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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM


Quote from: Stevenqbosell on January 09, 2011, 08:52:59 AM

she looks like the type of girl who is SMOKIN hot for like 3 or 4 years... and then it all just falls apart.


she's smokin hot.  don't try and ruin it for us MV.  and give her props for not having a cigarette in this pic.  that improves her odds of remaining hot.  that Olde E won't help with that however


Well, she's naturally "thick" as we call it out here, which is a good thing, she's fine, all she has to do is hit the gym with me 2 or 3 times a week and she'll stay in great shape.


Just realized I almost married a woman 10 years younger than my mother...


i think we should start an forum thread about her (above).  rather than keep posting about her here.  she deserves better.  sigh

sponsored by Kleenex.  and Olde English 800 Malt Liquor


I just LOVE customers who don't want to compensate you for the work you do for them. It's as if they think I spent years educating myself, opened an office, renovated it, paid rent, spent thousands for advertising, bought phone and internet access, and bought tools just so that I could be a nice guy who helps people for the fun of it with no pay. And do you think these people allow their employer (or the government) to get by without paying them EVERY single penny they're owed? Of course not. Just a bunch of absolute chislers. Oh, and don't think that because you're OLD that it means everyone owes you something for free. The mere fact that you obtained good nutrition and were fortunate enough not to be hit by a car for an exceedingly large number of years means nothing.   Pay me.  Fucking jiz bags.

James G.

Quote from: Michael V. on January 14, 2011, 01:29:50 PM
I just LOVE customers who don't want to compensate you for the work you do for them. It's as if they think I spent years educating myself, opened an office, renovated it, paid rent, spent thousands for advertising, bought phone and internet access, and bought tools just so that I could be a nice guy who helps people for the fun of it with no pay. And do you think these people allow their employer (or the government) to get by without paying them EVERY single penny they're owed? Of course not. Just a bunch of absolute chislers. Oh, and don't think that because you're OLD that it means everyone owes you something for free. The mere fact that you obtained good nutrition and were fortunate enough not to be hit by a car for an exceedingly large number of years means nothing.   Pay me.  Fucking jiz bags.

I couldn't agree more. That happens with myself all the time with my concepts, creations and writings. And people get down on me as supposedly "not working." I work my tail off at this computer -- thinking, creating and then writing -- roughly 16 hours a day. But that doesn't mean anyone will pay you for what do.

It's so ironic that so many in the entertainment industry "cry out" for some great renaissance in our creative world. I've heard them ramble on about how us commoners should utilize the power within ourselves. Yet, they're the first ones to discredit us --- because we supposedly lack experience -- and even attempt to steal our material for themselves.

Take a look, all, at the sad state of our creative thinking today. What a wasteland. I see nothing but a nonstop stream of remakes, redos and "let's copy what's been done before." When I heard about a remake of True Grit, I darn near fell off my computer chair. What? Have we become that lame?

What's next, all? A remake of The Three Stooges without the Horowitz brothers or Larry Feinstein?

There's much insecurity and greed in our world. A lot of it. Every since I endured a terrible condition that cost me a lower leg, I saw further. I rejected the ways of materialism and greed. And pettiness. Because nothing of value, light and substance can ever come from adhering to these flaws in basic human nature.

Few seem to cooperate these days. Now you know why I have to take on big people -- seemingly alone. No one can tell me what I was meant to do in life. No one can tell me that I'm some "unimportant, little person" in the world.

We often attach too much emphasis, praise and respect to those who portray others. The key word is portray. Too often, the ignorant masses don't know the difference between the performer and the person. But when people criticize how much portrayers earn, they must realize that they themselves are the ones determining their worth.

I too get tired of being shafted. It's tough being true. It's tough having genuine intentions and goals as Michael V. notes. I'm with him 100 percent.

Often, all, it's those of the most substance that are the most unknown. But some of us have lived. We want neither fame or celebrity. But, as Michael V. notes, we have to earn. And I want to do that not for myself. But for others.

