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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 03, 2017, 11:38:46 AM
Yes, the Russians sow mischief around the world, and even try to destabilize the West.  Republicans and Conservatives have been telling the Libs this for a century, and until recently have been met with smears, name calling, and denial.  About time you woke up but you're a little late to be of much help.

We've been telling you the Clintons were crooks for decades.  After presenting her as a presidential candidate, you want to throw her under the bus because she lost.  Gee, thanks.

In a highly politicized environment, you feign shock and suspicion because someone wants immunity before testifying.  Like that's something new and unique.  You certainly seem to understand the reasons for this when it's some Democrat lowlife hack asking for immunity, but you want to portray it as evidence of guilt this time.  No one's buying it.

There is zero evidence at all Trump was in any way a Russian agent.  Just saying he was is laughable.  But here you are comparing that unfavorably to Hilary and Obama cowardly abandoning our people in Benghazi then lying about it.  Shameful.

If Manafort' activities had been illegal for a 10 year period, why didn't Obama arrest him?  Oh yeah, him and his cronies where the beneficiaries. As soon as they weren't, gloves were off.


LIVE!  Marine, is kicking ass! ;) ;D
LIVE: Marine Le Pen Debates Emmanuel Macron before French Election from Paris France.  5.3.17.
Started streaming 1 hour ago


Up All Night

Quote from: GravitySucks on May 03, 2017, 12:53:32 AM
I think Trump should veto this budget bill until it funds his priorities. If the wall is not funded, I wouldn't wait until September to have a showdown. I would have that showdown now. They can do another CR until they can come up with a bill that he willing to sign.

Dems don't want a CR because that means they are tied to last year's funding.

The country did find during the last shut down, so if the Dems refuse to sign a CR, the shutdown is on them.

I know it would feel good to have that shutdown showdown now.

But, maybe it would be better to have the shutdown showdown in September.

I'm going to go with what Pres. Trump/ Mr. 3D Chess thinks would be best.

The 'ol USA is a Big ship to turn around. I trust Donald to get 'er done.


Quote from: ©StarrMountain® 2010 on May 03, 2017, 02:57:06 PM
LIVE!  Marine, is kicking ass! ;) ;D
LIVE: Marine Le Pen Debates Emmanuel Macron before French Election from Paris France.  5.3.17.
Started streaming 1 hour ago



I see that animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot is a Le Pen supporter.


Quote from: smccomas69 on May 03, 2017, 11:50:10 AM
For the love of god serious.
Do the Russians try and hack our shit: Yes Do they want things beneficial to them: Yes
Do we try and hack there shit: Yes Do we want things beneficial to us: Yes

There are a plethora of instances where the previous administration blatantly attempted to influence elections to the point of sending MONEY over seas. Stop with the indignation and the but but the Russian's it is freaking embarrassing.

The FBI the FBI well yeah lets talk about that http://nypost.com/2017/05/01/fbi-translator-married-isis-terrorist-she-was-supposed-to-investigate-report/   

This FBI? This is an instance where the head lines do not do justice, the bitch had a top secret security clearance.

If there was anything to the coordination horse shit we would already know it. When President Trump said that the previous admin had "wire tapped" his shit every one got all indignant. Well they have been investigating every swinging dick around him BUT we are to believe they have not been watching him? Bullshit.

You nailed it.  It would seem that some posting on this thread have spent their entire adult life living under a rock.  They seem aghast at the idea that the Russians employ sophisticated methods to attempt to influence our politics in the same way we attempt to influence theirs.  This sort of thing has been going on since the first city states and probably before that.

What really bothers me is that in our current culture there are so many that seem to lack any ability to think independently with circumspection and objectivity.  What we seem to have created in this country is a large cadre of well indoctrinated but poorly educated regurgitators of sound bites and bumper sticker slogans.  Their cut and pasted posts belie the absence of any ability to apply critical analysis and a naive acceptance of anything that reenforces their biases no matter how implausible or even ludicrous the assertion.  Some illuminary whose name I forget said that the aim of establishment politicians is to keep the populace uninformed and compliant.  It's clear that they have accomplished their goal in the case of a number of BelGab posters.

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 03, 2017, 03:56:56 PM
You nailed it.  It would seem that some posting on this thread have spent their entire adult life living under a rock.  They seem aghast at the idea that the Russians employ sophisticated methods to attempt to influence our politics in the same way we attempt to influence theirs.  This sort of thing has been going on since the first city states and probably before that.

What really bothers me is that in our current culture there are so many that seem to lack any ability to think independently with circumspection and objectivity.  What we seem to have created in this country is a large cadre of well indoctrinated but undereducated regurgitators of sound bites and bumper sticker slogans.  Their cut and pasted posts belie the absence of any ability to apply critical analysis and a naive acceptance of anything that reenforces their biases no matter how implausible or even ludicrous the assertion.  Some illuminary whose name I forget said that the aim of establishment politicians is to keep the populace uninformed and compliant.  It's clear that they have accomplished their goal in the case of a number of BelGab posters.



Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 03, 2017, 03:56:56 PM
You nailed it.  It would seem that some posting on this thread have spent their entire adult life living under a rock.  They seem aghast at the idea that the Russians employ sophisticated methods to attempt to influence our politics in the same way we attempt to influence theirs.  This sort of thing has been going on since the first city states and probably before that.

What really bothers me is that in our current culture there are so many that seem to lack any ability to think independently with circumspection and objectivity.  What we seem to have created in this country is a large cadre of well indoctrinated but poorly educated regurgitators of sound bites and bumper sticker slogans.  Their cut and pasted posts belie the absence of any ability to apply critical analysis and a naive acceptance of anything that reenforces their biases no matter how implausible or even ludicrous the assertion.  Some illuminary whose name I forget said that the aim of establishment politicians and the public school system is to keep the populace uninformed and compliant.  It's clear that they have accomplished their goal in the case of a number of BelGab posters.
Spot on, I just made a minor addition.


I see Trump has stuck his fist in the Palestine tar baby.


Quote from: albrecht on May 03, 2017, 04:00:59 PM
Spot on, I just made a minor addition.

Nice touch and very true.


On the Russian's, would not be first time a war was started on a false premise.

I know that everyone that is upset about it are going to run down and enlist. :) 


TRUMP and PUTIN ready to WORK on NORTH KOREA!  5.3.17.




But...but..but    Trump's tax returns.   

Wasn't she one of the dumbfuck liberal hypocrites screaming about Trump's tax returns and income?


Quote from: Schlyder7 on May 03, 2017, 07:16:53 PM

But...but..but    Trump's tax returns.   

Wasn't she one of the dumbfuck liberal hypocrites screaming about Trump's tax returns and income?

Wasn't she canned for rigging the Democrat primaries?
Answer: Yes


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 03, 2017, 07:10:38 PM


I don't care for AJ... But I am watching this as he managed to attract the one politician that I have a great respect for.  It is too bad that Dr. Paul did not win the presidency a decade ago...


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 03, 2017, 03:56:56 PM
You nailed it.  It would seem that some posting on this thread have spent their entire adult life living under a rock.  They seem aghast at the idea that the Russians employ sophisticated methods to attempt to influence our politics in the same way we attempt to influence theirs.  This sort of thing has been going on since the first city states and probably before that.

What really bothers me is that in our current culture there are so many that seem to lack any ability to think independently with circumspection and objectivity.  What we seem to have created in this country is a large cadre of well indoctrinated but poorly educated regurgitators of sound bites and bumper sticker slogans.  Their cut and pasted posts belie the absence of any ability to apply critical analysis and a naive acceptance of anything that reenforces their biases no matter how implausible or even ludicrous the assertion.  Some illuminary whose name I forget said that the aim of establishment politicians is to keep the populace uninformed and compliant.  It's clear that they have accomplished their goal in the case of a number of BelGab posters.

Absolute Classic Kidnostad3 projecting. The most laughable thing about your limp posturing here above is that it comes from the same guy who admits to and takes pride in being "a life-long student and admirer of Jeff Sessions". We're talking *major* intellectual prowess now!

Try again, faker.

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 03, 2017, 08:56:42 PM
Absolute Classic Kidnostad3 projecting. The most laughable thing about your limp posturing here above is that it comes from the same guy who admits to and takes pride in being "a life-long student and admirer of Jeff Sessions". We're talking *major* intellectual prowess now!

Try again, faker.

Sessions is one of the most honest men in Washington. Sorry you can't see that.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on May 03, 2017, 09:12:07 PM
Sessions is one of the most honest men in Washington. Sorry you can't see that.

Everything is projection to meister in the end. It's his/her one fall back position when he/she can't respond with a rational argument.  ;D


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 03, 2017, 02:16:15 PM
I just have to come back to this again . . .

The very fact that you needed to ask how it could be possible that a devout Anti-Democratic Anti-Liberal Authoritarian Dictator like Putin might prefer to support Trump over Hillary reveals who among us is the clueless one. I knew better than to waste my time on you but I'm just too nice a guy to say no.

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 03, 2017, 08:56:42 PM
Absolute Classic Kidnostad3 projecting. The most laughable thing about your limp posturing here above is that it comes from the same guy who admits to and takes pride in being "a life-long student and admirer of Jeff Sessions". We're talking *major* intellectual prowess now!

Try again, faker.

If anyone is confused about how this idiot can be back here so soon after having this morning's brain-dead post shoved up her ass, and continue with the smug self righteousness, it's because truth and facts don't matter.  What matters is furthering the agenda, and that means amplifying anything helpful to their narrative, and ignoring, downplaying, or trashing anything else.

To her the only thing that matters about her vacuous post this morning is that it trashes Trump.  That's it.  And that makes it ''true''. 

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 03, 2017, 09:19:31 PM
The very fact that you needed to ask how it could be possible that a devout Anti-Democratic Anti-Liberal Authoritarian Dictator like Putin might prefer to support Trump over Hillary reveals who among us is the clueless one...

And yet you couldn't answer the question

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