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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM


WTF is wrong with people? I could see shooting a dog if it was attacking a person or maybe even a pet but to rape and hang it? How does this even enter a person's mind? Good luck in the future, James Leroy Evans, with your photo posted under the subject of dog rape and killing.


Now that I have been here awhile I feel like I've known some of you for years.  You were the ones that beat me up and took my lunch money.


Quote from: albrecht on April 14, 2016, 12:40:34 PM
WTF is wrong with people? I could see shooting a dog if it was attacking a person or maybe even a pet but to rape and hang it? How does this even enter a person's mind? Good luck in the future, James Leroy Evans, with your photo posted under the subject of dog rape and killing.
check out the is mike Huckabee's son a serial killer in the making thread


My 3 year old daughter:  I don't want to play MineCraft anymore.  It's too scary.
Me:  Ok honey.  What would you like to do instead?
Daughter:  I want to play zombies (Left 4 Dead).


Quote from: MV on April 15, 2016, 03:24:50 AM
Daughter:  I want to play zombies (Left 4 Dead).

Left 4 Dead has an /ignore function.


Quote from: MV on April 15, 2016, 03:24:50 AM
My 3 year old daughter:  I don't want to play MineCraft anymore.  It's too scary.
Me:  Ok honey.  What would you like to do instead?
Daughter:  I want to play zombies (Left 4 Dead).

Sir, be somewhat proud of your daughter.

She doesn't want to play MineCreft(tm)?



Quote from: MV on April 15, 2016, 03:24:50 AM
My 3 year old daughter:  I don't want to play MineCraft anymore.  It's too scary.
Me:  Ok honey.  What would you like to do instead?
Daughter:  I want to play zombies (Left 4 Dead).

My daughter has a fear of Minecraft too.

She likes Plants vs Zombies which doesn't have as much street cred as Left 4 Dead.


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 04:21:35 AM
Does the sun make noise?

In space, no one can hear you scream, but if you could put a survivable listening device inside the heliosphere, I am sure you would hear noise. It is a pretty violent set of interactions with all of the activity.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 15, 2016, 04:24:48 AM
In space, no one can hear you scream, but if you could put a survivable listening device inside the heliosphere, I am sure you would hear noise. It is a pretty violent set of interactions with all of the activity.
so if you played a boom box on the moon no sound would come out?


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 04:27:49 AM
so if you played a boom box on the moon no sound would come out?

The speakers would move because of the magnets, but there is no atmosphere to transmit the sound made by the speaker cones, so you wouldn't hear anything.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 15, 2016, 04:30:16 AM
The speakers would move because of the magnets, but there is no atmosphere to transmit the sound made by the speaker cones, so you wouldn't hear anything.
wow that is interesting. Thanks


I guess a question for another day than is what is atmosphere.


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 04:32:06 AM
wow that is interesting. Thanks
Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 04:41:23 AM
I guess a question for another day than is what is atmosphere.

Atmosphere is a term I used loosely. It is any medium that can transmit the pressure wave of sound. You can bang on one end of a pipe and hear it at the other. It is generally a gaseous substance like our atmosphere, but it could be a liquid like water.

The inverse square law is usually used to refer to how light diffuses over distance. There is a decent graphic in here that demonstrates how light diffuses the farther away from the source.

Sound, in our atmosphere, reacts almost identically as far as the strength of the signal as you move away from the source.

The difference is that light can be transmitted through a vacuum. Sound (acoustics) requires pressure. Some type of atmosphere or medium for the pressure to transfer through. The denser the medium, the faster the transfer of the pressure, thus the faster sound travels.

Sound travels faster in water than in air because it is denser. Sound travels faster at sea level than it does at altititude, again because of the air pressure (and to some degree temperature) That is why "Mach" is a little misleading. Mach 1 at sea level is a different speed than Mach 1 at 40,000 feet.




Ediot:  A true scientist could give a more exacting explanation, but that is a layman's explanation. Sound needs a medium to transfer through, light does not.


I just scrolled past all your idiot posts to tell you that your daughter should be forced to read things she doesn't want to read, over and over and over again.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 15, 2016, 04:44:23 AM
Atmosphere is a term I used loosely. It is any medium that can transmit the pressure wave of sound. You can bang on one end of a pipe and hear it at the other. It is generally a gaseous substance like our atmosphere, but it could be a liquid like water.

