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Wikileaks Megathread

Started by Gabor Sweden751110, November 19, 2010, 03:21:46 PM


Quote from: I_Speculate on July 19, 2016, 08:07:15 PM
Throw this in...


then translate what you find and report back at 24 hundred.

Abdullah Öcalan, also known as Apo, is one of the founding members of the militant organization the Kurdistan Workers' Party in 1978 in Turkey.
Been searching about  Abdullah Çatlı ( and Grey Wolves) and Ergenekon but having issues with translation and that stuff was older so maybe not in this dump?


Quote from: albrecht on July 19, 2016, 08:30:07 PM
Been searching about  Abdullah Çatlı ( and Grey Wolves) and Ergenekon but having issues with translation and that stuff was older so maybe not in this dump?

415 results on Çatlı. Whether they are all relevant or not is a different story. Start looking through them.

What part of the translation process is giving you a problem? I've been able to translate everything so far. You may want to check out search terms in Arabic as well.


3323 results using Grey Wolves translated into Turk ( Ülkücü ) - whether that is the proper translation for the term i can't say.

You may want to use a boolean to knock out @googlegroups.com ( i would suggest )


Quote from: I_Speculate on July 19, 2016, 08:33:17 PM
415 results on Çatlı. Whether they are all relevant or not is a different story. Start looking through them.

What part of the translation process is giving you a problem? I've been able to translate everything so far. You may want to check out search terms in Arabic as well.
It is just a new platform to me and I know zero Turkish so have to use web-translators (which sometimes format weirdly etc.) BTW simply because there were emails doesn't mean they were true or solicited/wanted by the recipient. And, I know, I know, I can get paranoid in the world of spy-craft and government but dis-info etc is possible. Especially in the world now where hacking is the norm. (Are some 'hacks' and data dumps simply what used to be called 'leaks' and 'off-the-record?') Are some 'dumps' a lawyer-like strategy to put so much information out that it obscures something else or a 'purloined letter' effect? I don't know.


59 results for Ergenekon after omitting goog groups.



Quote from: albrecht on July 19, 2016, 08:40:24 PM
It is just a new platform to me and I know zero Turkish so have to use web-translators (which sometimes format weirdly etc.) BTW simply because there were emails doesn't mean they were true or solicited/wanted by the recipient. And, I know, I know, I can get paranoid in the world of spy-craft and government but dis-info etc is possible. Especially in the world now where hacking is the norm. (Are some 'hacks' and data dumps simply what used to be called 'leaks' and 'off-the-record?') Are some 'dumps' a lawyer-like strategy to put so much information out that it obscures something else or a 'purloined letter' effect? I don't know.

Nothing says the dump could not have been polluted with disinfo.

Although the person(s) who leaked it really have nothing to gain according to whatever bground checks were done by whomever did them.

Keep in mind only half of the total leak is available at the moment. Also keep in mind for the most part the dump should not / is not supposed to contain sensitive info. With that being said humans make mistakes and get careless. People have a certain expectation of privacy that really is nothing but smoke n mirrors. I'm pretty positive not one of the people who sent emails in ever expected this leak to happen.

correlate the from: and to: email fields...

Search for ones between government owned domains. Simpy for the fact the odds they may contain info you may be interested in are greater.

run some checks on the domains the emails are sent from... if you have a list of any turkish security related domains that could help in filtering out the gibberish.

Just use google translate for your translation. It works well enough.

You want to omit google groups from the search , considering the odds / chances are very low any sensitive info would be sent there.



Quote from: albrecht on July 19, 2016, 08:44:10 PM

Ergenekon !googlegroups

drop the @ sign

Apparently the emails run far back right up to before the coup happened.

I believe only section A through I have been released from what i read. A shitload more to come.

Also keep in mind a 10 GBPS DoS was mounted against wikileaks for almost 24 hours... that is big data. Some heavy 'railguns'

Someone is afraid of something getting out...  Wikileaks servers were also hacked , but obviously operational again.


Quote from: I_Speculate on July 19, 2016, 08:52:06 PM
Nothing says the dump could not have been polluted with disinfo.

Although the person(s) who leaked it really have nothing to gain according to whatever bground checks were done by whomever did them.

Keep in mind only half of the total leak is available at the moment. Also keep in mind for the most part the dump should not / is not supposed to contain sensitive info. With that being said humans make mistakes and get careless. People have a certain expectation of privacy that really is nothing but smoke n mirrors. I'm pretty positive not one of the people who sent emails in ever expected this leak to happen.

correlate the from: and to: email fields...

Search for ones between government owned domains. Simpy for the fact the odds they may contain info you may be interested in are greater.

run some checks on the domains the emails are sent from... if you have a list of any turkish security related domains that could help in filtering out the gibberish.

Just use google translate for your translation. It works well enough.

You want to omit google groups from the search , considering the odds / chances are very low any sensitive info would be sent there.

tusen takk



QuoteShe doesn't want the people knowing about her relationships on Wall Street 
She wants to achieve consistency and the best way to do that is to keep the people ignorant

My, my.

Full dump

Who didn't see trying to appeal to and radicalize militant subsections of minorities in this country would blow up in the Democrats face?


DNC officials conspired to smear Trump with Craig's List ads for "hot women" in Trump Company name.


>Leaked emails reveal Politico reporter made 'agreement' to send advanced Clinton story to DNC

Wikileaks DNC emails show DNC worked against Bernie Sanders

Attempts to cover up evidence of money laundering through the DNC.


The Washington Post may have been fundraising (or technically avoiding that term) with the DNC.


QuoteCheck this out, the media is in full defense mode

Google listed wikileaks as dangerous
Twitter is suppressing the hashtag

What the fuck is a specialty media list

QuoteAnd while it’s unclear who’s behind the accounts of Pepe and his digital pals, their tweets succeed in impersonating Latino voters at a time when the real estate mogul needs them most.



Quote from: JesusJuice on July 22, 2016, 05:32:18 PM
Wikileaks.org now classified as a malware site by Google.


simply unbelievable.  i hope google's forthcoming explanation is a solid one...

Quote from: mv on July 22, 2016, 05:45:55 PM
simply unbelievable.  i hope google's forthcoming explanation is a solid one...

"Don't be evil"    'Nuff said.

Trump has to be the luckiest man in history.


I don't get the g00gle eye warning pop up from here.

Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on July 22, 2016, 05:59:25 PM
au contraire mon frère!  ;)


Did not realize that.   I guess it is more honest just to shit can it.

IBM's motto has always been "THINK" but they seem to have stopped Thinking in recent years.


Between this and Cenk getting trolled, it is a beautiful day!



Bad request or the file you have requested does not exist.

Please wait few minutes and try again."

orchestrated attack on wikileaks or just many people trying to read about the DNC and whatever corruption or dirty politics might be going on with them and Billary?


Quote from: JesusJuice on July 22, 2016, 05:32:18 PM
Wikileaks.org now classified as a malware site by Google.


Wikileaks.org has been removed from the malware list now.

Quote from: albrecht on July 22, 2016, 07:08:41 PM

Bad request or the file you have requested does not exist.

Please wait few minutes and try again."

orchestrated attack on wikileaks or just many people trying to read about the DNC and whatever corruption or dirty politics might be going on with them and Billary?

all good here with access. i'm amazed at just how complex the inner workings of a campaign are as i read the emails.

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