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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Trump Promises vs Reality

With about a week to go until his administration reaches the 100-day mark, President Trump’s campaign promises to halt Syrian refugee resettlement and tighten up the refugee vetting process remain largely unfulfilled.



“Building that wall and having it funded remains an important priority to him. But we also know that that can happen later this year and into next year". --Kellyanne Conway

"There will never be a 2,200 mile wall built, period," Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters...Graham said on Monday that Trump is "probably well aware" that the United States won't build a physical wall along the entire southern border. 



Speaker Paul Ryan also downplayed the possibility of a vote next week, the same sources said. The Wisconsin Republican said the chamber will vote on a conference-wide deal when GOP whips are confident they have the votes for passage â€" but not until then.



Trump voter: 'Make America great' is a myth



Quote from: Spy on April 25, 2017, 06:46:24 AM
A conman named Trump comes to town in this 1958 western and tells the people only he can save them from the end of the world.




Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 24, 2017, 07:30:30 PM

Here are some other examples of liberal euphemisms of "Ridiculous Liberal Euphemisms We Accept:"

Pro-Choice = Pro-Abortion

War on Women = Forcing others to pay for your birth control

Undocumented worker/American = Illegal alien

Would-Be Americans = Illegal alien

Single-Payer System or Public Option = Government-Run Healthcare

Fetus = Baby to be aborted

Affirmative Action = Opportunities for those who don’t deserve them

Man-Caused Disaster = Terrorism

Workplace Violence = Terrorism at Fort Hood

Raising money = Taxes

Giveaway for the wealthy = Tax cut

Fees = Taxes

Investment = Government spending

Projectionista Kidnostad3;  you "forgot" to include the link to the author of the above.

If you'd like to see a whole book devoted to such "Euphemization" we have just the thing for you. But you do understand of course that historically, classically, speaking, it has has been the Far Right Nationalist Fascists who are KNOWN to be the recognized authorities/masters at destroying/usurping/hijacking/misappropriating an inverting the language to suit their evil ends -- you do know that, right?


Doublespeak: The Rhetoric of the Far Right since 1945 (Explorations of the Far Right: Book 3) pub March 2014

"This timely intervention exposes *the euphemized language* of the extreme right as a deceptive attempt to secure greater influence over public policy. Since the end of World War II, the extreme right has made strategic use of "doublespeak," which apes the language of liberal democracy. Attentive observation and accurate recognition of these tactics means taking the extreme right's deliberately crafted slogans, symbols, and themes seriously. These essays investigate the extreme right's attempts at "repackaging" contemporary Ultra-Nationalism to make it more palatable to mainstream European and American tastes."

"What is really important in the world of doublespeak is the ability to lie, whether knowingly or unconsciously, and to get away with it; and the ability to use lies and choose and shape facts selectively, blocking out those that don’t fit an agenda or program."

"The second strategy is the European New Right’s deliberate translation of the Nazis’ nationalist biological racism into culturalist, metaphysical, and pan-European terms, with a stress on the need to maintain cultural difference and separation rather than assert cultural superiority, let alone exterminate inferior races. As has been shown extensively elsewhere, this tactic was adopted in the mid-60s in French Neo-Fascist circles, which recognized the ineffectiveness of any discourse directly reminiscent of the inter-war period, except among hard-core Fascists. The task of forging a new discourse was carried out with considerable intellectual verve by Alain de Benoist .  .  ."

You get the picture, putz.

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 07:52:01 AM
... you do understand of course that historically, classically, speaking, it has has been the Far Right Nationalist Fascists who are KNOWN to be the recognized authorities/masters at destroying/usurping/hijacking/misappropriating an inverting the language to suit their evil ends -- you do know that, right?...

"This timely intervention exposes *the euphemized language* of the extreme right as a deceptive attempt to secure greater influence over public policy. Since the end of World War II, the extreme right has made strategic use of "doublespeak," which apes the language of liberal democracy. Attentive observation and accurate recognition of these tactics means taking the extreme right's deliberately crafted slogans, symbols, and themes seriously. These essays investigate the extreme right's attempts at "repackaging" contemporary Ultra-Nationalism to make it more palatable to mainstream European and American tastes."

"What is really important in the world of doublespeak is the ability to lie, whether knowingly or unconsciously, and to get away with it; and the ability to use lies and choose and shape facts selectively, blocking out those that don’t fit an agenda or program."...

