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John B. Wells

Started by HAL 9000, December 30, 2010, 12:18:11 AM

John B. Wells looks like:

A Vulcan
97 (39.6%)
Hank's Japanese half-brother, "Junichero," in King of the Hill eps. 6ABE20-21  
57 (23.3%)
A stoner sufer named "Tracker," who mentored Sean Penn & Keanu Reeves
47 (19.2%)
Frankenstein's Monster
102 (41.6%)
One of those faces on the Sgt. Pepper album (2nd row from the top. Face #5)
66 (26.9%)

Total Members Voted: 245

Good point, Awake... yes, a voice on a national radio program is not a right, and if Wells can't do just a smidge of essential research, he shouldn't be in studio.  I think he is looking to become the next Beck-like sensation.  In order for that to happen, you gotta bring the crazy I guess.


It's interesting that the ideas of The Frankfurt School live on still, such as someone with a differing opinion being quickly deemed crazy. Such a declaration is usually followed by a desire to see the person banished in some manner.

I'm sure I've done this, too. I try to avoid that reaction now.

Quote from: Morgus on June 29, 2013, 11:46:53 PM
This caller during open lines with John Wells right now has called in several times before, Annie in Alabama, always talking about strange conspiracies like global warming caused by mowing grass lawns too short...

I thought Wells was pretty clearly making fun of this caller.  I'm NOT saying she should have been taken seriously, but it seems sort of like shooting fish in a barrel the way Wells was clearly (with his voice) letting her air her lunacy.  I guess I just don't like the guy.


I am sick to death of Wells conspiracy/cover-up programs.   :P

Quote from: West of the Rockies on June 30, 2013, 11:43:12 AM
Thought Wells was his usual doom-and-gloom persona last night.  After a very babbling, teenager-like introduction (not a direct quote, just a paraphrase), "We have a guest who is, like, going to, like, discuss all sorts of new NSA issues...."  He even mentioned at the program's close how he fumbled the intro.  He signed off by requesting a "flood" of emails to Premiere about how great he is as host.  Is he after Noory's anchor seat?

I'm hoping there's been a flood of complaints about him, especially after the Sandy Hook remark. He's another prime example of someone who undeservedly landed a radio slot. I know I've written to complain, because my tolerance for crazy doesn't extend to Sandy Hook or Boston Marathon conspiracy theories.


Quote from: Unscreened Caller on July 05, 2013, 01:49:06 PM

I'm hoping there's been a flood of complaints about him, especially after the Sandy Hook remark. He's another prime example of someone who undeservedly landed a radio slot. I know I've written to complain, because my tolerance for crazy doesn't extend to Sandy Hook or Boston Marathon conspiracy theories.
Complaints about Wells from long time C2C fans probably bring on hi-fives at PRN offices.  They want us to go away and leave the big C2C network to the much more numerous and profitable political paranoids.

Juan Cena

Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 05, 2013, 10:54:33 PM
Complaints about Wells from long time C2C fans probably bring on hi-fives at PRN offices.  They want us to go away and leave the big C2C network to the much more numerous and profitable political paranoids.

Complaining to PRN won't do much. Complaining to the show's sponsors might be a better idea. If the sponsors didn't seem to be bats**t conspiracy spanks as well.  :-\

Wonder if Wells will somehow slither liberals and their new world order into the mob show tonight..

Johhny B looked quite liberal himself years back..

I tuned in just in time for Wells to say Obama has signed several hundred times the number of executive orders as any other president.  I admit Wikipedia may not always be a reliable source of information, but here's what they say:

Franklin D. Roosevelt           3,522
Harry S. Truman           907
Dwight D. Eisenhower   484   
John F. Kennedy           214   
Lyndon B. Johnson           325   
Richard Nixon                   346   
Gerald R. Ford                   169   
Jimmy Carter                   320
Ronald Reagan                   381
George Bush                    166
William J. Clinton          364
George W. Bush          291   
Barack Obama                  157

As of May, 2013.

