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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


President Donald Trump Meets With President Of Egypt Abdul Fatah al-Sisi (4/3/2017).



Sending this one out to Susan Rice, with love from all Trump supporters and honest Americans everywhere.  8)



This meeting with al-Sisi could be the most important of all the foreign leader meetings.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 03, 2017, 02:11:37 PM
Living in the SF Bay area, near Berkeley, I know so many people just like this.  Reading some of her other posts, this isn't just an isolated, one-time, regrettable post.

If anyone is wondering, these types are the core supporters and participants in the Solidarity International / Occupy / Thug Lives Matter / Critical Mass / Code Pink riots.  You know, the riots she claimed didn't exist until recently.  If anyone is wondering, it's not hyperbole when they are referred to as America haters.

Finding common ground with this person and her posts is the equivalent of finding common ground with the Klan.

Fucking Moron.  The context was why and who and how Trump won the mid-rust-belt states, you omitted 2/3rds of my reply's other reasons etc. What's this a week old post? 2 weeks? Looks like "Christofascist/Pence" must have hit a nerve. In any event the DEMOGRAPHICS of Trump voters is widely available. I was merely stating the FACTS of the matter -- you butt-hurt little girl.

[Below is my full reply to Kidneystone3 which you selectively reduced

Quote from: Meister_000 on March 29, 2017, 03:08:21 AM
Yes, "stupid" (uneducated, old, bigoted, frightened, "Christian", whites) is a very big part of it. That, combined with Hillary/Dems not focusing enough time/energy in the mid-rust-belt states, plus Trump *lieing* to them massively that he was going to bring back 'the good old days" again, pretty much explains it -- their being seduced and hood-winked by a con-artist, that is.

No, it just highights the fact that ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, automation, and big-moneyed-cons aren't entirely unique to the the United States, and also that the true "assult" upon Western Ideals from the Far Right Nationalist (Fascist, Racist) horde is invading ALL of Western Civilization world-wide at this sad moment in history. You'all are far more dangerous than the imaginary coming "Glodal Caliphate" Muslim "problem", or Black or Mexican "problems", or Liberals "problem" or Press, or Science, or Arts, or Environmentatist, or Academia/University "Problems" combined. YOU(all) are the cancer! How are *you* ever to be "assimilated" BACK into civilized "Humanity" is the bigger question and "problem" facing the world and ALL of it's creatures right now and for some time yet to come! You are just as (factually) poisonous and a true threat to "The West" as those who you would claim are -- i.e. those you would collectively scapegoat and blame for all your "problems". YOU, are "The Barbarians", the ultimate Anti-Western Anti-Cultural, Heartless and "Godless" Heathen.

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 03, 2017, 05:21:00 PM
I'm a fucking Moron plus I'm nuts to boot. 

Couldn't have said it better.

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 03, 2017, 05:21:00 PM
Fucking Moron.  The context was why and who and how Trump won the mid-rust-belt states, you omitted 2/3rds of my reply's other reasons etc. What's this a week old post? 2 weeks? Looks like "Christofascist/Pence" must have hit a nerve. In any event the DEMOGRAPHICS of Trump voters is widely available. I was merely stating the FACTS of the matter -- you butt-hurt little girl...

Thanks for the confirmation.  At least you're honest about it.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 03, 2017, 08:22:23 PM
Thanks for the confirmation.  At least you're honest about it.

Project much? ffs


Green Berets admits to shit posting on /pol/ kek!

He starts talking about 4chan at 8m40s


Quote from: Meister_000 on April 03, 2017, 09:08:21 PM
Project much? ffs

You were the one who felt the need to express your paranoid bigotry - we usually have to read between the lines of your long boring posts to find it.  All I did was give that one a bump.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 03, 2017, 09:26:48 PM
You were the one who felt the need to express your paranoid bigotry - we usually have to read between the lines of your long boring posts to find it.  All I did was give that one a bump.

>"paranoid bigotry" claims PB the Deplorable.

Any idea which and how many of Trump's people are extreme-right so-called followers of Christ [both Catholic and evangelical]? It's shocking. It is extremely alarming in fact, and enough to warrant it's own parallel investigation and exposure in it's own right. It's actually not even possible to tell-of or talk-about "the phenomena" America was recently assailed by and is still now suffering under WITHOUT understanding the Alt-Christian part of the story -- the (New, American) "mock-Catholic" snake-pit in particular.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 03, 2017, 07:30:44 AM
The Chinese leader hates golf, so that will make the choice of mutual pastime interestng in Mara a Lago next weekend.