When you want to know what the America hating-Left is up to, look to see what they are projecting onto the rest of us.  It blunts discussion of their tactics by muddying the waters.

In this example they demonstrate how they manipulate the language and present themselves as mainstream.  They know they MUST do this or their support falls to the low single digits, if that.  How else would, say, Pol Pot be able to reach the point where he was able to force march everyone out of the cities and to their deaths in the rice paddies.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 24, 2017, 06:08:00 PM
I can only imagine that if I were some head of sate or high ranking diplomat how I could keep myself from wondering who the President had fellated lately and how I was going to keep a straight face while talking about open ended negotiations.

Has anyone ever told you that you were a Vile piece of shit and that you are not capable of masking your true self for more that a day or two?  oh, wait . . .


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 25, 2017, 08:05:41 AM
When you want to know what the America hating-Left is up to, look to see what they are accusing the rest of us as doing. 

In this example they demonstrate how they manipulate the language and present themselves as mainstream.  They MUST do this or their support falls to the low single digits, if that.

You pitiful defective excuse for a humanoid.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on April 25, 2017, 07:20:47 AM
Trump Promises vs Reality

Trump voter: 'Make America great' is a myth


The MAGA mantra was thought up to convince the hard of thinking that if it wasn't for those pesky immigrants, imports, disabled journalists, women having periods, restrctions on poisoning the planet, restrictions on the super rich doing what they like, The 'old' generals who knew less about the ME than he does: remember how Trump said he now has the 'best' generals in decades? Erm, they're the same as they were on january 19th!), and 'fake news', America would be all fluffy and beautiful.

Even they didn't work out that the 42% unemployment rate that Trump spouted, or his oft spouted pledge to re-open long closed up steel plants was a myth. He even bribed an air conditioning company to keep a couple of hundred jobs in the US, to show what a beautiful guy he was. His modesty knows no bounds. But like all bullshitters, he gets found out eventually, and even his most devoted disciples who right now still believe he's a benevolant cove will realise down the line he's full of shit in so many ways, doing things they'd burst blood vessels over if he had been a Democrat POTUS. I can imagine the outrage if Clinton had won and put Chelsea in the WH, or Tillerson as the pretend S of S, who lets face it has no role, and was excluded from the dinner with UN ambassadors and their spouses; The S of S. Trump is learning on the job, but sadly thinks POTUS is like running one of his hotels.

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 08:12:36 AM
You poor defective excuse for a humanoid.

Shouldn't you be out in a group of fellow cowards, attacking people who don't agree with you?

In the name of free speech of course (just another example of Left-wing double speak.  You're welcome).


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 25, 2017, 08:05:41 AM
When you want to know what the America hating-Left is up to, look to see what they are projecting onto the rest of us.  It blunts discussion of their tactics by muddying the waters.

In this example they demonstrate how they manipulate the language and present themselves as mainstream.  They know they MUST do this or their support falls to the low single digits, if that. 

I'm sorry, but do you honestly not see how pathetic you look when you turn around and prove my (the) point not 1 minute later? What part of "inversion" and "projection" don't you understand?

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 08:29:46 AM
I'm sorry, but do you honestly not see how pathetic you look when you turn around and prove my (the) point not 1 minute later? What part of "inversion" and "projection" don't you understand?

I just happened to be on-line the same time as you, and was pointing out the true purpose of the book.  I didn't expect you to understand it.

You ignored my example of the Left-wing Fascists always insisting their riots are ''peaceful'', and they are now attacking others in the name of ''free speech''. 

Perhaps you can address that in your next post.  Or do you first need to wait for someone to write a book discussing how it's actually businesses burning and looting their own stores during ''peaceful demonstrations'', and that people standing up to the Left are beating themselves up just to make them look bad?


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 25, 2017, 08:53:33 AM
I just happened to be on-line the same time as you, and was pointing out the true purpose of the book.  I didn't expect you to understand it.

You ignored my example of the Left-wing Fascists always insisting their riots are ''peaceful'', and they are now attacking others in the name of ''free speech''. 

Perhaps you can address that in your next post.  Or do you first need to wait for someone to write a book discussing how it's actually businesses burning and looting their own stores during ''peaceful demonstrations'', and that people standing up to the Left are beating themselves up just to make them look bad?

PB Bernie agree's with you.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: smccomas69 on April 25, 2017, 09:19:32 AM
PB Bernie agree's with you.


