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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on June 12, 2017, 02:57:41 PM
Notice the complete lack of concern from these same dishonest democrats when Hillary Clinton was getting 10's of millions of dollars from Middle Eastern governments through her "Clinton Foundation".

Hillary deleted the concern.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on June 12, 2017, 06:59:48 PM
*And one by one they all licked as much shit out of Trump's arse as they thought might keep them in favour. Especially the supine Priebus. Jeeeze, I bet his wife will have him dressed as French Maid as he's forced to watch her being gang banged, as she reminds him just how sycophantic he can be when he needs to be.

That's just irrational and mean spirited shit slinging.  You never heard the names of most of Trump's cabinet members before 2016 and now you claim to have insight into their character and conduct.   Do you even know who among his cabinet are Democrats?  Have you followed their careers up to now or do you just go with what the left wing purveyors of horseshit tell you that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. 

I can't imagine what would possess a Brit to have such a passionate hatred for an American Billionaire come President that it carries over to his family, his cabinet, each and every one of his other appointees and all of his associates.  Can it be that black and white?  The law of averages tells us that there must be at least a few who are not irredeemable miscreants and ne'er do wells.  How about Trump's grandchildren?  Do you have some dirt on them that you got from Kathy Griffin you'd like to share with us?  You are beginning to sound more and more like Meister and that should keep you up at night. 

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on June 12, 2017, 02:24:36 PM
I know its escaped your notice, but the 'left' helped build western democracies. You think every soldier, pilot, sailor and the millions who worked to supply same were all Tories and Republicans? Trade unions drove safer working practices, which increased productivity, reduced down time, provided training and cultivated apprenticeships.

Speaking of soldiers, pilots, and sailors, who is it always protesting the military and military strength (and attacking the police)?  Do you think it was a coincidence spitting on returning soldiers and attacks on the military began the same time the Left gained a foothold in the Democrat Party?  The Left is destructive.  They don't build anything.  Except tyrannies.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 12, 2017, 04:38:56 PM
Try the Scandinavian nations, for starters.

It's probably no coincidence they have some of the highest literacy rates in the world.

Those are considered western democracies, that's their connection with environmental concerns. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 12, 2017, 09:24:57 PM
Speaking of soldiers, pilots, and sailors, who is it always protesting the military and military strength (and attacking the police)?  Do you think it was a coincidence spitting on returning soldiers and attacks on the military began the same time the Left gained a foothold in the Democrat Party?  The Left is destructive.  They don't build anything, except tyrannies.

This is not the same Democrat Party.  The union building was going on during my grandparents time.  But when LBJ came into office, who was at the time under criminal investigations, the party changed.  Although the neocons in both parties need to go.


Quote from: StarrMountain on June 12, 2017, 06:01:35 PM
WATCH: President Donald Trump meets with his entire cabinet for the first time 6/12/2017.
Published on Jun 12, 2017
WATCH: President Trump Meeting with Cabinet - President Trump Leads a Cabinet Meeting - President Donald Trump meets with his entire cabinet for the first time

President Trump convened a meeting of his cabinet at the White House. At the top of the meeting, he talked at length about the time it took for his cabinet members to be approved by the Senate. Afterward, each member of the cabinet spoke briefly.

The fishbowl of the presidency really show really shows how deteriorated his mental state is. This guy has no self-awareness, what's worse is that he only has ass kissing yes men around him to tell him "Umm this looks horrible" He seriously has turned into a parody of himself, if you had a comedy skit of an incompetent leader (could be anything, politics, business, sports, entertainment) with his lackeys, it would look exactly like this.

If that's not bad enough, last week he just claimed he never asked anybody for their loyalty, so just a few days later he has his entire stuff publicly kiss his ass?

Quote from: K_Dubb on June 12, 2017, 04:11:42 PM

Thank you, that was fantastic.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 12, 2017, 08:21:03 PM
As utterly charmless as Washington, D.C.?

And you went to the wrong place. The archipelago is not quite like Paterson, N.J.

The point, which scudded over your head, is that no one begged these people to stay. They want to hit the road and go back to Iraq, then bloody go do it.

Here, here. 


