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Your Supernatural Experiences

Started by MV/Liberace!, May 08, 2008, 12:36:40 AM


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 26, 2020, 01:25:49 PM

Well, that explains why everyone was so quietly terrified, the one time I got invited to dinner. Yeesh. Fucking white people.


Quote from: Jackstar on September 26, 2020, 01:29:51 PM
Well, that explains why everyone was so quietly terrified, the one time I got invited to dinner. Yeesh. Fucking white people.

No...no, most people wear pants to dinner, Jack. ::)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 25, 2020, 07:06:44 PM
... I’ve been driving an older model Chevy ...

Democrat detected.



I'm working somewhere now that's located in a primarily rural/agricultural area. There are Amish there riding horse and buggies. I finished up the morning portion of my work early today and decided to go for a walk before lunch. It was a beautiful day: warm but not too hot with a nice gentle, cooling breeze. I was in a good mood and exchanged greetings and good mornings with some of the Amish that passed me. Another horse and buggy was approching me with three men on it, two older and one younger man. I said good morning as they approached and then the young man turned to me and said, "Good morning, [my name IRL]." I continued to look at him dumbfounded but he had the slightest smirk on his face, as if to say, "I bet you're wondering how I know your name." I was alone on this walk and it was a good deal away from where I was working so there's no way he overheard it somewhere. I'm still not sure what to make of it.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 18, 2022, 03:28:34 PMI'm working somewhere now that's located in a primarily rural/agricultural area. There are Amish there riding horse and buggies. I finished up the morning portion of my work early today and decided to go for a walk before lunch. It was a beautiful day: warm but not too hot with a nice gentle, cooling breeze. I was in a good mood and exchanged greetings and good mornings with some of the Amish that passed me. Another horse and buggy was approching me with three men on it, two older and one younger man. I said good morning as they approached and then the young man turned to me and said, "Good morning, [my name IRL]." I continued to look at him dumbfounded but he had the slightest smirk on his face, as if to say, "I bet you're wondering how I know your name." I was alone on this walk and it was a good deal away from where I was working so there's no way he overheard it somewhere. I'm still not sure what to make of it.

IDK but I was driving through some and gave the friendly-finger wave to a few and they obliged back. From my experiences the Amish (and some others) have a great faith and general good attitude. Unlike some others. See they figure that "they good and afterwards ok." Others seem to, maybe "let's get it now cause nothing left or after." But there is an interesting, or maybe just subtle, not proselytizing. "We good with this. But then and let live." The select, etc. I like that attitude than the latter types who wants to convert by everyone- even by death and mayhem. Having said that the middle-ground is understandable, in theory or practice. But those who just say, in effect, "you,leave me alone" is nice. But, if you got the solution wouldn't you want to spread it? Idk. Mennonites, Amish, etc seem, to me, be ok.


Quote from: albrecht on August 18, 2022, 03:45:05 PMIDK but I was driving through some and gave the friendly-finger wave to a few and they obliged back. From my experiences the Amish (and some others) have a great faith and general good attitude. Unlike some others. See they figure that "they good and afterwards ok." Others seem to, maybe "let's get it now cause nothing left or after." But there is an interesting, or maybe just subtle, not proselytizing. "We good with this. But then and let live." The select, etc. I like that attitude than the latter types who wants to convert by everyone- even by death and mayhem. Having said that the middle-ground is understandable, in theory or practice. But those who just say, in effect, "you,leave me alone" is nice. But, if you got the solution wouldn't you want to spread it? Idk. Mennonites, Amish, etc seem, to me, be ok.

I will note in correction selection versus election. And types in between. Am important debate, often interesting ones. I mention some folks seems to forget though not as violent as the Muslims, who still just keep going, the Reformation and such disputes (Byzantine and also false Popes) resulted in many, many lost lives, art, and so on. But also interesting arguments and thoughts, the Enlightenment, and what-not. Some good, some ill. Better to talk and write than kill. I could be wrong but I think so.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 18, 2022, 03:28:34 PMI'm working somewhere now that's located in a primarily rural/agricultural area. There are Amish there riding horse and buggies. I finished up the morning portion of my work early today and decided to go for a walk before lunch. It was a beautiful day: warm but not too hot with a nice gentle, cooling breeze. I was in a good mood and exchanged greetings and good mornings with some of the Amish that passed me. Another horse and buggy was approching me with three men on it, two older and one younger man. I said good morning as they approached and then the young man turned to me and said, "Good morning, [my name IRL]." I continued to look at him dumbfounded but he had the slightest smirk on his face, as if to say, "I bet you're wondering how I know your name." I was alone on this walk and it was a good deal away from where I was working so there's no way he overheard it somewhere. I'm still not sure what to make of it.