America can be full of hypocrisy. Too often, we have to find those to blame. Our leaders. Each other. Instead of looking within ourselves for the answers and solutions, and knowing that positive, true change can only come from within ourselves.

James G.

Dear graphic designers:

At this point, I see a need for the Coast To Coast AM [electronic] Chess Set.

Although I dabbed in graphic arts years ago, I'm no artist. But I think and I create and write.

We need something along the lines of that "Chess Titans" game I play all the time. But it requires customized pieces. Based on the varied program's characters.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's how I see it:

KING: Art Bell
QUEEN: Linda Milton Howe
ROOK: George Noory
BISHOP: Ian Punnett
KNIGHT: George Knapp

...and finally, folks...

PAWN: Richard C. Hoagland

So much for the power of independent thinking, all.

James G.

I heard the bit tonight about submissions: "Send Us Your Fantastic Stories."

If you do, all, make sure they provide a submission agreement -- with clear terms -- BEFORE you submit anything. I checked the site just now, and there's no agreement listed.

Be careful of those that you submit things to, because some will take what you send without any credit or compensation to you.

Make sure, all, that they outline the terms before you turn your heart and soul over to anyone who seeks submissions.

The world isn't fair, all. Even though people like me are.

James G.

"To Reach [Tonight's Host]..."
A comedic script for an alternative-radio program,
(appropriate phone numbers for callers, per location)
Original Release Date: 04/25/2010

Disclaimer: This a total, nonsensical, demented, childish and satirical tribute right off the top of my aging head. Because I needed a good laugh -- so I created one. Please excuse (or ignore. preferably) the obvious, glaring, idiotic, nonstop stream of geographical errors that follow. I'm a creator, not a geographer! Thank you! And, please note, the phone-number narrative is longer than any proceeding segment could possibly be.

Note that the particular host can vary by day, so the script allows for the electronic "find and replace" of the wild-card variable [tonight's host] with the name of the host for that night.

"To reach [tonight's host], callers south of the Everglades, but north of the Bermuda Triangle, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2001. Callers west of the Bermuda Triangle, but east by northwest of the Gulf of Mexico, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2002.

Callers west of the Gulf of Mexico, but south of the Mississippi, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2003. Callers north of the Mississippi, but due south of the Continental Divide, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2004. Callers east of the Continental Divide, but southwest by northeast by due north of the Appalachians, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2005.

Callers north of the Appalachians, but south of the Adirondacks, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2006. Callers west of the Adirondacks, but east of Lake Erie, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2007. Callers west of Lake Erie, but east of Lake Huron, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2008.

Callers west of Lake Huron, but due south of Lake Michigan, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2009. Callers north of Lake Michigan, but west of Lake Superior, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2010. Callers north of Lake Superior, but south by northeast of the St. Lawrence, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2011.

Callers west of the St. Lawrence, but east of the Grand Canyon, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2012. Callers north of the Grand Canyon, but south of Yosemite, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2013. Callers north of Yosemite, but west by northeast of Mt. Rushmore, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2014. Callers south of Mt. Everest, but north of Mt. Rushmore, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-1-899-555-2015. Callers south of Mt. Rushmore, but north of Death Valley, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2016.

Callers south of Death Valley, but north of the Rio Grande, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2017. Callers south of the Rio Grande, but west of the Gulf Coast, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2018. Callers east of the Gulf Coast, but south of the Atlantic, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2019.

Callers adrift in the Pacific, but floating west of the Atlantic, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2020. Callers adrift in the Atlantic, but floating east of the Pacific, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2021. Callers adrift somewhere, who don't know where they floating to, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2022.

International callers north of the Congo, but south of Kilimanjaro, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2023. Callers west of the Gold Coast, but east of the Ivory Coast, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2024. Callers north of the Nile, but due south by southeast by north of the Sahara, can reach [tonight's host] by calling1-899-555-2025. Callers north of the Sahara, bordering on the Pyramids due east by northeast, but south of the Mediterranean, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2026. Callers north of the Mediterranean, but due west of the Crimean, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2027.