Quote from: Zetaspeak on June 12, 2017, 09:39:55 PM
The fishbowl of the presidency really show really shows how deteriorated his mental state is. This guy has no self-awareness, what's worse is that he only has ass kissing yes men around him to tell him "Umm this looks horrible" He seriously has turned into a parody of himself, if you had a comedy skit of an incompetent leader (could be anything, politics, business, sports, entertainment) with his lackeys, it would look exactly like this.

What I think is comedic is that you were pimping phony polls for Shillary throughout the election, you're one of the biggest anti-Trump posters on here and now that your Russia narrative has fallen apart you're reduced to criticizing Trump because his staff likes him. What a pathetic shill you are.  ::) ;D



Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 12, 2017, 12:56:28 PM
Of course it's not.  And they know that.  Its just another prong in the tactic to distract, disrupt, and delay.  Some might even suggest these tactics taken as a whole are meant to interfere with the outcome of our election. . .

Can you say TAXES?
Guess what State AG's CAN and WILL demand to see.  ;D ;D ;D



I hope you see there can be a little nuance here. Not every opponent of this administration wants to roll out the red carpet for these folks. But there is a smarter way to handle it. There is 'no room at the inn' at least until we clean our own shit up - that reasoning would have sufficed. Instead he took a sledgehammer to the thing, because he himself lacks nuance.


Quote from: Meister_000 on June 12, 2017, 09:51:56 PM
Can you say TAXES?
Guess what State AG's CAN and WILL demand to see.  ;D ;D ;D
It would be awesome!  ;D (One must note all the "fake news" and "right-wing" sources.)

In many cases the various Clinton Foundation(s), "charities," and activities fall under various State, and other Country's, reporting and financial rules because they operate, employ, or are located there- in addition to our Federal ones. I can't wait for the investigations and audits! Especially with big time donors, domestic and foreign, trying to claim tax write-offs etc for their donations- this also could be "looked into" by State and foreign governments, in addition to the Feds.

Quote from: Meister_000 on June 12, 2017, 09:51:56 PM
Can you say TAXES?
Guess what State AG's CAN and WILL demand to see.  ;D ;D ;D

Well, since they don't have standing, they aren't going to be in a position to demand anything. 

And just so you know, the people who eat, rent hotel rooms, and play golf at Trump's resorts aren't listed on his tax returns.  Not even on the businesses tax returns.  As with any other US citizen, the people accusing Trump of everything they can think of need to start offering proof or go back to their day jobs. 

Quote from: Meister_000 on June 03, 2017, 02:27:25 AM
Dud, you have got to be THE most Toxic baboon on the planet.

You're no "Sherlock" either. Right here you've demonstrated for us how your sick narrow brain makes it's "brilliant" connections, deductions, conflations, wild conclusions, assumptions, assertions, reckless leaps, etc. First of all, no one but a sick pig like yourself would willingly seek-out and watch an ISIS beheading video. I don't know, nor do I care to know, the back-story of her or her photographer's deliberations or inspirations/models but, for example, the French revolution's Guillotining executions (of  Political oponents, traitors, enemies) is an equally likely historical source, model, and referant...  You're a wretched, putrid, decayed shell of a man.

Hey Miser, check it out.  More ''artists'' influenced by - who knows, - perhaps the French Revolution. 


It's long past time for Trump to be stop playing the patsy and go on the offensive.  The filth on the Left are not going to stop.  He doesn't really have much to lose. 

I recommend opening investigations into every accusation against Obama, Hilary Clinton, their staffs, and anyone else he can think of.  Let the Ds play defense for awhile.  And sic the Secret Service on Kathy Griffin, and on these pukes putting on this play in New York.  Let's let them defend themselves in court and see if these are federal felonies.  When the Fake News Media and the rest of the Ds cry foul, that Trump is persecuting them, etc, etc, all he has to do is point to what they've been up to the past 8 months and just shrug.  A few hand chosen defamation suits should be added to the mix as well.

He's not going to get anywhere unless he throws down the gauntlet.  Then lets his team handle the prosecutions while he pushes the agenda forward. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 12, 2017, 10:39:18 PM
Hey Miser, check it out.  More ''artists'' influenced by, who knows, perhaps the French Revolution. 


