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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: StarrMountain® 2010 on February 06, 2017, 06:14:42 PM
AMAZING: President Trump Speaks at the Coalition Representatives and Senior US Commanders.  2.6.17.

Is that the bullshit when he said there were unreported terrorist attacks; after he'd implied that US administrations passim had sanctioned the murder of journalists and the assassination of political opponents the way that 'killer' Putin has and does?


Quote from: albrecht on February 06, 2017, 05:58:25 PM
Though there is no way to tell I doubt the fraud is on a massive a scale as some, including Trump say. Although in some cases it doesn't take huge numbers to swing an election. I would guess though that most of the purposeful fraud (as opposed to illegal voting due to mistake, misunderstandings, technical problems, etc) would be more concerned with local issues, bonds, local positions etc, especially in corrupt Democrat-run cities but likely go both ways. The real fraud in the election was between the DNC, Hillary, and her lackeys in the media (giving her the questions, always showing her in a good light, etc.) I don't support most of Bernie's agenda or ideas but he was the victim of the fraud and collusion (though he did make some $$ off of the election so, maybe not much of a victim.)

I suspect that there is massive voter fraud that has existed in historically Democrat urban precincts since the nineteenth century.  I don't know how extensive it is elsewhere but I've heard tales.  In any case, there should be a comprehensive investigation by non politicians to sort the matter out.  The problem is that it may be rampant in both parties and elected officials who would have to approve and fund the effort would not cooperate for fear of what it would reveal.  It could result in a crisis of confidence and a demand for draconian electoral reform.  It could also place in question the status of office holders now serving who may have been elected by fradulant means.

It could open a Pandora's Box but it needs to be done.

Yorkshire pud

Senior Trump officials are asking that a fictitious incursion of Polish troops into Belarus be investigated. Fictitious because its a Belarus /Russian propaganda story to generate some friction. Oh, American troops are currently in exercise in Poland.

Who might the Russian bitch be in the WH? I wonder.....  ::)

But my current (this hour anyway) favourite is the order that was made to make Steve Bannon head of the NSC was made without Trump knowing what he was signing!  ::)


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on February 06, 2017, 08:16:42 PM
Senior Trump officials are asking that a fictitious incursion of Polish troops into Belarus be investigated. Fictitious because its a Belarus /Russian propaganda story to generate some friction. Oh, American troops are currently in exercise in Poland.

Who might the Russian bitch be in the WH? I wonder.....  ::)

If Britain wasn't such a country of spineless subjugated losers you'd stop sniveling around for us to attack Russia for you and just do it yourself. Oh right! They out gun you 10 to 1.  ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 06, 2017, 08:21:11 PM
If Britain wasn't such a country of spineless subjugated losers you'd stop sniveling around for us to attack Russia for you and just do it yourself. Oh right! They out gun you 10 to 1.  ;D

Not I young man. Poland have been accused of an incursion into Belarus, and the current thugs in the WH are implying there's credibility in it. But as long as you're happy with US troops possibly being involved in a possible conflict borne from a lie from Putin, fine.  :)


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on February 06, 2017, 08:30:28 PM

Not I young man. Poland have been accused of an incursion into Belarus, and the current thugs in the WH are implying there's credibility in it. But as long as you're happy with US troops possibly being involved in a possible conflict borne from a lie from Putin, fine.  :)

I voted for Trump and short of committing a crime he has my trust. I'm just not as desperate as you, pud. I'm not on a British political forum everyday desperately trying to undermine confidence and foment unrest in your government.  ::)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 06, 2017, 08:40:53 PM
I voted for Trump and short of committing a crime he has my trust. I'm just not as desperate as you, pud. I'm not on a British political forum everyday desperately trying to undermine confidence and foment unrest in your government.  ::)

I'm not desperate; consider it a service to help the scales on your eyes fall away. And if I never posted again, it would make no difference to Trump. Are you so insecure you think that I and others on here will seriously undermine the POTUS? Really? LOL.  ;D

A POTUS who insults with 'so called judge' has problems. Not me.


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on February 06, 2017, 08:54:06 PM
Are you so insecure you think that I and others on here will seriously undermine the POTUS? Really? LOL.  ;D

God no! I just think you're a highly deluded pain in the ass. LOL! ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 06, 2017, 08:58:01 PM
God no! I just think you're a highly deluded pain in the ass. LOL! ;D

Naa. This is deluded.


Pathological liars create an alternate reality for themselves to inhabit. They believe in their lies and become unable to separate their lies from the truth. This means they have no problem lying brazenly about apparent episodes in their lives in order to gain favour or admiration. Their stories may change over time and they may act defensively when confronted. Those who suffer from Anti-Social Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder may be pathological liars.

