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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Quote from: ©StarrMountain® 2010 on March 22, 2017, 08:19:03 PM
Nice compliment to Elijah Cummins.  Wow....

Yeah, he needs to start trying to get along with people whether he means it or not. 

Closing that stupid twitter account would be a great start.

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 22, 2017, 09:03:33 AM
The below video is an imperical analysis of IQ distribution within the U.S population based on Government data.  It closely parallels virtually all similar studies done worldwide.   It has gotten to the point where as much as one is against arbitrary discrimination against individuals because of their race, certain facts must be recognized.  I think it is pertinent to much that is discussed on this thread.

One thing about this presentation - they find very different average IQs among the various races in the US, and very different percentages of each group for those with IQs of 120 or more - but find both exactly the same for whites and Asians (both groups have an average IQ of 100, and the percentage of people in both groups with IQs of 120 or higher is the same 9.18%). 

Given their stated premise (''we've evolved differently, including IQs''), and their significant reported differences among the others, it is highly unlikely these would be the same for just whites and Asians.  If I had to guess, I would say they found Asians in the US had a higher IQ average than whites - and the same for those with IQs over 120 - but for reasons of their own didn't want to say so.

The second thing I'd say is: everyone has different IQs.  I'm not sure how much it matters whether different races or groups have higher or lower IQs as a group.  Everyone still deserves to live in a safe neighborhood, go to good schools, be treated fairly, and have opportunity.  Hard work and being a good father/mother/neighbor/business owner/employee/teacher/etc is more important than a high IQ.  We have lots of smart people, we need more good people.


Devin Nunes CONFIRMS Surveillance Of Trump Transition Press Conference 3/22/17.



Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 22, 2017, 09:18:39 PM

One thing about this presentation - they find very different average IQs among the various races in the US, and very different percentages of each group for those with IQs of 120 or more - but find both exactly the same for whites and Asians (both groups have an average IQ of 100, and the percentage of people in both groups with IQs of 120 or higher is the same 9.18%). 

Given their stated premise (''we've evolved differently, including IQs''), and their significant reported differences among the others, it is highly unlikely these would be the same for just whites and Asians.  If I had to guess, I would say they found Asians in the US had a higher IQ average than whites - and the same for those with IQs over 120 - but for reasons of their own didn't want to say so.

The second thing I'd say is: everyone has different IQs.  I'm not sure how much it matters whether different races or groups have higher or lower IQs as a group.  Everyone still deserves to live in a safe neighborhood, go to good schools, be treated fairly, and have opportunity.  Hard work and being a good father/mother/neighbor/business owner/employee/teacher/etc is more important than a high IQ.  We have lots of smart people, we need more good people.

It matters when we take in massive numbers of immigrants from parts of the world where not only is the culture vastly different from ours but the average IQ of the population is significantly lower.  The mean IQ of a nation has a direct correlation to its health and prosperity as has been shown by many studies done by economists and social scientist.  At the moment we are taking in X number of refugees from North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa,the Middle East and South Asia while millions of illegal aliens from Mexico and Latin America are already placing an enormous strain on our legal, welfare and educational systems.  My purpose in posting on the subject is to make this point. 

If anyone doesn't agree that open borders and importing masses of poor and uneducated refugees from third world countries, many of whom are Muslims who famously do not integrate into the host population, will further degrade the quality of life in this country please feel free to comment.   Present hard facts to support your position and not socialist dogma and bleeding heart appeals to our emotions.  Tell us what your plan is for accommodating these people and how they will benefit America.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 22, 2017, 10:56:42 PM
It matters when we take in massive numbers of immigrants from parts of the world where not only is the culture vastly different from ours but the average IQ of the population is significantly lower.  The mean IQ of a nation has a direct correlation to its health and prosperity as has been shown by many studies done by economists and social scientist.  At the moment we are taking in X number of refugees from North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa,the Middle East and South Asia while millions of illegal aliens from Mexico and Latin America are already placing an enormous strain on our legal, welfare and educational systems.  My purpose in posting on the subject is to make this point. 

If anyone doesn't agree that open borders and importing masses of poor and uneducated refugees from third world countries, many of whom are Muslims who famously do not integrate into the host population, will further degrade the quality of life in this country please feel free to comment.   Present hard facts to support your position and not socialist dogma and bleeding heart appeals to our emotions.  Tell us what your plan is for accommodating these people and how they will benefit America.

And the Mean (in both senses of the word) IQ of your average WHITE American TRUMP SUPPORTER is .  . ?

We rest our case!  ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Meister_000 on March 22, 2017, 11:29:21 PM
And the Mean (in both senses of the word) IQ of your average WHITE American TRUMP SUPPORTER is .  . ?

