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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM


absolutely the cutest little girl i've ever seen.  this is nabila (my wife) when she was quite tiny.


Quote from: Michael V. on April 05, 2011, 12:54:08 AM
absolutely the cutest little girl i've ever seen.  this is nabila (my wife) when she was quite tiny.
Michael, step carefully away from the photo album.   It's a Daddy trap.  The last time my wife pulled out baby photos of herself, well, let me put it this way:  ten months later I had baby urp on my shoulder.  Fortunately it matched most of my shirts because.......never mind, that's not the point.  Just put the photo album down and go watch some football.

It is a great picture though.  The only bad thing about having a daughter is they grow up and you can't bear to look at their baby pictures ever again.   


Quote from: Mops on April 05, 2011, 01:18:39 AM
Michael, step carefully away from the photo album.   It's a Daddy trap.  The last time my wife pulled out baby photos of herself, well, let me put it this way:  ten months later I had baby urp on my shoulder.  Fortunately it matched most of my shirts because.......never mind, that's not the point.  Just put the photo album down and go watch some football.

It is a great picture though.  The only bad thing about having a daughter is they grow up and you can't bear to look at their baby pictures ever again.
a much needed dose of bitch-slap back into reality.  thank you, sir.

I just woke up, and when i first scrolled through the thread I thought that it was Art's latest photo of his youngest!

I need cannabis


Quote from: Michael V. on April 05, 2011, 12:54:08 AM
absolutely the cutest little girl i've ever seen.  this is nabila (my wife) when she was quite tiny.
What a darling! That makes ME want to have a little girl! :) Btw, biracial kids are the cutest. You two would have beautiful children.

The General

Hey, be not afraid of making the babies.
In fact we should all make more babies.


Let's start tonight.

had no clue where to up this. The Art Bell Chat Club Song attached.  8)


Quote from: Michael V. on April 05, 2011, 09:36:12 AM
a much needed dose of bitch-slap back into reality.  thank you, sir.
Actually, becoming parents is the best thing I and my wife ever did.  (Please, don't say, "Ahhhhh," ladies.)  One of the payoffs is my daughter now lets me win at H-O-R-S-E.  At least she pretends I'm winning.


Does it fall under "Random Stupid Things" to mention that Steve Quayle is on tonight?

Where will Steve begin the conversation tonight?  The Japanese quake and 2012 maybe?


Has anybody been able to definitively prove where Noory was when JFK and Bambi were shot?

Silver never struck me as a particularly wise vitamin.  I stick with Vitamin D and SAM-e.


i've been taking mercury and it really helps me ... with ... um ... uh ..... errrr .... nevermind

Vienetta Ice Cream. This product has been on my mind for over two years now, with no release. No manifestation, no presence. Just an empty longing for the texture, flavor- and perhaps also for the simpler times during which I regularly enjoyed it.

I was more or less wandering through the grocery store a few years ago, when suddenly it popped into my mind. The crispy delicate and flaky layers of chocolate, draped between elegantly structured and folded ice cream, forming such a dramatic combination of different textures that one could more easily compare it to a layered cake.

I made my way to the ice cream/frozen dessert section thinking to myself "WTF was that stuff called again?!"

I kept wanting to say some variant of "velveeta" in my head. (ugh)

Of course, it wasn't there. I went online and found myself at the website of one Unilever corp. They make everything. As of about 10 years ago or so, they no longer ship vienetta out to most of north america. Apparently, if you live in the UK you can still get it.

I still find myself browsing for it in the market from time to time regardless.

Breyers Viennetta commercial

and if reliving the experience of viewing that commercial was not enough torture for me, I also came across footage of it being produced:

How Vienetta Is Made

This was popular during Art Bell's mid 90s heyday. I wish that I could go to the store in the evening, pick up some vienetta, come in out of the rain, put on the new X-files, Sightings, or Unsolved Mysteries episode, and then after TV got shitty, turn on Art Bell. We never appreciate the good times until they are gone!