The inverse square law is usually used to refer to how light diffuses over distance. There is a decent graphic in here that demonstrates how light diffuses the farther away from the source.

Sound, in our atmosphere, reacts almost identically as far as the strength of the signal as you move away from the source.

The difference is that light can be transmitted through a vacuum. Sound (acoustics) requires pressure. Some type of atmosphere or medium for the pressure to transfer through. The denser the medium, the faster the transfer of the pressure, thus the faster sound travels.

Sound travels faster in water than in air because it is denser. Sound travels faster at sea level than it does at altititude, again because of the air pressure (and to some degree temperature) That is why "Mach" is a little misleading. Mach 1 at sea level is a different speed than Mach 1 at 40,000 feet.




Ediot:  A true scientist could give a more exacting explanation, but that is a layman's explanation. Sound needs a medium to transfer through, light does not.
so is a radio wave light?  I know that sounds stupid.


Quote from: Jackstar on April 15, 2016, 04:48:34 AM
I just scrolled past all your idiot posts to tell you that your daughter should be forced to read things she doesn't want to read, over and over and over again.





Quote from: MV on April 15, 2016, 03:24:50 AM
My 3 year old daughter:  I don't want to play MineCraft anymore.  It's too scary.
Me:  Ok honey.  What would you like to do instead?
Daughter:  I want to play zombies (Left 4 Dead).
Has MineCraft added a wolf with no skin on its skull?


Quote from: Jackstar on April 15, 2016, 04:48:34 AM
I just scrolled past all your idiot posts to tell you that your daughter should be forced to read things she doesn't want to read, over and over and over again.
when did you join Isis?


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 04:57:19 AM
so is a radio wave light?  I know that sounds stupid

Not quite sure I know what you mean, but a radio wave is a type of electromagnetic radiation.  It adheres to the inverse square law I mentioned earlier, but it can be directional. If you modulate that electromagnetic energy, then you can transmit data, but you need a receiver tuned to that frequency. I'm not an expert on radio waves, but I know they are greatly influenced by our magnetic field. That is why sometimes you can receive an AM station from hundreds of miles away, but at others, you might not pick it up over 100 miles. The Suns radiation interferes with radio signals as well. That is why you can usually pull in distant stations at night, even though most stations are required to reduce power at night. If they didn't reduce power, you wouldn't be able to pick up local stations. Art would be a good one to describe this.

Radio waves can be transmitted through a vacuum. That is why we can communicate to satellites and the Space Station. But generally we need line of site to maintain communications. NASA maintains line of site now by using several Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRSS) in orbit.  They used to have to have ground stations around the world before they got at least two TDRSS satellites in orbit.

Light (especially LASER) can be modulated in a similar manner to transmit data. The simplest example is the old ship spotlights that they would use to send morse code from ship to ship. The more complex example is the fiber optics that they use to as a backbone for the Internet. Light is transmitted down the fiber and decoded at the end. Through techniques such as multiplexing, they can be sending numerous data streams down the same fiber optic cable.

Ediot: maybe to better answer your question, radio waves are not light, but they are both types of radiation. Radio waves are waves. Light is unique. It has photons, so in someways, it behaves like a particle, but in other ways, it has the characteristic of a wave. That is the extent that I am able to describe them.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 15, 2016, 05:12:38 AM
Not quite sure I know what you mean, but a radio wave is a type of electromagnetic radiation.  It adheres to the inverse square law I mentioned earlier, but it can be directional. If you modulate that electromagnetic energy, then you can transmit data, but you need a receiver tuned to that frequency. I'm not an expert on radio waves, but I know they are greatly influenced by our magnetic field. That is why sometimes you can receive an AM station from hundreds of miles away, but at others, you might not pick it up over 100 miles. The Suns radiation interferes with radio signals as well. That is why you can usually pull in distant stations at night, even though most stations are required to reduce power at night. If they didn't reduce power, you wouldn't be able to pick up local stations. Art would be a good one to describe this.

Radio waves can be transmitted through a vacuum. That is why we can communicate to satellites and the Space Station. But generally we need line of site to maintain communications. NASA maintains line of site now by using several Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRSS) in orbit.  They used to have to have ground stations around the world before they got at least two TDRSS satellites in orbit.

