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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Up All Night on March 31, 2017, 11:45:20 AM
Really !! Shouldn't big 'ol bad Russia have been able to hack into the agency's computers to find out what was really going on up there at the moon???  :)


Why would an innocent Flynn demand immunity? Scooter Libby. Martha Stewart.

According to the Senators, Russia hired people to write fake news on the Internet. How is that different than what David Brock and his boy 136 did?

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 31, 2017, 09:57:00 AM

I understand that.  I am pointing out the god-awful intellectual dishonesty on the part of Trump haters that this thread frequently suffers from.

All we know for sure is :

-Hilary mishandled classified information by keeping it on an unsecure server - a felony
-Obama's intelligence agencies were forwarding supposedly ''incidental'' intel picked up on Trump during the campaign and during the transition - which are felonies - instead of redacting and removing it

What we don't know is:

-who hacked Hilary's computers, and what they've done with the information
-whether the intel picked up on Trump was truly ''incidental'' or whether he was the target all along. 
-whether Obama and/or AG Lynch were in possession of the intel on Trump
-whether Obama and AG Lynch ordered illegal spying on Trump

By lying about what this is all really about, the D-rats and their accomplices in the Fake Media get a two-fer:  they include it in their phony attempt to delegitimize the Trump administration, and they keep the focus away from where it should be - Hillary, Barry, and Loretta Lynch


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 31, 2017, 10:53:36 AM
You take Russia trying to influence our elections much too lightly.  This "act of war" as Dems describe it cannot be overlooked and Russia must pay the price.  What's worrying is that there are many nations who could make that same charge against the good old USA like Italy, France, Iran, Nicaragua and several African Nations, and most recently in Israel and Ukraine under Obama.  What's worse is that we have sanctioned assasinations to overturn governments as in Cuba and South Vietnam which are just the first to come to mind.

Dam, what if they all declared war on the U.S., which according to the left's assertions they would be perfectly justified in doing, we're in deep shit.  No wonder we have to maintain a dominant military.  Silly people, silly logic, silly decisions.  It has been ever thus.
"This aggression will not stand, man."


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 31, 2017, 01:02:48 PM
All we know for sure is :

-Hilary mishandled classified information by keeping it on an unsecure server - a felony
-Obama's intelligence agencies were forwarding supposedly ''incidental'' intel picked up on Trump during the campaign and during the transition, instead of redacting and removing it - which are felonies

What we don't know is:

-who hacked Hilary's computers, and what they've done with the information
-whether the intel picked up on Trump was truly ''incidental'' or whether he was the target all along. 
-whether Obama and/or AG Lynch were in possession of the intel on Trump
-whether Obama and AG Lynch ordered illegal spying on Trump

By lying about what this is all really about, the D-rats and their accomplices in the Fake Media get a two-fer:  they include it in their phony attempt to delegitimize the Trump administration, and they keep the focus away from where it should be - Hillary, Barry, and Loretta Lynch

But  Drump... Russians.... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Quote from: Meatie Pie on March 31, 2017, 11:05:09 AM
Let's take a moment to consider this personal rule Mike Pence has for himself.


He obviously thinks that every interaction he has with a woman is so sexually charged that it's safe to be around them only if there are other people there, too. (Sounds like a guy who married the first woman he ever laid, eh?)

There's little distance between this perspective and that of the ultra-Orthodox Jew who refuses to sit next to a woman on an airplane, or the fundamentalist Muslim who demands that women be covered head to toe to contain the unstoppable allure that renders men unable to control their urge to make the sexy times.

Of course Pence is from Indiana, so we can excuse him for being so prim and boring. That state leads the league.

So what?  When I meet a woman alone, the door stays open to the office.  A third party may or may not be present.  Pence is Pence and I am a sex machine.  What's your point?


...But, of course, it’s not usually in the government’s interest to grant that immunity. For one thing, the government is in the business of prosecuting those guilty of crimes, not simply in hearing their stories. For another, granting someone immunity doesn’t guarantee that they will tell the truth â€" having immunity may make people more likely to couch or frame their words in whatever way they wish...



