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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM


Quote from: jazmunda on June 25, 2014, 08:36:01 PM
Whatever floats your boat or helps you forget the butt hurt.
Preparation H On Ice Is Nice

eddie dean

Quote from: bateman on June 25, 2014, 08:26:13 PM
I got some popsicles down in the cellar.

Is that The Uncle touchy?
wait uncle touchy has a puzzle basement.
This must be grandpa touchy due to the popsicle basement variation.


Quote from: bateman on June 25, 2014, 08:26:13 PM
I got some popsicles down in the cellar.


Quote from: eddie dean on June 25, 2014, 08:38:55 PM
Is that The Uncle touchy?
wait uncle touchy has a puzzle basement.
This must be grandpa touchy due to the popsicle basement variation.

Naked puzzle basement.

Quote from: McPhallus on June 25, 2014, 07:47:01 PM
I would call that, "getting caught up in some pussy."

Shades of Zoey Firetron 7 and Sissy Spacek clones.


I've always wanted a HUGE dog. Somehow I always end up with the runt of the litter.. my female 14 month old puppy is a giant breed that grows for 20-24 months (Bullmastiff / ST Bernard). I love Vera but why when I show up to buy a puppy are all the big guys always spoken for? So I plop down a few hundred $s and take the one that's left.

She VERA , at the time of this useless post is a scrawny 124 LBs. Her dad and brothers are all 180-210. She'll be lucky to make 160 when she finishes growing.

It irritates the fuck out of me.


Quote from: ksm32 on June 26, 2014, 01:01:43 AM
I've always wanted a HUGE dog. Somehow I always end up with the runt of the litter.. my female 14 month old puppy is a giant breed that grows for 20-24 months (Bullmastiff / ST Bernard). I love Vera but why when I show up to buy a puppy are all the big guys always spoken for? So I plop down a few hundred $s and take the one that's left.

She VERA , at the time of this useless post is a scrawny 124 LBs. Her dad and brothers are all 180-210. She'll be lucky to make 160 when she finishes growing.

It irritates the fuck out of me.

Couldn't you just sort of get two or three little ones tied together?


The new Amazon phone is about as exciting as a dog turd on a sidewalk.


Quote from: McPhallus on June 26, 2014, 08:17:54 AM
The new Amazon phone is about as exciting as a dog turd on a sidewalk.

When I was a kid dog turds used to be white. I never see white dog turds anymore. What's up with that?


Quote from: McPhallus on June 26, 2014, 08:17:54 AM
The new Amazon phone is about as exciting as a dog turd on a sidewalk.



perhaps jackstar should post more often.
that is both random and stupid.

to add sarcasm tags

Quote from: wr250 on June 26, 2014, 09:13:41 AM
perhaps jackstar should post more often. that is both random and stupid.
I think that Jackstar should post less often. I am not a fan of him. Perhaps he should posts at Falkie forum.


Quote from: bottomfeederareus on June 26, 2014, 09:15:43 AM
I think that Jackstar should post less often. I am not a fan of him. Perhaps he should posts at Falkie forum.



Quote from: bottomfeederareus on June 26, 2014, 09:15:43 AM
I think that Jackstar should post less often. I am not a fan of him. Perhaps he should posts at Falkie forum.
i was being sarcastic.
i am not a fan of jackstar either. which is why i use the ignore feature.
in fact i considered setting up a squid transparent proxy, and a script to completely filter out jackstar, so i do not have  to view:
his name
his quoted text
the little blurb about "you are ignoring this user"
and in fact that whole block where his post would show up

but thats too much work to do over a internet troll.

Quote from: wr250 on June 26, 2014, 09:21:35 AM
i was being sarcastic.
i am not a fan of jackstar either. which is why i use the ignore feature.
in fact i considered setting up a squid transparent proxy, and a script to completely filter out jackstar, so i do not have  to view:
his name
his quoted text

but thats too much work to do over a internet troll.
trolls suck, I have put Jackstar on my ignore list but I think that I will take a break from bellgab until that troll is banned. I think that is the best thing for me.


Quote from: wr250 on June 26, 2014, 09:21:35 AM
but thats too much work to do over a internet troll.

"an." It's "an" Internet troll, because of... oh, nevermind.

Anyway, I still love you. I'm a forgiver! OXOXOX

Quote from: bottomfeederareus on June 26, 2014, 09:26:23 AM
trolls suck, I have put Jackstar on my ignore list but I think that I will take a break from bellgab until that troll is banned. I think that is the best thing for me.

Why don't you try explaining what your problem is, instead of strutting off on your high horse? I guarantee you, I will actually care why you don't like me, if I had any fucking idea what the reason was.

Quote from: jazmunda on June 26, 2014, 08:37:36 AM
When I was a kid dog turds used to be white. I never see white dog turds anymore. What's up with that?

Yes, after a few days they'd and sort of dry up and turn white and either crumble into the ground or blow away.

My theory is that there is so much more preservative being used now - even in dog food - that the turds just sit there forever, preserved as fresh as the day they were laid..