Why wouldn't he? The Berkley thugs no more represent opponents of Trump than McDonalds represents fine cuisine. Just because any group latches onto a 'cause' to further their (in this case) desire to have a fight, doesn't make the initial concerns any less invalid. The EDL in the UK don't represent the typical Englishman or woman, but reactionary pro and anti EDL proponents sometimes think they are. Some think Nigel Farage is the epitome of righteous patriotism: He's far from it, he's a little weasel with the balls of a gnat.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 25, 2017, 08:53:33 AM
I just happened to be on-line the same time as you, and was pointing out the true purpose of the book.  I didn't expect you to understand it.

You ignored my example of the Left-wing Fascists always insisting their riots are ''peaceful'', and they are now attacking others in the name of ''free speech''. 

Perhaps you can address that in your next post.  Or do you first need to wait for someone to write a book discussing how it's actually businesses burning and looting their own stores during ''peaceful demonstrations'', and that people standing up to the Left are beating themselves up just to make them look bad?

You aren't capable of discerning, understanding, or appeciating "the true purpose of the book", it's value, you're not even in the right solar-system, you're so far "off".

And again, you're going to have to take-up you're hysterics over imaginary Legions of Violent Lefties with someone else.

Yorkshire pud

Well well.. Oh, and the WH wouldn't co-operate with the oversight committee either.  :-\. Still, at least the Trumpers won't complain.

House oversight panel: No sign Flynn complied with law

President Donald Trump's former national security adviser did not properly disclose payments from Russia and does not appear to have complied with the law, House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz and ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings said Tuesday after reviewing Michael Flynn's application for a security clearance.

Chaffetz and Cummings announced their findings to reporters on the Hill following a classified gathering of the committee in which they reviewed documents that Cummings described as "extremely troubling."
"I see no data to support the notion that Gen. Flynn complied with the law," Chaffetz said, referring to whether Flynn received permission from the Pentagon or the State Department or that he disclosed the more than $45,000 he was paid for a speech he gave to RT-TV in Russia.
The request comes after the White House declined to provide documents related to Flynn that the panel investigating him had requested, according to a letter obtained by CNN.

White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short outlined in a letter to the House oversight committee how it would not complete the request from the panel, referring some requests to the Department of Defense, saying the office doesn't have custody of some of the other documents or simply stating "we are unable to accommodate" others.
Whether Flynn properly disclosed payments from foreign governments on his security clearance application is the subject of a House oversight committee meeting Tuesday, as members reviewed the first batch of documents related to the investigation coming from the Pentagon.


Oversight investigators also revealed last month that Flynn had received $530,000 for work his lobbying firm did that, according to the committee, likely benefited the Republic of Turkey.


Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 08:11:04 AM
Has anyone ever told you that you were a Vile piece of shit and that you are not capable of masking your true self for more that a day or two?  oh, wait . . .

I'm just concerned that people like Putin, Erdogen or Xi Jinping might not take a gay President seriously.  Oh wait--that has already happened hasn't it? 

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 08:12:36 AM
You pitiful defective excuse for a humanoid.

At least he isn't running around looking for foreskin to cut and suck the blood off of young boys penis's like a jew does.

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 08:29:46 AM
I'm sorry, but do you honestly not see how pathetic you look when you turn around and prove my (the) point not 1 minute later? What part of "inversion" and "projection" don't you understand?


Quote from: Meister_000 on April 25, 2017, 07:52:01 AM
Projectionista Kidnostad3;  you "forgot" to include the link to the author of the above.
Projectionist?  I haven't operated a projector in years.  Here are a few more liberal euphemisms sans attribution for your reading pleasure. There are many more where they came from.

* Liberal - anti-liberty, big government statist who thinks he could create utopia on earth if only he had total control of your life.
* freedom fighter - jihadist
* white privilege - Shut up whitey!
* civil right - government handout
* open-minded - let down your guard while we indoctrinate you
* Affordable Care - not affordable without a subsidy
* income inequality - normal variations in earnings due to differences in education, work ethic, risk taking, and marketability of skills that can be endlessly exploited to push Marxist policies.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 25, 2017, 11:11:17 AM
I'm just concerned that people like Putin, Erdogen or Xi Jinping might not take a gay President seriously.  Oh wait--that has already happened hasn't it?



Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 25, 2017, 11:23:03 AM

Nah, not Donald.  We all know what he likes to grab.  He's on the record.   