Quote from: Lt.Uhura on March 31, 2017, 01:13:00 PM
...But, of course, it’s not usually in the government’s interest to grant that immunity. For one thing, the government is in the business of prosecuting those guilty of crimes, not simply in hearing their stories. For another, granting someone immunity doesn’t guarantee that they will tell the truth â€" having immunity may make people more likely to couch or frame their words in whatever way they wish...


Worrying intensifies!  :o


President Trump Makes an Announcement with the National Association of Manufacturers.  3.31.17.



Honestly I am glad that lame LEO program got cancelled, notwithstanding the whole Loonar/Munnie debacle..


The Space Shittle should 'ahve been left behind, or Most'lem-ized...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42mRPs1UdQ4 ...civilians.

Sad really...

ediot: Spac'Em!



Because I couldn't recall seeing any posts from Sredni Vishtar since the March 22 Westminster attack and subsequent round up of persons of interest,  I got curios and checked.  Sure enough, he hasn't been active since March 17.  You don't suppose...?  Nah, couldn't be. Not our boy SV.  It's probably just a weird coincidence.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 31, 2017, 09:49:03 PM

Because I couldn't recall seeing any posts from Sredni Vishtar since the March 22 Westminster attack and subsequent round up of persons of interest,  I got curios and checked.  Sure enough, he hasn't been active since March 17.  You don't suppose...?  Nah, couldn't be. Not our boy SV.  It's probably just a weird coincidence.
SV went Barmy and joined ISIS M8



Kid from NeYark, Kid from Shit-cargo, Kid from ?Tejust, Kid from Awkysaw...


#(p)RUSSIANS  #SorAss



There's a word for that.
Christofascist (s) / Christofascism
(Google it)

Yorkshire pud

Trump could have said along the lines of "I'm not here to discuss that today, I'm here to put forward these to executive orders".

But no. He knew he couldn't answer the question, and made his escape. Nice to know he has the balls when needed eh?

Trump leaves room before signing orders



Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 01, 2017, 08:48:41 AM
Trump could have said along the lines of "I'm not here to discuss that today, I'm here to put forward these to executive orders".

But no. He knew he couldn't answer the question, and made his escape. Nice to know he has the balls when needed eh?

Trump leaves room before signing orders


Trump's feeling the heat.  CBS reported yesterday that the FBI has been investigating whether Trump campaign officials had been helping Russian intelligence as far back as March 2016. And Flynn's attorney says Flynn "has a story to tell."



Quote from: Spy on April 01, 2017, 09:44:39 AM
Trump's feeling the heat.  CBS reported yesterday that the FBI has been investigating whether Trump campaign officials had been helping Russian intelligence as far back as March 2016. And Flynn's attorney says Flynn "has a story to tell."


Then why would Trump be encouraging that, you fucking idiot? Sometimes it helps to ask some basic questions before you start trying to spin a story.  ;)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Spy on April 01, 2017, 09:44:39 AM
Trump's feeling the heat.  CBS reported yesterday that the FBI has been investigating whether Trump campaign officials had been helping Russian intelligence as far back as March 2016. And Flynn's attorney says Flynn "has a story to tell."


I thought the ex FBI agent's testimoney to the senate was revealing. The mirroring by Trump of the stuff coming out of Russian sourced fake news to get into the US psychi (now being used in France and Germany) was and is classic SU era propoganda tactics. Trump knows his days are numbered, I doubt he can cope with the knowledge he isn't kng of the world afterall.

Quote from: Spy on April 01, 2017, 09:44:39 AM
Trump's feeling the heat.  CBS reported yesterday that the FBI has been investigating whether Trump campaign officials had been helping Russian intelligence as far back as March 2016. And Flynn's attorney says Flynn "has a story to tell."


More wishful thinking.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 01, 2017, 09:54:04 AM
Then why would Trump be encouraging that, you fucking idiot? Sometimes it helps to ask some basic questions before you start trying to spin a story.  ;)

My my.  Which story is being spun here? Bowling green massacre? Nunes getting info from WH from ex Nunes staffer and ex staffer of Flynn the night before returning to WH to present it to Trump? But didn't give it to the house intel committee because he's really Trump's stooge? You seem the only one who doesn't find that strange.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: 21st Century Man on April 01, 2017, 10:03:18 AM
More wishful thinking.