And I'm sure that that has been widely reported.  Guess I missed that.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pudiphile on April 03, 2017, 10:09:15 PM
And I'm sure that that has been widely reported.  Guess I missed that.

I think the Chairman approves of Ping Pong, though.


Quote from: Meister_666 on April 03, 2017, 10:04:02 PM
>"paranoid bigotry" claims PB the Deplorable.

Any idea which and how many of Trump's people are extreme-right so-called followers of Christ [both Catholic and evangelical]? It's shocking. It is extremely alarming in fact, and enough to warrant it's own parallel investigation and exposure in it's own right. It's actually not even possible to tell-of or talk-about "the phenomena" America was recently assailed by and is still now suffering under WITHOUT understanding the Alt-Christian part of the story -- the (New, American) "mock-Catholic" snake-pit in particular.

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 03, 2017, 10:04:02 PM
>"paranoid bigotry" claims PB the Deplorable.

Any idea which and how many of Trump's people are extreme-right so-called followers of Christ [both Catholic and evangelical]? It's shocking. It is extremely alarming in fact, and enough to warrant it's own parallel investigation and exposure in it's own right. It's actually not even possible to tell-of or talk-about "the phenomena" America was recently assailed by and is still now suffering under WITHOUT understanding the Alt-Christian part of the story -- the (New, American) "mock-Catholic" snake-pit in particular.

Paranoia confirmed.  LOL


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 03, 2017, 07:30:44 AM
The Chinese leader hates golf, so that will make the choice of mutual pastime interestng in Mara a Lago next weekend.

If I remember rightly, his 'hate' was more for promoting anti corruption efforts.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 03, 2017, 10:27:03 PM
{Mock-Catholic img}

I think you're on to something there Gravity.
"The Profaned Heart"
The Sacrilegious-Right

(how's that for a bumper-sticker PB? â€" you like? Book title maybe?)

Quote from: Meister_000 on April 03, 2017, 10:53:04 PM
I'm a delusional bigot, and so are all my friends.  They understand me when I'm in our little echo chamber, but I'm disorientated and lost when I go outside.  I feel dizzy, do you know where my safe space and coloring books are?


Begins with a segment on Susan Rice being the "smoking gun" in the Obama wiretapping scandal.
Hannity 4/3/2017 - Sean Hannity FOX News April 3, 2017.



Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 03, 2017, 11:14:14 PM
I'm a delusional bigot, and so are all my friends.  They understand me when I'm in our little echo chamber, but I'm disorientated and lost when I go outside.  I feel dizzy, do you know where my safe space and coloring books are?

At least you're honest with yourself PB, a good start.


Quote from: Meister_000 on April 03, 2017, 10:04:02 PM
>"paranoid bigotry" claims PB the Deplorable.

Any idea which and how many of Trump's people are extreme-right so-called followers of Christ [both Catholic and evangelical]? It's shocking. It is extremely alarming in fact, and enough to warrant it's own parallel investigation...
Yes.  Christians should be denied the vote until they can prove that they are as enlightened as you.  And those inbred rust-belt fuckers should just commit suicide- the world would be better off.

I love when either side tries to make it out like you have to be a moron to vote against what they consider to be "correct" choice. I don't care for Trump- but I am also not going to assume that all of his supporters have an IQ of 50.



Quote from: WOTR on April 03, 2017, 11:34:28 PM
Yes.  Christians should be denied the vote until they can prove that they are as enlightened as you.  And those inbred rust-belt fuckers should just commit suicide- the world would be better off.

I love when either side tries to make it out like you have to be a moron to vote against what they consider to be "correct" choice. I don't care for Trump- but I am also not going to assume that all of his supporters have an IQ of 50.


You misunderstand. It's precisely because the far-right Catholic branch DO have brains (and money, and power, and deep old global networks, and media muscle, and percieved "authority of history") that they are so dangerous -- given how they have chosen to wield their power and influence. You too, I'm sorry to say, are without-clue re these matters. Smart but Evil people ARE dangerous -- as it ever was.


Quote from: WOTR on April 03, 2017, 11:34:28 PM
Yes.  Christians should be denied the vote until they can prove that they are as enlightened as you.  And those inbred rust-belt fuckers should just commit suicide- the world would be better off.