I wonder how it is that you and your ilk are the only ones, outside the few few remaining undiscovered Amazonian tribes that may exist, don't know that Obama is gay.  Are you all in denial or what? 



Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 25, 2017, 12:17:01 PM
Nah, not Donald.  We all know what he likes to grab.  He's on the record.   

I wonder how it is that you and your ilk are the only ones, outside the few few remaining undiscovered Amazonian tribes that may exist, don't know that Obama is gay.  Are you all in denial or what? 

Hmmm, let me think...Does Obama's sexuality effect me in any way? Nope

Does Trump being a manchild with such self obsession it overules anything else, effect me? Possibly yes.

I suggest its you who has an unfortunate obsession with sexuality...Bit of self loathing going on there? :-\


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 25, 2017, 12:25:16 PM

Does Trump being a manchild with such self obsession it overules anything else, effect me? Possibly yes.

Really?! Please explain how. I'm really looking forward to your explanation.  ???

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 25, 2017, 11:21:53 AM
Projectionist?  I haven't operated a projector in years.  Here are a few more liberal euphemisms sans attribution for your reading pleasure. There are many more where they came from.

* Liberal - anti-liberty, big government statist who thinks he could create utopia on earth if only he had total control of your life.
* freedom fighter - jihadist
* white privilege - Shut up whitey!
* civil right - government handout
* open-minded - let down your guard while we indoctrinate you
* Affordable Care - not affordable without a subsidy
* income inequality - normal variations in earnings due to differences in education, work ethic, risk taking, and marketability of skills that can be endlessly exploited to push Marxist policies.

GOP euphemisms:

* Health Available to all - IF you can afford it, tough if you can't. Fuck off and die.

* Draining the swamp - Only the swamp before Trump; We're filling it up with our pond life. Deal with it.

* Making Mexico pay for a wall - Least said about that the better, he didn't ask us first if they'd pay for it. We might.

* Trump has never met Putin - That isn't exactly true, but we'll overlook that. For now.

* Trump treats women as equals to men - Equal insofar as they had better be beautiful in his eyes and not mind much if he assaults them.

* We love the environment - We love the environment as long as we can poison it with no repercussions on us. Oh, we managed that.

* China manipulates their currency - Unless it occurs that Trump's daughter wants to register her name in China. Then they don't.

* There is no room for nepotism - Except when Trump uses it to ensure someone likes him in the WH. Knowledge and experience to do their jobs? Are you kidding?

* The election is over - Except it isn't, and Trump must keep campaigning to make sure he knows he's loved. ahhhh.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 25, 2017, 12:29:31 PM
Really?! Please explain how. I'm really looking forward to your explanation.  ???

Oh, I forgot you're an idiot. He's POTUS. Therefore whatever he says or does can potentially have a catstrophic effect on the rest of the world. See; Even you can understand that.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 25, 2017, 12:17:01 PM
We all know what he likes to grab.

You're a terrible scientist, Dawg.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 25, 2017, 12:39:43 PM
Oh, I forgot you're an idiot. He's POTUS. Therefore whatever he says or does can potentially have a catstrophic effect on the rest of the world. See; Even you can understand that.

I'm an idiot?! You can't even follow your own train of thought. You were talking about how Obama's sexuality doesn't effect you in any way but Trump's potentially does. Huh?!  ??? ::) :D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 25, 2017, 12:43:42 PM
I'm an idiot?!

I knew we'd eventually be on common ground. Bravo.  ;D


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 25, 2017, 12:25:16 PM
Hmmm, let me think...Does Obama's sexuality effect me in any way? Nope

Does Trump being a manchild with such self obsession it overules anything else, effect me? Possibly yes.

I suggest its you who has an unfortunate obsession with sexuality...Bit of self loathing going on there? :-\

Hmm....I wonder why the White House wouldn't want to cooperate with a legal investigation into possible criminal activity by former national security Trump appointee?

March 10, 2017 -

Today -
Chaffetz: No evidence Flynn followed the law

House Oversight Committee members Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Elijah Cummings (D-MD) say former national security adviser Michael Flynn may have broken the law by not disclosing payments from Russia and could be subject to time in prison


White House blocks Flynn document request

The White House has informed a US congressional committee that it will not comply with a request to release documents related to a former aide. It rebuffed a request by the House Oversight Committee, which is probing payments received by former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.


OH, LOOK!!!...Obama might be gay!!  😂

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