Callers due east of the Crimean, but west by northeast by south of the Pacific Rim, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2028. Callers north of the Pacific Rim, but south of the Himalayas, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2029. Callers east of the Himalayas, but south by northeast by due west of the Gulf of Tonkin, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2030.

Callers west of the Gulf of Tonkin, but north of the 38th Parallel, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2031. Callers south of the 38th Parallel, but west by northwest of the Sea of Japan, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2032. Callers east of the Sea Of Japan, but north by northwest due south by southeast of the Great Wall Of China, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2033.

Callers west of the Great Wall Of China, but west of the Great Barrier Reef, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2034. Callers east of the Great Barrier Reef, but due west by north by southeast of the Great Western Desert, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2035. Callers east of the Great Western Desert, but west of the Eastern Outback, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2036. Callers south by northwest due south of the Eastern Outback, but north by southeast by northwest of Antarctica, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2037.

Callers south of Antarctica, but due west of the Amazon, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2038. Callers north of the Amazon, but west by southeast of the Andes, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2039. Callers north of the Andes, but northwest by east by southwest of Krakatoa, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2040. Callers east of Krakatoa, but due west by northeast by southwest of Java, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2041.

Callers north by northwest, and directly east by southeast and northeast by west of the equator, but west by northwest and south by southeast and due southwest by northeast of the equator, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2042. Callers south by southwest, and directly west by east and northwest by southeast of the equator, but east by southwest and north by northeast and due south by southwest of the equator, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2043.

Callers having absolutely no Earthly idea where they are on this planet, or can't figure it out, can reach [tonight's host] by calling 1-899-555-2044


Author's note: At this point. it's time to break out a map and a compass, so we can figure out where we are.

James G.

"Where Sports-Talk Radio And Alternative Talk-Radio Meet"
Original Release Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What happens when someone like me -- or namely me -- does without television, and alternates between Sports-Talk Radio and Alternative Talk Radio?

I envision the following conceptual parody. It's done as an comedic homage to both and seeks to answer that question:

A radio talk show which combines the elements of both genres. I propose the following topics being discussed by hosts, assorted guests, and -- of course -- the various callers.

Here's what I see for a "typical" week:

Do extraterrestrials have any interest in the NCAA men's basketball tournament? If so, what team are they "pulling for?" And why?
If Bigfoot is real, as the famous 1967 Patterson film proves to me, what side of the ball would you put him -- or her, as the video shows -- on an NFL football team? And at what position? Defensive line? Offensive Line? What about at fullback? Tight end?

In any event, that estimated seven-foot-three-inch animal (no doubt a true heavyweight) could really move some bodies out of the way. I'd bet that animal would "redefine" what is called "the point of attack." And, as a ball carrier, I'd bet that animal would be hard to stop. At least for me.

And what kind of "deal" could that animal get in the pros? There's the problem of its inability to communicate effectively with its agent -- besides high-pitched screeching or grunting. Or teammates and coaches for that matter. In its current state, it would no doubt be a huge flop at any press conference.

But having this animal screeching at some of the overly critical sports press out there might not be a bad idea. I'm sure there's others who may agree.
Are paranormal events affecting the Major-League Baseball playoffs? If so, how? What teams are being influenced, and for better or worse? Are these paranormal events affecting the fans more than the players? Or, possibly, affecting the officials for the worse?
Will it be possible to play basketball on the moon? Without gravity, wouldn't it revolutionize the game? Won't dunks become more common? Won't it be easier to block shots? How hard would it be to dribble the ball "up there?"