It's long past time for Trump to be stop playing the patsy, and go on the offensive.  The filth on the Left and not going to stop.  What does he have to lose. 

I recommend opening investigations into every accusation against Obama and Hilary Clinton.  Let the Ds play defense for awhile.  And sic the Secret Service on Kathy Griffin, and these pukes putting on this play in New York.  Let's let them defend themselves in court and see if these are federal felonies.  When the Fake News Media and the rest of the Ds cry foul, that Trump is persecuting them, etc, etc, all he has to do is point to what they've been up to the past 8 months and just shrug.  A few hand chosen defamation suits should be added to the mix as well.

He's not going to get anywhere unless he throws down the gauntlet.  Then lets his team handle that while he pushes the agenda forward.

He could always aim the IRS at a few of the bigger narrative spinners in the biz, just like Obama did to the right while he was in power.  ;)

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on June 12, 2017, 02:24:36 PM
I know its escaped your notice, but the 'left' helped build western democracies. You think every soldier, pilot, sailor and the millions who worked to supply same were all Tories and Republicans? Trade unions drove safer working practices, which increased productivity, reduced down time, provided training and cultivated apprenticeships.

Trade unions?  You're aware there were no independent trade unions in the Soviet Union?  And none in China?  Or Cuba?  On N Korea?  If you recall it was Lech Walesa's trade union Solidarity who was instrumental in bringing down the Soviet Union's puppet government in Poland - kinda embarrassing, right?

The hard Left isn't really about trade unions either.  They aren't for anything beneficial.  Since they know they can't get support by telling the truth, they are happy to pretend to be in favor - and even advance - things like trade unions, the environment, minority rights, and so on, in order to attract dupes to support them.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 12, 2017, 10:45:53 PM
He could always aim the IRS at a few of the bigger narrative spinners in the biz, just like Obama did to the right while he was in power.  ;)

Lois Lerner, and some of her coworkers ought to be among the first indicted


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 12, 2017, 04:58:13 PM
The emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome. Our Caesar wishes he could do the same with Muslims.

In my ancestral homeland, Finland, a bunch of Iraqi refugees -voluntarily- left the country about a year ago. Just said fuck it, up and left. Our Caesar wishes they would do the same in the U.S.

They didn't like the food nor the climate. The refugee 'experience' in Finland was not up to their expectations. Problem solved.

Wasn't Finland also losing all their Joos? 


Quote from: Meatie Pie on June 12, 2017, 10:13:30 PM

I hope you see there can be a little nuance here. Not every opponent of this administration wants to roll out the red carpet for these folks. But there is a smarter way to handle it. There is 'no room at the inn' at least until we clean our own shit up - that reasoning would have sufficed. Instead he took a sledgehammer to the thing, because he himself lacks nuance.

Here's the thing.  We've gone from a President who wouldn't allow the words Islamic and terrorism to be used together in any government written or oral communication to a President who calls a spade a spade.  Was the wording he used in campaign rhetoric on the subject clumsy--you bet, but no one had any doubt that he saw the problem for what it is.  After the candy coating of the subject we were subjected to during the Obama years and the promise of more of the same to come if Hilliary were to be elected many of us found his frankness on this and other issues refreshing and convincing.  No one took him for being a practiced politician or polished orator but he tapped into the mood of a large portion of the electorate.

I have expressed my misgivings about Trump in this and other threads and predicted that he would have the problems he is now having.  What bothers me is that the Democrats and the MSM are engaged in a campaign to prevent Trump from effectively governing with the aim of getting him impeached.  This to me is un-American.

There is plenty to criticize Trump about without inventing shit.  I have always wanted whoever was elected President to be successful whether I voted for him or not and I can honestly say that I gave Obama a full two years before I allowed my judgement of him to solidify.   I would have given Hillary the same opportunity to prove herself.  It's a matter of basic fairness.

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 12, 2017, 10:51:25 PM
Trade unions?  You're aware there were no independent trade unions in the Soviet Union?  And none in China?  Or Cuba?  On N Korea?  If you recall it was Lech Walesa's trade union Solidarity who was instrumental in bringing down the Soviet Union's puppet government in Poland - kinda embarrassing, right?