Wells and I must be talking about two different things.  It looks like Obama has issued the least orders of any recent president.

edit:  sry posted that prematurely.. hadn't aligned things properly yet (and it still hasn't come out right).  In fact, I posted this to the wrong forum somehow lol.


Those numbers are incorrect. The true numbers are hard to find. I've seen as high as 1250. Who knows. I just know Obama is the most experienced best man for the job in a time when we needed man with vast economic and foreign policy experience. He's by far the best economic Kenyan president we've had. :)

Quote from: Gd5150 on July 07, 2013, 12:42:30 AM
Those numbers are incorrect. The true numbers are hard to find. I've seen as high as 1250. Who knows. I just know Obama is the most experienced best man for the job in a time when we needed man with vast economic and foreign policy experience. He's by far the best economic Kenyan president we've had. :)

I never know when you're being serious or sarcastic lol.  Anyway, the numbers are right according to the Federal Register site as of May 9 (154 at that point) and they ought to know.  Unless, of course, there are some sort of secret executive orders and I don't think you, I, or the great John B. Wells would be privy to that information.


Quote from: Nebraska888 on July 05, 2013, 12:49:51 PM
I am sick to death of Wells conspiracy/cover-up programs.   :P

Like his father sNoory, unWells is pretty much a one trick pony that's run out of tricks.


Quote from: michio on July 07, 2013, 03:34:14 AM
Like his father sNoory, unWells is pretty much a one trick pony that's run out of tricks.

Plus they both lie prodigiously.


     Peter Lance was talking right up until the end, even over the Inca Dance song.  And I was still listening.  I remember watching a press conference years ago where a CIA video was shown explaining the explosion that brought down flight 800 back in 1996, and I was thinking, "whats the CIA doing making videos about plane crashes?"  According to Mr. Lance, the government was covering up a terrorist attack.  Not the "missile theory" that the mainstream seems to enjoy making fun of, but a bomb that was placed on board by the same peace loving goons that brought down the Twin Towers.  Its complicated, and not as easy to digest as the Trevon Martin story, or the "government is watching you" story, or the "Kardashian is fat" story, but it's important, and it's good that folks like Lance bust their butts to lay it out before us and hope that we care.  Mike Adams on the police state.  A decent show by Wells.


I've always wondered about TWA 800.  At the time of the crash, I was working for a TV station in the Greensboro, North Carolina market.  I remember doing stories about people from that market who were aboard the plane.  Later, we learned that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed graduated from North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro. I always wondered if anyone investigated a possible connection.


Quote from: Scully on July 07, 2013, 04:00:52 AM
Plus they both lie prodigiously.

I totally agree with you Scully. I like your posts girlfriend.

Quote from: valdez on July 07, 2013, 05:41:57 AM
     Peter Lance was talking right up until the end, even over the Inca Dance song.  And I was still listening.  I remember watching a press conference years ago where a CIA video was shown explaining the explosion that brought down flight 800 back in 1996, and I was thinking, "whats the CIA doing making videos about plane crashes?"  According to Mr. Lance, the government was covering up a terrorist attack.  Not the "missile theory" that the mainstream seems to enjoy making fun of, but a bomb that was placed on board by the same peace loving goons that brought down the Twin Towers.  Its complicated, and not as easy to digest as the Trevon Martin story, or the "government is watching you" story, or the "Kardashian is fat" story, but it's important, and it's good that folks like Lance bust their butts to lay it out before us and hope that we care.  Mike Adams on the police state.  A decent show by Wells.

One must, at some point, exercise rational thought process and wonder what possible motivation the government would have in covering up such a monumental terrorist attack?

There is none.

The end of another CT.