Silly.  Obviously he remembered seeing you on the news from when you went in the out door and everyone applauded and a mob of patriots carried you on their shoulders while a high school marching band playing that one Lee Greenwood song escorted you to the White House where Donald Trump met you personally to thank you for saving freedom and offered you a choice of several Miss America runners-up to ravish along with a discount code for Mike Lindell's new prepper bucket of beans, MyBucket Rolling Thunder Blend, guaranteed to knock out a commie at forty paces.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 18, 2022, 04:26:32 PMSilly.  Obviously he remembered seeing you on the news from when you went in the out door and everyone applauded and a mob of patriots carried you on their shoulders while a high school marching band playing that one Lee Greenwood song escorted you to the White House where Donald Trump met you personally to thank you for saving freedom and offered you a choice of several Miss America runners-up to ravish along with a discount code for Mike Lindell's new prepper bucket of beans, MyBucket Rolling Thunder Blend, guaranteed to knock out a commie at forty paces.
I think Rolling Thunder would approved by Cromwell, considering his allowance back of a tribe and hopefully some future Sandhurst grads. I still am suspect about that whole deal. Likely some finger-to-nose and winks-winks going on, ok no Bonnie Prince but let's get the deals done. Note: time periods differ but the, possible goals. Idk.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 18, 2022, 04:26:32 PMSilly.  Obviously he remembered seeing you on the news from when you went in the out door and everyone applauded and a mob of patriots carried you on their shoulders while a high school marching band playing that one Lee Greenwood song escorted you to the White House where Donald Trump met you personally to thank you for saving freedom and offered you a choice of several Miss America runners-up to ravish along with a discount code for Mike Lindell's new prepper bucket of beans, MyBucket Rolling Thunder Blend, guaranteed to knock out a commie at forty paces.

The only thing that's obvious is your daily felating of this president, the administration and the establishment in general. That's a lot of dick sucking! How do you keep up?


Quote from: albrecht on August 18, 2022, 04:34:54 PMI think Rolling Thunder would approved by Cromwell, considering his allowance back of a tribe and hopefully some future Sandhurst grads. I still am suspect about that whole deal. Likely some finger-to-nose and winks-winks going on, ok no Bonnie Prince but let's get the deals done. Note: time periods differ but the, possible goals. Idk.

There was definitely some horse-trading but it was mostly with the Scots, somehow nobody ever implicates them in anything but they were playing all sides for a century, Covenanters, Presbyterians, Catholics.  Many of the same business instincts and suspect ties with the Continent.  Damn suspicious.  But they get off Scot-free haha


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 18, 2022, 04:37:54 PMThe only thing that's obvious is your daily felating of this president, the administration and the establishment in general. That's a lot of dick sucking! How do you keep up?

WTH in the last several days I have roundly criticized Joe Brandon for not giving us vaccines promptly so we could get back to our wild orgies, where have you been?  Donald Trump would never have allowed this, as soon as monkeypox hit he would have emptied the national stockpile and called out the National Guard to vaxx our behinds.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 18, 2022, 04:55:11 PMWTH in the last several days I have roundly criticized Joe Brandon for not giving us vaccines promptly so we could get back to our wild orgies, where have you been?  Donald Trump would never have allowed this, as soon as monkeypox hit he would have emptied the national stockpile and called out the National Guard to vaxx our behinds.

You're looking pretty gaunt these days. Is God punishing you for your sins?


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 18, 2022, 04:59:36 PMYou're looking pretty gaunt these days. Is God punishing you for your sins?

Nay, for the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting!  I need not fear the covid that flies by day, nor the monkeypox that creeps by night, nor the syphilis that wasteth at noonday.  A thousand have fallen at my side and ten thousand by my right hand, but still the galloping gonorrhea comes not nigh me, for He covers me with His feathers, and I trust in the shadow of His wings.  Also in vaccines and PrEP and not being a filthy hoe.


Also, have you considered that you might actually look like a Cecil?


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 18, 2022, 04:50:15 PMThere was definitely some horse-trading but it was mostly with the Scots, somehow nobody ever implicates them in anything but they were playing all sides for a century, Covenanters, Presbyterians, Catholics.  Many of the same business instincts and suspect ties with the Continent.  Damn suspicious.  But they get off Scot-free haha
I say a big "Yup" very interesting and suspect, spending stuff despite, other connections. I think there was serious issues there. Old Firm matches a model. Lots of divisions and connections. Could be a false flag though. Trying to ignore Norskie stuff. Or Knox. One notes, however, Geneva connections. Haha. There are lots of rings and 'finger to nose' stuff there.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: K_Dubb on August 18, 2022, 04:26:32 PMSilly.  Obviously he remembered seeing you on the news from when you went in the out door and everyone applauded and a mob of patriots carried you on their shoulders while a high school marching band playing that one Lee Greenwood song escorted you to the White House where Donald Trump met you personally to thank you for saving freedom and offered you a choice of several Miss America runners-up to ravish along with a discount code for Mike Lindell's new prepper bucket of beans, MyBucket Rolling Thunder Blend, guaranteed to knock out a commie at forty paces.

Sounds like a fun time, hopefully there's hookers n' blow.


Quote from: albrecht on August 18, 2022, 05:38:44 PMI say a big "Yup" very interesting and suspect, spending stuff despite, other connections. I think there was serious issues there. Old Firm matches a model. Lots of divisions and connections. Could be a false flag though. Trying to ignore Norskie stuff. Or Knox. One notes, however, Geneva connections. Haha. There are lots of rings and 'finger to nose' stuff there.