We rest our case!  ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 22, 2017, 10:56:42 PM
It matters when we take in massive numbers of immigrants from parts of the world where not only is the culture vastly different from ours but the average IQ of the population is significantly lower.  The mean IQ of a nation has a direct correlation to its health and prosperity as has been shown by many studies done by economists and social scientist.  At the moment we are taking in X number of refugees from North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa,the Middle East and South Asia while millions of illegal aliens from Mexico and Latin America are already placing an enormous strain on our legal, welfare and educational systems.  My purpose in posting on the subject is to make this point. 

If anyone doesn't agree that open borders and importing masses of poor and uneducated refugees from third world countries, many of whom are Muslims who famously do not integrate into the host population, will further degrade the quality of life in this country please feel free to comment.   Present hard facts to support your position and not socialist dogma and bleeding heart appeals to our emotions.  Tell us what your plan is for accommodating these people and how they will benefit America.

We shouldn't be taking those people in because they aren't a good cultural fit, aren't educated, don't speak the language, wouldn't be self supportive, etc.  We have more than enough of that here already.  We should be deporting foreigners who are criminals and those on public assistance, whether they are here illegally or have green cards. 

Moslems fit in the least well, as they continue to show repeatedly all over the Western world.  They rank just below headhunters and cannibals in desirability, and should be excluded completely.  Any who are here as refugees should be relocated to refugee camps elsewhere.

We welcome those who would contribute.  Of course they would be the ones with the higher IQs anyway.  In case anyone's wondering, Trump's message about putting our country first applies to immigration as well.

Quote from: Meister_000 on March 22, 2017, 11:29:21 PM
And the Mean (in both senses of the word) IQ of your average WHITE American TRUMP SUPPORTER is .  . ?

We rest our case!  ;D ;D ;D

The Democrats would have trouble holding a single elected office anywhere in the country without the votes of the least educated group in the US - Black America.  Augmented by the votes of the second least educated (Latinos) and third least educated (immigrants) groups.  Augmented by the votes of those who haven't finished school yet and have the least amount of real world experience (under 25 year olds).

I'd take the average intelligence and education levels of Trump/Republican supporters over that of Hilary/Democrat supporters anytime.

PS:  Didn't the Ds claim they lost the 2000 election because their voters in Palm Beach County Florida were too stupid to properly fill out their ''butterfly'' ballots? 

We rest our case!  ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on March 22, 2017, 11:31:46 PM


I'd say you're triggered but I know you're just trolling.  ;)


Quote from: Meister_000 on March 22, 2017, 11:29:21 PM
And the Mean (in both senses of the word) IQ of your average WHITE American TRUMP SUPPORTER is .  . ?

We rest our case!  ;D ;D ;D

Once more you shrink from the challenge and fail to meet the already abysmally low expectations we hold for you.  If you don't say something approaching intelligent soon you'll no doubt be voted off the island. 

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 23, 2017, 12:04:43 AM
Once more you shrink from the challenge and fail to meet the already abysmally low expectations we hold for you.  If you don't say something approaching intelligent soon you'll no doubt be voted off the island.

She couldn't find a bumper sticker that covered her thoughts on the matter, and tried to improvise. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 23, 2017, 12:12:46 AM
She couldn't find a bumper sticker that covered her thoughts on the matter, and had to improvise.

They do tend to talk in slogans and have a piss poor sense of humor don't they.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on March 22, 2017, 11:42:33 PM
We shouldn't be taking those people in because they aren't a good cultural fit, aren't educated, don't speak the language, wouldn't be self supportive, etc.  We have more than enough of that here already.  We should be deporting foreigners who are criminals and those on public assistance, whether they are here illegally or have green cards. 

Moslems fit in the least well, as they continue to show repeatedly all over the Western world.  They rank just below headhunters and cannibals in desirability, and should be excluded completely.  Any who are here as refugees should be relocated to refugee camps elsewhere.

We welcome those who would contribute.  Of course they would be the ones with the higher IQs anyway.  In case anyone's wondering, Trump's message about putting our country first applies to immigration as well.

Hello yes please give greencard.


Quote from: Taaroa on March 23, 2017, 12:45:41 AM
Hello yes please give greencard.

Hmmm...know monarchist sympathizer...we'll let you know.  ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 23, 2017, 12:57:56 AM
Hmmm...know monarchist sympathizer...we'll let you know.  ;)

I am ready and willing to accept American freedom.


Quote from: Taaroa on March 23, 2017, 01:09:24 AM
I am ready and willing to accept American freedom.

Alright but the rub is it isn't free. The whole thing is a giant diaper scam and mv is the president of the real deep state. You should really know what you're getting into here.  ;) 8)



Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 23, 2017, 12:04:43 AM
Once more you shrink from the challenge and fail to meet the already abysmally low expectations we hold for you.  If you don't say something approaching intelligent soon you'll no doubt be voted off the island.

Any reply to you (ever) whatsoever is *Charitable*, Putz. 

And by the way, your Projecting (at least) is shining brightly, as predicted.
"you'll be Voted off the Island" -- warns Kidnostad3, rabid-dog Petty Chieftain of Klan-SewerGab.