Thank yew, I'll be here all week


I thought I'd give back by volunteering. I worked for a few hours at a local homeless distribution center. A place where they give food, clothing, furniture and the like to needy people. You have no idea how much stuff they throw away. We had truckloads of stuff, nice stuff, donated, and as we would sort it out, the people working there would take what they wanted and throw most of the other stuff away. They filled dumpsters full of perfectly good clothing and furniture. Thousands of dollars of stuff in the garbage. It boggled my mind. They have a pretty good racket going.


Quote from: coaster on June 26, 2014, 12:39:34 PM
I thought I'd give back by volunteering. I worked for a few hours at a local homeless distribution center. A place where they give food, clothing, furniture and the like to needy people. You have no idea how much stuff they throw away. We had truckloads of stuff, nice stuff, donated, and as we would sort it out, the people working there would take what they wanted and throw most of the other stuff away. They filled dumpsters full of perfectly good clothing and furniture. Thousands of dollars of stuff in the garbage. It boggled my mind. They have a pretty good racket going.
Human Maggots.
I volunteered and ended up leading the food bank effort at my church.  Bottom feeders that would volunteer to assist were making up bags of food for themselves.  I asked them, literally, "WTF?"  They were offended that an Elder in the church would use that language.  As to the groceries?  "Well we're just giving them away."  these maggots were cherry picking the supplies that would come in fm the OC food bank.

One of the dudes has an income in the high 6 figures.  There is more to the story but I don't want to jack the thread ;D.


Quote from: paladin1991 on June 26, 2014, 12:48:55 PM
Human Maggots.
I volunteered and ended up leading the food bank effort at my church.  Bottom feeders that would volunteer to assist were making up bags of food for themselves.  I asked them, literally, "WTF?"  They were offended that an Elder in the church would use that language.  As to the groceries?  "Well we're just giving them away."  these maggots were cherry picking the supplies that would come in fm the OC food bank.

One of the dudes has an income in the high 6 figures.  There is more to the story but I don't want to jack the thread ;D.
I volunteered at a church close to my house that did a food bank. there was a line of people outside and it started to rain. they would not let anyone in and were blocking the doors because they were not set up yet. one man in line said "if I needed God I couldnt get in the church?" and the guy who was running the food bank, i kid you not, said "gods out here too". fucking imbeciles, all of them.

eddie dean

Quote from: wr250 on June 26, 2014, 09:21:35 AM
i was being sarcastic.
i am not a fan of jackstar either. which is why i use the ignore feature.
in fact i considered setting up a squid transparent proxy, and a script to completely filter out jackstar, so i do not have  to view:
his name
his quoted text
the little blurb about "you are ignoring this user"
and in fact that whole block where his post would show up

but thats too much work to do over a internet troll.

I suspect if you develop your idea, you could sell the program to many users here. Huge market potential!
20's of dollars! maybe even 50's of dollars if you sell ad space to Taintco.
Strike while the iron is hot my friend!


I thought TaintCo folded because the higher ups were incompetent turds.


Quote from: coaster on June 26, 2014, 02:08:03 PM
I thought TaintCo folded because the higher ups were incompetent turds.

the gabcasters signed a non compete with taintco ...

Old/vintage soft foam canned beer fitting koozies featuring fishing slogans/art.

eddie dean

Quote from: wr250 on June 26, 2014, 02:13:49 PM
the gabcasters signed a non compete with taintco ...

We were rushed into signing the contract.
Can someone tell me what "All rights in perpetuity" means?


Quote from: coaster on June 26, 2014, 12:39:34 PM
I thought I'd give back by volunteering. I worked for a few hours at a local homeless distribution center. A place where they give food, clothing, furniture and the like to needy people. You have no idea how much stuff they throw away. We had truckloads of stuff, nice stuff, donated, and as we would sort it out, the people working there would take what they wanted and throw most of the other stuff away. They filled dumpsters full of perfectly good clothing and furniture. Thousands of dollars of stuff in the garbage. It boggled my mind. They have a pretty good racket going.

this is why i don't donate anything to any form of organized charity organization.  it's always inefficient or a scam at some level.  saint jude children's hospital is the only exception to this that i can think of.

The General

Quote from: coaster on June 26, 2014, 12:39:34 PM
I thought I'd give back by volunteering. I worked for a few hours at a local homeless distribution center. A place where they give food, clothing, furniture and the like to needy people. You have no idea how much stuff they throw away. We had truckloads of stuff, nice stuff, donated, and as we would sort it out, the people working there would take what they wanted and throw most of the other stuff away. They filled dumpsters full of perfectly good clothing and furniture. Thousands of dollars of stuff in the garbage. It boggled my mind. They have a pretty good racket going.
There's a lot of people making a lot of money off the homeless problem.  It's quite a racket. They pose as charities, keep everything for themselves, claim 'not for profit' status, make 6 figure incomes, all the while the only purpose they serve to the actual homeless is enabling their bad choices.


Meanwhile... down at the finger popping juke joint.

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