nobody really complaining about Obama's security gaffs with far worse consquences.
Note the "fake news" far-right sources:
"WASHINGTON â€" The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward."

"The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose."

This has been the pattern since Johnson. Democrats hobble our intelligence, foreign policy, respect around the world. Republicans have to clean up the mess. Nixon cleaning up Vietnam. Reagan dealing with Carters miscarriage. W dealing with the chaos of 10 major Islamic terrorist incidicents going unresponded to by Clinton and thus leading to 911. And now Trump having save our country from the brink after Obama/Clinton abortion of foreign policy.

Democrat strategy only works in places where they control the pulpit, i.e. The media and classroom.


Quote from: Gd5150 on May 21, 2017, 12:39:51 PM
This has been the pattern since Johnson. Democrats hobble our intelligence, foreign policy, respect around the world. Republicans have to clean up the mess.

Yeah, like they cleaned up the Kennedy murder.

massive rolleyes


Quote from: Gd5150 on May 21, 2017, 12:39:51 PM
W dealing with the chaos of 10 major Islamic terrorist incidicents going unresponded to by Clinton and thus leading to 911.

Do you actually believe this nonsense, or are they really paying you that much?


Quote from: albrecht on May 21, 2017, 12:23:19 PM
Plankton are actually a very important part of the food chain.

Well, they were.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 12:16:17 PM
He got out of it not once, but five separate occasions.

Nothing is funnier than seeing you attempt to imply that this is some sort of hallmark of incompetence.

How many Israelis died in Vietnam? Get back to us on that, O Historian.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 11:39:42 AM
a cossetted coward who had his daddy look after him.

How is this so much worse than when it was a Clinton British royalty doing that?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Jackstar on May 21, 2017, 12:54:50 PM
How is this so much worse than when it was a Clinton British royalty doing that?

You mean Harry doing two tours of Afghanistan in the Army Air Corps (Apache pilot); His grandfather and uncle being in the RN in WW2 and Falklands war respectively, his brother being in the RAF and his grandmother an ambulance driver in WW2.
THOSE Micheal?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 21, 2017, 01:37:37 PM
You mean Harry doing two tours of Afghanistan in the Army Air Corps (Apache pilot); His grandfather and uncle being in the RN in WW2 and Falklands war respectively, his brother being in the RAF and his grandmother an ambulance driver in WW2 blood drinking reptile.
THOSE Micheal?

All hail Queen Elizardbeast.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on May 21, 2017, 01:54:12 PM
All hail Queen Elizardbeast.

Hence the meat wagon. She didn't take the wounded to hospital, she just relieved them of even more claret.


Quote from: Meister_000 on May 21, 2017, 07:47:05 AM
Adapting for your shortcomings and cowardice, MD, I will here replace my earlier second instance/use of the word "healthy" with the phrase: "most favorably promote and manifest those optimal conditions you would demand", and we’ll try this again (you infantile weasel).

“Our system depends on a healthy debate” â€" you say (appearing to recognize and advocate-for this, if not demand it). So, which among the top Conservative Talk Radio hosts and shows do you think would most favorably promote and manifest those optimal conditions you would demand? Which of them fulfills that vital need?

In the short-list provided below, please add an "x" in front of the name(s) of any you would endorse and recommend for said Health-maintenance purposes â€" i.e. those who you believe do earnestly pursue and purvey truth, fairness, and balance in their presentation of the relevant spectrum of political/social/cultural/moral "ideas".

  Rush Limbaugh
  Glenn Beck
  Mike Savage
  Mark Levin
  Sean Hannity
  Ann Coulter
  Laura Ingraham
  Dennis Prager
  Bill O'Reilly

I hope you're having fun playing Perry Mason but you're just proving to everyone how infantile you and your ideology really are. I think it's good to listen to a wide variety of opinions. However, since you're so eager to challenge sources who do you consider beyond reproach in journalism? Based on your posts I'm expecting some truly hilarious results.  :D

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