I love when either side tries to make it out like you have to be a moron to vote against what they consider to be "correct" choice. I don't care for Trump- but I am also not going to assume that all of his supporters have an IQ of 50.


And just to be clear, the persons in question here are in no way "Christian" -- which is the whole point, really.


Quote from: Meister_666 on April 04, 2017, 12:05:33 AM
You misunderstand. It's precisely because the far-right Catholic branch DO have brains (and money, and power, and deep old global networks, and media muscle, and percieved "authority of history") that they are so dangerous -- given how they have chosen to wield their power and influence. You too, I'm sorry to say, are without-clue re these matters. Smart but Evil people ARE dangerous -- as it ever was.

You are really obtuse. If whwt you are saying was true, Obama would have never been president.


Quote from: Meister_000 on April 02, 2017, 10:52:28 PM
LA Times
Our Dishonest President
Part I ~ April 2, 2017
By: The LA Times Editorial Board

It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters. The Times called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, and said his election would be a “catastrophe.”

Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck. Like millions of other Americans, we clung to a slim hope that the new president would turn out to be all noise and bluster, or that the people around him in the White House would act as a check on his worst instincts, or that he would be sobered and transformed by the awesome responsibilities of office. Instead, seventy-some days in â€" and with about 1,400 to go before his term is completed â€" it is increasingly clear that those hopes were misplaced.

In a matter of weeks, President Trump has taken dozens of real-life steps that, if they are not reversed, will rip families apart, foul rivers and pollute the air, intensify the calamitous effects of climate change and profoundly weaken the system of American public education for all.

His attempt to de-insure millions of people who had finally received healthcare coverage and, along the way, enact a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich has been put on hold for the moment. But he is proceeding with his efforts to defang the government’s regulatory agencies and bloat the Pentagon’s budget even as he supposedly retreats from the global stage.

These are immensely dangerous developments which threaten to weaken this country’s moral standing in the world, imperil the planet and reverse years of slow but steady gains by marginalized or impoverished Americans. But, chilling as they are, these radically wrongheaded policy choices are not, in fact, the most frightening aspect of the Trump presidency.

What is most worrisome about Trump is Trump himself. He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation â€" these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous. . . .

This is the first in a series.

In the days ahead, The Times editorial board will look more closely at the new president, with a special attention to three troubling traits:

1) Trump’s shocking lack of respect for those fundamental rules and institutions on which our government is based.

2) His utter lack of regard for Truth.

3) His scary willingness to repeat alt-right conspiracy theories, racist memes and crackpot, out-of-the-mainstream ideas.

This malign dunce is exactly what he's been for 40 years.

Nothing has changed, and no one - the non-stupid anyway - likes to admit they've been suckered.

It would have been a little more courageous for takedowns like this to have been written a year ago.

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 31, 2017, 01:02:48 PM
All we know for sure is :

-Hilary mishandled classified information by keeping it on an unsecure server - a felony
-Obama's intelligence agencies were forwarding supposedly ''incidental'' intel picked up on Trump during the campaign and during the transition - which are felonies - instead of redacting and removing it

What we don't know is:

-who hacked Hilary's computers, and what they've done with the information
-whether the intel picked up on Trump was truly ''incidental'' or whether he was the target all along. 
-whether Obama and/or AG Lynch were in possession of the intel on Trump
-whether Obama and AG Lynch ordered illegal spying on Trump

By lying about what this is all really about, the D-rats and their accomplices in the Fake Media get a two-fer:  they include it in their phony attempt to delegitimize the Trump administration, and they keep the focus away from where it should be - Hillary, Barry, and Loretta Lynch

Was any of this ever really in doubt?

Is it really a surprise that Clinton-hack turned Obama-hack Susan Rice is a key player behind it?

Can anyone really blame Numes for keeping it from the leakers and liars on his committee in the Democrat Party?

It shouldn't be long now before we find out how involved Lynch, Obama, and Valerie Jarratt were.  Given Obama's track record for spying on the AP, spying on James Rosen, spying on our NATO allies, spying on ordinary citizens, given Evelyn Farkas’ inadvertent confessions last week, and given nothing happened in the Administration unless Valerie Jarratt and Barrok Obama approved it, it think we already know the answers.

Look for the Democrat Fake News Media to suddenly become very uninterested in the whole thing, and find a different set of false accusations to gin up and throw at Trump.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 04, 2017, 12:20:50 AM
You are really obtuse. If what you are saying was true, Obama would have never been president.

You're a Genius.

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