Quote from: valdez on July 07, 2013, 05:41:57 AM
     Peter Lance was talking right up until the end, even over the Inca Dance song.  And I was still listening.  I remember watching a press conference years ago where a CIA video was shown explaining the explosion that brought down flight 800 back in 1996, and I was thinking, "whats the CIA doing making videos about plane crashes?"  According to Mr. Lance, the government was covering up a terrorist attack.  Not the "missile theory" that the mainstream seems to enjoy making fun of, but a bomb that was placed on board by the same peace loving goons that brought down the Twin Towers.  Its complicated, and not as easy to digest as the Trevon Martin story, or the "government is watching you" story, or the "Kardashian is fat" story, but it's important, and it's good that folks like Lance bust their butts to lay it out before us and hope that we care.  Mike Adams on the police state.  A decent show by Wells.

The Kardashians are fat?

Quote from: valdez on July 07, 2013, 05:41:57 AM
     Peter Lance was talking right up until the end, even over the Inca Dance song.  And I was still listening. 
A decent show by Wells.

I liked Peter Lance as well; he was a talker. Lance talked so fast I had trouble following some of the parts of his story. Lance constantly plugged his website, and it got to the point I think he was making fun of C2C's audience or making the most out of air time he does not get paid for. It worked because I think I may try to read Deal With The Devil this summer.

Lance is printed in Playboy often, and I remember reading some good stuff on the CIA and the Drug War in GQ; and good articles on the financial crisis are in Rolling Stone. So the state of media 2013: the good writing is coming from Playboy, GQ, and Rolling Stone.

Quote from: Scully on July 07, 2013, 04:00:52 AM
Plus they both lie prodigiously.

We are at the point its not their fault for lying to us, its our fault for believing them.


I don't have a problem with Wells except for one issue:  he's got that whacky riff about C2C being a ship--welcome aboard, Captain Noory's away from the bridge etc,, which segues at time to his affecting a sort of badass, Navy Seal Special Operator pose.  Spare us.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on July 07, 2013, 01:02:47 PM

I liked Peter Lance as well; he was a talker. Lance talked so fast I had trouble following some of the parts of his story. Lance constantly plugged his website, and it got to the point I think he was making fun of C2C's audience or making the most out of air time he does not get paid for. It worked because I think I may try to read Deal With The Devil this summer.

I might well do the same!
He certainly was a talker, and not just the pace. He was like a sheepdog, rounding up, tracking back, doubling back on himself, plugging his first book, his last book, his second book, with a maze of parentheses: 'Hear me out on this, it was....well, first you have to understand....and remember when I said earlier....bear with me, this will all tie up....' All flashing lights and smoke 'n' mirrors, perhaps, but, as you say enough of interest to draw me in. I've bought a number of books from listening to Knapp and Ian. This will be a first from The Breather. Noory? You decide ;)
I have to agree with FTF, though, that the question with a conspiracy and a cover-up always has to be: 'Who stands to gain?' I'm not sure I can see an answer to that.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on July 07, 2013, 02:37:28 PM

I have to agree with FTF, though, that the question with a conspiracy and a cover-up always has to be: 'Who stands to gain?' I'm not sure I can see an answer to that.

If one were presenting the first conspiracy theory ever on c2c, definite connections would be necessary. But when time after time such theories are presented hardly anything beyond multisyllabic wordings are needed. Wells doesn't need connections any more grounded than two sentences on a piece of paper.


Who's to gain?  Lance offered a theory that's not completely far-fetched.  The crash happened while the Ramzi Yousef trial was going on.  Yousef, who was representing himself, planned to use it as evidence that he was not guilty of the bombings he was on trial for.

A second idea, and one that was floated at the time, was that the crash happened just before the Olympics opened in Atlanta and was meant to terrorize potential Olympic travelers.

In both cases the US government gained because failing to admit the crash was the result of terrorism prevented Yousef from using his defense, and it also kept down "panic" preceding the Olympics.  Now, I don't particularly go along with the idea of mass panic of Americans, but the politicians sure do.  Scratch one (or a cop) during difficult times and the first words out of their mouths is "Stay calm."