You didn't watch the ex FBI agent testifying to the senate then? I bet you would if it had been Obama or Clinton being investigated. I think its amusing how the Trumpers are all knotted up about propriety when its the straight down the middle, holier than though, squeeky clean Republicans (or at least Trump) being looked into. Some serious hand wringing going on.  ;D

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 01, 2017, 10:13:20 AM
You didn't watch the ex FBI agent testifying to the senate then? I bet you would if it had been Obama or Clinton being investigated. I think its amusing how the Trumpers are all knotted up about propriety when its the straight down the middle, holier than though, squeeky clean Republicans (or at least Trump) being looked into. Some serious hand wringing going on.  ;D

I don't need to watch it to know it is wishful thinking.  Mark my words, very little will come from it.  Sure there were times that I wanted something to happen to Obama and Clinton when there were investigations into Benghazi and other things but the pragmatist in me knew nothing was going to happen there either.  I'm just being a realist.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: 21st Century Man on April 01, 2017, 10:19:21 AM
I don't need to watch it to know it is wishful thinking.  Mark my words, very little will come from it.  Sure there were times that I wanted something to happen to Obama and Clinton when there were investigations into Benghazi and other things but the pragmatist in me knew nothing was going to happen there either.  I'm just being a realist.

IF very little comes from it, it will be because Trump's accolytes will make sure nothing comes from it.  You don't need to watch it because you know you'll see an Emporer with no clothes, and I get that, I really do.





How do we know Flynn doesn't want immunity for his knowledge of Podesta Russian dealings? Or, to throw a bone to Jackstar, Pizzagate?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Juan on April 01, 2017, 10:36:42 AM
How do we know Flynn doesn't want immunity for his knowledge of Podesta Russian dealings? Or, to throw a bone to Jackstar, Pizzagate?

I'll indulge your hypothesis: What would his motive for that be?

Incidentally, do you remember when Flynn and Drump both said asking for immunity proved guilt?


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on April 01, 2017, 10:39:26 AM
I'll indulge your hypothesis: What would his motive for that be?
Keeping his ass (arse) out of jail. Never talk to the FBI. The don't record interviews and the agents can put anything into their forms. 
It's all speculation.
Incidentally, do you remember when Flynn and Drump both said asking for immunity proved guilt?
You don't believe anything those clowns say, do you?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Juan on April 01, 2017, 11:07:35 AM
Keeping his ass (arse) out of jail. Never talk to the FBI. The don't record interviews and the agents can put anything into their forms. 
It's all speculation.You don't believe anything those clowns say, do you?

You think he wants immunity to dish the dirt on Podesta but not Trump in front of the senate/ in court? The 'speculation' is recorded on video. They both said it.




Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 31, 2017, 11:34:36 AM
Total caca del toro!  It's a simple a recognition that anyone is liable to make wreckless decisions  under the influence of alchohol, especially when we are young.  There is an enormous distance between an Hasidic  Jew's distancing himself from women and making a commitment to one's wife to avoid situations wherein shit happens.  Maybe you prefer an open marriage like Bill and Hillary's but some value their marriage and want to protect it.
The more thought I give this, the more ridiculous it becomes.

The man cannot trust himself enough to have dinner with a woman who is not his wife, or attend a function and have a drink if his wife is not present?  You argue that  "anyone is liable to make wreckless decisions  under the influence of alchohol, especially when we are young." And I agree- but Pence is not 18.

If he cannot trust himself to NOT act on impulse and jump a woman after a martini, can he trust himself enough not to punch a foreign dignitary in the face if he gets upset?  He is old enough to have learned self-control and it is kind of scary if he still cannot even trust himself...

***All of this said- I do agree that it really is his business (and his wifes) how he wishes to interact with people.  Maybe she is a psycho jealous bitch and this is just him protecting himself from getting punched when he gets home after a drink at the pub with friends? 8)

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