Absolutely, Cromwell was even treated for what we'd probably call mental illness these days by a Genevan doctor, you wonder what psychotherapy looked like in the 17th century, probably all kinds of weirdness and drugs prescribed, sure you may be a dour pious teetotaling Christmas-killer but here's a black ball of hash to make you feel better, kind of like Mormons with their no caffeine but ephedra is fine, Mormon meth tea haha


Quote from: Corona Kitty on August 18, 2022, 05:54:27 PMSounds like a fun time, hopefully there's hookers n' blow.

I don't think we're invited papi  :(


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 18, 2022, 03:28:34 PMI'm working somewhere now that's located in a primarily rural/agricultural area. There are Amish there riding horse and buggies. I finished up the morning portion of my work early today and decided to go for a walk before lunch. It was a beautiful day: warm but not too hot with a nice gentle, cooling breeze. I was in a good mood and exchanged greetings and good mornings with some of the Amish that passed me. Another horse and buggy was approching me with three men on it, two older and one younger man. I said good morning as they approached and then the young man turned to me and said, "Good morning, [my name IRL]." I continued to look at him dumbfounded but he had the slightest smirk on his face, as if to say, "I bet you're wondering how I know your name." I was alone on this walk and it was a good deal away from where I was working so there's no way he overheard it somewhere. I'm still not sure what to make of it.

When a child predator moves into the area it's usually pretty well-publicised, so I don't think this is one mystery that is going to detain us for very long.


Quote from: K_Dubb on August 18, 2022, 05:16:35 PMAlso, have you considered that you might actually look like a Cecil?

I think his parents must have taken one look at that wretched little beast, mewling and puking and shitting his clouts, and named him 'Cuntface' without a second's hesitation. He must have been a hideous baby, like a rancid poached egg. I would have performed an emergency post-partum abortion on the spot but unfortunately we all have to live with it now.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 18, 2022, 03:28:34 PMI'm working somewhere now that's located in a primarily rural/agricultural area. There are Amish there riding horse and buggies. I finished up the morning portion of my work early today and decided to go for a walk before lunch. It was a beautiful day: warm but not too hot with a nice gentle, cooling breeze. I was in a good mood and exchanged greetings and good mornings with some of the Amish that passed me. Another horse and buggy was approching me with three men on it, two older and one younger man. I said good morning as they approached and then the young man turned to me and said, "Good morning, [my name IRL]." I continued to look at him dumbfounded but he had the slightest smirk on his face, as if to say, "I bet you're wondering how I know your name." I was alone on this walk and it was a good deal away from where I was working so there's no way he overheard it somewhere. I'm still not sure what to make of it.

Did you get weird with the Amish this last Rumspringa Doc?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 19, 2022, 05:12:16 AMI think his parents must have taken one look at that wretched little beast, mewling and puking and shitting his clouts, and named him 'Cuntface' without a second's hesitation. He must have been a hideous baby, like a rancid poached egg. I would have performed an emergency post-partum abortion on the spot but unfortunately we all have to live with it now.

No way, he was adorable!


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on August 19, 2022, 05:15:32 AMDid you get weird with the Amish this last Rumspringa Doc?

I don't even know what that is, WAN.  ???

These people are ludites. They don't surf the net so there's no way they learned my name that way but they do surf the Bible everyday for God so who knows?!


Quote from: SredniVashtar on August 19, 2022, 05:12:16 AMI think his parents must have taken one look at that wretched little beast, mewling and puking and shitting his clouts, and named him 'Cuntface' without a second's hesitation. He must have been a hideous baby, like a rancid poached egg. I would have performed an emergency post-partum abortion on the spot but unfortunately we all have to live with it now.

You're working on a book about Prince Charles, right?

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 19, 2022, 08:29:32 PMI don't even know what that is, WAN.  ???

These people are ludites. They don't surf the net so there's no way they learned my name that way but they do surf the Bible everyday for God so who knows?!

My understanding is that Rumspringa is a period of time where the rules are relaxed for young Amish and they are allowed to experience the outside world. After partying down they can choose to remain Amish or leave. Almost all stay - leaving means no family, friends or community with no money and an 8th grade education.   


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on August 20, 2022, 10:49:59 PMMy understanding is that Rumspringa is a period of time where the rules are relaxed for young Amish and they are allowed to experience the outside world. After partying down they can choose to remain Amish or leave. Almost all stay - leaving means no family, friends or community with no money and an 8th grade education.   

Ha. But having said that even if they choose to leave they have had a strong work-ethic instilled and also a sense of looking out for a community/society versus a 'me first' attitude.


Very odd dream the other night. One of my grandmas on her deathbed sorta hovering/floating with a silhouette with bright light coming from around the door frame but no visible bedframe or coffin, just sorta hovering. I woke myself up. Very weird and she didn't die in this house but the visage did appear to be hovering by the door in the dream. Very strange.   

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