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Started by Caruthers612, July 01, 2010, 11:34:40 PM


This is great news. To bad they will pass laws making it to expensive to get a license and make places you can carry so restrictive your pretty much have to leave the gun in the car like in Illinois. Baby steps i guess....


i thought the supreme court already addressed this a couple years ago.


Quote from: MV on July 27, 2014, 01:06:26 AM
i thought the supreme court already addressed this a couple years ago.

The first was for the all out BAN on handguns in DC.   After the Heller decision DC started putting laws in place to make it so hard people wouldn't want to do it.  But this is to allow carry outside of the home for both DC and Non-DC residents.

HAL 9000

Hooray for the Constitution regarding court decision. Rather than start yet another thread, here is the full press release from firearms manufacturer Beretta about shutting down their manufacturing facilities in Maryland, and moving to Tennessee. MSM has not covered this much if at all.

Beretta U.S.A. Corp., located in Accokeek, Maryland, announced today that it has decided to move its manufacturing capabilities from its existing location to a new production facility that it is building in Gallatin, Tennessee.  The Gallatin facility is scheduled to be opened in mid-2015.  Beretta U.S.A. had previously planned to use the new Gallatin, Tennessee facility for new machinery and production of new products only.

“During the legislative session in Maryland that resulted in passage of the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, the version of the statute that passed the Maryland Senate would have prohibited Beretta U.S.A. from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world.  While we were able in the Maryland House of Delegates to reverse some of those obstructive provisions, the possibility that such restrictions might be reinstated in the future leaves us very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory in the State,” stated Jeff Cooper, General Manager for Beretta U.S.A. Corp.

“While we had originally planned to use the Tennessee facility for new equipment and for production of new product lines only, we have decided that it is more prudent from the point of view of our future welfare to move the Maryland production lines in their entirety to the new Tennessee facility,” Cooper added.

The transition of production from Beretta U.S.A.’s Maryland facility to the Tennessee facility will not occur until 2015 and will be managed so as not to disrupt deliveries to Beretta customers.  Beretta U.S.A.’s production of the U.S. Armed Forces M9 9mm pistol will continue at the Accokeek, Maryland facility until all current orders from the U.S. Armed Forces have been filled.

“We have not yet begun groundbreaking on the Tennessee facility and we do not anticipate that that building will be completed until the middle part of 2015,” continued Cooper.  “That timing, combined with our need to plan an orderly transition of production from one facility to the other so that our delivery obligations to customers are not disrupted, means that no Beretta U.S.A. Maryland employee will be impacted by this news for many months.  More importantly, we will use this time to meet with every Beretta U.S.A. employee whose Maryland job might be affected by the move to discuss with them their interest in taking a position at our new facility in Tennessee or, if they are not willing to do so, to lay out a long-term strategy for remaining with the Company while our production in Maryland continues.”

Beretta U.S.A. anticipates that the Gallatin, Tennessee facility will involve $45 million of investment in building and equipment and the employment of around 300 employees during the next five years.

Beretta U.S.A. has no plans to relocate its office, administrative and executive support functions from its Accokeek, Maryland facility.

Media Contact:
Jeff Reh


Quote from: HAL 9000 on July 27, 2014, 02:05:34 AM
Hooray for the Constitution regarding court decision. Rather than start yet another thread, here is the full press release from firearms manufacturer Beretta about shutting down their manufacturing facilities in Maryland, and moving to Tennessee. MSM has not covered this much if at all.

Beretta U.S.A. Corp., located in Accokeek, Maryland, announced today that it has decided to move its manufacturing capabilities from its existing location to a new production facility that it is building in Gallatin, Tennessee.  The Gallatin facility is scheduled to be opened in mid-2015.  Beretta U.S.A. had previously planned to use the new Gallatin, Tennessee facility for new machinery and production of new products only.

“During the legislative session in Maryland that resulted in passage of the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, the version of the statute that passed the Maryland Senate would have prohibited Beretta U.S.A. from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world.  While we were able in the Maryland House of Delegates to reverse some of those obstructive provisions, the possibility that such restrictions might be reinstated in the future leaves us very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory in the State,” stated Jeff Cooper, General Manager for Beretta U.S.A. Corp.