Oh, Michael V, Michael V.  You are definitely OK for a youngster!     :-*


Quote from: Treading Water on April 08, 2011, 06:20:53 PM
Oh, Michael V, Michael V.  You are definitely OK for a youngster!     :-*
why thank u!

....coastgab.... COASTGAB IS MADE OF PEOPLE! 
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Quote from: b_dubb
ran into someone recently who had never seen Soylent Green.  blew my mind

It doesn't bother me too much when it's someone young.  But when it's someone who's old enough....Well, I'd rather not talk about it. ::)


Quote from: b_dubb on April 09, 2011, 11:22:59 AM
ran into someone recently who had never seen Soylent Green.  blew my mind

...should have salvaged it for Soylent Green.


Quote from: Michael V. on April 05, 2011, 12:54:08 AM
absolutely the cutest little girl i've ever seen.  this is nabila (my wife) when she was quite tiny.

Adorable.  She is gorgeous--I loved your avatar with the two of you together. 



I heard a hilarious comedy bit by Lewis Black when he was performing locally.  He said the younger generation can't have a conversation anymore.  Why?  They don't lie.  It's a terrible handicap--here, he says, let me show you the difference.  Here are some Baby Boomers sitting around the living room talking.

BBwoman:  Who was that guy in that movie, dark hair, you know the one...
BBman:      The one who shot the guy?
BBwoman:  No the other one, the cute one, looks like Al Pacino only younger...
BBman:      THAT guy--oh, he's all over the place, very popular.
BBman2:    Reminds me of that other guy made the movies about Vietnam, what was his name again?
BBwoman:  Oh, yeah, he was just fabulous --and right on, he knew what he was talking about.
BBman:      No, he was just talkin' shit, that one, I know the one you mean and it's not the same guy.

"You see?"  Yells Black, "Nobody has said anything and they're having a great time!  Now here's the same conversation with Generation X:

GXmale:    Who was that guy in the movie, the one with the dark hair?
GXfemale:  I'll google it (gets up and goes for her purse)  The minute she stands, everyone gets out their iPhones and checks their messages and their Facebook page.  Nobody is talking.

"We are witnessing the end of conversation, Ladies and Gentlemen, brought to us by Google and iPhone."



just heard a brief snippet of whitley strieber's dreamland in which an announcer proclaims whitley a "leading authority on the unknown."  anyone see a problem with making such a claim?

first time i've heard whitley in years, and not a thing has changed.  he's still audio melatonin.


Quote from: Michael V. on April 09, 2011, 07:21:41 PM
just heard a brief snippet of whitley strieber's dreamland in which an announcer proclaims whitley a "leading authority on the unknown."  anyone see a problem with making such a claim?

first time i've heard whitley in years, and not a thing has changed.  he's still audio melatonin.

Don't you mean audio tryptophan?  Streiber is not a person of color:)



Quote from: Michael V. on April 09, 2011, 07:21:41 PM
just heard a brief snippet of whitley strieber's dreamland in which an announcer proclaims whitley a "leading authority on the unknown."  anyone see a problem with making such a claim?

first time i've heard whitley in years, and not a thing has changed.  he's still audio melatonin.

Perhaps... but is he the leading authority on known unknowns or unknown unknowns?  And maybe Anne Strieber is the melatonin and Whitley is the tryptophan.  He is a bit turkey-ish, afterall.


Quote from: anagrammy on April 09, 2011, 07:57:06 PM
Don't you mean audio tryptophan?  Streiber is not a person of color:)

you're thinking of melanin.  melatonin makes you sleep.


Quote from: Michael V. on April 09, 2011, 08:40:39 PM
you're thinking of melanin.  melatonin makes you sleep.

Ah, got it, thanks! 



melatonin is pretty similar to melanin.  i'm not a chemist so i can't elaborate on my one sentence observation that might well be complete bullshit

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