I don't know if I believe any of this, but I'd say these are theories at least in the realm of possibility.


I watched a movie several years ago about the "rat pack". Mostly about Sinatra but also about the whole "star" thing.

One scene in particular had a somewhat clueless Joey Bishop being tutored by Dean Martin... Martin showed Bishop that expectations from the audience were more important that the talent. He did this by gaining the attention of two women passing by and simply said "blah blah blah" to which the women hysterically started to laugh. The point was, their schtick had become so ingrained that no matter what  was said it was perceived as funny.

To the same extent Wells, no matter what his topic, it will be of a conspiracy bent.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 07, 2013, 06:04:11 PM

I first noticed this - or at least wondered what was going on - when Bob Hope would come on TV and everyone in the audience would bust a gut laughing.  My parents certainly liked him. 

Being a kid, I didn't know who he was, but he was on sometimes and I knew he was in no way ever funny....

That makes sense.  I remember my parents loving Bob Hope when I was a kid too, and never understanding what was so great about this old man who would come on the stage and not do anything particularly entertaining.  The most fascinating thing I knew about Bob Hope was that he had a huge yacht at one marina that we went to which made our little boat look like a dinghy, and my parents were pretty impressed.

edit:  what was I quoting?  Did I post on the wrong board again?

Quote from: UFO Fill on July 07, 2013, 04:05:48 PM
Who's to gain?  Lance offered a theory that's not completely far-fetched.  The crash happened while the Ramzi Yousef trial was going on.  Yousef, who was representing himself, planned to use it as evidence that he was not guilty of the bombings he was on trial for.

A second idea, and one that was floated at the time, was that the crash happened just before the Olympics opened in Atlanta and was meant to terrorize potential Olympic travelers.

In both cases the US government gained because failing to admit the crash was the result of terrorism prevented Yousef from using his defense, and it also kept down "panic" preceding the Olympics.  Now, I don't particularly go along with the idea of mass panic of Americans, but the politicians sure do.  Scratch one (or a cop) during difficult times and the first words out of their mouths is "Stay calm."

I don't know if I believe any of this, but I'd say these are theories at least in the realm of possibility.

There was a Presidential election coming up in a few months.  Not letting anything derail re-election seems like it would be motivational. 

If - big if - the incident was not as reported, and if there was a cover up.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 07, 2013, 06:18:01 PM
There was a Presidential election coming up in a few months.  Not letting anything derail re-election seems like it would be motivational. 
hmmm, kinda like not wanting to label Bengazi a terrorist action just before the 2012 presidential election?  8)


Quote from: UFO Fill on July 07, 2013, 04:05:48 PM
Lance offered a theory that's not completely far-fetched. 

I don't know if I believe any of this, but I'd say these are theories at least in the realm of possibility.
And that molecule-thin possibility is what allows people who milk paranoia and mistrust; like like Wells, Lance, Jones, Beck, and others,  make a pretty good buck.

I tried to listen last night but tuned in at bottom of the 1st hour; just in time to hear this week's alarmist paranoid telling Wells that Obama was arming the IRS with AR-15s.  Click.[/font]


In a lot of ways, the saying "The truth is stranger than fiction" is one of the most damaging things invented by people. Or maybe it is a reflection or justification for people thinking the unlikely extremes.

The truth is usually the easiest to explain and most likely. Well, assuming you live in reality.

That is why the dog didn't eat your homework, why the check isn't in the mail, and the police officer doesn't believe your friend left it in your car.

What is interesting is that, unless you're a peddler of the unlikely, if our lives or livelihoods depended on betting if these conspiracies were true or not, the world would suddenly become a lot more boring and transparent. I wonder what the Vegas odds would be on Wells ever being right about a conspiracy...


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on July 07, 2013, 01:02:47 PM
We are at the point its not their fault for lying to us, its our fault for believing them.

You mean some people still believe Noory and Wells?  I was unaware.  ::)

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