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Wikileaks Megathread

Started by Gabor Sweden751110, November 19, 2010, 03:21:46 PM


Anonymous - Wikileaks Update - Timeline of Events Julian Assange.  12.2.16.


Quote from: VoteQuimby on November 21, 2016, 08:37:27 AM
on the day that Assange went offline, one of the biggest DDoS of history took place, taking down entire DNS servers, which mostly likedly interfered with Assange's dead man switch and caused it to fail

The day after that happened is when I started noticing an extreme uptick in DNS cache poisoning attacks. They haven't let up yet and got really heavy for a couple of days.


Quote from: /dev/null on December 03, 2016, 02:14:36 AM
The day after that happened is when I started noticing an extreme uptick in DNS cache poisoning attacks. They haven't let up yet and got really heavy for a couple of days.

And how would you translate that for us English speakers?  :D

If you're a bad guy, and can control the Domain Name Servers, you can control the traffic flow on the internet.
(Yes, it is possible.) ;)
DNS cache poisoning allows an attacker to do exactly that.

I'm sure there are some network guys here that can explain it better than I.


Quote from: /dev/null on December 03, 2016, 02:37:44 AM
If you're a bad guy, and can control the Domain Name Servers, you can control the traffic flow on the internet.
(Yes, it is possible.) ;)
DNS cache poisoning allows an attacker to do exactly that.

I'm sure there are some network guys here that can explain it better than I.

And the DNS naming just got handed over to the UN not too long ago, right?  ???

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 03, 2016, 02:49:15 AM
And the DNS naming just got handed over to the UN not too long ago, right?  ???
Now you got it.  ;)


Quote from: /dev/null on December 03, 2016, 02:51:58 AM
Now you got it.  ;)

What do you expect? Increased censorship or surveillance?


Quote from: . on December 03, 2016, 12:53:56 AM
Anonymous - Wikileaks Update - Timeline of Events Julian Assange.  12.2.16.


It gets scary around time stamp 17:32  And REALLY scary around time stamp 19:01ish. :o

I wish I knew how to pull this last part (17:32 - end) out, to post in the "All Things Tech." thread. :-[

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 03, 2016, 02:56:06 AM
What do you expect? Increased censorship or surveillance?
http://www.akdart.com/carniv.html - a good rundown on publicly known programs

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A  <--   ;)  salt, it's a wiki, but look to the right side-bar navigation links.

I've mentioned this before...  ;)     

Want to see what your browser reveals to every site you go to - just ripe for the harvesting ?
(Do NOT use the first hyper-link called "Click", it leads directly to Google and is pure JS. Use the second link in the article called "WebKay"   http://www.zdnet.com/article/find-out-what-your-web-browser-is-telling-websites-about-you/

The above site will hopefully be enough ' in your face ' for people to realize why I harp so strongly against JS.

Move along. Nothing to see here: http://www.dcssproject.net/bullrun/  Move along...  Move along.

Don't let this information overwhelm you into believing you don't need protection online because there is nothing you can do about it. These are mainly nation-state actors with this tech ( for now. ) Don't make their job any easier for them than you have to, and don't forget about the script kiddies. Common safety practices will save you a lot of grief, but the days of a free and open internet are, at this point in time, dead.

This is why I mentioned before that the new law just legalizes this crap. Better to be informed and cover your ass, than believe you are protected and make a faux pas.

"When you're online, you're behind enemy lines."  © 2016 - (Sandman) Logan-5

How to opt out of Google.  http://www.ghacks.net/2014/06/02/google-tracking-avoid/  http://www.leavegooglebehind.com/how-tos/how-to-eradicate-google-from-firefox/

Oh, to answer your question, what I foresee is blacker than molten tar. :(



Oman, or Oyyman according to the goons, has been doxed. He is one of the original /int/ shills that tried to shitpost 8chan to death, along with Soma and some Slavborg faggot. Oman is still the leader of Freech.net, which is itself once again the home of the /intl/ goons as their previous safespace on 8ch.pl is getting spammed by Bui again. Bui spammed /intl/ to death on 8chan, so they fled to Freech, that's why they're there. Pic-related is Oman's face. Match those features to the other pic-related and this thread https://archive.is/PbKhf and the evidence is irrefutable.

surely but slowly we are yet another step closer to making /intl/ pay for their transgressions.
43 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Have any of you ever been waiting in line for concessions to get your dad and his friends all theiryour beers and then suddenly heard the entire stadium erupt into pandemonium for completely inscrutable reasons?

Probably not. Neverthless, this story is exactly like that, combined with the whiriwind that you ignorant cunts have been reaping for weeks.

Hey. Where's TL? I have a cake recipe to share.

Quote from: Jackstar on December 03, 2016, 09:22:00 PM

"  “I wish I could tell you more,” said Ken Murray, superintendent with contractor C.W. Driver. But he couldn’t, or wouldn’t.  "




Quote from: /dev/null on December 04, 2016, 05:09:41 AM
contractor C.W. Driver

Not bad semi colon but too many teeth period

Anyone here ever get the feeling that they are being watched ?



Quote from: /dev/null on December 04, 2016, 08:57:51 PM
Anyone here ever get the feeling that they are being watched ?


Only while researching JFK's circumcision.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on January 02, 2017, 09:04:00 PM
Julian Assange is alive and well and on Hannity tomorrow night.


I hope so!  I will reserve judgment till I watch it tomorrow.  It looks like its pre-recorded, not live.  I could be wrong.


Quote“Cabal underground bases in Nevada, Denver, New Zealand as well as a cloning base under Camp David were destroyed and more bases in Australia, San Diego, Hawaii and Arkansas may be targeted,” the Pentagon sources report. “As Cabalists seek to escape to New Zealand, Congo, Brazil, or Paraguay, there may be more kinetic actions to stop them,” the sources promise.


Quotetransmission of enclosed data seems to get people vanned.

Welcome to amateur hour.


The other story I heard was that he was not, in fact, cloned, because he was, in fact, a wholly computer-generated actor the entire time.

It's debatable which idea is less plausible, but still--either is more believable than Hillary Clinton.

Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on January 15, 2017, 04:08:47 PM
Now that was funny...  .   ;D

Note that we are already, in fact,
checking Julian's eyelids.

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