Light (especially LASER) can be modulated in a similar manner to transmit data. The simplest example is the old ship spotlights that they would use to send morse code from ship to ship. The more complex example is the fiber optics that they use to as a backbone for the Internet. Light is transmitted down the fiber and decided at the end. Through techniques such as multiplexing, they can be sending numerous data streams down the same fiber optic cable.

Ediot: maybe to better answer your question, radio waves are not light, but they are both types of radiation. Radio waves are waves. Light is unique. It has photons, so in someways, it behaves like a particle, but in other ways, it has the characteristic of a wave. That is the extent that I am able to describe them.
you do a pretty great job at explaining these things., and I thank you. Its late and I love pondering stuff like this. It just blows my mind that sound needs a medium in order to travel yet other things don't. Without a medium or force its amazing how anything can move in space. Kinda like a boat motor running out of the water.


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 05:29:26 AM
you do a pretty great job at explaining these things., and I thank you. Its late and I love pondering stuff like this. It just blows my mind that sound needs a medium in order to travel yet other things don't. Without a medium or force its amazing how anything can move in space. Kinda like a boat motor running out of the water.

My background is computer science, but I worked as a NASA contractor for 32 years so I had to teach myself a lot of physics to make sure my software programs worked the way they were supposed to.

I know a little bit about everything involved with space flight. Sometimes, all you need to know is that something is possible, and then know where to look to find an answer.

I bet you could explain a lot about salmon fishing better than I could.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 15, 2016, 05:38:27 AM
My background is computer science, but I worked as a NASA contractor for 32 years so I had to teach myself a lot of physics to make sure my software programs worked the way they were supposed to.

I know a little bit about everything involved with space flight. Sometimes, all you need to know is that something is possible, and then know where to look to find an answer.

I bet you could explain a lot about salmon fishing better than I could.
when I was a little kid all I wanted to be was either an astronaut or a fisherman. In another life I would choose differently


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 05:43:38 AM
when I was a little kid all I wanted to be was either an astronaut or a fisherman. In another life I would choose differently

I went to the same high school as Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon. I was a junior in HS when he was on the moon. I always wanted to work in the space program, but it took me 11 years including a stint in the Air Force to get there.


Quote from: GravitySucks on April 15, 2016, 05:48:32 AM
I went to the same high school as Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon. I was a junior in HS when he was on the moon. I always wanted to work in the space program, but it took me 11 years including a stint in the Air Force to get there.
awesome. I was set to go into the air force like most of the men in my family did but a car wreck slowed that down. I did go to flight school but didn't keep with it long enough to get my private license. I will get my license one of these days but for now I am concentrated on boats


Quote from: akwilly on April 15, 2016, 05:29:26 AM
you do a pretty great job at explaining these things., and I thank you. Its late and I love pondering stuff like this. It just blows my mind that sound needs a medium in order to travel yet other things don't. Without a medium or force its amazing how anything can move in space. Kinda like a boat motor running out of the water.

In a lot of ways they're still working that one out. While it's true that in space no one can hear you scream I don't think anyone's quite thinking of it as the empty void they once did. Of course, there are still lots of questions to be answered in that regard (anti-matter, dark matter, etc.) but the recent gravity wave evidence indicates that it is some sort of medium through which light travels. It's even breathing new life into concepts long thought obsolete, like that of an ether.

So did you guys ever play with these as a kid?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 15, 2016, 06:21:35 AM
In a lot of ways they're still working that one out. While it's true that in space no one can hear you scream I don't think anyone's quite thinking of it as the empty void they once did. Of course, there are still lots of questions to be answered in that regard (anti-matter, dark matter, etc.) but the recent gravity wave evidence indicates that it is some sort of medium through which light travels. It's even breathing new life into concepts long thought obsolete, like that of an ether.

So did you guys ever play with these as a kid?
I had one of those vibrating football games but did not have one of those. what is it?


This threads getting all sciencey and respectable I almost feel bad posting my next Halloween costume.

Quote from: jazmunda on April 15, 2016, 06:45:41 AM
This threads getting all sciencey and respectable I almost feel bad posting my next Halloween costume work uniform.


Quote from: albrecht on April 14, 2016, 12:40:34 PM
WTF is wrong with people? I could see shooting a dog if it was attacking a person or maybe even a pet but to rape and hang it? How does this even enter a person's mind? Good luck in the future, James Leroy Evans, with your photo posted under the subject of dog rape and killing.
This made me so sad yesterday. Poor dog. Hope that scumbag gets his ass passed around in prison.

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