“While we had originally planned to use the Tennessee facility for new equipment and for production of new product lines only, we have decided that it is more prudent from the point of view of our future welfare to move the Maryland production lines in their entirety to the new Tennessee facility,” Cooper added.

The transition of production from Beretta U.S.A.’s Maryland facility to the Tennessee facility will not occur until 2015 and will be managed so as not to disrupt deliveries to Beretta customers.  Beretta U.S.A.’s production of the U.S. Armed Forces M9 9mm pistol will continue at the Accokeek, Maryland facility until all current orders from the U.S. Armed Forces have been filled.

“We have not yet begun groundbreaking on the Tennessee facility and we do not anticipate that that building will be completed until the middle part of 2015,” continued Cooper.  “That timing, combined with our need to plan an orderly transition of production from one facility to the other so that our delivery obligations to customers are not disrupted, means that no Beretta U.S.A. Maryland employee will be impacted by this news for many months.  More importantly, we will use this time to meet with every Beretta U.S.A. employee whose Maryland job might be affected by the move to discuss with them their interest in taking a position at our new facility in Tennessee or, if they are not willing to do so, to lay out a long-term strategy for remaining with the Company while our production in Maryland continues.”

Beretta U.S.A. anticipates that the Gallatin, Tennessee facility will involve $45 million of investment in building and equipment and the employment of around 300 employees during the next five years.

Beretta U.S.A. has no plans to relocate its office, administrative and executive support functions from its Accokeek, Maryland facility.

Media Contact:
Jeff Reh

Yup saw that one and what about in Colorado where Mag-Pul up and left taking jobs.  At least they sold a ton of their stock to Colorado residents at discount before the Mag ban took effect.

Quick Karl

People that fear guns in the hands of Law Abiding Citizens, do so, solely, because they fear what they themselves might do if they had a gun and someone cut them off at an intersection.

I have been packing a concealed weapon, daily, for 19-years, and never even thought of using it in such a way.

The gun debate isn't about Justice, Morality, or Rights - it is about taking away a right from people you don't like, period.


I thought this was about Feral Judges Banning Guns.  So disappointing.

Quote from: Quick Karl on July 30, 2014, 12:32:43 PM
I have been packing a concealed weapon, daily, for 19-years, and never even thought of using it in such a way.
Your gun is the same as the condom in your wallet: 19 years old, useful for scaring people away, but it's never going to actually be used.

Quick Karl

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on August 01, 2014, 01:53:54 AM
Your gun is the same as the condom in your wallet: 19 years old, useful for scaring people away, but it's never going to actually be used.

Your daddy must have really been disappointed by you, huh?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on August 01, 2014, 01:57:43 AM
Says the abandoned child.

QK always comes back to children, parents and misogyny; often in the same sentence. I'm sure there's a connection.


QuoteYour gun is the same as the condom in your wallet: 19 years old, useful for scaring people away, but it's hopefullly never going to actually be used.

I've one that's far older than that.  I think it is a derivative of WWI officer's pistols to be used in close quarters until the ammo runs out then it is designed to be used as a simple club.  Pistol whipping indeed...  I think it was issued in WWII to give the British officers something to wear as a fashion accessory or something...  Still, a nice piece.

All that aside, I think it is funny that so much consternation is found at the seat of a government that has the words "...the right to keep and bear arms..." written into it's very fabric.  Especially when you think that it is around the very seat of the same that the whole circus arises.

Were I a free leader of the free(est?) state of the world, I don't think I'd be worried about a random shot coming my way...

Quick Karl

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on August 01, 2014, 01:57:43 AM
Says the abandoned child.

Yeah, but I didn't use my relationship with my father as an excuse to be a homo, like you obviously have...

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Quick Karl on August 01, 2014, 06:52:26 AM
Yeah, but I didn't use my relationship with my father as an excuse to be a homo, like you obviously have...