The hard Left isn't really about trade unions either.  They aren't for anything beneficial.  Since they know they can't get support by telling the truth, they are happy to pretend to be in favor - and even advance - things like trade unions, the environment, minority rights, and so on, in order to attract dupes to support them.

Ding, Ding, Ding!  LOL.  Remember the Industrial Workers of the World(IWW)?  They didn't go over so well in the communist countries they adored.  What a joke that organization was is.

The IWW is still active.  They have organized panhandlers.  lol.  I kid you not.  Let them go on strike.  From wiki.

In 2003, the IWW began organizing street people and other non-traditional occupations with the formation of the Ottawa Panhandlers Union. A year later, the Panhandlers Union led a strike by the homeless. Negotiations with the city resulted in the city government promising to fund a newspaper written and sold by the homeless.



Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 12, 2017, 11:36:41 PM
The IWW is still active.  They have organized panhandlers.  lol.  I kid you not.  Let them go on strike.  From wiki.

In 2003, the IWW began organizing street people and other non-traditional occupations with the formation of the Ottawa Panhandlers Union. A year later, the Panhandlers Union led a strike by the homeless. Negotiations with the city resulted in the city government promising to fund a newspaper written and sold by the homeless.


No way.  Did they threaten to stop panhandling if their demands weren't met?

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on June 12, 2017, 11:42:43 PM
No way.  Did they threaten to stop panhandling if their demands weren't met?

LOL.  I don't think that is a win-win situation for the panhandler's union. The world seriously is going insane.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on June 12, 2017, 09:24:57 PM.             The Left is destructive.  They don't build anything.  Except tyrannies.

Hysterical tabloid pablum. The post-war Socialist government in Britain got a few things done, and we kept the number of gulags to a minimum. The left-wing governments in Scandinavia are not notably tyrannical. The governments of France tend to be broadly Socialist because they remember what life was like in the ancien regime when there was nobody to give them a voice. You take the worst excesses of the left and present them as the rule when there is a spectrum like everything else. You are basically a conspiracy theorist, in your own way.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 12, 2017, 11:36:41 PM
The IWW is still active.  They have organized panhandlers.  lol.  I kid you not.  Let them go on strike.  From wiki.

In 2003, the IWW began organizing street people and other non-traditional occupations with the formation of the Ottawa Panhandlers Union. A year later, the Panhandlers Union led a strike by the homeless. Negotiations with the city resulted in the city government promising to fund a newspaper written and sold by the homeless.

Suddenly, my last visit to Ottawa makes more sense.  It seemed I was hit up every couple of blocks.  My favouite was when one guy asked me if I had $20 for him.  Not "spare change" or even a "dollar or two."  He went straight for the $20.  He must have been on overtime...


Quote from: 初音ミク 追加する on June 12, 2017, 09:26:21 PM
The red pilling continues

I'm just happy that the ho got red pilled before getting raped or killed by one of those dirty niggers.  So often these sluts don't wake up to the truth until it is too late and they have been abused by a jigaboo or wet back.  The poor dear sounds like she might have hung out with them until getting rid pilled a year ago... (Wow, does that video ever make her sound intelligent.)

Sometimes they even turn into race traitors.  Thank goodness she remains pure.

Sieg Heil!


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on June 12, 2017, 11:21:50 PM
Here's the thing . .


Here's the thing. We're not playing your bullshit. We flatly reject your underlying premiss that there is something/anything "Normal" about Trump, his cabinet, his policies, or even the current GOP party as a whole. We will extend or grant none, zero, of the "normal" responses, basic assumptions,  courtesies, niceties, allowances, benefits-of-doubt, either to him, his party, or to any of you who continue to support him. Such "common" things do-not and never will apply to Trump nor anything in his sphere. It was you-all who chose to rend, to shred, the fabric of the nation and of all decency itself. You call that "winning" if you like but don't expect "normal" in return. You have forfeited all claims, all toleration or leniency. You have crossed the line, then again, and once more. We're done with you.

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