On the other hand, compulsive liars have little or no motive for lying. They lie simply because they cannot help but do so or because they find the truth uncomfortable. Unlike pathological liars, they do not have a particular goal in mind when lying. -SteadyHealth.com

Yorkshire pud

The leaks coming out of the WH (so far only 5% staffing reached), are thick and fast. The admin is concentrating on stuff that they think makes the opposition (presumably Dems, could be the press), look bad before thinking it could be good policy. Oh, and they can't find the light switches! Literally, not a euphimism.  ;D

Luka Megurine

Quote from: Justin has two cars now on February 06, 2017, 09:50:09 PM
The leaks coming out of the WH (so far only 5% staffing reached), are thick and fast. The admin is concentrating on stuff that they think makes the opposition (presumably Dems, could be the press), look bad before thinking it could be good policy. Oh, and they can't find the light switches! Literally, not a euphimism.  ;D

And he's still done more in 15 days than the nigger king did in 8 years kek


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on February 06, 2017, 09:55:51 PM
I dare you to watch this video.


I tell my friends in Berkeley I'm the radical.

Pisses them off, great fun.


Quote from: Justin has two cars now on February 06, 2017, 09:50:09 PM
The leaks coming out of the WH (so far only 5% staffing reached), are thick and fast. The admin is concentrating on stuff that they think makes the opposition (presumably Dems, could be the press), look bad before thinking it could be good policy. Oh, and they can't find the light switches! Literally, not a euphimism.  ;D

The dysfunction and infighting are becoming more than a distraction. Odds on...who's the first to go? With all the football analogies, someone said today 'Trump in the WH was like going to the super bowl with no team or experience'. Hopefully we don't face a serious crisis while they bumble around looking for the light switch. (yes, the symbolism is perfect)


QuoteMACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AP) â€" President Donald Trump vowed Monday to allow only people who "want to love our country" into the United States, defending his immigration and refugee restrictions as he made his first visit to the headquarters for U.S. Central Command.

Spot me a greencard please.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: lukathing03🗾🇯🇵🗻🌸 on February 06, 2017, 10:01:55 PM
And he's still done more in 15 days than the nigger king did in

Yeah? How many under age girls' pictures have you downloaded in those same eight years? Racist fuck.

I think they are standing out in front of the newest ugly museum, across from Cal.  (Around the corner from here)

For an area that prides itself of art, museums, etc, they sure build a lot of overpriced junky looking crap

Luka Megurine

Quote from: Justin has two cars now on February 06, 2017, 10:18:04 PM
Yeah? How many under age girls' pictures have you downloaded in those same eight years? Racist fuck.

Simmer down Roswells, Art before MV bans you again lol


Quote from: Lt.Uhura on February 06, 2017, 10:09:47 PM
The dysfunction and infighting are becoming more than a distraction. Odds on...who's the first to go? With all the football analogies, someone said today 'Trump in the WH was like going to the super bowl with no team or experience'. Hopefully we don't face a serious crisis while they bumble around looking for the light switch. (yes, the symbolism is perfect)

Are you the only one who cannot see that this is total bullshit?   You look so needy when you do this it's embarrassing.  You should get a life.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on February 06, 2017, 09:55:51 PM
I dare you to watch this video.


It won't compute if they do. This thread is full of aged liberals that think it's 1998 still and have absolutely no idea that their ideology was hijacked by millennial social identity activists and stopped being about traditional left wing ideas, particularly where unions and middle class workers were concerned. They can thank the activist climate, fostered by 8 years of Obama, for Donald Trump. It's that simple.

As an aside, I warned people on this board years ago about Obama's science advisor John Holdren and the anti-humanism he and his type of scientists were espousing back in the 70's. They were bent on politicizing and activizing science, which is both unethical and does not lead to scientific truth. No one paid much attention, but this is the result:


I am not a climate change denier by any stretch, but the end result of the Obama administration's climate policy was to hand a whole shitload of ammo to the climate change deniers. So much so, that any meaningful action on it as far as prevention is done for. I'm fine with that, I think we can fix it with technology without costing billions and disrupting the world economy. But the moral of the story is the last 8 years was far more damaging and anti-reasonable, even to liberal causes, than anything Donald Trump is capable of.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on February 06, 2017, 10:19:55 PM
I think they are standing out in front of the newest ugly museum, across from Cal.  (Around the corner from here)

For an area that prides itself of art, museums, etc, they sure build a lot of overpriced junky looking crap

That is nasty. It looks like a chocodile twinkie that's been sitting in the sun too long.

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 06, 2017, 11:24:40 PM
That is nasty. It looks like a chocodile twinkie that's been sitting in the sun too long.

I cringe every time they are ready to unveil a new fancy ''arty'' building


The outside is made out of some kind of shiny aluminum or something.  These photos make it look almost good in comparison to the reality of it. 

Forget politics, it's a mistake to put these kooks in charge of anything


 ;D ;D ;D

Nancy Pelosi Promises To Oppose "President Bush's" Agenda.  2.6.17.


Look at Maxine Water's eyes pop when Pelousy makes the "slip."


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on February 06, 2017, 11:58:21 PM
I cringe every time they are ready to unveil a new fancy ''arty'' building


The outside is made out of some kind of shiny aluminum or something.  These photos make it look almost good in comparison to the reality of it.

Is it supposed to symbolize something? I mean, I have this thing:

It's distinctive, but at least it sort of resembles the symbolism behind it, the gateway to the west as George would say. But with that building, I can't discern any kind of intuitive symbolism.

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