You have a lot of self loathing going on there son.. Have you talked to a professional about it? Doesn't cammo gear and beards float your boat anymore?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 01, 2014, 02:00:34 AM
QK always comes back to children, parents and misogyny; often in the same sentence. I'm sure there's a connection.
Quickie hasn't got to misogyny on his word a day calendar, so your post probably went over head.  He'll probably have to google it, if the folks in the trailer next to his haven't figured out he is stealing their wifi.

Quick Karl

You queers sure are funny, in a nauseating kinda way...

Quote from: Quick Karl on August 01, 2014, 12:49:10 PM
You queers sure are funny, in a nauseating kinda way...
You should try for funny, you've already mastered nauseating.

Quick Karl

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on August 01, 2014, 09:03:41 PM
You should try for funny, you've already mastered nauseating.

Wait, I used that word first - you copying stuff I say you fucking asslick?

Quote from: Quick Karl on August 01, 2014, 09:37:13 PM
Wait, I used that word first - you copying stuff I say you fucking asslick?
I see your reading skills are as woeful as your social skills.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Quick Karl on August 01, 2014, 12:49:10 PM
You queers sure are funny, in a nauseating kinda way...

I'd love to see you videoed pissing off a gay soldier just back from Afghanistan. Show him how tough you are. I'd find it funny, really I would.

Quick Karl

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 02, 2014, 12:51:21 AM
I'd love to see you videoed pissing off a gay soldier just back from Afghanistan. Show him how tough you are. I'd find it funny, really I would.

I bet those theoretical gay soldiers you're babbling about don't act like the stupid cunts that you two do.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Quick Karl on August 02, 2014, 07:07:26 AM
I bet those theoretical gay soldiers you're babbling about don't act like the stupid cunts that you two do.

Theoretical? You're certain all soldiers are heterosexual? Not that either persuasion would make any impact on your chances of getting laid.


Quote from: Quick Karl on August 02, 2014, 07:07:26 AM
I bet those theoretical gay soldiers you're babbling about don't act like the stupid cunts that you two do.
No, the "theoretical gays" are all like you: butch in public, bitch freak in private.

Helluva theory, professor.

We don't have a thread about guns? That seems odd.

I personally think gun control is a little ridiculous. One of the main principals this country was founded upon was the right to own and carry arms. As we've seen from other countries guns aren't the problem but a symptom of the problem here.

Also, there's so many unclean guns out there. I remember being a teenager, walking into a friend's house, going into his basement where it was like an Arab bazaar of various drugs and guns with high school kids haggling over them. What sane person is going to walk into a store, give all his personal information, then use a gun for nefarious purposes? Virtually all the street level crime is dirty guns wielded by stupid people. Why do you think often times when a parolee is violated they usually get a gun charge? They're carrying a dirty piece.

When it comes to crazy people, what difference does it make? They're going to murder whether guns, pressure cooker bombs or bullshit bombs. You could have an infrastructure in place to educate and help people but then that would lose the political and economic power of having millions of unstable fucked up people wandering loose.

When someone decides to An Hero themselves and go for a high score. How many guns could they possibly carry? Five? Six? 200 rounds? When a shooting spree goes down the shooter is limited to what they are able to carry. So what difference does it make if Billy Bob has 1,000 guns and a billion rounds for when the greys invade earth?

I do understand fully automatic weapons being illegal and being prosecuted so heavily but I can also understand an argument against that. I also saw a lot of modified f/a guns in my wilder days. Kids are really fucking stupid by the way.

So gun control to me is like chopping someone's hands off to cure schizophrenia. But I admit I'm not an expert on the subject outside of personal experience and occasionally reading about it. I'm not passionate on the subject but I do have strong opinions.


Interesting that automatic weapons became illegal after the passage of the National Firearms act of 1934.  The violence stemming from prohibition and the fact that law enforcement was out armed by the use of the Tommy Gun, led to a coalition of conservative and liberal private interest groups that drove the passage of the bill.

It was that same coalition that passed prohibition in the first place!

Most of these 'noobs' want to ban assault rifles... Assault rifles are cumbersome and are not easily concealed. Handguns, are more of a danger to the average citizen.

North Hollywood shootout...

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