And wouldn't the players' shots "hang up there" forever? And without an atmosphere, would we hear the buzzers and officials' whistles? Won't that produce chaos on the court?
Open lines. Anything goes here. Callers discuss subjects including:

- The possibilities of whether inhabitants of the mythical "Lost Continent of Atlantis" played golf. If so, what were their handicaps?
- What does the "Theory of Relativity' have to do with the World Cup international-football tournament?
- Does the mythical Loch Ness Monster play water sports in its spare time? If so, which ones?
- Is there some government conspiracy to keep down the NFL Cleveland Browns? It sure seems that way.
- Does the National Hockey League's Norris Trophy offer some inexplicable portal to another dimension?
- Do those strange "crop formations" resemble the winner's circle at any Indy-car or NASCAR track? If so, which one? Or ones?


Very funny!  Hey, if Keith Olbermann can do politics-sports talk, then you could do paranormal-sports.  I'll bet that you could make serious bank doing a podcast like this.  It would be awesome to get some famous jocks, let's say Mike Vick, to discuss various conspiracy theories, aliens, and ESP.

I'll tell you, a lot of the jocks couldn't be dumber than C2C guests.    If you could find a really clever current jock who has a wit like Yogi Berra (are any out there any more?), that would be golden.


Speaking of paranormal sports, you probably recall something Biblical that occurred -- I forget the year -- but within 5 years ago --- during a playoff game between the Indians and the Yankees at Cleveland's Jacobs' Field.  All of a sudden these little bugs known as Midges or "Canadian Soldiers" invaded.  They didn't exactly cover the field, but they significantly irritated the Yankees players enough that the Yanks lost their chances for winning the playoffs. 

I'd never heard of these bugs before.  My mom, who is from Cleveland was familiar with them, and so, apparently, were the Indians. 

At least birds didn't fall from the sky and land dead.


Quote from: fabucat on January 15, 2011, 09:56:52 PM
I'll bet that you could make serious bank doing a podcast like this.  It would be awesome to get some famous jocks, let's say Mike Vick, to discuss various conspiracy theories, aliens, and ESP.

i'd pay serious bank to see michael vick get tied down, smeared with bacon grease, and then have 6 angry bull mastiffs descend on him like 200 lb piranha

for the record - i am NOT a member of PETA

James G.

Check out the Coast To Coast AM website, about these fantastic stories.:

<<We are looking for spectacular material that could be part of a new TV pilot. Check out the categories below and please e-mail us your story if something fantastic has happened to you. >>

Note there's no submission agreement. And I got a kick out of the "alien abduction" angle. What kind of mentally-ill, delusional persons' submissions are they seeking?

You'd have to be manufacturing stories, or be mentally ill, to submit anything to anyone blindly -- who doesn't provide a terms and condition statement first and foremost.

Note the word "spectacular." Anyone like me with truly spectacular material would never, ever, send anything blindly to people apparently hiding behind some Yahoo mail account. Who are you?

Note there's no recipient specified, no office listed or anything in which we can confirm who is receiving our material. Get real.

What a joke. And, in the end, I feel, some BS story of someone's contact with aliens, the paranormal or whatever will emerge as some television show. Because that's our society. I have no doubt that baloney will make money, and that appears that's all someone is doing.

They seek fake, brain-dead stories for a fake, brain-dead society of "little television "head Americans."

I have to laugh. So much for the human condition.

No thanks. I'm dumb, all but not stupid. I'll pass on that great, generous offer from Premiere Radio Networks.


Quote from: b_dubb on January 16, 2011, 12:05:25 AM

i'd pay serious bank to see michael vick get tied down, smeared with bacon grease, and then have 6 angry bull mastiffs descend on him like 200 lb piranha

for the record - i am NOT a member of PETA

I dunno, dude went to jail (not for long enough), but now he's an ex-con, and he's making lots of money, which is more than you can say for those of us who aren't ex-cons.  The state no longer is spending money incarcerating him, and he helps the economy by paying taxes, helping businesses, etc. 

Although your solution is far more emotionally satisfying, the fact that an ex-con is doing well is a win for all of us.


Uh oh.  Remember guns?  Well someone else is using them on Americans now.  Gee, I wonder where they got them???