"This MY Sewer, damn-it! he cries.


"America First" ~ old Klan slogan
(Who would have guessed!)


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on March 22, 2017, 10:27:42 AM
Former Colorado GOP chairman, Steve Curtis, charged with voter fraud. Sad. At least that's one Mike Pence won't have to worry about when he starts his investigation of the millions of other fraudulent votes any day now.

"The case is the only voter fraud investigation related to the 2016 election that has resulted in criminal charges in the state, the Colorado secretary of state’s office told Denver’s ABC affiliate."


More lies fed to you by your fake media.  Just another case of bitter leftists attacking and falsely accusing those they disagree with.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 22, 2017, 11:45:11 AM
Kiss my politically incorrect ass!  This is science. 
Meh.  So is global warming.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 22, 2017, 05:36:28 PM
Hey Trump haters, stand by for heavy rolls.

Intelligence community collected "incidental intelligence" on Trump and associates during the months of January, February and March.

How is this shocking or unexpected?  My phone call to my mechanic earlier today probably ended up in the NSA's database.  We live in a society where we have allowed the intelligence agencies free reign, and we are supposed to be surprised that they collected info on Donald Trump?


Quote from: WOTR on March 23, 2017, 03:43:09 AM
How is this shocking or unexpected?  My phone call to my mechanic earlier today probably ended up in the NSA's database.  We live in a society where we have allowed the intelligence agencies free reign, and we are supposed to be surprised that they collected info on Donald Trump?

Exactly! No big deal. Now, bend over. We need a sample.  ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 23, 2017, 04:00:59 AM
Exactly! No big deal. Now, bend over. We need a sample.  ;)
I'm just trying to figure out why it is no big deal that you end up with your conversations stored every day, your electronic communications monitored and your emails kept on a government server but the transition team should have somehow not been monitored?

This is reminding me a LOT of when Feinstein said it was fine for the CIA to spy on everybody but was later completely outraged to find that they had spied on her and her committee. 

Quote from: WOTR on March 23, 2017, 03:43:09 AM
How is this shocking or unexpected?  My phone call to my mechanic earlier today probably ended up in the NSA's database.  We live in a society where we have allowed the intelligence agencies free reign, and we are supposed to be surprised that they collected info on Donald Trump?
Exactly right.
3 words:    Bluffdale Utah Vesuvius        ;)

Edit:  This too...   https://www.sott.net/article/346050-FBI-lies-about-extent-of-facial-recognition-program-unfettered-access-to-photos-in-18-states

Quote from: WOTR on March 23, 2017, 04:05:48 AM
I'm just trying to figure out why it is no big deal that you end up with your conversations stored every day, your electronic communications monitored and your emails kept on a government server but the transition team should have somehow not been monitored?

This is reminding me a LOT of when Feinstein said it was fine for the CIA to spy on everybody but was later completely outraged to find that they had spied on her and her committee.
Feinstein is a confirmed Commie.  >:(


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 23, 2017, 01:20:53 AM
Alright but the rub is it isn't free. The whole thing is a giant diaper scam and mv is the president of the real deep state. You should really know what you're getting into here.  ;) 8)

I'm ready and willing to pay the $1.05 mentioned in the song.

Quote from: Meister_000 on March 23, 2017, 01:32:50 AM
Any reply to you (ever) whatsoever is *Charitable*, Putz. 

"This MY Sewer, damn-it!

Today we are pleased to receive two proposals for new bumper stickers. 

The first any Lib would be proud to display, the second works well for those living in any major city run by ''progressives''.

And just a reminder that everyone else is racist:

Quote from: Meister_000 on March 23, 2017, 02:03:11 AM
"America First" ~ old Klan slogan
(Who would have guessed!)

Quote from: WOTR on March 23, 2017, 03:43:09 AM
How is this shocking or unexpected?  My phone call to my mechanic earlier today probably ended up in the NSA's database.  We live in a society where we have allowed the intelligence agencies free reign, and we are supposed to be surprised that they collected info on Donald Trump?

Well, a few things. 

As I posted above, ''not only was ''incidental intelligence'' collected, instead of being redacted and discarded as is standard operating procedure for incidental intelligence collected on an untargeted American during a wiretap, it was instead disseminated among all 17 intelligence agencies''.

Second, if you haven't noticed, for weeks the Fake News Media has been doing everything they could to insist it didn't happen - both to cover for Obama's criminal actions, and as part of their operation to destroy Trump by making him appear unbalanced - and have now pivoted to playing it down and pretending it's normal. 

That it was circulated among all intelligence agencies instead of being redacted and discarded is a big deal.  Why do you think the information ended up being circulated there instead of being discarded?  Imagine if the same had been done to, say, the Obama family.  These are felonies.

The Obama administration was obviously spying on Trump during the campaign and during the transition.  Imagine if it were a Republican president doing this to a Democrat.  Like, you know, Nixon and Watergate.

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