Mexican gunman fires across border toward U.S. highway workers
by Adriana Gómez Licón / El Paso Times
Posted: 01/14/2011 12:00:00 AM MST

  FORT QUITMAN, Texas -- At least one Mexican gunman fired a high-powered rifle across the border at four U.S. road workers Thursday in an isolated ghost town east of Fort Hancock, Hudspeth County sheriff's officials said.

The bullets did not injure the four men.

Mike Doyle, chief deputy of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Office, said a rancher spotted a white pickup fleeing the area on the Mexican side at 10:30 a.m. -- the time the shots were fired.

The bullets stuck private land along the unpaved Indian Hot Springs Road, which is about half a mile from the border fence. Hudspeth County borrowed the land to store gravel and rocks used for road construction. The workers were filling a hole left last year by rainstorm damage.

The ghost town of Fort Quitman is 25 miles east of Fort Hancock and 80 miles southeast of El Paso. Fewer than a dozen ranchers raise cattle in the remote area.

Doyle said the gunman might have shot at the road workers to distract them or get them to flee.

"Maybe they were trying to get them outside this area," he said.

Doyle said the sheriff and the Texas Rangers at this point are assuming the bullets were fired from Mexico. He said one of the county workers said he heard eight shots that "sounded like high-powered rifles."

On the Mexican side, the nearest community is Banderas, but there are roads that connect to Ojinaga, right across from Presidio, and also to Juárez.

Two Texas Rangers and Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West and
Deputy Doyle later were at the scene looking for the bullets with a metal detector.

Drug cartels use this busy smuggling corridor in between the Quitman Mountains and mountains in the northwestern part of Chihuahua state to traffic marijuana and sometimes cocaine, Doyle said.

The U.S. government built narrowly spaced steel poles north of the Rio Grande to fence the border in that West Texas area. The slots are not wide enough for people to cross, but small objects can fit between the 15-foot-tall poles.

"You can walk up and stick your gun through," West said. The river where it separates Fort Quitman from Mexico is only a few feet wide.

It is the first time Hudspeth County officials reported gunfire coming from across the border.

In El Paso, stray bullets from a drug-related gunfight hit City Hall in June. Another stray bullet struck a University of Texas at El Paso building in August.

On Falcon Lake, a border area near Laredo, Texas, American tourist David Hartley was reportedly shot by Mexican gunmen in October.

The Texas Department of Public Safety, which oversees the Texas Rangers, referred calls to sheriff's officials. DPS officials said only that troopers escorted the workers and their equipment away from the scene.

Border Patrol spokesman Bill Brooks said his agents in the Marfa sector responded to the gunfire after DPS alerted them. The agents are not part of the investigation, he said.

Brooks said the agency is not deploying more agents to the area. "There is no beefing up in any way," he said.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's spokeswoman Katherine Cesin ger said the governor's office had yet to confirm the incident.

"If these reports are true, it is yet another incident of border violence and spillover," Cesinger said. "It goes back for the need for the federal government to provide more resources to the border, which is certainly feeling the effects of the escalating violence in Mexico."

The shots from across the border angered U.S. Rep. Francisco "Quico" Canseco, R-Texas, who represents the area.

"It is completely unacceptable that Americans at work, doing their job in America, come under gunfire from across the border in Mexico," Canseco said in a statement. "Our border is not secure from violence that threatens American lives. Securing our border against the cartels and their violent threat must be a top priority."

Adriana Gómez Licón may be reached at agomez@elpasotimes.com; 546-6129.

Times reporter Daniel Borunda contributed to this story.

vanessa monsisvais / El paso Times

Texas Rangers scour an area 25 miles east of Fort Hancock for bullets.

" It is completely unacceptable that Americans at work, doing their job in America, come under gunfire from across the border in Mexico. "

-- U.S. Rep. Francisco "Quico" Canseco, R-Texas, who represents the West Texas district


Quote from: fabucat on January 16, 2011, 10:28:59 PM
I dunno, dude went to jail (not for long enough), but now he's an ex-con, and he's making lots of money, which is more than you can say for those of us who aren't ex-cons.  The state no longer is spending money incarcerating him, and he helps the economy by paying taxes, helping businesses, etc. 

Although your solution is far more emotionally satisfying, the fact that an ex-con is doing well is a win for all of us.

vick is a first rate sociopath. the fact that the nfl let him back in is a travesty.  that guy should still be in jail. 


Quote from: b_dubb on January 16, 2011, 11:50:24 PM

vick is a first rate sociopath. the fact that the nfl let him back in is a travesty.  that guy should still be in jail.
agreed.  wholeheartedly.


Quote from: fabucat on January 16, 2011, 10:28:59 PM
I dunno, dude went to jail (not for long enough), but now he's an ex-con, and he's making lots of money, which is more than you can say for those of us who aren't ex-cons.  The state no longer is spending money incarcerating him, and he helps the economy by paying taxes, helping businesses, etc. 

Although your solution is far more emotionally satisfying, the fact that an ex-con is doing well is a win for all of us.

You may be right about the "he did his time" position, well you are right. But here is the question... your loving dog had a litter of puppies 6 weeks ago... gonna let Vick take them home?


Quote from: b_dubb on January 16, 2011, 11:50:24 PM

vick is a first rate sociopath. the fact that the nfl let him back in is a travesty.  that guy should still be in jail.

I can only agree with your assesment of Vick as a sociopath.  As far as the NFL, what do you expect?  Do you think they should be some kind of moral authority or something?  They're a huge business and teams are going to do whatever it takes to win and make money, period.  To expect any more than that is foolish.  And I think it's great he's playing again.  The man did his time, more than most people with that conviction I'd bet (no evidence to back that up).  There's no reason he should continue to pay further.  The fact he has a desireable skill that allows him to make a lot of money is completely beside the point.  There aren't many jobs that convicts are excluded from upon release.  I mean by the law itself.  Employers can weed out convicts if they desire but that's up to them.

Whether he whould be in jail or not still should be a discussion on the problems with the judicial system.  Vick has done exactly what they told him to do.  This topic usually ends up as an emotional judgement which is not what the judicial system is about, it should'nt be anyway.  I love dogs as much as anyone else but i'll say this, how would you feel if he were having rat fights instead of dogs?  Other than the fact that Americans generally love dogs and hate rats is there any real difference?  In my heart I feel the same as most people on this topic but at some point I realize that it's mostly about me wanting to feel good by seeing someone else suffer, and that's really all there is to it.  That's my opinon of course.


Dear Supporter,

Thank you for signing the Ron Paul 2012 petition!

As of right now we have gathered 11,027 signatures, a respectable showing. You can view the signatures in thePetition Archives.

Ron Paul has not made a decision yet. As of last week, he said that there was only a 50/50 chance he would run for President in 2012.

Will you help us improve the odds?Our goal is to collect 100,000 signatures so we can have a decisive impact on Ron Paul's deliberation process.

If all of us take a few seconds today and tell only 5 people about the Ron Paul 2012 petition atRonPaul2012.net, the momentum will carry us to victory.

Join us in making a few calls, forwarding this email to your friends, posting comments on blogs, forums andYouTube, and/or using Facebook, Twitter and other Share buttons at RonPaul2012.net.

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The General

Really?  We're still talking about plain old telephone wires here, right?  How is that heavy duty? I hate Qwest.


Quote from: Michael V. on January 18, 2011, 11:10:52 AM

Wow....that's interesting.  Out of curiosity I wanted to see where Google would rank that website when just searching for Jeff Goldblum.  I got to 'Jeff Gol' and it already sorted it to #2.  The poor guy.


Quote from: Michael V. on January 18, 2011, 11:10:52 AM

I FUCKING LOVE IT! I'm printing one out and leaving it right on the cabinet facing the toilet at work. The girls will be in such a disarray it'll be priceless!

Good man! +1

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